Paranormal feelings

Right. No one is suggesting we do.

"Statistics regarding black/white categories" were better before MLK?

Are you insane?

This thread has gotten far enough off track, and your comment above indicates that this discussion isn't going anywhere. If you want to have it, please start another one somewhere else.
I'm not insane. The stats for violence, marriages, employment, black owned business were better before and just after the civil rights acts of the 60's and 70's. In other words the civil rights acts provided needed equality of opportunity. So this is not arguing against MLK. It's arguing against how the policies since the 80's have worked out.

It's arguing against anything that Jessie Jackson and liberal policies in general have worked out since that time. No one is arguing against the real progress that was made with civil rights acts in the 60's and 70's.

Why try to make the discussion ridiculous?

You don't get to contribute to this discussion and then decide that it's off track. It' s about ghosts after all. How serious can it be?
It's arguing against how the policies since the 80's have worked out.
So you are now equating "liberal policies" to "policies of the 80's?" I don't think you even understand the meaning of the words you are using.

Like I said, start a new thread if you want to argue your latest woo.
So you are now equating "liberal policies" to "policies of the 80's?" I don't think you even understand the meaning of the words you are using.

Like I said, start a new thread if you want to argue your latest woo.
I was addressing your comment about MLK. You sure are coming up with a lot of reasons not to address the elephant in the room. Have liberal policies since the 80's improved life in the inner cities?
We have a small, one-sided audience in this forum and some aren't even listening to my actual viewpoint (they are making up their own interpretation of what I must think).

You said that you didn't think I was racist. You think I've just had a charmed life. Therefore, why does everyone disagree with you?

Tiassa has had some harsh things to say about you in the past. Should you therefore agree with Tiassa?
Has he? Huh. I’ve not run across those comments.

Anyway, I hope you meet a ghost someday ...we would love to hear all about it. ;)
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Has he? Huh. I’ve not ran across those comments.

Anyway, I hope you meet a ghost someday ...we would love to hear all about it. ;)
I wondered why you didn't respond to it when he posted it.

If I meet a ghost I'll be sure to post. I'm not sure if I would know it if I did meet one though. If the window is open and the curtain moves does that count? If so, I may have met one already. Yesterday the power flickered off for a split second so I may have met another one.
Is this thread about paranormal feelings, or about Seattle's racism?

Please try to keep to the topic.