Peace be unto you.

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I don't mind 'peace be unto you' Anyone can say that. What annoys me is 'praise the ancient days'. That's a bit too religious for me. And its like an order.
I don't mind 'peace be unto you' Anyone can say that.

I'm just curious though, if the 'peace be unto you' followed someone spitting in your eye, would you think the 'peace be unto you' was sincere or would you take it as an insult?
I'm just curious though, if the 'peace be unto you' followed someone spitting in your eye, would you think the 'peace be unto you' was sincere or would you take it as an insult?

Assuming you can spit using text.

Peace be unto you ;)
I believe `Peace be unto you` and other Muslim favorites are more commonly heard just before some young kid in a crowd hits the detonator button.
I'm just curious though, if the 'peace be unto you' followed someone spitting in your eye, would you think the 'peace be unto you' was sincere or would you take it as an insult?

are you kidding me?? What does the saying have to do with the action? They could say anything after spitting on me and I would take it as an insult

I love you
Have a nice day
You look pretty
are you kidding me?? What does the saying have to do with the action? They could say anything after spitting on me and I would take it as an insult

I love you
Have a nice day
You look pretty


Peace be unto you ;)
No its your belief. I could have a concomittant belief that you shag little boys. Beliefs don't require any evidence.
No its your belief. I could have a concomittant belief that you shag little boys. Beliefs don't require any evidence.

You`re right they don`t.(can`t believe you said that) I wonder what 786 believes his message is, sincerely ? Perhaps he could ease the tension and deliver it to us.
You`re right they don`t.(can`t believe you said that) I wonder what 786 believes his message is, sincerely ? Perhaps he could ease the tension and deliver it to us.

I doubt 786 spends much time analysing his everyday signature greetings by the responses it generates in the paranoid.
You`re right they don`t.(can`t believe you said that) I wonder what 786 believes his message is, sincerely ? Perhaps he could ease the tension and deliver it to us.

My response will not ease away the paranoia built into (Q). :rolleyes:

Actually my response to him already should show that I have no hostile meaning behind it.

Peace be unto you ;)
I doubt 786 spends much time analysing his everyday signature greetings by the responses it generates in the paranoid.

Maybe not, so why does he include it? Can`t be that tough to answer. Personally I don`t care what reasons he has but certainly if peace includes what happens on this forum, the disparaging remarks, insults and even paranoia then I think he has a chance to end the hostilities before they happen. Just explain why he uses it. Being a Muslim and concerned so much with peace then why not?
You mean why does he respond to assholes disparaging him, his intelligence, his beliefs and his religion with a wink and a greeting?

Gee clearly he is the one who has to justify himself here/

Obviously his signature has been taken out of context. So now with the world watching he can confirm the peaceful intent of his musings. Isn`t this what the teachings of his faith would want him to do..... make peace and understanding?
You mean why does he respond to assholes disparaging him, his intelligence, his beliefs and his religion with a wink and a greeting?

Gee clearly he is the one who has to justify himself here/

PE: He's like a terrorist who blows himself up and kills civilians for religion

(Q): he's a delusional hateful liar, brainwashed from birth into a bigoted cult.

786: Peace be unto you ;)

PE and (Q) <enter drama queen mode>: AAAARRRRGGGHHHH !!!!!!! He's insulted us !!!!!! :runaway: :runaway:
PE and (Q) <enter drama queen mode>: AAAARRRRGGGHHHH !!!!!!! He's insulted us !!!!!! I've never laughed this much in a day :roflmao:

Oh man....<pause>..... can't.... stop..... laughing..... :roflmao:

Peace be unto you ;)
Shalom Aleichem – "Peace be upon you" - is the original Jewish saying, and adopted by Muslims as their greeting.

"Peace be unto you" appears to be a Christian version of Shalom Aleichem. Christianity had an early habit of twisting most things Jewish, e.g. making the first day of the week the Sabbath instead of the 7th, etc.

In England they have "how do you do" as a greeting. A somewhat quaint phrase that we could re-phrase in modern terms as "how're doing", or "how ya doin?

In the USA the greeting tends to be "how are you?". When I first visited the US in the 1980s my first response was to tell the greeter how I was, this simply caused blank looks if one says anything other than, I'm fine thanks, how are you, etc.

Greetings and good-byes (curiously goodbye comed from God be with you), generally don't mean much other than ice-breakers, or politeness. But in verbal encounters with the appropriate tone of voice, both these apprantly friendly gestures can esily be turned into hatred.

So we really don't know whether our numbered member here uses the signature out of politeness and sincerity or sarcastic hatred, especially since it is followed by a wink. Emotionally, I find the signature very irritating, almost as bad as LG's infuriating avatar.
So we really don't know whether our numbered member here uses the signature out of politeness and sincerity or sarcastic hatred, especially since it is followed by a wink. Emotionally, I find the signature very irritating, almost as bad as LG's infuriating avatar.

So everyone hates the smiley... is that it... :rolleyes:

Should I end with a plant :m: - maybe that will mean I'm an anti-environmentalist as if I was ripping up plants every time I posted it.

Peace be unto you ;)
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