Paranormal feelings

Questions; What holds a ghost together and why are there no animal ghosts?
Clearly, you’re not a fan of Harry Potter. :wink: Supposedly, animal ghosts are a British thing.

Why are ghosts always troubled souls? Has anybody ever seen a "happy" ghost?
Ahh, look what you did there. So you’ve seen unhappy ghosts, have you? Lol
Accounts of ghosts draining camera batteries abound.

After reading some of those accounts, it was found that each person who believed their batteries were drained by ghosts made two false assumptions, that the batteries were actually charged and that they assumed it had something to do with ghosts. No one actually observed a ghost draining their batteries.

Ghosts can also tap into the heat energy in the air, resulting in "cold spots".

You say that as if it were factual. How do you know this? Show us your evidence of a ghost getting energy from thin air?

Lights are also known to flicker sometimes.

Faulty electrical wiring, usually. Electrical grid could be unstable as well. I've discovered both to be problems for flickering lights. I lived in an area that had it's entire distribution grid wiring upgraded. All flickering lights and other electrical issues disappeared after that.

Maybe they also derive their energy from the vacuum of free space.

Maybe they derive their energy from the screams of terrified humans.
After reading some of those accounts, it was found that each person who believed their batteries were drained by ghosts made two false assumptions, that the batteries were actually charged and that they assumed it had something to do with ghosts. No one actually observed a ghost draining their batteries.

Go ahead and post those accounts then of investigators too stupid to charge up their camera batteries before an investigation. I'll wait.

Faulty electrical wiring, usually. Electrical grid could be unstable as well. I've discovered both to be problems for flickering lights.

How many haunted locations have you investigated that had flickering lights?
Well, he provided answers to your questions but it seems that you feel it was still mere coincidence that the caller ID displayed his mother’s name, “Lisa.”
I'm not convinced the events he describes ever happened in the first place. We have only his word for it, and we all know he has a penchant for ghost stories. The nurse isn't on the forum posting the story. What we have is an obviously biased person feeding us a story with no independent evidence to back it up. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to be extremely skeptical about it.

But let's assume this happened. There's a phone in the room where Magical Realist was that would produce the called ID "Lisa". For all we know, Magical Realist himself used that phone to call the nurse's cellphone, just to mess around. On the other hand, there would be no need for him actually to do anything in order to tell his story of communication from the Beyond. It would be far easier just to make it up.

But let's assume that Magical Realist isn't making it up and didn't make the call himself. Then what are the chances of somebody else in the hospital (or wherever this was) using that particular phone to call a nurse who also worked at the hospital? Nothing has been said so far that rules out that possibility.

But let's assume that no human present used Magical Realist's Mum's phone to call the nurse. Then is there a chance that some other number registered to a "Lisa" could have called the nurse's phone? Certainly there is. Magical Realist asserts that the nurse didn't personally know any other Lisas, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of an unlikely coincidence.

But let's assume that no human anywhere is actually responsible for that supposed call. Could it possibly be a computer glitch in the phone system, then, since that particular phone had very likely been used to phone the nurse before. Or did somebody push "redial" by accident? There's no way for us to know without further investigation.

But let's assume that we can somehow rule out all of the above as explanations. Can we conclude it could only have been a ghost who made the call happen, then? Certainly not. All we could say, with the given evidence, is that the event is unexplained. Given that there's no evidence that ghosts of any kind exist, it would be sensible to assume that the possibility of a ghost being responsible would be very low. So, maybe a passing cosmic ray glitched the phone system in just the right way to produce an unlikely coincidence, or something. There's simply no way to know.

But what about Magical Realist's story that about his prior discussion with his Mum, in which he says she agreed she would "do something with technology but nothing too scary"? Isn't this just the kind of thing she might do? Answer: once again there's no way to tell. We have no information about Magical Realist's Mum. We don't know if she loved phones. We also have no information about what technologies ghosts are able to affect from Beyond the Grave. Oh wait! I forgot for a moment: we don't even know that ghosts exist at all!

Also think about the whole "doing something with technology but nothing too scary" thing. There are a lot of things that would fit that description. The TV suddenly turns itself on? Must be MR's Mum's ghost. MR's work swipe card stops working mysteriously? Must be MR's Mum's ghost. MR has a bank error in his favour due to a computer glitch? Must be MR's Mum's ghost who is responsible. MR's fridge breaks down? Must be MR's Mum's ghost messing with it in a non-scary way. You get the picture. The fact is: MR could put any unexplained not-too-scary technological event down to his Mum's promise to visit him as a ghost.

