Overall Message of Christianity?

You are guilty of sin from birth because of Original Sin.
God does not condemn us. The enemy does. And we do ourselves. The world condemns itself.

Wouldn't this 'enemy' have been created by God?

We can NEVER live up to Jesus' example no matter how good we live.
I don't think so...

Ephesians and Colossians don't say we can live up to Jesus' standards. They just say that it is possible to 'wipe the slate clean'.

We are lowly creatures that need constant supervision and relentless condemnation.
And we do need supervision. Just look at how messed up we are nowdays...

You're 2 sentences contradict each other. Telling us to 'look at how messed up we are' shows that 'we do need supervision'.

demands by God the the Jews kill neighboring tribes in the Old Testament?
They weren't following God's will.

So God gave them the power to kill, supported their movement, but it waswn't his will?
Joshua 10:12 ...and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies... So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
Josh 10:30And the LORD delivered it also, and the king thereof, into the hand of Israel; and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein; he let none remain in it ; but did unto the king thereof as he did unto the king of Jericho.
Judges 7:22 And the three hundred blew the trumpets, and the LORD set every man's sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host: and the host fled to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath.
Judges 20:18 And the children of Israel arose, ... and asked counsel of God, and said, Which of us shall go up first to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the LORD said, Judah shall go up first.
20:23 And the children of Israel went up and wept before the LORD until even, and asked counsel of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up again to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother? And the LORD said, Go up against him.
God 'delivers' people to death over and over.

if you don't believe He has a gift for you, how can you receive it if you don't first believe He is giving it to you?

Silly reasoning. I can walk up to the street and tell them I have a gift for them. If if they don't believe me I can put it in their pocket.

The thing is that a lot people don't walk by the Spirit, even Christians. So the flesh has more significance and they are carried away by those desires. However, if you walk by the Spirit, then you walk like Christ, you have the fullness of God.

I'd rather 'walk like an egyptian'

Wouldn't this 'enemy' have been created by God?
God created a friend. And the friend became an enemy.

Ephesians and Colossians don't say we can live up to Jesus' standards. They just say that it is possible to 'wipe the slate clean'.
Ok... lets' read it carefully:

Colossians 3:9-11
"9 Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices,
10 and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him--
11 a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all. "

So we are in the process of being renewed. We are not yet like Him in action, but we are in the process of becoming who He intended us to be.

Galatians 5:16-17
"16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. "

Here we are given the path to become like Him. To become like Him, one must walk by the Spirit, following the Law. Even though the Law made us righteous in His sight, that doesn't mean that we act like we are righteous.

Carefully, we see this:

Galatians 3:11
"11 Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, "THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH."

So God says we are righteous. If we have faith in God, we become righteous, because we start acting like it. When James says...

James 2:26
"26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."

If you believe you are righteous, you will act like a righteous man. That's the only way we can become righteous, by believing in God and acting in this faith.

So in this, is this scripture:

1 John 4:7-8
"7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
8 The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. "

- the Law is Love
- the Law was made in the image of God
- whoever knows God knows the Law
- God made us righteous
- whoever believes to be righteous, acts like a righteous person
- a righteous person follow the Law
- a righteous person is like God

Did you follow?

You're 2 sentences contradict each other. Telling us to 'look at how messed up we are' shows that 'we do need supervision'.
How do they contradict? I said that we do need supervision. We need supervision because we are messing up everything. How those two sentences disagree?

So God gave them the power to kill, supported their movement, but it waswn't his will?
There are two views for those scriptures. Apparently, most Christians believe that God told those the Jews to conquer those other people to fulfill the promise He made to Abraham. I have a different opinion. I believe that that people used the name of God as an excuse (as Bush is doing). I will ask my pastor about those scriptures...

Silly reasoning. I can walk up to the street and tell them I have a gift for them. If if they don't believe me I can put it in their pocket.
And then they find it in the pocket and throw it out... :bugeye:
Wouldn't this 'enemy' have been created by God?
God created a friend. And the friend became an enemy.

But God would know that the friend would become an enemy.

Ephesians and Colossians don't say we can live up to Jesus' standards.
Colossians 3:9-11 - So we are in the process of being renewed. We are not yet like Him in action, but we are in the process of becoming who He intended us to be.

