Peace be unto you.

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It would be refreshingly honest. Unlike ending an insulting post with "Peace be unto you".

Insulting someones intellect and then wishing they gained some is actually very logical :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Insulting someones intellect and then wishing they gained some is actually very logical :D

Peace be unto you ;)

When you've just written the textual equivalent of spitting in someone's eye, you don't make up for it with "And have a nice day".
When you've just written the textual equivalent of spitting in someone's eye, you don't make up for it with "And have a nice day".

No that is a contradictory event which you are right doesn't work. But insulting someones intellect and then wishing them more intellect is not contradictory. This only shows that someones intellect is not great and that they wished that the person had some more

Peace be unto you ;)
But insulting someones intellect and then wishing them more intellect is not contradictory. This only shows that someones intellect is not great and that they wished that the person had some more

Oh, I see, it's meant to insult the intellect twice. You insult them and then you insult them again by wishing they had more brains to understand the insult.

May flatulence stay within you. :thumbsup:
Oh, I see, it's meant to insult the intellect twice. You insult them and then you insult them again by wishing they had more brains to understand the insult.

May flatulence stay within you. :thumbsup:

It can be considered a second insult its the difference in perspective similar to a glass being half full or half empty.

Peace be unto you ;)
It is well known that ancient shepherds, when they weren't angel viewing, used a similar phrase 'piece be unto ewe' whenever they felt lonely.
If we could sum up all useless extra texts like peacemaker's tail, they could fill dozens of HD's which makes the host use more and in the end results in enviromental pollution....way to go...destroy ur mother earth even more ^^
Come,where are the others?Don't hide ,yes am talking to you people...the ones that adds at the end of their post their name or something.Come out and be judged :)

insert a cool line or name(cause he may forgot it) ;)
oh ye,dydwwryddyr (or smth) is worse
Times dyw. used "wrong" > times all people,animals,plants,aliens,rocks,the singularity,yellow socks,quantum virginity in history of everwere used "wrong".
He really wants to learn the word...practice makes perfect go on :)
And he is mostly responsible for global warming,screw the green politics and kill dywrefrefereref ;D
oh ye..

..Deicider ;o
If we could sum up all useless extra texts like peacemaker's tail, they could fill dozens of HD's which makes the host use more and in the end results in enviromental pollution....way to go...destroy ur mother earth even more ^^
Come,where are the others?Don't hide ,yes am talking to you people...the ones that adds at the end of their post their name or something.Come out and be judged :)

insert a cool line or name(cause he may forgot it) ;)

Perhaps we should not even create computers in the first place. Why open doors to ways that'll destroy the planet :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;) [I will breathe more now so that plants can get more C02 and me O2]
786, if you remove the winking smile your post would be less aggravating and make people think you might actually want peace upon them. But since your only intention here is to be aggravating...then...well keep it. I guess, I for one will simply enjoy the block function again.
786, if you remove the winking smile your post would be less aggravating and make people think you might actually want peace upon them.

Winking can also be a friendly gesture, have you seen 'I Robot' :D

But since your only intention here is to be aggravating...then...well keep it. I guess, I for one will simply enjoy the block function again.

My intention is not aggravating anything but simply questioning what I feel is not correct and answering questions which I feel I may be able to answer.

Peace be unto you ;)
1. Pointing out the Jewish and Muslim greetings have similarity.
2. Point out the difference in the greetings use.
3. Point out that Muslim and Christians have a shared prophet who speaks continually of peace.
4. Point out that despite the Jewish texts being the most full of instructions to do war, they've had the least amount of internal and external violence.
5. Cite a biblical quote from Jeremiah that discusses search for peace over accuracy as as one of the root causes of the 1st Jewish exile.
6. State conclusion based on the fact that Islam under Mohammed follows more closely the citation, however its modern followers are more similar to that of Christianity.

Point 3.
Christians have the message of peace from Jesus. Well true ones do. false ones follow the traditions of men. islam's does not follow the teachings of peace given by Jesus, they follow the teachings of jihad given by muhammad. Well the true ones do.

Point 4.
The jews for the most part over the last 2000 years have lived as minorities in nations that have for the most part restricted their participation in war activities. Now that the jews have their own homeland they are armed to the teeth and have willingly taken part in war on several occasions during the last 50 years. It would not be an exaggeration to say per person the modern state of isreal is the most armed state in the world. So much for your contention that jews are somehow more peaceful. As soon as they have gained control of their own land they have shown themselves to be very adept in the ways of war.

Point 6.
The muslims who lived in the times of muhammad where adept at violence being lead by a violent man who used violence to gain control. Most modern muslims are more peaceful not willing to fight jihad as much as muhammad’s followers did in his day. muslims in muhammad’s time where far more violent than today. That's why early islam spread so rapidly.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Perhaps its a mistake to translate the original greeting?

Would it better to say Assalaam aleikum instead?
It can be considered a second insult its the difference in perspective similar to a glass being half full or half empty.

No, it is a statement about you, that you can't be trusted. Simple really.
Good manners?

Is that what you really think? As Repo mentions, spitting in ones eye and then saying "Have a nice day" is good manners?

Really James, you're such a bad judge of character.
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