Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

SAM said:
Where I come from, most people are not really polytheists even though they are so designated. So I wonder how much of history is interpretation. Also most so called polytheists do not accept people have other gods, most of them believe that they are all addressing different aspects of the same entity, or that they are just addressing the same entity in different ways.
And where I come from, most monotheists pray to and espouse belief in several different deity-like entities - such as the Virgin Mary, the Son of God, various Saints, et al - and an apparent majority of serious "mono"theists believe in a devil or Satan of some kind, obviously a deity-level entity different from their worshipped one(s).

So yes, matters of interpretation seem to be important in this area.
Please read Hadith and Quran for this information. Unfortunately, it is quite easy to be misled by deceivers who which to portray Islam in negative light even by lieing. They will make themselves known by their ridiculous statements (some of these people are even on this forum). If you genuinely want to learn, I can help you. Please PM me for more information.

PM if you "genuinely" want to have Islam portrayed in a positive light? Propaganda?
That's it?
Huh, for most people that's a given.

In theory, probably, but its not a given anywhere. The idea of not being responsible for other people's beliefs/actions is something that does not come naturally to most people.
That's it?
Huh, for most people that's a given.

Bear in mind that what you read was one person's interpretation of Islam's central message. Obviously, opinions about what this message actually is will differ amongst Muslims.
Bear in mind that what you read was one person's interpretation of Islam's central message. Obviously, opinions about what this message actually is will differ amongst Muslims.

You think there is a central message of Islam that is different from Tawheed?
Personally, no. It all starts with recognizing the oneness of Allah; everything else comes afterward.

And what does it mean when you say you recognise teh oneness of God? What is the translation of Tawheed from the Arabic?
And what does it mean when you say you recognise teh oneness of God? What is the translation of Tawheed from the Arabic?

Hell no, I'm not playing this game again. I have too much self-respect to waste my time arguing semantics with you. If you want a serious discussion, let me know; otherwise, refrain from quoting what I say with your opinions. I'm in too good of a mood to waste it on the likes of you.
Hell no, I'm not playing this game again. I have too much self-respect to waste my time arguing semantics with you. If you want a serious discussion, let me know; otherwise, refrain from quoting what I say with your opinions. I'm in too good of a mood to waste it on the likes of you.

Thats what I thought. You haven't the slightest notion what it means. :bugeye:
Thats what I thought. You haven't the slightest notion what it means. :bugeye:

I don't need to speak Arabic to know what it means. In Turkish we call it tevhid, and it has the exact same definition. Whatever, I'm probably better off arguing with Michael than with you. It takes an exceptionally stupid Muslim (like yourself) to believe there is any message in Islam greater than the oneness of God. How do you recognize the oneness of God? Haha, what a question. I always tell myself that you can gauge the intelligence of somebody by examining the questions they ask. Guess what I've concluded about you?
I don't need to speak Arabic to know what it means. In Turkish we call it tevhid, and it has the exact same definition.

So its an easy question, isn't it? What is the definition? What does Tawheed mean?

How do you recognize the oneness of God?

Theories are only so much dust unless they are applied. So how do you apply this?

How do you acknowledge the submission to Tawheed? What does it mean to you, personally, that you recognise and accept this concept?
So its an easy question, isn't it? What is the definition? What does Tawheed mean?

It's the act of believing in the oneness of Allah. If you don't know this already, then further discussion is futile. Of course, what else would I expect from somebody who admitted to just recently finding an interest in Islam? Tsk.

Theories are only so much dust unless they are applied. So how do you apply this?

How do you acknowledge the submission to Tawheed? What does it mean to you, personally, that you recognise and accept this concept?

Nice try, but I'm not answering any questions which involve what I "personally" think. Too much trouble to go through for somebody as insignificant as yourself.
I would have to agree with kadark on this one. Monotheism is the central tenant of Islam.

Though Sam, you are correct, one inevitable outcome of Tawheed (being aware of the one true God, Allah taala) is that one will learn to respect his fellow human beings and all God's creation.
I would have to agree with kadark on this one. Monotheism is the central tenant of Islam.

Though Sam, you are correct, one inevitable outcome of Tawheed (being aware of the one true God, Allah taala) is that one will learn to respect his fellow human beings and all God's creation.

The meaning of Tawheed is "to make as one" . Its an elegant concept which has its basis in the fundamental belief that God or goodness is the basis of all creation, there is no good vs evil, no chaos or randomness, there is refinement and order and justice as a part of the natural order of the universe; hence the admonishment of the Quran to beware of manifestations or divisions .

The Islamic concept of Tawheed is a recognition that evil or bad is not from the universe or from God or from a devil or any entity, there is no such concept. Everyone is born with Fitrah, or the desire to be a part of this order, the wrongdoings you see are because of straying from Tawheed or the Truth.

Hence, my question to Kadark, and also to you: what is the real life application to you of the concept of Tawheed? What does it mean to you? What do you mean when you say you believe in Tawheed?
Unrealistic, impractical, and overflowing with personal opinions and observations. No "good vs evil, chaos or randomness ..."? What a joke. Here I was thinking you had something useful to say. Alright, I wasn't thinking that at all, to be honest ... but you get my point.

Oh, and nobody wants to spew their personal views of Tawheed to you, mainly because you take it as a joke. You're never genuinely interested in the opinions of others when it comes to Islamic concepts who have no grasp of; you merely use it to entrap your unsuspecting victims in a web of your lies, misrepresentations, exaggerations, and opinions. Post #789 confirms this. You seriously need an attitude change, you lonely mut.
Unrealistic, impractical, and overflowing with personal opinions and observations. No "good vs evil, chaos or randomness ..."? What a joke. Here I was thinking you had something useful to say. Alright, I wasn't thinking that at all, to be honest ... but you get my point.

Oh, and nobody wants to spew their personal views of Tawheed to you, mainly because you take it as a joke. You're never genuinely interested in the opinions of others when it comes to Islamic concepts who have no grasp of; you merely use it to entrap your unsuspecting victims in a web of your lies, misrepresentations, exaggerations, and opinions. Post #789 confirms this. You seriously need an attitude change, you lonely mut.

Clearly, one cannot argue against an invisible opinion. My own opinion is that Tawheed tells us all men have opinions and no one can know which is the truth, so you are not responsible for the opinion of all men, only of your own.
hah muslims can't even get to an agreement among themselves about the very fundaments of the religion
Clearly, one cannot argue against an invisible opinion.

Clearly, one cannot argue against an incessant dumbass such as yourself. It becomes extremely aggravating when you're asked for your opinions in what seems to be genuine curiosity, only to find out yet again that it's a sleazy ploy to poke fun at your interpretations. Enjoy your anonymity, coward.