This implies that we had sinned, otherwise we wouldn't need renewal. You have stated yourself that Jesus never sinned. All other people have. Therefore we are not up to his standards.

Galatians 5:16-17 - Here we are given the path to become like Him. To become like Him, one must walk by the Spirit, following the Law.

The only true way to 'walk (completely) by the Spirit' is to die. That has no bearing on our situation on Earth.

Galatians 3:11 -"11 Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, "THE RIGHTEOUS MAN SHALL LIVE BY FAITH."
So God says we are righteous. If we have faith in God, we become righteous, because we start acting like it. When James says...

No. It is saying that a man who is righteous shall also live by faith, which doesn't say that living by faith makes you righteous. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
As a side note, this is not really related to living up to Jesus' standards. By you own admission, everyone will sin... this puts us below Jesus in terms of morality.

1 John 4:7-8 "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
8 The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. "
- the Law is Love
- the Law was made in the image of God
- whoever knows God knows the Law
- God made us righteous
- whoever believes to be righteous, acts like a righteous person
- a righteous person follow the Law
- a righteous person is like God
Did you follow?

No. You are picking out versus and extrapolating to fit the definition you desire. This passages do not directly support your ideology.

You're 2 sentences contradict each other. Telling us to 'look at how messed up we are' shows that 'we do need supervision'.
How do they contradict?

They don't... sorry about that.

So God gave them the power to kill, supported their movement, but it waswn't his will?
There are two views for those scriptures. Apparently, most Christians believe that God told those the Jews to conquer those other people to fulfill the promise He made to Abraham. I have a different opinion. I believe that that people used the name of God as an excuse (as Bush is doing).

The problem is that the Bible also says that God told people to murder. If you say that this is incorrect then the Bible would have to be in error, or at the very least mistranslated.

Silly reasoning. I can walk up to the street and tell them I have a gift for them. If if they don't believe me I can put it in their pocket.
And then they find it in the pocket and throw it out...

No. If I touch a $20 in my pocket I am not throwing it out. If I touch the heavens I would want to stay (if they were everything they are implied to be).
But God would know that the friend would become an enemy.
No, because was the friend's choice to become an enemy.

This implies that we had sinned, otherwise we wouldn't need renewal. You have stated yourself that Jesus never sinned. All other people have. Therefore we are not up to his standards.
I stated that Jesus is a man made in the likeness of God. Jesus studied like we do. Jesus had many times the choice to sin. If He couldn't sin, then why would Satan have tried to make Him sin in the desert? Would be a waste of time, wouldn't it? So Jesus could have sinned, and we CAN get to be like Him, as long as we pursue it with the fervency of the heart so as to move mountains (back to Mark 11...). Jesus could have sinned, but He didn't.

The only true way to 'walk (completely) by the Spirit' is to die. That has no bearing on our situation on Earth.
Have you read what is to walk by the Spirit?

Galatians 5:16-25
"16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality,
20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,
21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."

If Paul is asking us to walk by the Spirit this means that it is possible to walk by the Spirit right? Otherwise, why would he ask for us to do so?? ;)

No. It is saying that a man who is righteous shall also live by faith, which doesn't say that living by faith makes you righteous. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
It is also the other way around. The fact is that the human being is not naturally righteous. Righteous means to be in right standing with God. It is to always to the right things, to never sin. So for someone to be righteous, first they have to have the ability to be righteous. We are righteous through faith just as Abraham was righteous through faith. Abraham had faith. So God grant him righteousness, and He believed (because he had faith). He kept sinning, but the amount of sins gets lower as you live by faith. So as much faith you have in the righteousness given to you, as much you will act in it.

As a side note, this is not really related to living up to Jesus' standards. By you own admission, everyone will sin... this puts us below Jesus in terms of morality.
Jesus is righteous. If the Bible says we are righteous and that we should live by faith, then it is possible to be righteous. Another way that we might translate that would be "the righteous shall exist through faith", or "a man become righteous throgh faith". But don't get me wrong. It s also the other way around. Faith creates righteousness and the righteous have faith and should maintain this faith.

No. You are picking out versus and extrapolating to fit the definition you desire. This passages do not directly support your ideology.
If you nake an opinion, please state why you have that opinion. Don't just say "you are wrong"...

