Overall Message of Christianity?

Originally posted by Gomer
So what do you think even though it's off the original topic?

Oh man, dude... you don't see... I'm not saying I have the answers bro!!!.. I'm saying that YOU DON'T EITHER, but due to the fact that your cult says otherwise, you come off like a jackass saying " I know the answer, I know the answer." when in fact, you don't know SHIT and haven't really even started on a reasonably honest path to FINDING ANYTHING of merit. Thusly I come off like I know more cuz I've been on an independent path for a long long time, leading me to a more coherent line of reasoning on the issue but if you think about it I'm really only refuting your simplistic christian claims (as I would any religion)... I don't claim to know exactly what happened before the big bang. As a matter of fact, I get a kick out of thinking about it, wondering about it.. thinking maybe my thoughts on the issue will in some way advance human thought as a whole.. which is in my opinion one of the most noble of causes..

well, you already know all the answers right? so you wouldn't really understand right?
Thanks for admitting you don't know the answers.

Did you know that the big band theory has be disproven.

There is a scientific law that says when spinning objects come into a dense mass of matter ( which is the only way possible )that when it explodes all the individual particles that come out of the mass will all be spinning in the same direction. Well, within our own solar system, two planets spin the opposite direction.

Just in case you were wondering, your continual slam of Christianity and calling me a member of a cult is not phasing my faith at all, in fact your confirming scripture. "There will be scoffers of the word" But I'll have my faith in Jesus Christ for the extent of my life on this planet.

Blessed be the peace makers, for they will be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone followed this.
Do you not think it is hypocritical to say things like THIS:
Originally posted by Gomer
if you don't believe it then why are you so set on disproving it to others

And then THIS:
Originally posted by Gomer
The reason Christians want to tell people is because
#1 they want to tell the world about what the Lord has done for them
#2 The Bible commands us to
#3 This world needs a savior, Christians don't fly planes into buildings, they releave prisoners to genocide in other countries (George Bush)

It basically amounts to:
You need to leave me alone and let me believe what I want to believe, because tolerance and acceptance are important selfeless aspects of a good person...
But, of course, that doesn't apply to me because I am right and you are wrong, so you need to shut up, listen to me and change the way you think.

Let us review what I stated as "The Overall Messages of Christianty" numbers 6 and 9...

Originally posted by one_raven
6.) Everyone is equal, but some people are ignorant and stupid so need help to understand that they are wrong and need to be saved by converting them to Christianty (even if it takes torture and murder).

9.) All other religions (oder and newer) are crap, even though Christianity was based on these religions in an effort to build a religion that will appeal to the masses and keep the power within the Roman empire through the shameless process of blatant self-serving syncretism.
That's funny, Christianity can actually be attributed to the fall of the Roman Empire.
9.) All other religions (oder and newer) are crap, even though Christianity was based on these religions in an effort to build a religion that will appeal to the masses and keep the power within the Roman empire through the shameless process of blatant self-serving syncretism.
Originally posted by Gomer
Did you know that the big band theory has be disproven.

How did this tidbit of earth shattering news get past me?

Do you have a link to a credible source that it has been "disproven"?
Originally posted by Gomer
"There will be scoffers of the word" But I'll have my faith in Jesus Christ for the extent of my life on this planet.

Now let me ask you a serious question. IF you wanted to design a cult to keep people in it, what do you tell them? I'm dead serious. WHAT? Is is not EXACTLY WHAT YOU JUST SAID? Have you ever read any religious text from the angle of "I wonder if they're trying to manipulate me?" I'm only trying to open your eyes to your cultitude. You have to realize they're open. I'm right, you know I am but your cult tells you otherwise. Your cult tells you otherwise. You have been brainwashed. YOU have been brainwashed. I'm not your enemy, I am your good sense reaching out to you after having been stolen by some emotionally needy weak people who used your own mind against you. All I want is for you to wake up from your haze and see the light before you. You gift is your mind, your mind can reason... use it to do so and realize you've been tricked into a torrent of folklore and circular logic to explain that which man cannot explain. It's enticing, it's ancient, it's mankind's evolution of a mental virus that traps it's members with empty promises and psychological trickery. I merely make sense.. they are magic... you seem to think that magic is better than good sense. Does that make sense?

