Only one God created this Universe!!!!!!

Mythbuster said:
Everything has a beginning and has an end.
Nothing has no beginning and has no end.

So you believe we are here as a result of nothing?
Zappa said:
So you believe we are here as a result of nothing?

If he exists without time & space, then he cannot change and he cannot change anything else. So that would mean that for all intents and purposes, indicate that the universe is a boundless and timeless existence.
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Mythbuster said:
If he exists without time & space, then he cannot change and he cannot change anything else. So that would mean that for all intents and purposes, indicate that the universe is a boundless and timeless existence.

You have absolutely no idea of the attributes a being living outside of time and space would have. These properties are within our abilities to percieve and explain. Anything outside of our perception, you cannot fathom.

And the fact that he is eternal indicates nothing of the sort.
Zappa said:
And the fact that he is eternal indicates nothing of the sort.
-infinity < 0 < +infinity

Existance is imperfection.
Non-existance is perfection
A god outside logic is to not exist.

God as to create existance in order to exist.
Tell me. how can god create space and time ?

-infinity < 0 < +infinity

Is he a positive ?
Is he a negative ?
You are assuming he exists in a way we can measure. We don't know anything about his nature, we can't assume how he is.

You're thinking too small, asking too small of questions. A being that created your logic could indeed defy it, woudn't you say? Don't limit the possibility of God to mathematical equations. It's silly.
Outside nature he's a negative
Inside nature he's a positive

How can a negative create space & time ?
Tell me. how can god create space and time ?

-infinity < 0 < +infinity

Is he a positive ?
Is he a negative ?

Never mind the fucker, he is one of those unimaginative people, like the big bang theorists. This people will contradict themselves forever and never see the big picture. Its pathetic.
devils_reject said:
Never mind the fucker, he is one of those unimaginative people, like the big bang theorists. This people will contradict themselves forever and never see the big picture. Its pathetic.

Who painted the picture ? :D
If I live in the present moment, I live outside space and time, because the presence has no duration. It is nothing.

Mythbuster said:
Tell me. how can god create space and time ?

Read this
Mythbuster said:
That means god as to kill him self order to have space & time you silly :rolleyes:

lol, that's exactly what he did. symbolically, he was crucified on the two beams which represent space and time. a cube. the body. the world.

Also he need to create existance in order to exist.

'nothingness' needs no cause.
You have a problem there because in order to kill him self, he as to create time to kill him self.

c7ityi_ said:
'nothingness' needs no cause.
G + C / E
God need to Create existance in order to Exist
Mythbuster said:
You have a problem there because in order to kill him self, he as to create time to kill him self.

G + C / E
God need to Create existance in order to Exist


God would also need time in order to exist(in the way we can fathom).
Zappa said:

God would also need time in order to exist(in the way we can fathom).

In the equation, he cannot create time without existance. Causation assumes and requires existence
In the equation, he canot create time without existance. Causation assumes and requires existence
ORIGINAL mythbuster

Acually also may mean that God came about due to necessity by the universe. I never saw it that way, kind of like how we came about. Anbody have any rebuttal? It seems pretty feasible to me. Could there be God?
devils_reject said:
ORIGINAL mythbuster

Acually also may mean that God came about due to necessity by the universe. I never saw it that way, kind of like how we came about. Anbody have any rebuttal? It seems pretty feasible to me. Could there be God?

this is why all first cause arguments fail. Causation assumes and requires existence - not the other way around. Something never comes from nothing.

0 = 0

The universe is a boundless and timeless existence.
Zappa said:
You have absolutely no idea of the attributes a being living outside of time and space would have. These properties are within our abilities to percieve and explain. Anything outside of our perception, you cannot fathom.

And the fact that he is eternal indicates nothing of the sort.

Then why do we have religions and books that have quotes directly from God himself. Along with people assuming they will go to heaven to meet this being as well as lost loved ones.

Not only does 'he' almost 100% not exist, but even if 'he' does... This being you can not fathom means your religion is without doubt, false.