The problem is that the Bible also says that God told people to murder. If you say that this is incorrect then the Bible would have to be in error, or at the very least mistranslated.
The OT is translated from the Hebrew and Hebrew is not the easiest of the languages. I have to research on that...

No. If I touch a $20 in my pocket I am not throwing it out. If I touch the heavens I would want to stay (if they were everything they are implied to be).
One might be given a collar of inestimable pearls and have the illusion that it is a snake... so throw it out. It is actually true. The Bible says that the world hate Him because the world dodn't know Him.
But God would know that the friend would become an enemy.
No, because was the friend's choice to become an enemy.

Do you realize that the limitation you just put on God goes against ost Christian's beliefs?

This implies that we had sinned, otherwise we wouldn't need renewal. You have stated yourself that Jesus never sinned. All other people have. Therefore we are not up to his standards.
If He couldn't sin, then why would Satan have tried to make Him sin in the desert? Would be a waste of time, wouldn't it?

So now Satan knows everything? I can also ask: If God is going to win in the end then why does Satan try? Would be a waste of time, wouldnt it?

Jesus could have sinned, but He didn't.

Even assuming that he could, he didn't. People do. Therefore people are not up to Jesus' standard.

The only true way to 'walk (completely) by the Spirit' is to die. That has no bearing on our situation on Earth.
Have you read what is to walk by the Spirit?

Yes, and just to make sure, you posted it 3 times. It doesn't it contridict my opinion that 'walking with the spirit' is after death.

If Paul is asking us to walk by the Spirit this means that it is possible to walk by the Spirit right?

Yes. It is possible to die.

Otherwise, why would he ask for us to do so??

Just because somebody attempts something (or asks you to do it) doesn't mean it is possible.

No. It is saying that a man who is righteous shall also live by faith, which doesn't say that living by faith makes you righteous. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.
It is also the other way around.

You have not supported this opinion, and I disagree with it. Many people belive that they 'live in faith' who are not righteous.

We are righteous through faith...

That doesn't mean that faith will always lead to righteousness, or that it is the only path.

As a side note, this is not really related to living up to Jesus' standards. By you own admission, everyone will sin... this puts us below Jesus in terms of morality.
Another way that we might translate that would be "the righteous shall exist through faith", or "a man become righteous throgh faith".

That is a completely different meaning then the original line.

But don't get me wrong. It s also the other way around. Faith creates righteousness and the righteous have faith and should maintain this faith.

This is not supported by anything.

You are picking out versus and extrapolating to fit the definition you desire. This passages do not directly support your ideology.
If you nake an opinion, please state why you have that opinion. Don't just say "you are wrong"...

You are quoting Bible passages that don't support your argument. Find passages that support you or don't quote them.

The problem is that the Bible also says that God told people to murder. If you say that this is incorrect then the Bible would have to be in error, or at the very least mistranslated.
The OT is translated from the Hebrew and Hebrew is not the easiest of the languages. I have to research on that...

The whole Bible has been translated and rewritten. My point is that you are using 'because the Bible says so' as an argument when that method is fundamentally flawed.

It is actually true. The Bible says that the world hate Him because the world dodn't know Him.

Once again you are using the Bible to support one of you opinions as being 'true' even though it is logically inconsistant.

Do you realize that the limitation you just put on God goes against ost Christian's beliefs?
No. Angels CAN go against God's will.

Galatians 1:8
"8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!"

That's how the Mormons came into being.

So now Satan knows everything?
Who said that?? :bugeye:

I can also ask: If God is going to win in the end then why does Satan try? Would be a waste of time, wouldnt it?
That's his nature. In the same way I can ask: If US will get Saddam out of power, why would Saddam still try to stay? Satan certainly believes he can win, otherwise he wouldn't bother. Satan also believed he could deceive Jesus, but he didn't in the end, just as God said. Jesus believed in God when God said that He wouldn't sin. He accepted what God said. If He would believe in Satan, He would have sinned. So the question really is: in whom will you believe?

Even assuming that he could, he didn't. People do. Therefore people are not up to Jesus' standard.
But we don't NEED to. We can accept what God says when He says that we are righteous. If we believe we are righteous, then we will act in this belief. I usually believe that I'm righteous. But as soon as I stop believing, I sin; because I stop acting as if I were righteous.

