Only one God created this Universe!!!!!!

Zappa said:
Actually, there very likely is. Even outside the idea of God. Heard of the string theory and the 11 other dimensions postulated?

Dimention is the shape of the universe not an unreal world where flying spagety monsters and melted clocks grow from the ground.
Zappa said:
And even if that were true, it doesn't change the fact that GOD IS DEFINED AS LIVING OUTSIDE THE PHYSICAL. So it's stupid to try and limit him to the physical.

God is defined as a figment of an insecure/intellectulally challenged persons mind.

Until you prove otherwise, it will always be defined as that from a rational viewpoint.
Zappa said:
Heard of the string theory and the 11 other dimensions postulated?
No. And wouldn't other dimensions still exist within a type of physical laws, thus be a physical thing?
Zappa said:
Explain how you can imagine/understand eternal, then. Negate my claim rather than just telling me I'm wrong.
Of course, you can't.
Was your ass-ertion indispensible to your argument or your ego? Do you, perhaps, refuse to posit sighted people because you recognize and fear your own blindness?
If you ass-erted that all humans have two eyes and I state that you are incorrect, as I have but 'one', my very existence refutes your wild ass-ertion.

You are a finite being with a mind thinking parallel to linear time plane. Can YOU imagine a system that is outside of the human capacity to imagine?
Who or what I am is beyond the ken of one, such as yourself, who doesn't even know who or what he is.

Next, you seem to be using 'think' and 'imagine' interchangeably. They are not. If you can 'think' and have a working 'imagination', I should think that you would have known that.

Everything we do and percieve is predicated on cause and effect relationships.
This statement displays your ignorance, and the distance you have gotten stuck behind the front lines of modern thought. Quantum mechanics at any depth at all is not possible to form concepts and pictures. This is a completely new and foreign level of experience and turns 'classical' on its head. Cause and effect are outdated notions. A bit newer might be that the two 'events' (formerly mis-known as cause and effect) are different 'aspects' of the SAME event. Perspective.. All 'events existing simultaneously. 'Holistically', non-linear.
In one way, you are correct in that ordinary common 'thought' cannot function in this 'place'. Imagination can, intuition can. Even 'thought' processes can be 'retrained'.
Science has presented us with a brand new updated version of a 'world-view'. The problem with people are all those emotional needs and twists, psychological baggage, beliefs, insecurities, entrainment, ad nauseum.. come before simple readjustment of a now defunct world-view in favor of an up-dated model.
The price of our genius is madness!

Science progresses one death at a time...

Can YOU imagine a system where these relationships are not present?
Absolutely, but I didn't just walk in off the street here, and no one spoon fed it all to me.

If so, I'd be very interested.
No you wouldn't. Does integrity mean so little to you?
"The common mind reacts to a new idea as the body reacts to a new protein; it rejects it (automatically)!"

Perhaps the only thing that you would be 'interested' in is in attempting to bolster your pitiful ego by 'standing upon my ashes'.
You will fail; I leave no ashes.

As would the entire scientific community - you may very well be the 8th wonder of the world.
Or perhaps you need to lay off of the LSD.
Your sarcasm, juvenile; your insult, pathetic!

I will leave you with a quote that your response brings to mind;

The great Acarya Maitreya said:
says in his

Before accepting a challenge for a
debate, one should consider whether his opponent is
a person worthy of carrying on debate through the
process of proposition (siddhanta), reason (hetu),
example (udaharana), etc. He should, before
proceeding there, consider whether the debate will
exercise any good influence on his opponent, the
umpire, and the audience. But first of all, he
should consider whether a debate - even won - would
not bring him more harm than benefit.

(To all, Apologies.. re: thread topic)
Jehovah create the universe. Jehovah is translated as "I am", which is the equivalent of the Tao, from Taoism.

So, yes, the original poster is right...
TruthSeeker said:
Jehovah create the universe. Jehovah is translated as "I am", which is the equivalent of the Tao, from Taoism.

So, yes, the original poster is right...
could you enlighten all of us, to how you could possibly know, if any god created the universe, should'nt you have said "I presume Jehovah created the universe. Jehovah is translated as "I am", which is the equivalent of the Tao, from Taoism.
So, I assume, the original poster is correct in his assumption...
You really are this foolish aren’t you?
Look back over this thread and take a look at your input. In fact – look back over any current thread where you have graced us with your presence, and take a look at your inputs. You add nothing of value.

Look back at every fucking post you have ever made in sciforum and askyourself I'm I this idiotic? People even confused You for a chick :eek:

Come on Jan, you & I have been here on these forums a long very long time, you still ask questions that can't possibly be answered, have you contributed anything of value? Any new revelations, only just more questions, what the hell are you doing in a science forum talking religion, without having any proof of anything? Science since then has proven many things, even in evolution, the fact that our genes are still evolving, fish are getting smaller, that's evolution at work man!. Are you so death dumb and stupid, that you haven't learned anything all these years? I have, I've learned your still kind of idiotic, and people still mistake you for a chick! LOL

TruthSeeker said:
geeser said:
could you enlighten all of us, to how you could possibly know, if any god created the universe, should'nt you have said "I presume Jehovah created the universe. Jehovah is translated as "I am", which is the equivalent of the Tao, from Taoism.
So, I assume, the original poster is correct in his assumption..."
LOGIC, roflmao.
your not an honest man, you know as well as I, you could only say faith.
I suppose, yes...
... your head should be empty if you want to experience the Tao...