Now if MR's Mum had told him "At exactly 12 noon on the day after I die, I will cut the power to the entire hospital for a period of exactly 43 minutes" and his Mum also had that recorded in her registered will before her death, and the advertised power cut actually happened and was documented appropriately, then we'd be dealing with events that would require some serious thought.

The nurse doesn’t know anyone named “Lisa,” and a first name only appearing seems a little unusual, don’t you think?
We only have MR's word for what the nurse knows or doesn't know, remember. Nobody has interviewed the nurse, least of all you or me. As for the first name thing, I have some names of contacts in my address book on my cell phone, filed under first names only. If they call me, only their first name comes up, because that's what I put into my phone to identify their number.

But to your point, there isn’t anything wrong with viewing what MR experienced as merely “unusual.”
If MR was a trustworthy, unbiased commentator on topics such as this, it would be fine to take what he says at face value, and it would indeed be unusual and possibly noteworthy. But you and I both know that MR is about the least biased commentator on ghosts and paranormal we could possibly find, so he is absolutely not to be trusted on such matters. A prudent person would set the evidentiary bar very high indeed before being willing to accept any alleged paranormal experience to be fact, if told by Magical Realist (and I, for one, am a prudent person).

I think the problem you have is that MR considered it a spiritual sign, and not mere coincidence. Is this an accurate assumption on my part?
Yes, that's accurate, assuming it actually happened as MR says it did, which I doubt. See above for all the reasons I have a problem with MR making that assumption.

Even though I’m open to the possibility that ghosts may exist, I’m personally skeptical of ghosts interacting with tangible objects, such as knocking things over, doors slamming, phones ringing etc. Where is their “energy” coming from?
Even existing requires some energy. If you can see a ghost, then it must be emitting or reflecting light, which requires something to do the emitting or reflecting. The existence of whatever that "something" is would require energy, unless it is somehow able to break the established laws of physics.

The idea behind paranormal “feelings” hence my creating this thread, stems from perhaps confirmation bias - if we want to believe in ghost activity, then we will lean towards that as the plausible option when faced with unusual or unexplainable situations.
Absolutely. It's called confirmation bias. We tend to look for evidence that supports what we already believe and to ignore or downplay evidence that goes against that. This is why MR is willing to ignore all alternative explanations other than his Mum phoning him from the Other Side (if the events even happened as described).

What do you feel is the explanation behind the name “Lisa” showing up on caller ID?
I have no idea. I try not to draw definite conclusions about things in the absence of evidence. I have suggested some possibilities, above, but I can't confirmed if any of them is right, based on the available evidence.

It is important to appreciate that I'm not even ruling out the possibility that it was just what MR says it was: his Mum's ghost making a phonecall. I'm just estimating the probability of that explanation as vanishingly small, albeit non-zero. I'm quite willing, however, to consider any additional supporting evidence for a ghostly explanation, if any were ever to come to light.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. I'd say the claim that ghosts can make phonecalls to the living is an extraordinary claim, wouldn't you?
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Accounts of ghosts draining camera batteries abound.
Accounts of all kinds of nonsenses abound.

Ghosts can also tap into the heat energy in the air, resulting in "cold spots".
There's no good evidence for that claim.

Lights are also known to flicker sometimes.
Impossible! Power supplies are 100% reliable. We all know that electricity supply never has glitches or failures. That's why being an electrical repairman is not a real job.

Maybe they also derive their energy from the vacuum of free space.
Maybe pigs fly through the air when we're not looking!
How many haunted locations have you investigated that had flickering lights?
There's no evidence that there are any haunted locations.

But maybe you're thinking of old houses with bad wiring - that sort of thing. They can often have flickering lights.
Go ahead and post those accounts then of investigators too stupid to charge up their camera batteries before an investigation. I'll wait.

That would be all of them. And, they may not have been stupid for not charging their batteries, but definitely stupid for claiming it had something to do with ghosts.

How many haunted locations have you investigated that had flickering lights?

When every single flickering light can be linked back to electrical issues, why would a place someone claimed was "haunted" be any different?
I'm not convinced the events he describes ever happened in the first place.
Well, that makes you...
You have no compelling reason to doubt people talking about their firsthand experiences. To do so is mentally ill and paranoid. It requires a suspicious paranoia on the level of a conspiracy theorist to think everyone who has a paranormal experience is just lying about it.

