Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

What is the "purpose" in "creating" a child who is kept in a closet their entire life. Fed left overs, never to see the sun, to learn to speak, just to live in their own filth in a closet and then die at the age of 10.

What is the "purpose" in "creating" a child without legs, arms, or a functioning brain?


There is none. Humans have no purpose. Someday the universe will swallow us up too, with the same cold indifference it showed the dinosaurs.
But you wouldn't know about the concept of Allah if not for Islam. Why consider Islam to have any authority whatsoever on the subject of life? I ask why you believe the Koran, and you quote the Koran.
Come on, the Qu'ran is the recorded words of someone who said things. So is most of the Bible, So is the Mahabharata, and the teachings of Buddha.
All of them have been revered as "sacred", "divine", and so on.

But recall that the Buddha also said not to listen to what he said, not to worship him, or his teachings, but to worship the Truth.
Is the Truth words in a book? Or words that someone speaks? What happens to the Truth when the books are lost or destroyed or turn to dust?
Come on, the Qu'ran is the recorded words of someone who said things. So is most of the Bible, So is the Mahabharata, and the teachings of Buddha...

That's why they're all nothing but hearsay. They wouldn't be allowed as evidence in a court of law. They're useless as evidence of anything.
Come on, the Qu'ran is the recorded words of someone who said things. So is most of the Bible, So is the Mahabharata, and the teachings of Buddha.
All of them have been revered as "sacred", "divine", and so on.

Just because they have been revered as sacred or divine doesn't make them so. Just because someone believes there is a chair in orbit around Neptune doesn't make that so either. All of the supposed religious books are nothing but writings of men. Not one God has penned a word in any of them. They are books of hearsay about alleged events outside the body of nature and physics as we know them. They are not credible as evidence in support of anything.
(1) Intimate:
It dares YOU to disprove it. How? It says that humans can not write a book like this even if they pooled all their resources together and got help also from the spirits. The Quran said this fourteen hundreds years ago and yet no one has been able to disprove it. Billions of books have been written - but not another one like the Quran.

just like you can't polish a turd, you can't disprove bollocks

(2) Incorruptible:
It is the only religious sacred writing which has been in circulation for such a long time and yet remains as pure as it was in the beginning. The Quran was kept intact. Nothing was added to it; nothing was changed in it; and nothing was taken away from it ever since it was completely revealed 1400 years ago.

in short, you're stuck in the past, and forever doomed to be so

(3) Unsurpassable:
The Quran is God’s final revelation to humankind. God revealed the Torah to Moses, the Psalms to David, the Gospel to Jesus, and finally the Quran to Muhammad. Peace be upon all of them. No other book will come from God to surpass his final revelation.

god does not exist - so where do the books come from ? mere humans - foolish, superstitious humans

(4) Indisputable:
The Quran withstands the test of time and scrutiny. No one can dispute the truth of this book. It speaks about past history and turns out right. It speaks about the future in prophecies and it turns out right. It mentions details of physical phenomena which were not known to people at the time; yet later scientific discoveries confirm that the Quran was right all along. Every other book needs to be revised to accord with modern knowledge. The Quran alone is never contradicted by a modern discovery.

in that case, i am disputing the indisputable
beside, i've lost track of the number of threads where someone claims the prediction of modern scientific knowledge - it always boils down to re-interpreting words and 20/20 hindsight vision

(5) Your Roadmap for Life and Afterlife:
The Quran is the best guidebook on how to structure your life. No other book presents such a comprehensive system involving all aspects of human life and endeavor. The Quran also points out the way to secure everlasting happiness in the afterlife. It is your roadmap showing how to get to paradise.

there is no afterlife - at least that's good enough reason for me to make sure that there's a good quality life BEFORE death

(6) God’s Gift of Guidance:
God has not left you alone. You were made for a reason. God tells you why he made you, what he demands from you, and what he has in store for you. If you operate a machine contrary to it’s manufacture specification you will ruin that machine. What about you? Do you have an owner’s manual for you? The Quran is from your function for success lest you fail to function. It is a healing mercy from God. It satisfies the soul, and cleans the heart. It removes doubts and brings peace.

you're obviously one of those people who needs an instruction manual for everything from a coffee maker to a toothbrush
i'd rather use my initiative if that's ok with you

(7) Your Calling Card to Communicate with God:
Humans are social creatures. We love to communicate with other intelligent life. The Quran tells us how to communicate with the source of all intelligence and the source of all life- the One God. The Quran tells us who God is, by what name we should address God, and the way in which to communicate with God. Are these not seven sufficient reasons for reading the Quran?

you obviously have never learnt to communicate properly on a forum : it's all incantations and recitations, but very little of what i'd call communication
I have never understood why people would want to mock Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed. What is the aim?

But even then, just mockery is not a problem, it is when the mockery is designed to ridicule the beliefs, to desecrate what someone holds high in esteem that it is hurtful.

Which, then, must be punished with death?

Much as one would not like to have a friend call your mother a slut or your father a pimp.

Yet, this is the kind of oppression heaped on kufr in islamic countries. They can't take it but can dish it out?
In commentary to the debate that's gone on above: there's nothing inherently wrong with faith - or with any particular faith, even islam (which at least has the chance of reform). What is wrong is the needless oppression of other people for reasons of religion. It's like any other societal meme or group of knowledge; it can be used for good or ill.
i wish u would experience the inner happiness i feel or to know God ,the most Merciful, The gracious,The forgiving and the soverign,The most holy , the Peace and Blessing.He is The Expander, the Munificent,The Forbearing, the Indulgent.As believers believe that God is WATCHER and The Guide, Infallible Teacher, and Knower, he strives to please him not only by preserving a good eternal relationship with his creator but to get closer to the Most Generous by benefitting and traeting good his servants wether they are good or evil,
trebien, what would you think of a person who was indeed a nice fellow BUT also felt the exact same feeling you feel only they felt them towards Ron Hubbard, was a Scientologist and worshiped Xenu the intergalactic Emperor?

