Only Cranks and Wierdo's See UFO's

You see, they are not stupid. revealing themselves is like showing your hand in poker so of course they will send beings they made themselves BUT these are not them.

then we agree that it's a deception. good.
To teach you.
Are you on drugs?
How can you teach anything when all you're posting is insupportable (and unsupported) crap?

I am not gullible at all.
No? What word would you pick for someone who posts drivel as if it were worth reading?

What are you talking about?
You make claims and you don't have a single shred of evidence or support to back up anything you write.

This sort of crap:
You see, they are not stupid. revealing themselves is like showing your hand in poker so of course they will send beings they made themselves BUT these are not them.
Who's the "they" that aren't stupid? What evidence is there that they exist, let alone that they're here?
Where's the evidence that these "beings they made themselves" exist?
Oh right. You have no evidence. All you have is ridiculous unsupported speculation.

You might as well claim that these aliens actually have no arms and 87 legs - two of which look like arms and another 83 which are invisible.

That's about as as "factual" and "useful" as anything you've posted so far. :rolleyes:
Are you on drugs?
How can you teach anything when all you're posting is insupportable (and unsupported) crap?

I've never taken a drug, never been in the hosptial or taken any kind of medication except for aspirir.

You make claims and you don't have a single shred of evidence or support to back up anything you write.

This sort of crap:

Who's the "they" that aren't stupid? What evidence is there that they exist, let alone that they're here?
Where's the evidence that these "beings they made themselves" exist?
Oh right. You have no evidence. All you have is ridiculous unsupported speculation.

You might as well claim that these aliens actually have no arms and 87 legs - two of which look like arms and another 83 which are invisible.

I know about life...PAL. So i wouldnt make a claim like that. Lori and i were having a nice conversation.
I've never taken a drug, never been in the hosptial or taken any kind of medication except for aspirir.
So what's your excuse for posting such ridiculous crap?
I note you avoid answering the question...

I know about life...PAL.
On the evidence so far you know very little.
Still no support for your nonsense?

So i wouldnt make a claim like that.
Considering the stupidity of the claims you have made so far...

Lori and i were having a nice conversation.
So what? It's a public forum and your contribution to the "nice conversation" was specious drivel.

Go ahead teach me... :rolleyes:
Who's the "they" that aren't stupid? What evidence is there that they exist, let alone that they're here?

I never said they were.

We are finding out new things about planets so i am telling you what to EXPECT.
Interestingly, if these surgical removements are true, they were made from a type of rare meteorite which gave out a certain frequency. The frequency is still being understood, as far as I know.
I never said they were.
Actually you did:
Plus the aliens can make organic beings that they send here

so i am telling you what to EXPECT.
Balls. You're making stupid baseless claims.

See the last line of 125.
The last line?
Where you claim you know about life? Like I said, on the evidence so far you don't. You've made (in other threads) some damn stupid claims based on your "knowledge". And you haven't backed up one single claim. In other words your "teaching" is a vacuous as everything else you post.
"Dr. Roger Leir, author of "Aliens and the Scalpel", is one of the world’s foremost leaders in UFO physical evidence research. He is a board certified Podiatric surgeon for over 40 years and has performed with his team 14 surgeries on alleged alien abductees, resulting in the removal of 15 separate objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scrutinized by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, and UC-San Diego. "

explain to me how this is anything but extraordinary credible evidence.

I googled Dr. Roger Leir.
Wanna know what I came up with?
Well, I got a lot of hits on woowoo websites like "AboveTopSecret" and so on...
But nothing else.

No WebMD entry.

No Wikipedia entry.

Nothing on University or museum webpages. Nothing on any verified medical page, actually. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
In fact, aside from being very prominent in the UFO circles, it seems this man exists Little Where Anywhere Else!

Hell, googling MY name on Wikipedia produces more accurate hits!

The fact that this man has published NOTHING in a medical journal, that the implants he supposedly removed (At least 15 over the years) are NOT available for independent verification, available for examination or any scrutiny whatsoever is very telling.

Explain to you how that's not extraordinary evidence?
Hell, I was trying to research it so that I could know what I was talking about! I couldn't find anything. Not one verified or reliable source even seems to know whether or not the man EXISTS, much less the work he's supposedly done. I couldn't even find a copy of his medical license.

There is NOTHING on these implants, no specimens available at any University, nothing at the Smithsonian, no articles on the dissection of the implants and no indication that any of it is anything more than absurd claims.

I was honestly a bit surprised. I really expected to come up with more than NOTHING.

You want me to explain why NOTHING doesn't count as evidence?! Seriously?
Dr Leir has aparently given his data to Alamos lab and the Material Scientist lab at the University of Toronto.

For someone with all this ''conspiracy'' allegations, he seems to have gone to through the correct channels.
Wiki is not a good example. They fear in the sight of these things, so that is understandable. Even jack Sarfatti was not allowed to publish some of his work on his page.

Here is a youtube video on Dr Leir

I can youtube the muppets, too. That doesn't make them real.

Now you're claiming that they are inspired by fear to stay in hiding?
Look at the list of woo woo websites. None of those people are dead or regularly meeting strange accidents or ANYTHING. They are perfectly allowed to keep spewing garbage.

Dr Leir has aparently given his data to Alamos lab and the Material Scientist lab at the University of Toronto.

For someone with all this ''conspiracy'' allegations, he seems to have gone to through the correct channels.

And it still turned up... NOTHING.

I notice you didn't sport a citation for that claim-- Did you, by chance, find that claim on a UFO-believer website?
No. I never said fear of the subjects possible truthfulness, about what the subject contains I mean. That doesn't make it true or false.

I also want to state for the record I am a fair man, which is why I have an unresolved opinion on it, so stop making it look like otherwise.
I also want to state for the record I am a fair man, which is why I have an unresolved opinion on it, so stop making it look like otherwise.

If you want to be fair about it- find reliable sources that can be verified.

Find where information on all those implants, how they've been studied etc is available.

All there is right now is a Claim and anyone can make up a claim.

A fair person will look for evidence.
If you want to be fair about it- find reliable sources that can be verified.

Find where information on all those implants, how they've been studied etc is available.

All there is right now is a Claim and anyone can make up a claim.

A fair person will look for evidence.

I think someone could not really doubt the authenticity of these implants existences. For, even I could write to the Los Alamos Lab and ask them for varification of them dealing with these objects.

What is disputed I think is whether they are what Dr. Leir claims them to be - which are of course, extraterrestrial implants.

Nevertheless, with this all aside, I have been searching for evidence since learning of him the other - the absence of the evidence - hard cucial evidence should not be misrepresented as it being a false testimony of the objects. I cannot have an informed opinion about them, because equally, I haven't seen tests which debunk him, only some of his claims cannot be varified - so it goes both ways. I'll try and find evidence to prove, why don't you look for evidence to disprove and we will return in a week and then weigh the evidence. How about that?
Joe Nickell, a columnist for Skeptical Inquirer magazine, noted that “Since 1994 alleged implants have been surgically recovered but they’ve become remarkably diverse: one looks like a shard of glass, another a triangular piece of metal, still another a carbon fiber, and so on. None was located in the brain or nasal cavity, instead being recovered from such extremities as toe, hand, shin, external ear, etc.; some were accompanied by scars while others were not. As physicians know, a foreign object can enter the body unnoticed, as during a fall, or while running barefoot in sand or grass—even as a splinter from a larger impacting object.” People find all sorts of weird things in their bodies, but so far none are of alien origin.