(your cult conditioning is making you resist your brain's urge to actually think about what I've said. I mean, really really ponder it for it IS of great merit because it it born of earnest love of the question, love of the quest towards weighpoints of understanding... oh, no.. see, your cult wants you to think that it's ME that's the liar, not them.. which you have to believe right? SO now you call me a liar? Oh, I'm only misled?? Am I? Or I just succumb to evil? Is reason evil? Can you imagine a better control mechanism thanteaching you that reason (using your braing) is evil? "Remember, don't use your brain.. using your brain is bad? that defines the basis for practically every cult in existence.. why is your case different?)
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What is the truth about the beggining of time and the end Wes, if your so sure I'm wrong. And how do you explain unaccountable answered prayers, healing incurable diseases through prayer healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues..... I know you can't answer these, but maybe just think about them, and you'll realize my faith isn't so crazy afterall.
Originally posted by Gomer
What is the truth about the beggining of time and the end
Why do you insist that someone lie to you and tell you that they know the answers? Your cult LIES bro, not me. I don't know those answers, neither does your cult. You're too much of a panzy for the truth? The truth bro, is that NOBODY KNOWS. End of story. Everything is a bullshit theory as of yet... well, at least some stuff isn't bullshit, like quantum foam, etc.. but it's not proven or anything. So, again, why do you have to have an answer even though by definition it has to be bullshit? Why so needy? Why can't you handle the truth that you can't have those answers?
Originally posted by Gomer

Wes, if your so sure I'm wrong.
I'm absolutely 100% positive (or at least as positive as I am about anything ever, for instance, I'm as sure that you're wrong as I am that I exist, so... that's pretty sure)
Originally posted by Gomer

And how do you explain unaccountable answered prayers, healing incurable diseases through prayer healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues.....
*sigh* you're serious right? you are a simpleton. most of that stuff is bullshit, but I'm sure your simple little mind has to insist that it isn't because how can things happen that I can't understand? you seem to ignore the fact that stuff is constantly happening that you don't understand. are you well versed in quantum mechanics? I'm not. Thusly there is a shitload of junk happening all around me at this very instant and I really don't understand any of it, yet I sit here and type this message. How mystical. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Gomer

I know you can't answer these, but maybe just think about them, and you'll realize my faith isn't so crazy afterall.


You are well meaning I'm sure, but I'm sorry.. you're just so wrapped up in your needy mentality that you don't understand much. Your faith isn't crazy, it's devisive and pervasive. It's predatory. It's got you in a stranglehold of carefully maintained ignorance. You seem to think it offers you answers. I know for a fact that it does, but that the answers are lies. I offer the truth: The truth is that there are no answers. (and the answers that do exist, are always tentative)

You're not man enough to accept it. Kind of makes me just a wee bit sick.
Oh, and BTW, why is it that you can't answer my questions directly? You seem to focus on your need for lies rather than debating me forthright. I asked you a serious question and you just repeated your needy questioning again after I'd already addressed it multiple times. It would be nice if you would show some respect and defend your retarded faith. Can you not see that questions asked in that post are relavent? Are you THAT blinded by your mental virus that you cannot see that it was relavent? *shrug* You are likely lost to reason as are your breathren. So be it I suppose, but I... as a caring and intelligent human, feel compelled to attempt to improve your cognition such that it may improve YOU, thusly improving the species just a little bit.
And how do you explain unaccountable answered prayers, healing incurable diseases through prayer healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues

I have studied, and been working with unexplained phenomenon for over seventeen years now. I have seen people come back from the dead- with absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or God, but down to voodoo/alien beings- any one of a million reasons etc etc. I have seen and heard of weird occurences that would make the hair on your bum stand on end. Just because you have heard of some unexplained events doesn't mean it was God/Jesus or the Fairy godmother. I saw some tribes people in South America heal a man of cancer by dancing to the Gods and rubbing their hands over the man. They took his cancer and then flushed it from their own systems. Again this bears no relevance on God or Jesus. These tribes people didn't even know of the Western God. They had their own beliefs. Now does that make their Gods 'truth'? Of course not. Same with yours, mine and everyones.