Believe it or not they feel the same way you do and truly believe Ron was the last Prophet and Ron's words are perfect and have the most meaning.

I'd personally think that such a person, while nice, are brainwashed.


PS: Yes Michael the archangel.
As you come to the Quran, you come to a new world. No other venture in your life can be so momentous and crucial, so blissful and rewarding, as your journey to and through the Quran.
Actually tresbien I was probably misstating when I suggested brainwashed. From this paragraph I am inclined to think there is an anatomical particularity in the crytoarchitecture of your neural net - possible centered around your temporal lobes. It's be interesting to run some MRI scans of your CNS while you observe colors and compare this to how you process melodies. Either of which can elicit such phenomenon in certain individuals. Hence temples made of colored glass populated with choirs and or other musical noteworthies - take the poetic reading of the Qur"an for example. Picasso, before becoming an artist, was entranced with colored glass and would be "filled with the holy ghost" by staring transfixed at the sun shining through it in the local cathedral. Of course he endeavored to become a Priest. Who needs sex when the SWEET JOY OF JESUS can fill you with such ecstasy! He was subsequently restricted from attending the church due to improperness of his "connection" with God.

Listening to the Qur'an being read as a poem can illicit the exact sort of feelings for the same reasons.

So, that's not "real" brainwashed I'd say. That's simply doing what all animals (including me and everyone else) do. It's responding to the environment and explaining it as best we can. Due to our social nature we then try to explain it to others. But, really, it'd be like explaining color to the color blind.

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Islam is a religion. Followers of Islam are told the Qu'ran (words - of the Prophet), is the sole arbiter and authority on all things; that it's the only way and all else is idolatry and sin (like other religions say).
There are elements (mythology, common descent, a liturgy) that can be seen in other religions that also make similar claims:- that they are the sole authority on life, the truth, and so on.

But it appears to be presented in somewhat contradictory ways. One of the big contradictions is that Muslims claim to respect all peoples, and that Islam is peaceful, but it's followers resort to violent oppressive (and racist) attacks and methods?? It says in the "holy book", that adherents (Muslims) are bound (by their faith) to kill non-believers??

A book that's got contradictory ideas (that are supposed to form a socio-spiritual way of life and governance, like the Western paradigm with Christianity), is in trouble from the outset.

That sura that okays the murder of "infidels", or those who fail to surrender to Islam, is a bit of a problem - it directly contradicts Eastern notions (except those enshrined in caste), and especially Buddhist notions. What's the deal with that?
tbh, tresbien's "irrefutable" arguments are only irrefutable if you accept the basic assumptions that underlie those arguments

to anyone who does not share those basic assumptions, the arguments are anything but irrefutable, they're nonsensical
According to the unscientific and irrational claim of the theory of evolution, the nothingness in the infinite universe gradually gave rise to mankind as a result of chance developments. According to this utterly unbelievable theory, first dust, then soil, stones, waters, mountains and oceans came spontaneously into being in this nothingness devoid of anything of the sort. Later, certain atoms in the mixtures of these came together by chance and brought into being such elements as calcium, phosphorus and carbon. Over millions of years these lifeless elements, completely lacking in intellect, memory, knowledge and consciousness, turned into human beings able to breathe, speak, think, rejoice and mourn, possessed of a soul and memory, with the intelligence, knowledge and consciousness necessary to invent things, and capable of writing libraries full of books. In other words, under the effects of coincidence over billions of years, accumulations of dust, soil and mud turned into human beings of flesh, blood and soul, capable of building extraordinary factories and producing the latest model of cars in them, of establishing space stations, of constructing palaces, and making marvels of art. To believe that stone and soil could one day turn into human beings as the result of chance is even more irrational and illogical than believing in fairy tales. Not even children would believe such a tale.

And, Muslims wonder why they're cult is mocked. Thanks. :thumbsup:
According to the unscientific and irrational claim of the theory of evolution, ...

now i see how you can claim that the quran is capable of predicting every single scientific fact: you discard the ones that don't fit and bend the others until they do

the rest of the post (which are obviously not your words, but i assume that you agree with the general opinion) is nothing but one long expression of incredulity

well, i got news for you : just because you dearly want to believe something doesn't make it true, and conversely, just because you dearly want to disbelieve something doesn't make it false
Each material i provide is a reflection of my belief and conviction.Each line is written , i support it.I am respecting you opinions without using slanders or insults
Each material i provide is a reflection of my belief and conviction.Each line is written , i support it.I am respecting you opinions without using slanders or insults

Does the Qur'an mention a "literal" number of days as far as creation?
Just curious.Thanks.
Each material i provide is a reflection of my belief and conviction.Each line is written , i support it.I am respecting you opinions without using slanders or insults

Your beliefs and convictions have nothing to do with reality. If you're going to insult our intelligence, you'll get no respect in return.

Some of us here actually understand evolution, while clearly you haven't got a clue.

So, rather than keeping the Quran surgically attached to your eyeballs, try reading another book for a change before you go off ranting your fantasies.

Best 8 bucks you'll ever spend, trust me.
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