Paranormal feelings

And the belief took hold that this last-breath of the departed might linger around the place of death, particularly if the death was unjust somehow and the deceased had unresolved issues regarding it.
Suppose death is caused by a virus and the dying person infects a relative with his dying breath. In olden days when viruses were completely unknown, this was a demon which "traveled" from person to person.

An excellent movie with Denzel Washington; "Fallen". Check the trailer;
It would destroy the delicious mystery.......:eek:

That is another very strange aspect of paranormal activity

Frequently you will hear, or see in print, there is more out there than just stuff we know about and Science can detect

So what do ghost hunters do? Use scientific instruments to try and detect

Let our imagination run a little distance into no man's land and congratulate the Ghost Hunter who finally proved ghost exist

All it takes now is to go to the haunted location, switch on Ghost Detector Mk 9 and start interviewing the detected apparition

Suddenly the delicious mystery becomes mundane, although still weird to watch a ghost who died by decapitation carrying his head around, placing it on the table when seated

Of course being explained ghost now join the reality realm

Groups spring up demanding investigation into other paranormal activity cease so that the delicious mystery about them is maintained

Enough breakfast time

Where was your mother's cell phone at the time of the call?

My mother didn't own a cellphone.
  • Where was your mother's cell phone at the time of the call?
See above.
Okay. So "Lisa" comes up on the called ID, meaning the call comes from "Lisa's" phone.

Where were you at the time? What phone did your Mum usually use?

Could this have been somebody else calling you from your Mum's house on a landline?

You left out a few answers, too. Why?
  • Was the number that called your mother's phone number? (Landline?)
  • Was your mother's phone (landline) switched on at the time?
  • Was a call billed to your mother's phone at that time? Did you check the phone records?
Where were you at the time? What phone did your Mum usually use?

Like I said, I was at the senior center with my mom in her toom. The phone my mom used was a landline in that room. Nobody was using it when I received the call on the cellphone. Didn't notice the number on the caller id. Didn't check the bill for calls.
You really think a Ghost Hunting TV show would want a skeptic along?
No, but I would. ;)

Hunter (to the camera) - You can see here the galvanometer quantum osserlometer needle is oscillating with a frequency associated with ghost

Skeptic - The voltmeter is picking up static from the flickering fluorescent light

Such a program would be lucky to have a audience if it got to a second episode

I think sci-forum skeptics would at the very least, find it interesting.
Like I said, I was at the senior center with my mom in her toom. The phone my mom used was a landline in that room. Nobody was using it when I received the call on the cellphone. Didn't notice the number on the caller id. Didn't check the bill for calls.
So not a confirmed paranormal event, then. As I expected.
So not a confirmed paranormal event, then. As I expected.
Surely all coincidences should be taken as evidence of the paranormal until one can prove otherwise, right? I mean, someone getting a phone call from a “Lisa“... rarely ever happens, right? So, the onus is on you to prove it was just coincidence, and then MR can stop believing that it was a paranormal experience. I’m sure that’s how it works, right: you proving the negative?
Is that what you’ve taken away from MR’s posts?
Doesn't it strike you as odd that Magical Realist - somebody who is desperate to verify the existence of the paranormal - is apparently completely uninterested in digging into his phone call case in any more detail?

It's just one more demonstration that he has never been, and will never be, interested in finding the truth about these things.
Only moments after she passed the nurse's cellphone rang once and I returned it to her. (I don't know how to operate cellphones). It was immediately noticed that the caller ID was my mother's name "Lisa".
With respect MR, besides both noticing the caller ID as ''Lisa'', what happened next, did the nurse pick up ?
Doesn't it strike you as odd that Magical Realist - somebody who is desperate to verify the existence of the paranormal - is apparently completely uninterested in digging into his phone call case in any more detail?

It's just one more demonstration that he has never been, and will never be, interested in finding the truth about these things.

Well, he provided answers to your questions but it seems that you feel it was still mere coincidence that the caller ID displayed his mother’s name, “Lisa.” The nurse doesn’t know anyone named “Lisa,” and a first name only appearing seems a little unusual, don’t you think?

But to your point, there isn’t anything wrong with viewing what MR experienced as merely “unusual.” I think the problem you have is that MR considered it a spiritual sign, and not mere coincidence. Is this an accurate assumption on my part?
If a dead person can make a phone ring AND bring their names up on a caller id, why isn't this happening all the time? Phones should be ringing off the hook everywhere.

Or, did MR just make up the whole thing from his vivid imagination?
Even though I’m open to the possibility that ghosts may exist, I’m personally skeptical of ghosts interacting with tangible objects, such as knocking things over, doors slamming, phones ringing etc. Where is their “energy” coming from?

The idea behind paranormal “feelings” hence my creating this thread, stems from perhaps confirmation bias - if we want to believe in ghost activity, then we will lean towards that as the plausible option when faced with unusual or unexplainable situations.

What do you feel is the explanation behind the name “Lisa” showing up on caller ID?

To MR: Do you feel that the deceased can hear us?
Even though I’m open to the possibility that ghosts may exist, I’m personally skeptical of ghosts interacting with tangible objects, such as knocking things over, doors slamming, phones ringing etc. Where is their “energy” coming from?

Exactly! You have hit the proverbial nail on the head, the question no paranormal proponent can answer. They often have no concept of physics and the laws that govern them, and they will often make claims that violate those laws.
Even though I’m open to the possibility that ghosts may exist, I’m personally skeptical of ghosts interacting with tangible objects, such as knocking things over, doors slamming, phones ringing etc. Where is their “energy” coming from?

Accounts of ghosts draining camera batteries abound. Ghosts can also tap into the heat energy in the air, resulting in "cold spots". Lights are also known to flicker sometimes. Maybe they also derive their energy from the vacuum of free space.

"Using the upper limit of the cosmological constant, the vacuum energy of free space has been estimated to be 10−9 joules (10−2 ergs) per cubic meter. However, in both quantum electrodynamics (QED) and stochastic electrodynamics (SED), consistency with the principle of Lorentz covariance and with the magnitude of the Planck constant suggest a much larger value of 10113 joules per cubic meter."---

To MR: Do you feel that the deceased can hear us?

If they're around they can. That's what investigations show.
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