Overall Message of Christianity?

How the f**k do you think

With this attitude no one is listening to you, your a raving madman....

"Fools tread with hobnailed shoes, where angels fear to trod."
Originally posted by TheVisitor
How the f**k do you think

With this attitude no one is listening to you, your a raving madman....

"Fools tread with hobnailed shoes, where angels fear to trod."

Uh huh. Honestly, I don't care if anyone listens. I care if I speak my mind. So that's what I'm doing.... and I'm speaking it to you, you lying intolerant ingorant lemming jerk. Your delusional bullshit sickens me, so I'm going to make you as miserable as I can... in the hopes that someday, eventually, it'll crack through and your brain actually might kick in for half a second. You are an idiot, but that doesn't mean you HAVE to be. It's your choice.

Oh, and if you didn't notice.. this is a place of DEBATE. If I so choose, I'll refute EVERY LIE YOU TELL... since that's all you have to offer and you haven't the ability to reason, I'll just insult you, refute you and annoy you every chance I get... until I grow tired of doing it. Take it, ignore me or go away (or the mods will stop it).
I'm speaking it to you, you lying intolerant ingorant lemming jerk..

Is that the best you can do...

I kind of like lemmings ....reminds me of how easy it is to follow the accepted way of the masses....

Thats not what I'm doing BTW, you'd know that if you wen't running with your nose to the ground, following the trail laid down by the ant just in front of you......

What kind are you....do you think your "an original"

Everybody's following somebody, I'd rather be following Christ.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
I'm speaking it to you, you lying intolerant ingorant lemming jerk..
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Is that the best you can do...
No, I reserve my best for people who show themselves to be more than mindless drones.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

I kind of like lemmings ....reminds me of how easy it is to follow the accepted way of the masses....
Yes, something you can relate to, I can tell.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Thats not what I'm doing BTW
Nice afterthought.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

You'd know that if you wen't running with your nose to the ground, following the trail laid down by the ant just in front of you......
You'd be out of your league with an independent thinking 5th grader bro, you don't use your brain. Accusing me of the same is quite obviously the fabled "I know you are but what am I" tactic, which.. while amusing, is most juvenile.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

What kind are you....do you think your "an original"
Yes, I have a brain and can think for myself. I realize that HAS to sound alien to you... but whether or not you believe it, it's true.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Everybody's following somebody, I'd rather be following Christ.

Yes, and I'm following me. I give credence to those who show themselves as rational (like CA, Persol, one_raven and Jenyar (with whom I distinctly disagree regarding religion, but he seems to be a very reasonable person)), but ulitimately I follow me because the ability to do so is the gift that god gave me, and as gracious as he is, he only asked that I be true to his gift.

Watch your language. This is not how a Christian should speak.

Everybody's following somebody, I'd rather be following Christ.
When people try to stone Him, He didn't shouted at them, did He? He even let Himself be crucified. Don't lose your patience with people. Keep loving, and you won't lose your patience.

With this attitude, you might even draw people away from God...
The message of Christianity presented in the Bible is to make us realize that we are in need something to pay for our sin, and that Jesus came to the earth and died on a cross for us. God knows we sin because we are sinners, and he wanted to provide a means of grace for our sin, so he provided his son, which you can deny or believe.
Originally posted by Gomer
The message of Christianity presented in the Bible is to make us realize that we are in need something to pay for our sin,
While you may be right about what the bible says, why do you choose to give it credence above other texts?
Originally posted by Gomer

and that Jesus came to the earth and died on a cross for us.
It is quite feasible that jesus didn't even really exist, let alone die on the cross for you. It's a nice thought, but what difference does it make? In the end, YOU have to be able to forgive YOU for YOUR sins, such that a truly healthy learning process can begin. Oh, and maybe this sounds kind of crazy to the christian perspective, but I'd like you to think about this for a second if you would: Jesus is dead. How can a dead guy forgive you for something that happened 2000 years after his death? Do you understand how ridiculous that is? *shrug* Okay... believe what you must.
Originally posted by Gomer

God knows we sin because we are sinners,
How would you presume to divine this? Did God tell you that personally, or did you read it in the bible? Oh, that's rich. What about Ganesha? Aren't you going to give Ganesha a chance to save your soul? Are you driving some kind of spiritual "hard bargain" that only jesus can afford (whom - noting the fact that as previously mentioned, IS dead IF he even existed - go to mexico and you'll find jesus)?
Originally posted by Gomer

and he wanted to provide a means of grace for our sin,
That sounds very cultish to me, but if you're into it, whatever.
Originally posted by Gomer

so he provided his son, which you can deny or believe.