We have only his word for it, and we all know he has a penchant for ghost stories.
No, no no. You must discuss the incident, not what we know of the person's character relaying it. What's on record about MR's beliefs have nothing to do with this .
Tongue-in-cheek icon here.
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Oh dear. I now learn that I'm mentally ill and paranoid because I don't believe Magical Realist's ghost stories. Whatever shall I do? Can you recommend a good psychiatrist, Magical Realist?
There's no good evidence for that claim.
But there's a Youtube video that shows some guy who said his girlfriend's brother felt cold in a house. That's about as ironclad as it gets.
Impossible! Power supplies are 100% reliable. We all know that electricity supply never has glitches or failures. That's why being an electrical repairman is not a real job.
Exactly. I used to design power supplies, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that none of them ever fail. That's why I don't work there any more - because I built all the power supplies the US will ever need.
Maybe pigs fly through the air when we're not looking!
I saw that on a Pink Floyd album cover. What more do you need?
Questions; What holds a ghost together and why are there no animal ghosts?

Why are ghosts always troubled souls? Has anybody ever seen a "happy" ghost?

pain and suffering is louder than basic happiness
humans are more attuned to notice low level pain than low level happiness

culturally western cultures do not overtly normalize loud happiness except in specific zones like on stage etc

negative reinforcement basics of developmental psychology
parenting normal's
children are taught they get faster more attention from claiming to be hurt more
adults make louder claims of being hurt to get more attention
a naturally occurring issue

people project their fears & anxiety's on others
they also project negative concepts to try and manipulate others

pain and suffering is projected commonly

self normalising coping methods of negative reinforcement developmental issues

acclimatization to negative emotional conditions

grouping together because they are sad
the desire to feel part of the group when sad child predators use this to groom children for exploitation so im drawing a point here im not going to get too deep into it.
there are different types of ghosts

some ghosts are of the dead
some ghosts are of the living
some ghosts are projections like the wake of a passing ship
some ghosts are stuck to a location like a magnet

some ghosts are not ghosts they are just people projecting their lack of emotional self awareness and trying to externalize a cause for their feeling of personal insecurity.
most ghosts are not ghosts
they are just the human mind trying to make sense out of things that appear to be surprising scary or confusing
i use to work n a building that has 2 ghosts, maybe 3
most people would be freaked out working over night and eventually quite or run out.
i didnt mind
i quite liked it
i enjoyed working around them
they didnt bother me

1 male(dead human )
1 female(dead human)
not 100% sure they were dead that's just a guess
i wasn't employed as a ghost investigator
1 i could not tell what it was almost like a poltergeist that was kinda friendly to me but would deliberately freak out many other people.
many reports from different staff of sudden things happening like something being knocked over
and very strange sounds that could not be explained by technical people.

there was also a very very occasional ghost that was a young girl around 8 to 10 years old
she would run crying up a hall way
i was told by some people that there was one in that area, but did not believe them until i experienced her twice
it was quite disturbing
but im not scared by such emotional stuff, upset seeing someone upset
but not frightened

some parts of the building would regularly get haunted by someone from time to time, maybe 2 people on occasion. sometimes for a few weeks, sometimes for just a day or two.
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I'm not convinced the events he describes ever happened in the first place. We have only his word for it, and we all know he has a penchant for ghost stories. The nurse isn't on the forum posting the story. What we have is an obviously biased person feeding us a story with no independent evidence to back it up. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to be extremely skeptical about it.

But let's assume this happened. There's a phone in the room where Magical Realist was that would produce the called ID "Lisa". For all we know, Magical Realist himself used that phone to call the nurse's cellphone, just to mess around. On the other hand, there would be no need for him actually to do anything in order to tell his story of communication from the Beyond. It would be far easier just to make it up.

But let's assume that Magical Realist isn't making it up and didn't make the call himself. Then what are the chances of somebody else in the hospital (or wherever this was) using that particular phone to call a nurse who also worked at the hospital? Nothing has been said so far that rules out that possibility.

But let's assume that no human present used Magical Realist's Mum's phone to call the nurse. Then is there a chance that some other number registered to a "Lisa" could have called the nurse's phone? Certainly there is. Magical Realist asserts that the nurse didn't personally know any other Lisas, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of an unlikely coincidence.

But let's assume that no human anywhere is actually responsible for that supposed call. Could it possibly be a computer glitch in the phone system, then, since that particular phone had very likely been used to phone the nurse before. Or did somebody push "redial" by accident? There's no way for us to know without further investigation.

