Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon


As a small and - naturally incredibly picky note - the one instance is what other "believers" are supposed to do to non-believers, and the other is what God himself is going to do; i.e. not something you need to get on with yourself. The dung-smearing and seed corrupting does seem pretty nasty, though.
As a small and - naturally incredibly picky note - the one instance is what other "believers" are supposed to do to non-believers, and the other is what God himself is going to do; i.e. not something you need to get on with yourself. The dung-smearing and seed corrupting does seem pretty nasty, though.

Wrong :rolleyes: Big surprise there....

Anyway, this has been dealt with here Just search for that verse.

PS: Isnt it funny how Atheists that attack Islam always defend Christianity... Hehe...
I defend Xianity?!?!?:bugeye:


Oh please, yes... :rolleyes:

The vast majority of atheists ive seen hating Islam always seem to defend Christianity and make it seem somehow morally or spiritually superior. Strange that. Not jsut you, others as well.
arsalan said:
PS: Isnt it funny how Atheists that attack Islam always defend Christianity... Hehe...
Well, that's a new one.

I suppose it falls into the ubiquitous category of "fundies feeling especially picked on as believers in xyz religion", but I hadn't heard it before.
Well, that's a new one.

I suppose it falls into the ubiquitous category of "fundies feeling especially picked on as believers in xyz religion", but I hadn't heard it before.


I know its hard for you to see that what I said is true, but please, try to take off those shades of hate and look at things objectively.
If you can even FIND a post I have made where I defend Xianity please point it out to me. I'm sure it was a typo.
If you can even FIND a post I have made where I defend Xianity please point it out to me. I'm sure it was a typo.

Didnt we used to have debates where you couldnt stop going on and on about the spirituality of the Christian teaching and how Islam sucked cos it didnt have it? Conveniently forgetting that the vast majority of Muslim writing is in Arabic which you probably have never even read. And Id also suggest you read geoffs post on this page and hopefully you can see how he he subtly attacks Islam yet in a way defends Christians from that same attack. And so there are various other examples. The biggest is prolly the wannabe running FFI. Claiming to be an ex-Muslim, now Atheist and constantly attacking Islam while praising Christianity at every step :rolleyes:

Double standards, subtle support, whatever you want to call it. Its a form of defense for a particular belief while attacking another belief on the same grounds.
arsalan said:
I know its hard for you to see that what I said is true, but please, try to take off those shades of hate and look at things objectively.
What you said was, objectively, a product of serious delusion - including the baseless supposition of "hate", a motive so commonly ascribed to objectors by fundies one begins to suspect a mistaken empathy is at the root.

Come to think of it, I have run into something similar: Christian fundies claiming atheists are attacking Christianity while defending Islam. It was just surprising to see it put the other way, and from someone outside my own culture and not betrayed in any way.

No, I always say Xtianity and Islam are as two peas in a pod. Virtually identical except the Xian religion has the doctrine of 'forgiveness' which is a huge psychological factor and easily evident in it's theology. IMO Islam goes for more of a blunt approach - regulated behavior, sometimes name change and tries to 'intellectualize' absurdity. All these techniques are used in 'cults'.

Lets face it, if you went to a Scientology 'revival' and saw new members fainting as the Ki of Xenu entered their body and saw them change their name to 'Binky alpha 9' afterwards and then spent years in serious study of the writings of The Last Prophet Hubbard kept in the Perfect Book of 'Qur'anic-Entanglement' while praying 25 times a day towards the alpha quadrant and no longer eating the same foods - yeah, you'd see a mirror of Xianity and Islam.

It's just kind of hard to see it while your name is still 'Binky alpha 9' :p

Wrong :rolleyes: Big surprise there....

No, it's dead on. "Cut off their fingertips" is an order. It doesn't mean "I will do this for you". I think you should reread the sources again; I don't think you're totally familiar with them.

PS: Isnt it funny how Atheists that attack Islam always defend Christianity... Hehe...

Well the Christians are quite a bit less likely to kill them these days. :D

Best regards,

What you said was, objectively, a product of serious delusion - including the baseless supposition of "hate", a motive so commonly ascribed to objectors by fundies one begins to suspect a mistaken empathy is at the root.
Ah yes, you have now made 2 assumptions about me in 2 posts! That must be some kind of record! Gz! Here, have a cookie!

