Parent sleeping with son's friend

The law in this country allows adults to have a grotesque amount of power over teenagers. It seems to serve you people well enough - you have fodder for your wars and fodder for the jobs nobody wants - so you can obey the few provisions that are to "protect" them (although of course, this impractical notion of childhood protects nobody)

First, I don´t quite get who are you reffering to when you say "you people"??
What wars? I´m not in any war at all, I am actually one of the most peaceful people you will ever meet; I´m from Costa Rica for Christ sake... aka all about peace, love & nature :m:.
What jobs nobody wants?

In other words, just wth are you talking about? :confused:
It's generic, brainiac. Nice way to avoid the issue by talking about your life, which nobody cares about.

War - the armed forces here recruits the hell out of high-school seniors and the poor. I'm referring to the former case.
Economy - the service industry is flooded with high school students.

It's not the main point anyway.
Nice way to avoid the issue by talking about your life, which nobody cares about.

First, thanks for the warmth you put on your posts for me, its kinda weird for me; anyway, I don´t see your arguing point anywere, so I´m just throwing random stuff up to see if it fits! You call me a pedo, you talk about wars and economics, I mean I´m confused here :shrug:
They aren't random, you're just a mundane reader. Anyways it's simple: The artificial lengthening of childhood into the teens creates a pool of legally dispossessed (can't sign contracts without parental consent, are legally forced to attend school, parents are granted control over their movement) people.
Mod Hat - Surprising

Mod Hat - Surprising

C'mon, people ... there's still a topic here. And, yes, I find that surprising, but hey, don't let that bother you. Just, y'know, stay more toward the topic, and I'll stay the hell out of it.

Fair 'nuff?


Thank ye.
Tiassa, a discussion of the legal status of teenagers is germane to a thread so involved with the idea of an age of consent.
Mod Hat - True 'nuff

Mod Hat - True 'nuff

Xev said:

a discussion of the legal status of teenagers is germane to a thread so involved with the idea of an age of consent

True 'nuff. In the future I will make sure to triple-check the status and progress of the topic before I post the warning. I'm happy to see the discussion turning back in that direction; that I put on my green hat at all was because it appeared you and Wisdom Seeker were digressing. (Note the time stamps on #125 and #126.)

Sorry it took me so long to read through the topic to make sure there was still a topic to be discussed. I'll try to be faster in the future.
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No problem, I don't think WIsdom Seeker understands my point either. Something to do with having your cake and eating it too, fetishizing youth and making teenagers untouchable, something to do with the ridiculous double-standards that this country rests on. Shit, maybe I don't know either.
The law in this country allows adults to have a grotesque amount of power over teenagers. It seems to serve you people well enough - you have fodder for your wars and fodder for the jobs nobody wants - so you can obey the few provisions that are to "protect" them (although of course, this impractical notion of childhood protects nobody)

Suddenly and quite out of context, you place yourself out of the society you live in, by saying you people (that bit of arrogance really got to me)and use irony to trash the laws and powers that society has over teenagers, as if that had been the point of this thread, which it wasn't, and whatsmore you use a patroninising tone, which makes your irrelevant blather sound even sillier.

It's generic, brainiac. Nice way to avoid the issue by talking about your life, which nobody cares about.

Where the fuck was he talking about his life that actually, only you don't care about?

War - the armed forces here recruits the hell out of high-school seniors and the poor. I'm referring to the former case.
Economy - the service industry is flooded with high school students.

It's not the main point anyway.

So why bring it up?
Suddenly and quite out of context, you place yourself out of the society you live in, by saying you people (that bit of arrogance really got to me)and use irony to trash the laws and powers that society has over teenagers, as if that had been the point of this thread, which it wasn't, and whatsmore you use a patroninising tone, which makes your irrelevant blather sound even sillier.

Oh please. When I'm talking to someone who presents his opinion by stating it as "that is just the FACTS" I'm entitled to be deliberately rude to toy with him.
So how is this irrelevent? Wisdom Seeker brought up other cultures, I refer to the specifics of this one. This thread being about accusing "the drunk momma" of abusing her authority as an adult, a discussion of more generic authorities is in order, so...