Yes, and just to make sure, you posted it 3 times. It doesn't it contridict my opinion that 'walking with the spirit' is after death.
First of all, it is walk by the Spirit. Second, read again:

Galatians 5:16
"16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh."

In verse 16 Paul clearly tells us to walk by the Spirit. If he is asking us that, that means that it is possible to do it while alive.

Galatians 5:25
"25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."

Again, Paul clearly tells us that we CAN walk by the Spirit while we are alive.

Just because somebody attempts something (or asks you to do it) doesn't mean it is possible.
If it is so, then his words are a waste of time. :bugeye:
It is possible, otherwise it wouldn't be written.

You have not supported this opinion, and I disagree with it. Many people belive that they 'live in faith' who are not righteous.
I haven't supported it?? I wrote it down at least some 3 times! Yes, many people believe that they live in faith and are not righteous, but those are the ones with blind faith. Do I need to post again that faith without works is dead???:bugeye: :eek:


Galatians 3:6

That doesn't mean that faith will always lead to righteousness, or that it is the only path.
We cannot be righteous without faith because being righteous is aginst our nature. We can only overcome our worldly nature through faith.

1 John 5:4
"4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith."

That is a completely different meaning then the original line.
This one again...

Galatians 3:6

This is not supported by anything.
This is supported by the WHOLE Bible. :bugeye:

You are quoting Bible passages that don't support your argument. Find passages that support you or don't quote them.
They clearly support me!!:bugeye: And you haven't quoted ANYTHING yet to support your opinion. :eek:

The whole Bible has been translated and rewritten. My point is that you are using 'because the Bible says so' as an argument when that method is fundamentally flawed.
There ARE scriptures that are just right, as they were in the first place. One just need to find it. Any Interlinear Bible will give you that.

But I can easily be wrong and those passages be true. I have to read them carefully.

Once again you are using the Bible to support one of you opinions as being 'true' even though it is logically inconsistant.
Oh God...:rolleyes:
No. Angels CAN go against God's will.
So God (who supposedly knows everything) creates an Angel who will go against His will, and it's the angels fault?

So now Satan knows everything?
Who said that??

You were arguing that Jesus must have been capable of sin because Satan tried to tempt him. How does Satan know if Jesus is capable of it?

Even assuming that he could, he didn't. People do. Therefore people are not up to Jesus' standard.
But we don't NEED to.

I don't care if we need to. We HAVE. Jesus supposedly DID NOT.

Yes, and just to make sure, you posted it 3 times. It doesn't it contridict my opinion that 'walking with the spirit' is after death.
First of all, it is walk by the Spirit. Second, read again:

I decided to translate it differently.

In verse 16 Paul clearly tells us to walk by the Spirit. If he is asking us that, that means that it is possible to do it while alive.

Paul cleary tells us that we will not carry out desires of the flesh after death.

"25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."
Again, Paul clearly tells us that we CAN walk by the Spirit while we are alive.

Or Paul meant to tell us that if we live by God, we shall be with Him after death.

Just because somebody attempts something (or asks you to do it) doesn't mean it is possible.
If it is so, then his words are a waste of time. It is possible, otherwise it wouldn't be written.

Have you tried drinking poison lately. It is possible, otherwise it wouldn't be written.

You have not supported this opinion, and I disagree with it. Many people belive that they 'live in faith' who are not righteous.
I haven't supported it?? I wrote it down at least some 3 times!

Repeating a flawed arguement does not make it true.

Yes, many people believe that they live in faith and are not righteous, but those are the ones with blind faith.

And what exactly makes your faith less blind then everyone elses?

Do I need to post again that faith without works is dead???

No. But I'm sure you will anyhow.


The him in this is lower case, not refering to god. Reckoned means considered. The basically means that Abraham considered himself righteous because he believed in God. It doesn't need to follow that he is right.

We cannot be righteous without faith because being righteous is aginst our nature. We can only overcome our worldly nature through faith.

Our nature was to live in caves and kill animals with pointy rocks. I personally don't do this anymore, and faith wasn't the way I 'overcame our worldy nature'.

1 John 5:4 "4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith."

And this supports your argument how?

