Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

The Arabs added that around the eighth or ninth century.
Fraggle, I'm more than happy to agree there were some good Arab mathematicians. I am never going to agree that their being good at math has anything at all to do with their superstitious beleif because I know lot of mathematicians and they are born mathematicians. They think numerically. Totally different than the way more people think and it has nothing to do with their religion/superstition.

Also, as to Zero, this is a common theme with Muslims. Always wanting to just make up History to fit this notion of a magical time when the Islamic world was a sugar cone with a cherry on top. It was not and I refuse to entertain it. There is a reason why ZERO comes up in Islamic debate over and over and over usually along with this frivolous claim of Islam is directly responsible for the European Enlightenment. As if there were no Greece and never a Rome. It's silly. It's like saying Greece and Rome are the result of Islam - for, you see, they simply could not have existed without Islam.


Also, I always say that the European Slave trade and Age of Discovery/colonization was morally wrong. Never do I hear Muslims suggest any such thing. There were Xian Crusades to be sure - but not Muslim Crusades, those were purely defensive war where Muslims handed out lolly pops.



Take a break from responding to Michael. He loves capturing you in these circular arguments, wherein he asks you questions, ignores your answers, rants, and then asks you the same questions again (as if to torment you). He's a nice guy, but at times is aggravatingly unimaginative and repetitive. Actually, I'd say it's a good idea for anyone who values their time and sanity to avoid Michael in the religion forum at all costs.
I told myself that a long time ago. :p

I was just pissed because of the way he was treating tresbien, who is being really subjected to way too much shit as a new member.
I told myself that a long time ago. :p

I was just pissed because of the way he was treating tresbien, who is being really subjected to way too much shit as a new member.

Yeah, that tends to happen to new members who profess their faith with too much confidence and assurance.

Oh, and nice user title, by the way. Real catchy.
Yeah, that tends to happen to new members who profess their faith with too much confidence and assurance.

Oh, and nice user title, by the way. Real catchy.

Cut and paste is hardly assurance.

If you got it, flaunt it. :D

/wish I could draw. what would a raghead mud hutter look like?
I suppose so, mainly because nobody (other than myself, in all likelihood) takes the time to read most of the things he borrows.

I read it too, if only to ensure he's not posting anything wrong. :p

I'll try to draw one later on. ;)

I was hoping you'd say that :xctd:
.. wherein he asks you questions, ignores your answers, rants, and then asks you the same questions again (as if to torment you).
come on Kadark, if you're going to bring up the same argument then it's going to be countered with the same reply. Why hesitate - just say, yes Istanbul should be immediately returned to Greece. Done. OR stop suggesting the spoils go not to the victor.

Again, it's the same thing.
Muslims Crusades = fine and dandy, defensive war, sugar and sweets.
Xian Crusades = blood soaked bloody blood.

Muslims want to move to America = fine and dandy screw the people who were there.
Jews want to move to "IsraeL" = OMG this is horrid.

Yeah, basically here's the rule.
Muslims = everything and anything good fully stop.

Thanks for proving my point, sweetie.

Look man, I love you to death, but you do get a little superfluous and off-topic with your posts.
Well that's about the only thing that's consistent around here!

serious procrastination being the other...
Its a liberal blog, you'd be lost there.

I'd assert my traditionalist dominance into the very veins you call liberality. I'd claim my dominion over your lifeless souls after obliterating all of you through impeccable intellect and unparalleled vigor. I'd be a shining beacon of guidance - a fountain of knowledge, if you will. My touching, heartfelt speeches wouldn't allow for a single dry eye.

Tell some of your buddies to join Sciforums. I could use a few more pincushions. You're getting worn out as it is.

I'd assert my traditionalist dominance into the very veins you call liberality. I'd claim my dominion over your lifeless souls after obliterating all of you through impeccable intellect and unparalleled vigor. I'd be a shining beacon of guidance - a fountain of knowledge, if you will. My touching, heartfelt speeches wouldn't allow for a single dry eye.

Tell some of your buddies to join Sciforums. I could use a few more pincushions. You're getting worn out as it is.

Ah go fight someone your own size!

I'd assert my traditionalist dominance into the very veins you call liberality. I'd claim my dominion over your lifeless souls after obliterating all of you through impeccable intellect and unparalleled vigor. I'd be a shining beacon of guidance - a fountain of knowledge, if you will. My touching, heartfelt speeches wouldn't allow for a single dry eye.

Tell some of your buddies to join Sciforums. I could use a few more pincushions. You're getting worn out as it is.


Now that's an LOL!
There is no surprise that i was criticsed or i was mocked by MACHEAL .He is likely or must be EurocentricThe european man is in the center of the world but the other is uncivilised, backward and inferior.
SAM said:
And what if they are clutching Godless at the workbench? Are they doing it for atheism?
Sounds like a reasonable outside possibility. That ever happen ?

I never even heard of the book.

btw: not that it matters, because the godless doing evils are seldom motivated or justified by their godlessness - at least, they don't say they are, and it's hard to imagine the creed or whatever,

but a Catholic seminary-trained atheist at the head of a bunch of evil-doing fundie theistics (Stalin) is a dubious example of the evils of atheism. And Mao's atheistic millions dead compare pretty much even up with theistic's concurrent millions dead in India (the counters blamed capitalism, but that would put the blame on communism with Mao), and Pol Pot's insanity was at least partly created by his experience of theistic atrocity on pretty much the same scale (the US bombing of Cambodia), and we still have the Spanish in the New World, the hundreds of years of Witchburnings in Europe, the Kurds in Armenia, the Muslims and Christians in the slave trade, Indonesia, Hitler and Mussolini, what Pakistan did to Bangladesh, and so forth.

The proposition that theism curbs this kind of stuff seems completely without evidentiary support

And mockery of the Gods involved in these horrors and the like seems pretty mild, as an offense, compared with enforced respect of them.

So is there any penalty for enforced respect for such bizarre delusions and Deities ? I recall an account of one of the Freethinkers, IIRC in a midsize English town, who kept a flock of completely white pigeons - which bothered the neighbors, who had a superstition about white pigeons causing misfortune to their owners. Asked why he created trouble over such a trivial matter, he said something like: somebody has to defy these things, or we will all be enslaved by them. They feed off each other, and ratchet tighter over time.

Fight the trivial battles, or be weakened for the serious ones.

Religions, and especially theistic ones, seem greedy by nature - they are not satisfied with pro forma tolerance, but must have respect - and pretty soon you can't buy a beer on Sunday, tax church property, or crack jokes about sky gods in public. Criminal believers get lighter sentences, objecting believers are deferred from military service and other obligations, endorsement from clergy is required for election to public office or certain jobs such as schoolteacher, and so forth.

The easy level to fight on is the privilege of insult and mockery. Are we not, as free people, royal in our privileges ?