Other than you not liking my tone, do you have anything salient to add?
I am so sorry to here that Orelander. This is obviously a bad situation. The root of the problem is that the parents of this child care so little for him. You have to do what you feel is best. I don't think that there is anything you can do to make it worse other than do nothing. I think you should bring it to the authorities. There is a slim chance that someone might be able to get through to this child if someone acts. If someone does act, there is even less of a chance.
i heard that if an old man has sex with a young girl, it's wrong. but if an old woman has sex with a young boy, it's no big deal because boys only think about sex.
No problem, I don't think WIsdom Seeker understands my point either. Something to do with having your cake and eating it too, fetishizing youth and making teenagers untouchable, something to do with the ridiculous double-standards that this country rests on. Shit, maybe I don't know either.
No, you're right.
i heard that if an old man has sex with a young girl, it's wrong. but if an old woman has sex with a young boy, it's no big deal because boys only think about sex.
There is a world of difference between boys and girls psychology regarding sex, especially in the early years.

Key item #1: A boy cannot get pregnant. This makes for a much more cavalier and free approach to sex at any age. Most boys begin masturbating to almost any female image they can imagine the minute they can. My understanding is that girls are much less likely to have almost compulsive fansasizing and whacking-off at early ages (Help? Ladies?)

Females must be very careful, almost skittish, regarding who gets to do what and when, for good reason. The investment in a child is enormous.

So, there really is a double standard here, and there needs to be. If an older woman comes on to a boy that's at or past the age where he can get a hard-on and ejaculate, the boy may be nervous and lose it prematurely a few times, but he will be a happy boy. The psychology of boys (men) is such that girls (women) are conquests and the feeling of power and accomplishment (especially with an older woman!) is huge.

Of course, if an older man comes on to a girl that's at or past the age where she is menstruating (she can concieve) the man is a predatory pedophillic pervert. And the girl will very likely be not only completely turned off, but traumatized as well.

Vast difference. Vast.
After carefully analyzing this story and plotting the needed values of Orleander's statement values into my probability equation I have come to conclusion that this story is likely to not be true...the likelihood of such is 79%
Key item #1: A boy cannot get pregnant. This makes for a much more cavalier and free approach to sex at any age.

Most important.

Most boys begin masturbating to almost any female image they can imagine the minute they can. My understanding is that girls are much less likely to have almost compulsive fansasizing and whacking-off at early ages (Help? Ladies?)

*Shrug* Don't ask me, residual Catholic guilt. I don't think it's quite compulsive, though, it's more "hey! I can do this" - more aimed at satisfaction than at compulsion.

Females must be very careful, almost skittish, regarding who gets to do what and when, for good reason. The investment in a child is enormous.

Maybe, but this has been changing in the past 30 years and will probably continue to change. We were fairly sexually active in junior high, and way more worried about stis than pregnency.
But this was all with each other.

Of course, if an older man comes on to a girl that's at or past the age where she is menstruating (she can concieve) the man is a predatory pedophillic pervert. And the girl will very likely be not only completely turned off, but traumatized as well.

At thirteen or fourteen, sure. At fifteen or sixteen? Probably not.

But an adult has loads more emotional experience and can be much more manipulative than a teenager can. I think that being involved with someone who is that much more gifted at getting their way would be the real source of trauma.
This is really not about sex! Sex is a distraction in this case. The real issue is the emotional neglect and abuse of this young person as expressed through a sexual act.
This is really not about sex! Sex is a distraction in this case. The real issue is the emotional neglect and abuse of this young person as expressed through a sexual act.

How is he being emotionally neglected and abused? You know nothing of the specifics of the case.
It was the first question I asked the cop. He said 17 is the legal age here in MI.
My son (as a junior) is still 16. This all took place last year when he was 15. I'm assuming most of his classmates were 15-16, the same age her son Jimmy.
But I don't know. I can't imagine its going to trial without any evidence of her sleeping with at least 1 underage boy.
You might want to read the actual law, because the cop was mistaken. The age of consent in Michigan is 16. The woman would be guilty of a felony (statutory rape in most states) for having sex with a 15 year old, but not with a 16 year old boy. The law would need some kind of evidence other than hearsay, and it is likely the 15 year old boys would rather not have to appear in court. Just because they bragged to their close friends doesn't mean they want their parents and everyone else knowing what they did, or claimed to have done. I am not defending the woman's actions, she is what I would call a slut, but being a slut is not against the law. She might could be charged with neglect regarding her son, or maybe for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, the act of aiding or encouraging improper conduct of a minor. The boys are legally minors.
Where the fuck was he talking about his life that actually, only you don't care about?

I am trying to figure that out myself. I don't see him talking about his life. Xev, you use that line alot, "that nobody cares about". I am just wondering if you speak for everybody here.

I think Orleander you did the right thing. If you sat back and did nothing
it would probably just drive you crazy thinking about it. You gotta feel sorry
for a kid that has a mom like that in the first place. No matter what happens now
you won't have to feel guilty anyway. Since there were other reports made
the outcome really won't be soley because of your actions.
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