Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

SAM said:
So help me out here - is that a yes or a no ?

They are your assumptions
I have no idea what they are supposed to be. Meanwhile, the question - it isn't answerable, apparently ?
I have no idea what they are supposed to be. Meanwhile, the question - it isn't answerable, apparently ?

No, its not, because there is no way to ascertain anyones motives, anyone could be a closet theist/atheist, since what they say is no indication of what they are :shrug:
So when you accept something as truth without evidence, you reason that it may not be true? Hm
My accepting something or not accepting something as true has no bearing on whether it is or is not true.

Again, watch closely this is really simple, cavewoman SAM thinks the world is flat, she could simultaneously accept the she could possibly be wrong and the world may in actuality be round - accept this would mean accepting that there may not be a god or Xenu and to do such a thing may implode her mental state of self :p

It's really simple - don't you agree?

SAM said:
No, its not, because there is no way to ascertain anyones motives, anyone could be a closet theist/atheist, since what they say is no indication of what they are
Sometimes what they say is a very good indication of what they are. Sometimes it isn't. Judgment is involved, eh?

And that wasn't the question. The question was whether we could take as relevant theistic reactions to works of imagination found inconvenient, heretical, blasphemous, etc, - such as Copernicus's - in a discussion of Muslim reactions to what Muslims perceive as mockery of the Prophet.
Sometimes what they say is a very good indication of what they are. Sometimes it isn't. Judgment is involved, eh?

And that wasn't the question. The question was whether we could take as relevant theistic reactions to works of imagination found inconvenient, heretical, blasphemous, etc, - such as Copernicus's - in a discussion of Muslim reactions to what Muslims perceive as mockery of the Prophet.

What Muslims perceive as mockery? I think showing the prophet with a bomb turban is mockery, not perceived as.

Are you claiming it is not mockery?
So what if Mohammad was mocked? I have heard many Muslims right here on this board say The Last Prophet was a scamming lier who made up his visions to dupe people and there really is no Xenu! Mercy Me!

Funny I didn't see Scientologists burning down building in Germany when their religion was banned there. I wonder what Xians or Jews or Muslims would do if Germany banned their religions?
"I wonder what Xians or Jews or Muslims would do if Germany banned their religions?"

Same thing the Chinese and Russians did. Wait it out.
Thats possible too. Depends on their options. In Russia and China, the atheists were running amuck, so the options were limited.

The French ban on hijab only ensured that those who wore it were dismissed from school [along with some Sikh boys, who were collateral damages]. Those who wanted to wear it will go to religious schools.
You know, for some people in the USA Bush was the second coming of Jesus. He was a messenger of God (probably still is for some people). I'm surprised SAM wasn't out there rallying against all the effigies of Bush being burned. I mean Golly Gosh, Bush is a Prophet and them Muslims is mocking him and even burning him pictures! Gee Wiz! Lets run a muck and kill things and stuff.

So SAM, fo you think it's OK for Muslims (or anyone else) to burn effigies of the Prophet Bush?

Just curious,
I don't know about you - I'd say it's OK to burn effigies of Dawkins, Bush, Mohammad, Buddha, whoever.... mockery never killed anyone.
You know, for some people in the USA Bush was the second coming of Jesus. He was a messenger of God (probably still is for some people). I'm surprised SAM wasn't out there rallying against all the effigies of Bush being burned. I mean Golly Gosh, Bush is a Prophet and them Muslims is mocking him and even burning him pictures! Gee Wiz! Lets run a muck and kill things and stuff.

So SAM, fo you think it's OK for Muslims (or anyone else) to burn effigies of the Prophet Bush?

Just curious,

I think all the followers of Bush will receive their blessings from him.

Most Muslims revere the Prophet as the man who brought the message. Some of them more than they revere their own parents. Like people revere the Buddha for instance. If I have Buddhist friends I do not believe making jokes about the Buddha would bring anything meaningful to our relationship. All these concepts are alien to the western mind. They revere nothing and rarely value even themselves, let alone the people in their lives.
Now, on the other side, Arsalan mentioned that Universalism is the central message in Islam. I was wondering why such a Universal Religion legally divides people in those of the book and those not of the book? If polytheists are founded on true Prophets then why attack the polytheists of Arabia?
I don't know about you - I'd say it's OK to burn effigies of Dawkins, Bush, Mohammad, Buddha, whoever.... mockery never killed anyone.

Mockery never built anything either. Not one temple, church, mosque, pyramid, statue. Nothing. I've tried it on this forum. How does mockery work on you?
I think all the followers of Bush will receive their blessings from him.

Most Muslims revere the Prophet as the man who brought the message. Some of them more than they revere their own parents. Like people revere the Buddha for instance. If I have Buddhist friends I do not believe making jokes about the Buddha would bring anything meaningful to our relationship. All these concepts are alien to the western mind. They revere nothing and rarely value even themselves, let alone the people in their lives.
Please SAM, I can promise you that if enough members of CoS were migrating to the middle east and if they were even allowed to build their temples and pratice their religion you'd see a hell of a lot more than mockery.

What happened to the tea pot religion in Malaysia? What happened to the Muslims in Indonesia that were killing the other Indonesian Muslims a few months back? Why do some Muslims think it's OK to tax people based on their belief.

Mockery as a means of voicing one's disdain for another people nutty belief is by far more civilized SAM. So, yes, here in the civilized West we think mockery is perfectly acceptable. I think the next time the Shia celebrate by cutting themselves we should make videos mocking them using lether, lace and cherry jelly - could be funny? No?
Ah yes, the "civilised west". Just take a gander at the last 100, 200, 600, 1000? years of it. :rolleyes:

Or read todays news.
SAM said:
What Muslims perceive as mockery? I think showing the prophet with a bomb turban is mockery, not perceived as.

Are you claiming it is not mockery?
I am allowing for the possibility that not all Muslim perceptions of "mockery" are necessarily completely accurate, where their Prophet is concerned.

As well as the possibility that not all "mockery" is created equal: Galileo and Copernicus offer contrasting styles, if - again - such examples are relevant. Which was the question, still hanging.

Rather than sort real from perceived intent, and so forth, simply take the perception as existent and influential and go from there. That's called respect, sometimes, btw. In the Western mind.
Whose perception? The newspaper that refuses a cartoon mocking Jesus and commands those mocking Muhammed?

Who insist Muslims follow their rules in their countries and are occupying Muslim countries, to bring "democracy" to them?

Hypocrites do not deserve respect.
I think mockery has built many things. Mockery allows people to question their beliefs. The early English settlers mainly gave a lot of reverence to the King of England. This was because many were taught he was a man appointed by God and rulers should be respected by virtue of their statue which was granted to them by right of birth.

But, some English mocked the King. And soon more and more people realized that he was just a man and they could rule themselves. That mockery, that ability to question the order of things, built a great nation.