That is a completely different meaning then the original line.
This one again... Galatians 3:6 - etc..

Your original quote was Galatians 3:11, which does not support this. Then you quote 3:6 which I disputed above.

Faith creates righteousness and the righteous have faith and should maintain this faith.
This is not supported by anything.
This is supported by the WHOLE Bible.

Then why can you not demonstrate where the Bible says this?

You are quoting Bible passages that don't support your argument. Find passages that support you or don't quote them.
They clearly support me!! And you haven't quoted ANYTHING yet to support your opinion.

They don't support you. Please read above. As for quoting, I don't think it's any use. Any Bible quote has multiple interpretations. Just using common sense: if faith is the only way to be righteous, and righteousness is required to enter Heaven (Romans 001:018 & 6:23, Philippians 3:9), then people who live in societies aware from Christianity(or people who are deaf, dumb, and blind) will not 'be saved' because EVERYONE sins and commiting 1 sin is as worse as commiting all of them (James 2:10).
And I threw in some references just to make you happy:)

The whole Bible has been translated and rewritten. My point is that you are using 'because the Bible says so' as an argument when that method is fundamentally flawed.
There ARE scriptures that are just right, as they were in the first place. One just need to find it.

And you know this how? Your comments on the accuracy of the Bible are only consistent in that they always contradict each other.

Any Interlinear Bible will give you that.

They are still not perfect. Generally they rely on individual word translations, and that is only a small part of written communication. They are (EDIT: forgot the NOT) good with gender, idioms, figures of speech, humor, keyword usage, rhetorical speech, and other culturalisms. On top of this, we don't have the original manuscripts.

Once again you are using the Bible to support one of you opinions as being 'true' even though it is logically inconsistant.
Oh God...

He's the one that got you in this mess.
This is ridiculous. You twist what is written in every opportunity you get. It is totally pointless to discuss with you.

"My point is that you are using 'because the Bible says so' as an argument when that method is fundamentally flawed."

{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}

Neither you or anyone else has ever come remotely close to proving this "statement'

The Bible is source of vast knowledge collected over thousands of years, full of truth even to the person who doesn't believe in God.

You keep dreaming though....

And when you're ready to pull your head out of the sand, (or shake the "sandman" out of your eyes).....whichever applies,
come back and we'll debat theology, if you can find a basis of substance to speak from.

You don't seem to have one yet.
Re: persol

This is ridiculous. You twist what is written in every opportunity you get. It is totally pointless to discuss with you.
I agrue that you have done the same thing/

Neither you or anyone else has ever come remotely close to proving this "statement'

I just posted alternate explainations for your quotes. For any view you support there is always another interpretation.

The Bible is source of vast knowledge collected over thousands of years, full of truth even to the person who doesn't believe in God.

Just the fact that this 'truth' has changed over time should tell you that it is not the magical source of wisdom you call it.

And when you're ready to pull your head out of the sand, (or shake the "sandman" out of your eyes).....whichever applies,
come back and we'll debat theology, if you can find a basis of substance to speak from.

I raise points, you ignore them and repeat yourself. I'm missing the part where you are willing to debate.
Re: persol

Originally posted by TheVisitor
I've read your post arguing with other members, and we've been 'round ourselves.......right?

You have no substance in any argument, no point but to take the other side............

What is the name of your " Position" for lack of a better word.

Are you into chaos worship, secular humanism, or just a atheist that likes to likes to argue....

I'm tired of playing this game.......so if theres' a name for whatever it is you think you are......

Enlighten me

I cannot believe what a stupid jackass you are "thevisitor". I hope you can someday learn how to have a remote appreciation for the other humans... asshole.
Re: Re: persol

Originally posted by wesmorris
I cannot believe what a stupid jackass you are "thevisitor". I hope you can someday learn how to have a remote appreciation for the other humans... asshole.

Sorry, I meant... stupid intolerant jackass.
I've read your post arguing with other members, and we've been 'round ourselves.......right?

You have no substance in any argument, no point but to take the other side............

What is the name of your " Position" for lack of a better word.

Are you into chaos worship, secular humanism, or just an atheist that likes to argue....maybe .....none of the above, I don't know.

Debate?...surely not.

If thats all it was, I've been wrong for exposing you to these "Pearls" to have you throw them back at me...

