Only Cranks and Wierdo's See UFO's

I noticed a valuable error in your reasoning. I am a fair man, so I will put this down to ignorance, but not an intentional one.

You say why haven't they showed themselves to the elite>

The military have I would suspect more scientific members working for them than what we have come to realize. What exactly do you constitute as ''elite members''?

If the military spot them on radar, how more elite do you need to be? Secondly, Hawking does not have a valid point - unless that point is validly narrow.

The military is made up of a LOT of members. As is NASA, the government, etc.

Wanna know how secrets get kept? Simple- Most any secret is so mundane to the average person (Who probably wouldn't understand why the shape of a submarine propeller was such a big secret anyway, for example) that it's not worth telling anyone.

But a juicy secret like Alien Visitors? Out of ALL those people? Could YOU keep your mouth shut about that?

Radar and UFO's spotted by the military is something that's been exhaustively researched. Not just by UFOlogists, sensational Discovery channel or Visitor WannaBeleivers, mind you, but by many agencies on the account of National Security... About Other Nations.
Not aliens.
Their concern was simply Other Nations. They Really wanted to Know if Russians were doing fly by's.

So you can imagine that they were more than a little inquisitive.

As it stands, Alien Visitors has about as much support as Ghosts.
Sure, sensational media will hype it up as fluffy as possible. Lots of people out there believe in Ghosts, too.

But there is no hint, no indication, no sign whatsoever that alien visitors have dropped by.

Is it possible that they have? Sure. But not very likely.

Hawkings point is very valid.
While indeed it's not nice to call names or have names called, Hawking had a valid point.

Why haven't aliens shown themselves to the intellectually elite? Scientists, Scholars and pretty much anyone that you'd suggest would be intelligent enough to understand them.
Such a difficult question. But I would imagine it much more difficult for the egos of these "elite" to not consider that they themselves may not be the pearls an extraterrestrial being is looking for in the galaxy.

Consider these beings as being very advanced—so advanced that any "intellectual" achievements procured by modern man's "intellectual" elite is quite literally retro to them, elementary, been there done that. That the "intellectual" elite's capacity to dredge up scientific and technological facts is not at all that impressive to them. That what peaks their interest is derived not from a "contemporary" point of view but from an origin that is timeless in quality. That what they may be seeking is not wonder boys and eggheads but something or someone… else.
The military is made up of a LOT of members. As is NASA, the government, etc.

Wanna know how secrets get kept? Simple- Most any secret is so mundane to the average person (Who probably wouldn't understand why the shape of a submarine propeller was such a big secret anyway, for example) that it's not worth telling anyone.

But a juicy secret like Alien Visitors? Out of ALL those people? Could YOU keep your mouth shut about that?

Radar and UFO's spotted by the military is something that's been exhaustively researched. Not just by UFOlogists, sensational Discovery channel or Visitor WannaBeleivers, mind you, but by many agencies on the account of National Security... About Other Nations.
Not aliens.
Their concern was simply Other Nations. They Really wanted to Know if Russians were doing fly by's.

So you can imagine that they were more than a little inquisitive.

As it stands, Alien Visitors has about as much support as Ghosts.
Sure, sensational media will hype it up as fluffy as possible. Lots of people out there believe in Ghosts, too.

But there is no hint, no indication, no sign whatsoever that alien visitors have dropped by.

Is it possible that they have? Sure. But not very likely.

Hawkings point is very valid.

'As it stands, Alien Visitors has about as much support as Ghosts.'

Aliens does not necesserily need to be a relative reasoning. If aliens are another wording for a race beyond terra firma, then by definition we are aliens as well. Therefore, we surely can be more substantially-real than a ghost?
'As it stands, Alien Visitors has about as much support as Ghosts.'

Aliens does not necesserily need to be a relative reasoning. If aliens are another wording for a race beyond terra firma, then by definition we are aliens as well. Therefore, we surely can be more substantially-real than a ghost?

I have no idea what the basis of this statement is.

