Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

With muslims apparently, the word insult, mockery, can only be used when muslims are the receivers.

SAM so the muslims never committed acts of genocide in the past?

The fact remains that western countries participating in wars in the middle east wouldn't be possible without muslims giving the western public reason to allow it.

Ah yes of course!!! They are asking for it!!!:rolleyes:

William Russell was The Times’ Special Correspondent in India, his boots barely
scrubbed clean of the mud of the Crimea when he arrived in Calcutta in the first days of
1858. Over the course of the fifteen months he spent reporting from India’s most unsettled
areas, he kept a detailed diary from which to draw future material, and while still on the high
seas bound for Calcutta, he penned this vignette of the archetypal British officer and his
attitude to Indians:

‘”By Jove! sir,” exclaims the Major, who has by this time got to the walnut stage of the
argument, to which he has arrived by gradations of sherry, port, ale, and Madeira, - “By
Jove,” he exclaims, thickly and fiercely, with every vein in his forehead swol’n like
whipcord, “these niggers are such a confounded sensual lazy set, cramming themselves
with ghee and sweetmeats, and smoking their cursed chillumjees all day and all night, that
you might as well think to train pigs. Ho, you! Punkah chordo, or I’ll knock - Suppose we
go up and have a cigar!”’​
Ah yes of course!!! They are asking for it!!!:rolleyes:

That is not what I mean, in fact I don't support any war, or the fascist americans (government), I just protest that you muslims give everybody else the blame of whats happening to you.

The fact is that without terrorist attacks there wouldn't have been an invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, because of lack of political and public will.
That is not what I mean, in fact I don't support any war, or the fascist americans (government), I just protest that you muslims give everybody else the blame of whats happening to you.

The fact is that without terrorist attacks there wouldn't have been an invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, because of lack of political and public will.

Yeah, like all these other places. :rolleyes:
SAM said:
So the occasional mockery of what other people value is not so bad, eh ?

All mockery is not equal.
And the differences among the various mockeries are found by discussion, reason, evidence, etc.

And not by one-line deflections of discussion and begging of questions.

But it is not safe to assume that happy state here, so to get the feet underneath: are all Western mockeries of the Prophet (as perceived by Muslims) created equal ?
None of whatever is on that page comes close to the scale of the Iraq, afghanistan wars. They need justification, besides they could not have persuaded many of the europeans to join for sure.

Hehe, heard about The Hero of Delhi? Thats what they call him in Britain, in India we call him The Imperial Psychopath.

“I would inflict the most excruciating tortures I could think of on them [Indians] with a perfectly easy conscience.”

Europeans with their history of colonialism, need no excuse to join in carnage. Its hilarious to see the Danes and Dutch, who insist that people in their country are freedom loving and just, supporting the invasion of Afghanistan because the Taliban asked for evidence of Osama's guilt!!!

And the differences among the various mockeries are found by discussion, reason, evidence, etc.

And not by one-line deflections of discussion and begging of questions.

But it is not safe to assume that happy state here, so to get the feet underneath: are all Western mockeries of the Prophet (as perceived by Muslims) created equal ?

I'd say mocking the minorities is in poor taste anywhere. And when using the Prophet to demonise all Muslims as terrorists, thats beyond the pale. With their history of colonising people and treating them like garbage, its a concept that westerners do not understand the impact of. It takes a few hundred years of being treated like shit to comprehend why its no longer allowed.
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Europeans with their history of colonialism, need no excuse to join in carnage.
so because they have a history of colonialism (which allowed them to prosper, what would you have done?), they are forever bound to attack other countries without justification? ok

Its hilarious to see the Danes and Dutch, who insist that people in their country are freedom loving and just, supporting the invasion of Afghanistan because the Taliban asked for evidence of Osama's guilt!!!

It's not as black and white, by far. Maybe you need to read some books, or something.
so because they have a history of colonialism (which allowed them to prosper, what would you have done?), they are forever bound to attack other countries without justification? ok

It would seem so, they certainly believe they are better than everyone else. When was the last time they passed an act or resolution that was beneficial to others, if they did not benefit from it? Why do they have the veto?

It's not as black and white, by far. Maybe you need to read some books, or something.

Yeah, hehe, when the Taliban asked (a) for evidence (b) for a local trial and (c) a neutral third party intervention, the obvious response was to bomb them for seven years. :rolleyes:

As for Iraq? Thats still a mystery. But hey, we don't do body counts except of Americans who "valiantly" "defended" their country by bombing innocents in their homes from 40,000 feet. What a joke.
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SAM said:
I'd say mocking the minorities is in poor taste anywhere. And when using the Prophet to demonise all Muslims as terrorists, thats beyond the pale.
As you have elsewhere noted, Muslims in the areas that reacted most strongly to the recent mockeries are not a minority. And if you're going to mock violent Islamic jihad, the Prophet makes a reasonable symbol; self-selected by the jihadists, we note.

SAM said:
With their history of colonising people and treating them like garbage, its a concept that westerners do not understand the impact of.
And with their history of never having established a modern country with a free press, or being in charge of such an entity themselves, toleration of mockery seems to be a concept that a lot of Muslims do not understand the value of.

Meanwhile, the "impact" of the recent mockeries was seriously abetted and amplified by Muslim clergy and well-funded Eastern propaganda efforts. Is this part of the impact something Westerners truly do not understand ?
As you have elsewhere noted, Muslims in the areas that reacted most strongly to the recent mockeries are not a minority. And if you're going to mock violent Islamic jihad, the Prophet makes a reasonable symbol; self-selected by the jihadists, we note.

And with their history of never having established a modern country with a free press, or being in charge of such an entity themselves, toleration of mockery seems to be a concept that a lot of Muslims do not understand the value of.

Meanwhile, the "impact" of the recent mockeries was seriously abetted and amplified by Muslim clergy and well-funded Eastern propaganda efforts. Is this part of the impact something Westerners truly do not understand ?

And the modern countries with the "free press" are using the media to promote violence against Muslims, through violent images of a Prophet with a bomb turban who welcomes suicide bombers and runs out of virgins, to justify their imposing democracy on the "violent" Muslims.

Not everyone has the same view of the modern countries and their free press

SAM, you sure do have a lot to say about the US, but have you ever looked at your own country? You know, the place where half of you make less than 40 cents a day, or a quarter of you can't read?
Yeah, which country should we colonise to pull ourselves out of the Dark Ages? Any suggestions? :rolleyes:
Don't you have a people to oppress because of their religion, or something?

Yeah, we're famous for that. India, the land of reservations and secret prisons and occupations of peoples and religious oppressions and crusades.
Yeah, we're famous for that. India, the land of reservations and secret prisons and occupations of peoples and religious oppressions and crusades.

Thats not true, India is doing just fine. Well, much better than in the past and i believe i know why.
SAM said:
And the modern countries with the "free press" are using the media to promote violence against Muslims, through violent images of a Prophet with a bomb turban who welcomes suicide bombers and runs out of virgins, to justify their imposing democracy on the "violent" Muslims.
. So the Danes are in on this US thing, right down to coordinating their small press cartoons ?

And the Danish press is backing the US efforts ?

Or is it that one Western country and one newspaper is indistinguishable from another?
. So the Danes are in on this US thing, right down to coordinating their small press cartoons ?

And the Danish press is backing the US efforts ?

Or is it that one Western country and one newspaper is indistinguishable from another?

They are all in Afghanistan are they not?