Before we move on though, can you tell me your objective reasoning behind your conclusion that I am seriously deluded? Surely, you must have taken some factors into account and at least investigated whether my accusation could have any inkling of truth in it? I sincerely hope you have but unfortunately I don’t think so. Because if you had you would have seen the obvious evidence before you.

Let’s start with Geoffs post up top. From that ridiculous cartoon he notes that the Quranic verse commands Muslims to kill non-believers. From the Biblical verse he notes that it says that God will do it and therefore Christians are peaceful. That is the only thing he notes. If he had any ounce of objectivity he would have asked why the creator of that cartoon did not take a Biblical verse that talks about fighting? It’s not like there aren’t any. But no, Geoff doesn’t see that, all he wants to point out is that the Quranic verse commands killing all non-believers.

Let’s move on. One of the popular quotes on FFI is that “When Christians don’t follow the Bible, they do evil things. When Muslims follow the Quran, they do evil things.” Now that’s objective reasoning! Surely you did not miss that?

And then there’s Mr. Wilders, who wants to block or ban anything related to Islam yet happily proclaims that Dutch law should be a Leitkultur of Christian and Jewish teachings. Oh yes, very objective! I bet you didn’t miss that!

You described me as a fundie. Because my definition of a fundamentalist differs from yours, I am flattered. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that you have done no objective reasoning whatsoever. Instead, you’ve just proven me right, again. Instead of going out and checking whether I may be right in some way, you’ve just resorted to putting on your shades of hate which label me as a moronic, ranting fundie and blurted out the usual we can expect from you.

Thumbs up!

Come to think of it, I have run into something similar: Christian fundies claiming atheists are attacking Christianity while defending Islam. It was just surprising to see it put the other way, and from someone outside my own culture and not betrayed in any way.
Cool! Could you give me a link? That would be nice. Thanks in advance.
No, I always say Xtianity and Islam are as two peas in a pod. Virtually identical except the Xian religion has the doctrine of 'forgiveness' which is a huge psychological factor and easily evident in it's theology.
And of course there isn’t anything in Islamic teaching that provides a gateway to higher understanding of the world around us... Strange how you have picked up the doctrine of forgiveness for Christianity, but dismissed it in any other religion, including Islam.

Strange that you have still not acknowledged that the concept of Universality as presented by Islamic teaching is so beautiful and satisfying, that it is one of the best ways to reconcile people from different religions. That it brings the message of hope, peace and harmony between mankind.

Strange that you have not acknowledged other teachings of Islam, empiricism for example, which have a profound effect on our lives nowadays and are responsible for among others the modern scientific method, experimental science and experimental physics, all of which were introduced by that old friend of ours, Ibn Haytham, who, as you know, of course, attributed it to Islamic teaching, i.e. The Quran.

But no, of course you won’t acknowledge any of those positives coming from Islamic teaching. Nope.

Now the question you need to ask yourself is: “Why? Why won’t I accept the positives coming from Islamic teaching?”

Understand now?
IMO Islam goes for more of a blunt approach - regulated behavior, sometimes name change and tries to 'intellectualize' absurdity. All these techniques are used in 'cults'.
Can you tell me exactly where regulated behaviour is forced on to people? Or name change? Or where does Islam try to intellectualize absurdity? I would like proof please.
Lets face it, if you went to a Scientology 'revival' and saw new members fainting as the Ki of Xenu entered their body and saw them change their name to 'Binky alpha 9' afterwards and then spent years in serious study of the writings of The Last Prophet Hubbard kept in the Perfect Book of 'Qur'anic-Entanglement' while praying 25 times a day towards the alpha quadrant and no longer eating the same foods - yeah, you'd see a mirror of Xianity and Islam.

It's just kind of hard to see it while your name is still 'Binky alpha 9' :p
Ah yes, your pathetic old argument that Islam is just a copy of Christianity. Once again, you prove that you have not picked up any of what I have said previously on this subject and you resort to your age old, tired and frankly invalid argument. You conveniently dismiss Islam’s claim of NOT being a new religion and not a revival either.

Also conveniently dismissing that the Prophet was seen as a righteous and truthful man all of his life by everyone. That only changed when he told them off Islam. Now why would a man who cannot read and write, who has not told a single lie all of his life, who is called in to be the judge in almost all matters, suddenly start lying, copy a religion which was already known to the residents of that city and country and oppose the established might of Arabia? And succeed may I add.

