Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

*{Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days,... verily a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning....a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years}...

Ok let's do the math.

A) 6 days x 1000 years = 6000 years
B) 6 days x 50,000 years = 300,000 years

The oldest human skeleton before we speciate is from 200,000 years ago. That means that 'Allah' would have begun creating the earth (and universe) 206,000 years ago or 500,000 years ago.

Reality shows us the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old and the universe is over 14 billion years old. The Quran is objectively incorrect.
I haven't seen an answer, or an attempt to address my earlier query:
It says in the "holy book", that adherents (Muslims) are bound (by their faith) to kill non-believers??

Is this question unanswerable? There is no explanation other than: "it's a holy book, divine wisdom, it must be believed", etc?
Forget it. If you can believe in Satan and evolution is a fantasy, then you can believe anything. He simply lacks the tools to discern fact from fiction.
Ok let's do the math.

A) 6 days x 1000 years = 6000 years
B) 6 days x 50,000 years = 300,000 years

The oldest human skeleton before we speciate is from 200,000 years ago. That means that 'Allah' would have begun creating the earth (and universe) 206,000 years ago or 500,000 years ago.

Reality shows us the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years old and the universe is over 14 billion years old. The Quran is objectively incorrect.

When I was a kid I asked a similar question of a priest. He told me that a day could have any length god chose, so a day could have been much longer at the beginning. God can do everything. Great answer

I subsequentlty asked whether Methuselah could have lived as long as it states in the bible. Answer, you've got it, a year could have been much shorter in those days. I then asked why Meth. had been singled out as worthy of mention because most people would have lived the same length of time.

It ended up by my being told that it is not for us to question god's ways.

That was fifty years ago. Nothing has changed, Each generation brings fort a crop oif the deluded and the credulous.Something tell me that superstitious beliefs may have some survival value.
I haven't seen an answer, or an attempt to address my earlier query:

Is this question unanswerable? There is no explanation other than: "it's a holy book, divine wisdom, it must be believed", etc?

Nope, it does not say that. Query answered :)
When I was a kid I asked a similar question of a priest. He told me that a day could have any length god chose, so a day could have been much longer at the beginning. God can do everything. Great answer

I subsequentlty asked whether Methuselah could have lived as long as it states in the bible. Answer, you've got it, a year could have been much shorter in those days. I then asked why Meth. had been singled out as worthy of mention because most people would have lived the same length of time.

It ended up by my being told that it is not for us to question god's ways.

That was fifty years ago. Nothing has changed, Each generation brings fort a crop oif the deluded and the credulous.Something tell me that superstitious beliefs may have some survival value.

Heh, that's the beauty of rationalization. Any fact can ultimately be worked around or just rejected arbitrarily. You are correct in that superstitious beliefs have survival value. People who believe the same thing share resources. People who believe there is a threat afoot will be cautious and if there happens to really be a threat then the caution pays off. You get the point. Ultimately superstition is born of pattern recognition and anthropomorphism/animorphism.
Heh, that's the beauty of rationalization. Any fact can ultimately be worked around or just rejected arbitrarily. You are correct in that superstitious beliefs have survival value. People who believe the same thing share resources. People who believe there is a threat afoot will be cautious and if there happens to really be a threat then the caution pays off. You get the point. Ultimately superstition is born of pattern recognition and anthropomorphism/animorphism.

That sounds convincing; I hadn't given the matter much thought. I suggest there is also the emotional support provided by like-minded people and the comfort of having a father figure who takes a personal interest in you and your affairs.
It doesn't say that "you must believe this holy book'? Or it doesn't say that "unbelievers must be put to the sword by the faithful"?

It doesnt force people to believe and it doesnt say to kill innocent people just because they are not Muslim :)
It's the part that gets interpreted domestically, apparently. Lowest common denominator? Maybe.
It's the part that gets interpreted domestically, apparently. Lowest common denominator? Maybe.

Does it now? I only see anti-Islamists intepreting these verses into "killing non-Muslims" and whatnot. Anyway, that verse I have dealt with here And my challenge still stands. Naturally, no one has been able to answer it. I wouldnt expect anything else.
Actually, I see islamicists interpreting these verses into killing non-Muslims all the time. Maybe you should read a bit more widely.
So what verses are the occupation forces using to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan?

What verses to detain people in Abu Ghraib and Gitmo?

Or do you consider these not significant in the War on Terrrrorrrr?
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So what verses are the occupation forces using to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan?

What verses to detain people in Abu Ghraib and Gitmo?

Or do you consider these not significant?

And again, what does that have to do with mocking the Prophet? Do you even understand the thread topic? Start another thread if you want to discuss those things. This thread is about killing people over drawing a cartoon!