Only one God created this Universe!!!!!!

Mythbuster said:
In the equation, he cannot create time without existance. Causation assumes and requires existence

Your equation is ridiculous. You are not grasping the subject you are trying to explain. Causation assumes TIME. He cannot EXIST without TIME, either. Circular argument.

You really need to get a clue - you can not explain God in any way. He is obviously not limited to human logic. Stop trying.
There is a great possility of a god but I never really thought of a God, you know, the universal God. Nonetheless God or gods did not create the universe, thats impossible. Causation assumes existence.
KennyJC said:
Then why do we have religions and books that have quotes directly from God himself. Along with people assuming they will go to heaven to meet this being as well as lost loved ones.

Not only does 'he' almost 100% not exist, but even if 'he' does... This being you can not fathom means your religion is without doubt, false.

The Bible states numerous times that we cannot fathom God's nature, by God himself in fact. (not that I am Christian, but this idea is common sense.). Why do you assume his ablility to communicate with us would enable the human to understand him? Or that, because we can't understand him, it would make religion false?
You already made my point for me. In the unrealistic chance that the universe was created by intelligence of some sort then religion is still bullshit.
The existence of an eternal God that it an uncaused cause outside of space and time, or the existence of a succession of short events in a causal chain stretching back though an infinite time period?
There are some people that say somethig can come from nothing from quantum fluctuation. I am tired of explaining to those fuckonauts. Its like saying, 1 + -1 =0. It appears both sides are equal to zero but you have to also take account the negative and positive integere, without them we won't possibly be here today. So in all respect everything even "nothingness" has to come from something. Get your Vacuums fluctuations right folks.
KennyJC said:
You already made my point for me. In the unrealistic chance that the universe was created by intelligence of some sort then religion is still bullshit.

How did I make the point -- and why do you say that religion is still bullshit if there is a God?
One day the universe woke up and decided to create God, God saw he was a lone and created a mini gods, these gods created other gods, and it goes on and on...pretty fascinating stuff
To me it seems entirely more plausible to argue that of the two options, the chain of things existing inside of space and time – none of which being a first cause – is the more plausible. Per what I said earlier, there is nothing in logic that rules out the idea that time could be infinite. Of course, it is hard to swallow this idea as an intellectually satisfying one but it is more intellectually satisfying than to believe in an eternally existing – and itself infinite – God existing outside of space and time that causes but is itself uncaused.
Zappa said:
How did I make the point -- and why do you say that religion is still bullshit if there is a God?

You said God is something you can't fathom - So why follow a religion that intricately describes his motives and personality? I say again: It's stupid.
Mythbuster said:
God need to Create existance in order to Exist

existence is not a thing that it would need to be created.

Something never comes from nothing.

it does:

Causation assumes and requires existence - not the other way around.

nothing physical or visible can never cause anything, everything that is physical and visible are effects.

your problem is that you think causes exist in time, in the past while they actually exist only in the presence where nothing exists. nothingness is not physical, it is not an effect, hence it's the only 'thing' that could cause all apparent effects.

if the effect is present, the cause is present. there are no causes in the past, the past is only a memory, the cause is more like a TV signal, it is constant. if the signal/cause would stop, all effects would dissapear.
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Argument 1:
P1. God as no cause
P2. Time is a cause
P3. God as no time
C0. God cannot create without time.

Argument 2:
P1. 0 is Space
P2. + Infinity is God = material
P3. + Infinity > 0
C0. God cannot exist without space.

Argument 3:
P1. 0 is Space
P2. - Infinity is God = immaterial
P3. - Infinity < 0
C0. God cannot exist without space.

Argument 4:
P1. God as no time & space
P2. God cannot create without time
P3. God cannot exist without space
C0. God had to create an existence in order to exist

The universe is a boundless and timeless existence.
0 = 0

If you say that everything needs a cause and so there must be a cause for the beginning of the universe, then what caused God? And if you say that God is the first cause and nothing caused Him, then why not just say that the universe itself is the first cause and nothing caused it? Postulating a God is both unhelpful and unnecessary.
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KennyJC said:
You said God is something you can't fathom - So why follow a religion that intricately describes his motives and personality? I say again: It's stupid.

If he chooses to reveal himself to us, certainly he can -- He created us, after all(and in His image!). It doesn't change the fact that we, being who we are, cannot understand in what manner and way he exists. That is the unknowable part about him.

Let's assume for a minute that a drawing on a piece of paper has the ability to percieve. It is two dimensional, so it cannot percieve you. But you write on the paper, "Hello, my name is Jingo and if you obey me I will conjur up anything you desire," the drawing knows something is existing beyond its dimensions! It may even find out that you are fat, horny, lazy, and whatever other attributes you'd like to give yourself, but it can't fathom what YOU percieve. It can only know you by how YOU manifest yourself into ITS world.
Mythbuster said:
That means god as to kill him self order to have space & time.
Which is why the only plausible explanation of a god creating the universe would be if a god started the big bang by exerting enough energy to kill her/himself. Therefore, there would be no god as of now; and guess what? We live now. Not later, not before, freaking now.

c7ityi_ said:
i heard that 0 becomes 1 by infinite division.
No, 0 become 1 by adding 1. That's even simpler arithmetic than the 0 x infinity equasion. :p
You think God can die? Are you aware that death is a physical process? You're a fool, and you need to read the posts made by people who are aware of what the concept of god entails. SUPERnatural. Lives OUTSIDE of the physical.

People are so obtuse.
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Actually, there very likely is. Even outside the idea of God. Heard of the string theory and the 11 other dimensions postulated?
Hapsburg said:
There's nothing outside the physical, bongtard.
And even if that were true, it doesn't change the fact that GOD IS DEFINED AS LIVING OUTSIDE THE PHYSICAL. So it's stupid to try and limit him to the physical.
Zappa said:
You think God can die? Are you aware that death is a physical process? You're a fool, and you need to read the posts made by people who are aware of what the concept of god entails. SUPERnatural. Lives OUTSIDE of the physical.

People are so obtuse.

Outside logic means to not exist.