Unless you BELIEVE that Panspermia is the ultimate source of life on Earth, which we have no evidence of, you cannot make this claim as valid when it's nothing more than an assumption on your part.

By current definition, We are not aliens at all.
I consider myself a weirdo, not so much a crank (but who knows), and I've never
seen a UFO. Perhaps you need to be both a weirdo and a crank to be able/qualified to see them. If that is true, I'm no crank. That's good to know.
excuse me, but i posted 2 news links. one regarding testimony from military officers, and another about the election of a UN embassador for extraterrestrials.

no one has a comment to make about these "cranks and weirdos"???
Does that include belief in surveys?

You have a problem understanding statistics, and confidence intervals?

Oh yeah, doubt science, doubt maths, believe in voodoo instead!

It's quite simple. Thick people follow religion because it provides answers they are too dumb to understand the real scientific explanations of.
excuse me, but i posted 2 news links. one regarding testimony from military officers, and another about the election of a UN embassador for extraterrestrials.

no one has a comment to make about these "cranks and weirdos"???

guess not. what a shocker. :eek:

so, does that mean that all of you naysayers are so naive as to believe that this many military officers would lie, or that those officers in charge of operating and housing our nuclear weapons are "cranks and weirdos", or that the UN would promote some woman to be an embassador for ET's without some goddamn good reason! does it?
guess not. what a shocker. :eek:

so, does that mean that all of you naysayers are so naive as to believe that this many military officers would lie, or that those officers in charge of operating and housing our nuclear weapons are "cranks and weirdos", or that the UN would promote some woman to be an embassador for ET's without some goddamn good reason! does it?

I heard a radio program about this and it is very interesting, to say the least.
You have a problem understanding statistics, and confidence intervals?

Oh yeah, doubt science, doubt maths, believe in voodoo instead!

It's quite simple. Thick people follow religion because it provides answers they are too dumb to understand the real scientific explanations of.

Thick people are just as entitled to believe in a religion for the same reasons educated men and woman believe in a religion.
i'm good friends with an abductee. as far as i know, i'm the only one she's told and she's my age. this has been happening to her since she was a kid. she's certainly not after publicity, she doesn't even want to think about it herself. she's not a weirdo, and she's not a crank. she's a human being that's been traumatized, and nobody gives a flying fuck because it conflicts with their egos, beliefs, and selfish agendas. it makes me sick.

Hi Lori, sorry to hear about your freind.
Have you heard of of a man by the name of Dr. Leir?

"Dr. Roger Leir, author of "Aliens and the Scalpel", is one of the world’s foremost leaders in UFO physical evidence research. He is a board certified Podiatric surgeon for over 40 years and has performed with his team 14 surgeries on alleged alien abductees, resulting in the removal of 15 separate objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scrutinized by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, and UC-San Diego. "

Hi Lori, sorry to hear about your freind.
Have you heard of of a man by the name of Dr. Leir?

"Dr. Roger Leir, author of "Aliens and the Scalpel", is one of the world’s foremost leaders in UFO physical evidence research. He is a board certified Podiatric surgeon for over 40 years and has performed with his team 14 surgeries on alleged alien abductees, resulting in the removal of 15 separate objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scrutinized by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world including Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, and UC-San Diego. "


thanks jan. i haven't heard of dr. leir. perhaps my friend has. i know she's spent years researching online and elsewhere. though i don't think she's doing that as much anymore.

it's obvious imo that there's a lot of denial going on about this phenomenon, by a lot of people.

there are those who are open-minded about it, or have even experienced a bit of it, and are determined to see these beings as benevolent. not because they have any real reason to, but because the alternative is too frightening to comprehend.

and there are those who are in complete denial about it. the religious and atheist alike who are determined to believe that they have all the answers, and are at the top of the food chain. they have way too much invested in their beliefs, and their egos to attempt to rethink any of it (if they ever thought much in the first place). again, the consequences are just too frightening for most people to comprehend.