Peace be unto you.

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Are you getting offended by a smiley

Once again, not following along, Sam?

You're just like a small child, picking up little pieces of the conversation and allowing your overactive imagination to create something completely different.
Hey you're the one who started the thread over a greeting and a smiley. Boy I love it when you generalise against all Muslims who use a common standard greeting by assigning your own perspectives to them.
generalzing=bad...Wait is that a generalization?

ehem.....Most generalizing is bad...or inaccurate...

Genreralizing isn't always accurate.
I'm not against generalising, but when people make a big deal about freedom of expression and preach endlessly about "intolerant cults" then get offended over a wink and a greeting, its the nadir of ridiculous.
I'm not against generalising, but when people make a big deal about freedom of expression and preach endlessly about "intolerant cults" then get offended over a wink and a greeting, its the nadir of ridiculous.

Hey you're the one who started the thread over a greeting and a smiley. Boy I love it when you generalise against all Muslims who use a common standard greeting by assigning your own perspectives to them.

Please take a remedial reading course immediately.
I'm not against generalising, but when people make a big deal about freedom of expression and preach endlessly about "intolerant cults" then get offended over a wink and a greeting, its the nadir of ridiculous.

is equivalently ridiculously stupid.

... your head was dissected and there was no trace of a brain

This thread of yours is just as pointless as the rest of them.

I wonder if you failed in English classes ...

Peace be unto you ;)

A wink and a greeting, eh Sam? :rolleyes:
is equivalently ridiculously stupid.

... your head was dissected and there was no trace of a brain

This thread of yours is just as pointless as the rest of them.

I wonder if you failed in English classes ...

Peace be unto you ;)

Clearly, what we have here is no friendly greeting, but are in fact insults to Michael followed up with a so-called "wink and a greeting" which in essence is another insult.

To my earlier point, 786 is simply holding a knife behind his back while muttering those words. He is no different than the crack dealer offering candy to school kids.
Clearly, what we have here is no friendly greeting, but are in fact insults to Michael followed up with a so-called "wink and a greeting" which in essence is another insult.

To my earlier point, 786 is simply holding a knife behind his back while muttering those words. He is no different than the crack dealer offering candy to school kids.

Lol a personal slight is now equivalent to poisening children with addictive drugs...ohh wait just candy.
A wink and a greeting, eh Sam? :rolleyes:

Indeed. Having an opinion of someones lack of comprehension does not necessarily mean you wish them ill.

Are you confusing an opinion of your intellect with a desire to wish you ill [secretly, by contrary words and a smiley]?

You're losing it. Hes a fricking kid in school, for Chrissakes!:rolleyes:

er, Peace be around you? :thankyou:
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To my earlier point, 786 is simply holding a knife behind his back while muttering those words. He is no different than the crack dealer offering candy to school kids.

Actually its more like this: A kid (like you) makes a mistake and then the parent teaches them a lesson. So they cry. The parent gives them candy because they still love the child. But the child (You) thinks the candy is a slap.

No fault of the parent, the kid is just delusional :D

Peace be unto you ;)
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