What if I decided that I don't have enough information to make an informed decision and thusly rely on plausibility to attempt a statistical perspective on the validity of your assertion... thereby guesstimating that the whole bible thing seems like a pretty cool story as written from the perspective of the individuals who wrote it at the time... but it's important to take into account the limited contextual perspective that these writers had when they wrote what they did. A rock falling down a hill used to be an act of god, but now it's an act of gravity. Many... in order to appease their spritual vaccum... assert that it must be both. To me, the fell down the hill because of gravity... and who knows what else. If I keep looking for that 'what else', just maybe I'll find it. I definately won't if I become christian or no, I mean Hindu... no jewish... I meant Muslim... I mean, I'll never find it if I just stop fucking looking. Yeah, that's what I meant.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Nice rebuttal.
Why are you complaining??

Would you prfer the usual type of TruthSeeker rebuttal?

Think about it.

Originally posted by one_raven
Why are you complaining??Would you prfer the usual type of TruthSeeker rebuttal?Think about it.:D
Just pretend like he just quoted 2 screens of scripture, and none of them actually have to do with the subject. It'll save him the copy/pasting.
Originally posted by one_raven
Why are you complaining??

Would you prfer the usual type of TruthSeeker rebuttal?

Think about it.


I'm not complaining.
I give credit to Christ, because Budha, Krishna, Muhhamud, and all these decieving works based "prophets" are all in their graves.

Bro, you aren't doing me or God a favor by believing the truth, but I find it funny that your so set on disproving Christianity.

Is it just eating you up that Christians are excited about a life after death and that they don't have to consume themselves with things of this world to satisfy their souls.

The Holy Spirit working in my life is enough for me to believe, and I have seen a glimpse of what God is like, and I love it. My faith and all believers faith is the only thing that credits the Bible. It's only by faith that we enter the kingdom of God.

Again, God isn't squiming in is throne because you're defying the truth, he loves you and would love to see you live your life for him, but your not doing him any favors. Your defiance against Christianity is rediculous and if you don't believe it then why are you so set on disproving it to others, is something inside of you telling you that it's the truth but your flesh just doesn't want to agree?
Originally posted by Gomer
if you don't believe it then why are you so set on disproving it to others

Because truth is the most important thing to me.

Because Christianity is not benign.
I see it as a malignant threat to humanity and mankind on multiple levels.

Because I see Christians as hapless sheep, and the basic human kindness in me makes me want to help them find their OWN way.

Besides, I find that question hilarious coming from a Christian.
Isn't it the Christian way to teach others the "truth" and help them find their way into the loving arms of Jesus?
What is the point of missionaries? To spread the way and convert the way people think.
Almost every Christian i have ever met play both sides of that coin.
"Let me help you, brother. Have you found Jesus? Let me show you the light."
"Why can't you just let me believe what I choose to believe?"

Yet another reason a friend I had used the term Hypochristian.
And HE was a Christian.
The reason Christians want to tell people is because
#1 they want to tell the world about what the Lord has done for them
#2 The Bible commands us to
#3 This world needs a savior, Christians don't fly planes into buildings, they releave prisoners to genocide in other countries (George Bush)

You guys try to contemplate the knowledge of God, and try to say he's evil, and you try to call it a fairy tell and your so confident you're willing to gamble your soul on it, but the truth is that you can gain all the knowledge in the world multiply it my 100 and not even scratch the surface of God's knowledge. Try fighting a battle you might win, because all you want is a good debate that can't be proven on either side but by faith, and since you don't have faith you won't be able to.
Originally posted by Gomer
The reason Christians want to tell people is because
#1 they want to tell the world about what the Lord has done for them
#2 The Bible commands us to
#3 This world needs a savior, Christians don't fly planes into buildings, they releave prisoners to genocide in other countries (George Bush)