But let's assume that we can somehow rule out all of the above as explanations. Can we conclude it could only have been a ghost who made the call happen, then? Certainly not. All we could say, with the given evidence, is that the event is unexplained. Given that there's no evidence that ghosts of any kind exist, it would be sensible to assume that the possibility of a ghost being responsible would be very low. So, maybe a passing cosmic ray glitched the phone system in just the right way to produce an unlikely coincidence, or something. There's simply no way to know.

But what about Magical Realist's story that about his prior discussion with his Mum, in which he says she agreed she would "do something with technology but nothing too scary"? Isn't this just the kind of thing she might do? Answer: once again there's no way to tell. We have no information about Magical Realist's Mum. We don't know if she loved phones. We also have no information about what technologies ghosts are able to affect from Beyond the Grave. Oh wait! I forgot for a moment: we don't even know that ghosts exist at all!

Also think about the whole "doing something with technology but nothing too scary" thing. There are a lot of things that would fit that description. The TV suddenly turns itself on? Must be MR's Mum's ghost. MR's work swipe card stops working mysteriously? Must be MR's Mum's ghost. MR has a bank error in his favour due to a computer glitch? Must be MR's Mum's ghost who is responsible. MR's fridge breaks down? Must be MR's Mum's ghost messing with it in a non-scary way. You get the picture. The fact is: MR could put any unexplained not-too-scary technological event down to his Mum's promise to visit him as a ghost.

Now if MR's Mum had told him "At exactly 12 noon on the day after I die, I will cut the power to the entire hospital for a period of exactly 43 minutes" and his Mum also had that recorded in her registered will before her death, and the advertised power cut actually happened and was documented appropriately, then we'd be dealing with events that would require some serious thought.

We only have MR's word for what the nurse knows or doesn't know, remember. Nobody has interviewed the nurse, least of all you or me. As for the first name thing, I have some names of contacts in my address book on my cell phone, filed under first names only. If they call me, only their first name comes up, because that's what I put into my phone to identify their number.

If MR was a trustworthy, unbiased commentator on topics such as this, it would be fine to take what he says at face value, and it would indeed be unusual and possibly noteworthy. But you and I both know that MR is about the least biased commentator on ghosts and paranormal we could possibly find, so he is absolutely not to be trusted on such matters. A prudent person would set the evidentiary bar very high indeed before being willing to accept any alleged paranormal experience to be fact, if told by Magical Realist (and I, for one, am a prudent person).

Yes, that's accurate, assuming it actually happened as MR says it did, which I doubt. See above for all the reasons I have a problem with MR making that assumption.

Even existing requires some energy. If you can see a ghost, then it must be emitting or reflecting light, which requires something to do the emitting or reflecting. The existence of whatever that "something" is would require energy, unless it is somehow able to break the established laws of physics.

Absolutely. It's called confirmation bias. We tend to look for evidence that supports what we already believe and to ignore or downplay evidence that goes against that. This is why MR is willing to ignore all alternative explanations other than his Mum phoning him from the Other Side (if the events even happened as described).

I have no idea. I try not to draw definite conclusions about things in the absence of evidence. I have suggested some possibilities, above, but I can't confirmed if any of them is right, based on the available evidence.

It is important to appreciate that I'm not even ruling out the possibility that it was just what MR says it was: his Mum's ghost making a phonecall. I'm just estimating the probability of that explanation as vanishingly small, albeit non-zero. I'm quite willing, however, to consider any additional supporting evidence for a ghostly explanation, if any were ever to come to light.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. I'd say the claim that ghosts can make phonecalls to the living is an extraordinary claim, wouldn't you?

I’ve read all of your replies but will come back to them later, but just one thing I wanted to correct you on - his mother doesn’t have a cell phone, this “event” happened on the nurse’s cell phone.

Do I believe that ghosts may exist? Sure. I’m of the opinion though that they aren’t capable of moving objects, or “using” tangible objects as though they were alive (and human) I would have to probably witness it myself to ever believe it (no disrespect to you, MR) I’m pretty open minded but ghosts “using” cell phones - how would it be possible?
I’ve read all of your replies but will come back to them later, but just one thing I wanted to correct you on - his mother doesn’t have a cell phone, this “event” happened on the nurse’s cell phone.

Do I believe that ghosts may exist? Sure. I’m of the opinion though that they aren’t capable of moving objects, or “using” tangible objects as though they were alive (and human) I would have to probably witness it myself to ever believe it (no disrespect to you, MR) I’m pretty open minded but ghosts “using” cell phones - how would it be possible?

Don't know how it would be possible. Don't know how a lot of things are possible. Consciousness, quantum entanglement, the Big Bang. But they all happen anyway. Here's some more firsthand accounts of phone calls from the dead.