This should not be a game, and I'm guilty of making it one to some extent.

That doesn't show much judgment on my part ...does it?

Whatever your position is, I should have stopped this debate a long time ago, and I've been wrong.

I apoligize.........

Last edited:
I do have a nasty habit of name-calling. I'm trying to get better about it, but people like "thevisitor" make it incredibly difficult. for the rest of you, please excuse my weakness, I will try to restrain myself as much as possible. It's just that I really really LOATH people like thevisitor. must... restrain...self... from ... insulting... thevisitor... ARGH!!!!!!11
1.) Humans have dominion over the planet.
2.) Women are inferior and should be submissive to men.
3.) No matter what you do you are bad, evil worthless crap (because of original sin that had nothing to do with YOU) so you should be eternally grateful to Jesus since anything good you go comes through him.
4.) Because of number 3, pride is a horrible sin since it take away from what Jesus should be proud about.
5.) If you are suffering in pain in this life to such an extent that you can no longer bear life and kill yourself, you will not be comforted in the afterlife, you will continue to suffer for eternity.
6.) Everyone is equal, but some people are ignorant and stupid so need help to understand that they are wrong and need to be saved by converting them to Christianty (even if it takes torture and murder).
7.) All science is bullshit, since it was discovered by feeble human minds that are unable to understand the ways of God... Except of course if teh science SUPPORT what the Bible says, then it's brilliant.
8.) The Bible is the word of the God almighty and should be taken literally... Except where it should be taken as metaphor.
9.) All other religions (oder and newer) are crap, even though Christianity was based on these religions in an effort to build a religion that will appeal to the masses and keep the power within the Roman empire through the shameless process of blatant self-serving syncretism.
10.) I am going to Hell.

One Raven: That is an absolute work of pure genius, (inspired by jesus no doubt). I have never seen someone sum it all up in sucha truthful and accurate manner, (we all thank jesus he wrote that through you). Honestly, i'm mighty impressed..... Are you of the female variety? If so, wanna go on a date? :D
If you were talking to ME, thevisitor.. I'm just a man with a brain and a wonderful life oh, and a fella who despises the fact that humans, who have such great capacity for abstract thinking... could be so sheepish as to abandon all reason for their heritage or emotional disfunction (most generally, both). It disturbs me fundamentally that while completely esconsed in denial that perpetuates the disfunction that IS your religious conviction, you would drag ANY poor innocent down into your cesspool of hypocritical lies to yet FURTHER perpetuate your complete vortex of FEAR OF USING YOUR FUCKING BRAIN.

.... So, you if you can find a label that fits all that... I'm sure you'll share.

Lost soul? I'm at LEAST as soulfull as you, I have SO much love in my life it's literally gluttonous. Probably because I'm forsaken eh?

Demon seed? Well, then I'm the most clueless demon that ever existed because I'm as honest as anyone I've ever known with both myself and everyone I deal with (except when circumstances command light handed approach.. as if with a child, and then it's as honest as they can handle without nightmares or deviant behavior as a resultant). My intent here is 100 percent pure. I'm 100% honest.. though moody, so sometimes my truth changes slightly depending on what time it is.. but at least I ADMIT IT.

Well, I'll stop because I'm sure your fine friend Mr. Whateverhislyingtelevangelistassfaceis has labelled me up real special and I'm just dying to hear what it is.... so please... enlighten me. (unless of course you weren't even really talking to me and then well uh.. hehe... uh... hehe.. yeah.. muhbad.)
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Lost soul? I'm at LEAST as soulfull as you, I have SO much love in my life it's literally gluttonous. Probably because I'm forsaken eh?

Thats ok, ....You should be having a good time..
The devils not after you, breathing down your neck, with his foot stuck out around every corner...

He's already got you.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
He's already got you.

I understand that you're ill equiped to deal with the likes of me on an intellectual level... but it's just pathetic that you have to stoop to saying "you don't like me because the devil has you". You are pathetic, I'd help you if you were willing.. but guess what... "the devil has you".

How the f**k do you think you're qualified to make such a diabolical assertion? How am I not JUST AS QUALIFIED to make it? Man you're a doltish lemming.
Oh yeah, and one_raven.. I liked your list. Seems pretty accurate. Well done! :)