You guys try to contemplate the knowledge of God, and try to say he's evil, and you try to call it a fairy tell and your so confident you're willing to gamble your soul on it, but the truth is that you can gain all the knowledge in the world multiply it my 100 and not even scratch the surface of God's knowledge. Try fighting a battle you might win, because all you want is a good debate that can't be proven on either side but by faith, and since you don't have faith you won't be able to.
*rant on*
Gomer, you seem like a nice guy man, but you're simple. No, not because you're a christian.. it's likely that you're a christian because you're simple. One_Raven is was absolutely correct and all you can do is spout dogma man... you don't even understand the premise for the entire argument??????????? That's just simple. Look man, christianity is stupid, I hate stupid shit, I especially hate it when simpletons try to spew stupid shit at me from on high as if their simplistic little asses had a clue of what they are really even commiting to when they BETRAY THEIR OWN BRAINS by joining a fucking cult based on weak assed folk lore and circular fucking logic. It makes me think you're a bible toting jesus zombie and frankly it seems to me that you undermine the essence of society and the advancement of your species by DENYING yourself the ONLY GIFT YOU REALLY HAVE... your brain. Use it. Use reason and set yourself free of your stupid crap. Oh wait, that's right... the dead guy and the invisible sadist in sky love and forgive you, so you act like an asshole on their behalf for the bulk of your conscious experience. I say.. you suck.
*rant off*

Sorry, kind of got on a rant there.
Originally posted by wesmorris
*rant on*
Gomer, you seem like a nice guy man, but you're simple. No, not because you're a christian.. it's likely that you're a christian because you're simple. One_Raven is was absolutely correct and all you can do is spout dogma man... you don't even understand the premise for the entire argument??????????? That's just simple. Look man, christianity is stupid, I hate stupid shit, I especially hate it when simpletons try to spew stupid shit at me from on high as if their simplistic little asses had a clue of what they are really even commiting to when they BETRAY THEIR OWN BRAINS by joining a fucking cult based on weak assed folk lore and circular fucking logic. It makes me think you're a bible toting jesus zombie and frankly it seems to me that you undermine the essence of society and the advancement of your species by DENYING yourself the ONLY GIFT YOU REALLY HAVE... your brain. Use it. Use reason and set yourself free of your stupid crap. Oh wait, that's right... the dead guy and the invisible sadist in sky love and forgive you, so you act like an asshole on their behalf for the bulk of your conscious experience. I say.. you suck.
*rant off*

Sorry, kind of got on a rant there.

Man, I told you, you're not doing me or God a favor by beleiving it, so don't act like God's in your grip and he's just begging for you turn your life over to him. I can do all the good things there are to do in the world but God's love is the same, yesterday, today, and tommorow, and takes a pretty advanced way of thinking to contemplate God, his character, his way of thinking, and like I said nobody on this earth will even come close to understanding uverything about God. Believe what you want, I've seen uncoutless answered prayers and miracles. You're not doing anyone a favor by believing, I'd reccomend contemplating the beggining of all time, when did it start, when will time end, what happens when we die? A few unbelievable Christian theologians, J.I. Packer, Charles Spurgeon, C.J. Mahaney, John Piper, all the Puritans..... check some of their work out, and you might find some truth in the deep thoughts of Christianity if I'm not quite on your level.
Originally posted by Gomer
if I'm not quite on your level.

IF you can admit that you probably aren't on my level, which if you're honest with yourself you should be able to see... then I have a difficult time understanding how you seemingly feel so comfortable talking DOWN to me if not for the effect of a cult mentality. Can you?.....


Can you do it without sounding like you're a devout cult member??????

THINK about it.

Originally posted by wesmorris
IF you can admit that you probably aren't on my level, which if you're honest with yourself you should be able to see... then I have a difficult time understanding how you seemingly feel so comfortable talking DOWN to me if not for the effect of a cult mentality. Can you?.....


Can you do it without sounding like you're a devout cult member??????

THINK about it.


Wes, I put in my opinion on "Overall Message of Christianity", I'm not talking down to anyone, but don't you think it would be better if a Christian gave that opinion, or do you think you understand my beliefs better than myself? You act like you have eternity figured out, but why haven't you answered those questions.
reccomend contemplating the beggining of all time, when did it start, when will time end, what happens when we die?
So what do you think even though it's off the original topic?