Now why would a man, who his future enemies, the Meccans, testified that he always told the truth, suddenly do this?

The holes in your “plagiarism” theory are incredible and yet you still hang on to it. Now why would you hang onto a negative theory for Islam and a positive one for Christianity?

That, my friend, is the million dollar question.
No, it's dead on. "Cut off their fingertips" is an order. It doesn't mean "I will do this for you". I think you should reread the sources again; I don't think you're totally familiar with them.
I am quite familiar with that verse. It is usually touted by anti-Islamists as one of the verses that command me to kill anyone who isn’t a Muslim. And yet, having the knowledge I do about the source, I disagree. But the question is do you have the knowledge? Do you know what the verse is about? Do you know the context? I think we can safely assume you do not. Hence that makes your “incredibly picky note” total bullshit. Let me enlighten you on these verses.

The verses in question are:

When you implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you, saying, ‘I will assist you with a thousand of the angels, following one another.’

And Allah made it only as glad tidings, and that your hearts might thereby be set at rest. But help comes from Allah alone; surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise.

When He caused sleep to come upon you as a sign of security from Him, and He sent down water upon you from the clouds, that thereby He might purify you, and remove from you the filth of Satan, and that he might strengthen your hearts and make your steps firm therewith.

When thy Lord revealed to the Angels, saying, ‘I am with you; so give firmness to those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Smite, then, the upper parts of their necks, and smite of all finger-tips.’

That is because they have opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoso opposes Allah and His Messenger, then Allah is surely severe in retribution.

That is your punishment, taste it then; and know that for disbelievers there is the punishment of Fire.’

O ye who believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, advancing in force, turn not your backs to them.

And whoso turns his back to them on such a day, unless manoeuvring for battle or turning to join another company, he indeed draws upon himself the wrath of Allah, and Hell shall be his abode. And an evil resort it is.

So you killed them not, but it was Allah who killed them. And thou threwest not when thou didst throw, but it was Allah Who threw, that he might overthrow the disbelievers and that He might confer on the believers a great favour from Himself. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

That is what happened; and know that Allah is He Who weakens the designs of the disbelievers.

If you sought a judgement, then judgement has indeed come to you. And if you desist, it will be better for you; but if you return to hostility, We too will return. And your party shall be of no avail at all to you, however numerous it be, and know that Allah is with the believers. (8:10-20)
Am I right that you never even read these verses? Of course you didn’t. And this is the main reason that Imams are needed. These verses are all about context. And what is the context of these verses I hear you ask? The Battle of Badr. Yes, that point in Islamic history when the Meccans were coming to completely wipe out Islam, that means slaughter every single Muslim, be they man, woman or child. That is the context of these verses and therefore these verses are about a time when Muslims have to defend themselves physically from an enemy that wants to kill them, i.e. wartime.

So once again, we have verses which are meant for a time of war and not everyday life which have been completely ripped out of context (as if Muslims just read 1 verse at a time) in the hope that this twisting of the verses may give rise to anti-Islamic sentiment. But anyone who has an ounce of objectivity in them will read the preceding and succeeding verses and come to the conclusion that your conclusion is total bullshit. And they won’t miss out on that small little verse 8:20 which says that when hostilities are over there is to be no fighting. Oh, I guess you missed that one as well eh.... What a surprise... :rolleyes:

One thing though, can you tell me what the international law or any law says regarding self-defence in a time of war. Just curious like...
arsalan said:
Let’s start with Geoffs post up top.
Since we were talking about atheists, and you haven't determined whether geoff is one, let's not.
arsalan said:
Surely, you must have taken some factors into account and at least investigated whether my accusation could have any inkling of truth in it?
Your accusations included assumptions about "hate" and lack of alert evaluation that you cannot have legitimately derived from the discussions here, and that I know to be false in at least a couple of instances of my own personal experience. For starters.
arsalan said:
Let’s move on. One of the popular quotes on FFI is that “When Christians don’t follow the Bible, they do evil things. When Muslims follow the Quran, they do evil things.” Now that’s objective reasoning! Surely you did not miss that?
We were talking about atheists, and you were talking about all of them. So bringing in statements by Christians defending their faith, and maybe an individual atheist or two out of context, is irrelevance.

Confusing observation with reasoning is also suspect - and you don't seem to have considered, btw, whether - objectively - the assertion you scorn has any truth to it. In its most common original form, I mean - the inverse of your version there.