I will state the majority of these things remain unexplained. We are at the very basics of human understanding and understanding of the power of our own minds. You seem to think you have the 'truth'. That is very premature, and vastly ignorant.

I once did a test... My brain and i collaborated that i would feel no pain. My friend punched me right in the face and ya know what.... It didn't hurt a bit. I have worn nothing but underpants in the snow and felt warm instead of cold through other experiments. I attribute this to our brains abilities, not that of God or Jesus. Answered prayers would fall into this category.. the brain can make your wishes true in circumstances. I would also put miracle healing in this category. Doesn't mean it's right- you too must accept that fact. Just because strange shit happens doesn't make your belief the correct one, or mine, or anyones.
Lol, well you sure put up one hell of a good argument. I dunno how any person could even begin to refute that.
Originally posted by ben nevis
Some of you guys are really going to be pissed when you come face to face with St. Peter,

I'm not sure what you mean. I sincerely doubt I'll EVER have anything to do with your peter and frankly... I take offense at your implication.

It's good that you take offense, I'm glad you realize it's truth. Guess what, I'm excited about dying, are you? Are you ready to die and see what it's like to die?
It's good that you take offense, I'm glad you realize it's truth. Guess what, I'm excited about dying, are you? Are you ready to die and see what it's like to die?

I'm glad to see the arguments are becoming all the more substantial and evidence based as this forum thread progresses.

But.. if you're really anxious to die go right ahead- don't let anyone stop you.

Personally though i have distinct interest in this life.... After this is done i'm gonna have an eternity to sit back and relax and "not-die" from boredom. (What i mean by 'not-die' is that i'd die from boredom eventually but because i'll live for eternity i don't see how i could die even if i wanted to).

Having said all this i'm being as creative and enjoying my mortal life while i have it. There's 2 main reasons:

A) If there is no afterlife i would have just wasted a perfectly good mortal life for nothing.

B) If i've got an eternity of life to come it might very will be a different 'style' of life. There might be no beer, no horny women, no episodes of the simpsons and as such i might aswell make the most of them while i can.

Frankly i find it sickening that anyone can put such little value on their own life. I've noticed this a lot on these forums and find it an absolute disgrace people value themselves as little as they do. I've never spoken to such a bunch of miserable people in all my life. Don't tell me you're happy....... My parents have been scientologists for 40 years and say they're very happy....Happy or not there's still no reason to value yourself in such a distasteful manner.
(I'm excited that I finally get to use this accurately)



Originally posted by Gomer
It's good that you take offense, I'm glad you realize it's truth. Guess what, I'm excited about dying, are you? Are you ready to die and see what it's like to die?

Lighten up simple dude, you're okay. We're all going to die, we know this, I'm not excited to die, no. I don't really look forward to it but I don't dread it either. My time will come as it does for all of us. If you're so excited to die, please... don't let me stop you. :rolleyes:

Do you have something besides your cultish dogma to offer? I wish you could hear how you sound to me. You sound like a simple robot, programmed to love sucking the c**k of it's creator and spout a bunch of self-serving crap that your creator designed as a joke... but the truly pathetic part is that IT WASN"T REALLY THE CREATOR THAT PROGRAMMED YOU, IT WAS THE OTHER ROBOTS, when you had he choice to think for yourself you apparently didn't consider yourself qualified.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
I'm glad to see the arguments are becoming all the more substantial and evidence based as this forum thread progresses.

But.. if you're really anxious to die go right ahead- don't let anyone stop you.

Personally though i have distinct interest in this life.... After this is done i'm gonna have an eternity to sit back and relax and "not-die" from boredom. (What i mean by 'not-die' is that i'd die from boredom eventually but because i'll live for eternity i don't see how i could die even if i wanted to).

Having said all this i'm being as creative and enjoying my mortal life while i have it. There's 2 main reasons:

A) If there is no afterlife i would have just wasted a perfectly good mortal life for nothing.

B) If i've got an eternity of life to come it might very will be a different 'style' of life. There might be no beer, no horny women, no episodes of the simpsons and as such i might aswell make the most of them while i can.