Changing the order of implication around for easier scorning is a common debating tactic of fundies on this forum, I have noticed.
arsalan said:
You described me as a fundie. Because my definition of a fundamentalist differs from yours, I am flattered. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that you have done no objective reasoning whatsoever
I have subjectively described your posts, your forum identity, according to my observations here on this forum. They are typical of the kind of literal and dogmatic religious responses and assertions that I call "fundie" in all other contexts. There is no such thing as an "objective" designation like that, and I make no claim to objectivity - merely accuracy, carefully considered judgment.

If you are flattered, so much the better. That increases my confidence in the accuracy of the subjective judgment.

You ascribe hatred - a serious character flaw - to people you apparently do not understand and cannot even identify reliably, overlook such suggestive circumstances as Christian fundies making the mirror claim about atheists cutting Islam slack, interpret attacks on Islam as defense of Christianity and vice versa, ignore any reality behind disparaging comparisons of Islam with other religions, no religion, or standard morality and ethics, and so forth.
Last edited:
Your accusations included assumptions about "hate" and lack of alert evaluation that you cannot have legitimately derived from the discussions here, and that I know to be false in at least a couple of instances of my own personal experience. For starters.

I have been on this board long enough to be able to make a character profile of people. Hate as used by me is more than just anger. Hate clouds ones judgement as to the positives of another point of view. That kind of hate.

We were talking about atheists, and you were talking about all of them. So bringing in statements by Christians defending their faith, and maybe an individual atheist or two out of context, is irrelevance.

Ah but you see, those arent Christians defending their faith. Those are atheists denouncing Islam, according to that site ;)

I have subjectively described your posts, your forum identity, according to my observations here on this forum. They are typical of the kind of literal and dogmatic religious responses and assertions that I call "fundie" in all other contexts. There is no such thing as an "objective" designation like that, and I make no claim to objectivity - merely accuracy, carefully considered judgment.

Ah merely carefully considered judgement, eh? So instead of actually going out there and seeing whether I may be right, you have concluded by looking at all over 500 posts of mine and carefully come up with a considered judgement? I find that extremely hard to believe :rolleyes:

If you are flattered, so much the better. That increases my confidence in the accuracy of the subjective judgment.

Conveniently miss out the part where I say that my definition differs from yours. Wouldnt expect anything else either.

You ascribe hatred - a serious character flaw - to people you apparently do not understand and cannot even identify reliably, overlook such suggestive circumstances as Christian fundies making the mirror claim about atheists cutting Islam slack, interpret attacks on Islam as defense of Christianity and vice versa, ignore any reality behind disparaging comparisons of Islam with other religions, no religion, or standard morality and ethics, and so forth.

I have already said what kind of hate, there is more than just anger you know. Its not necessarily a character flaw, merely a way of thinking which prevents one from embracing or at least acknowledging the positives of the other. It can be helped.

I have not overlooked any circumstance of Christians saying Atheists are cutting Islam some slack. I have asked you to back up your claims. Nothing more.

I dont interpret attacks on Islam as defense of Christianity. But when someone blatantly denies the evidence before his eyes about the positives of one religion and yet continually fails to acknowledge those but keeps on hammering about a positive of another religion and by doing so concludes that one at least has some benefit while the other doesnt, then I interpret that as a form of defense for that other religion while simultaneously a form of attack on this religion on the same grounds.

As they say in Dutch "Tis goed met jou". And once again, you have failed to acknowledge from the info I provided that Atheists that oppose Islam defend Christianity in some way. Ofcourse, this doesnt go for all Atheists, just the keyboard warriors :shrug:
Strange that you have not acknowledged other teachings of Islam, empiricism for example, which have a profound effect on our lives nowadays and are responsible for among others the modern scientific method, experimental science and experimental physics, all of which were introduced by that old friend of ours, Ibn Haytham, who, as you know, of course, attributed it to Islamic teaching, i.e. The Quran.
Alhacen was a great thinker. I'm not sure whether, due to a mental block, he actually couldn't apply his love of critical thinking to the 'holy texts'; or whether he did, but had to do so covertly to avoid persecution. Maybe the people of the time couldn't see the subtext in this quote:

From the statements made by the noble Shaykh, it is clear that he believes in Ptolemy's words in everything he says, without relying on a demonstration or calling on a proof, but by pure imitation (taqlid); that is how experts in the prophetic tradition have faith in Prophets, may the blessing of God be upon them. But it is not the way that mathematicians have faith in specialists in the demonstrative sciences.

which effectively says that religion is bad science :D
arsalan said:
I have been on this board long enough to be able to make a character profile of people. Hate as used by me is more than just anger. Hate clouds ones judgement as to the positives of another point of view. That kind of hate.
Your assignment of hatred to me is in error, and belies your claim of ability at character profiling. Your habit of reacting to other people's posts critical of Islam or its manifestations, even quite reasonable ones, by assigning them hatred, cannot be well-informed, and I am free to speculate about its basis.
arsalan said:
Ah but you see, those arent Christians defending their faith. Those are atheists denouncing Islam, according to that site
You were talking about the atheist posters on this forum "always" defending Christianity, and responding specifically to a post of Geoff's, whom you have repeatedly now used as a generalizable example of an atheist illegitimately defending Christianity and attacking Islam.
arsalan said:
Ah merely carefully considered judgement, eh? So instead of actually going out there and seeing whether I may be right, you have concluded by looking at all over 500 posts of mine and carefully come up with a considered judgement? I find that extremely hard to believe
Not all of them - just a couple hundred or so.
arsalan said:
Conveniently miss out the part where I say that my definition differs from yours.
I see no evidence that it does, in its essentials. You take pride in it, I wouldn't, is all.
arsalan said:
I have asked you to back up your claims. Nothing more.
What claims, aside from the ones backed up in the past couple of posts ?
arsalan said:
And once again, you have failed to acknowledge from the info I provided that Atheists that oppose Islam defend Christianity in some way.
I have indeed, having seen none of that info as yet, and generally taking the assertion as unfounded at best.

If you will refer back to the post at issue, you were responding to a post of Geoff's by claiming that "atheists always" etc etc - -motivated by "hate". There is no evidence of that, and it seems especially strange in response to Geoff's posts.

I observed that such a stance seems based on common fundie delusions, about atheists in general and the ones on this forum in particular. I speculated about the origin of them, especially the likelihood of a mistaken empathy.
Let’s start with Geoffs post up top. From that ridiculous cartoon he notes that the Quranic verse commands Muslims to kill non-believers. From the Biblical verse he notes that it says that God will do it and therefore Christians are peaceful. That is the only thing he notes. If he had any ounce of objectivity he would have asked why the creator of that cartoon did not take a Biblical verse that talks about fighting? It’s not like there aren’t any. But no, Geoff doesn’t see that, all he wants to point out is that the Quranic verse commands killing all non-believers.


I am quite familiar with that verse. It is usually touted by anti-Islamists as one of the verses that command me to kill anyone who isn’t a Muslim. And yet, having the knowledge I do about the source, I disagree. But the question is do you have the knowledge? Do you know what the verse is about? Do you know the context? I think we can safely assume you do not. Hence that makes your “incredibly picky note” total bullshit. Let me enlighten you on these verses.

You seem to have missed the point, as usual. It isn't about whether a time of war (which other commentators have assured me only refers to a specific time when a war was actually happening, rather than a general commandment for all time - then curiously reverse that position in other circumstances), but whether God is saying He'll do the job for you or whether you as a believer should do it yourself. In that respect, you missed the last half of the quote:

O ye who believe! [This means all muslims, not God or the angels invoked earlier.] When you meet those who disbelieve, advancing in force, turn not your backs to them.

And whoso turns his back to them on such a day, unless manoeuvring for battle or turning to join another company, he indeed draws upon himself the wrath of Allah, and Hell shall be his abode. And an evil resort it is.

So you killed them not, but it was Allah who killed them. And thou threwest not when thou didst throw, but it was Allah Who threw, that he might overthrow the disbelievers and that He might confer on the believers a great favour from Himself. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

That is what happened; and know that Allah is He Who weakens the designs of the disbelievers.

If you sought a judgement, then judgement has indeed come to you. And if you desist, it will be better for you; but if you return to hostility, We too will return. And your party shall be of no avail at all to you, however numerous it be, and know that Allah is with the believers. (8:10-20)

In other words, the believers (muslims, not angels or any immaterial beings) are being commanded to do this, with the explanation that nothing they do is their own will or fault. "You killed them not, but Allah killed them."

Am I right that you never even read these verses?

No. You would be wrong. :D

Best regards,
