Ok boys and girls...give me an absolute truth.

Enigma'07 said:
Can you do better? Prove it!


Truth table for A or ~A (read A or not A)

A | A or ~A
T | T T F
F | T T T

Conclusion, A or ~A is in fact a tautology.
Enigma'07 said:
I have no clue what you are talking about. :confused: What level of math?

It's just basic logic. I'll try and walk you through it.

So we start out with our statement, A or ~A.

For this statement to be true, either A or not A must be true, which is just how the logical or operator works.

So to create a truth table we generate a table with all the possible truth values for our variables. Since we only have one and our we have binary truths, we only have 2 values (true and false).

So we start with this:

A | A or ~A

Now we apply those values to the statement. The controlling operator is the or. So to find the actual truth we need to figure out whether or not the or is true. The only other operator is the not. So first we figure out the values for the not (~).

A | A or ~A
T | | | F
F | | | T

Now that that's done since we already know the value of A from the our left table we can assign a value to the or, knowing that for an or to be true only one of its members needs be true. So....

A | A or ~A
T | | T | F
F | | T | T

And we have a finished truth table for (A or ~A). To be a tautology every statement must be true. Since this table meets that criteria, the premise is a tautology.

No matter what we put into the this phrase it will be true.


It is raining here or it is not raining here.

I am a man or I am not a man.

There is a god or there is not a god.

In any event. I hope this helped some.
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Hey Captian,

You're sure its really you doing the thinking? Perhaps a body snatcher has you, feeding you ideas that are really its own. Perhaps everyone out there has a different higher being, that shoots thoughts into our head all day, and makes us think that we're thinking. Or maybe you're just a big old brain, plugged into all the other brains in the world, and you don't know about it, so the only thinking you think you're doing is the thinking that your plugged in self does, but not the real you...

Ouch, I think that last one caused me to have an aneurism
visible said:

Truth table for A or ~A (read A or not A)

A | A or ~A
T | T T F
F | T T T

Hilariously enough, this isn't even correct. In fact, the table makes no sense. It should read:

A | (A or ~A)
T | T
F | T
TheERK said:
Hilariously enough, this isn't even correct. In fact, the table makes no sense. It should read:

A | (A or ~A)
T | T
F | T

I always get a kick out of arrogant people like you. What you supplied is a pretty basic truth table, what I supplied was a complete truth table. I'll admit I added the first 2 Ts for clarity when they were in fact superfluous, however in the next post where it was explained (you didn't read this by chance) I took them out. really, learn a bit before you try and come off as all knowing.
visible said:
I always get a kick out of arrogant people like you. What you supplied is a pretty basic truth table, what I supplied was a complete truth table. I'll admit I added the first 2 Ts for clarity when they were in fact superfluous, however in the next post where it was explained (you didn't read this by chance) I took them out. really, learn a bit before you try and come off as all knowing.

Alright, please explain your truth table, because it is entirely unclear to me:

A | A or ~A
T | T T F
F | T T T

There are three columns to the right of the pipe character. Please explain what each of these columns mean.

Correcting someone's error, especially on a public forum, is not arrogance.
Yo dj erock,
"You're sure its really you doing the thinking? Perhaps a body snatcher has you, feeding you ideas that are really its own. Perhaps everyone out there has a different higher being, that shoots thoughts into our head all day, and makes us think that we're thinking. Or maybe you're just a big old brain, plugged into all the other brains in the world, and you don't know about it, so the only thinking you think you're doing is the thinking that your plugged in self does, but not the real you..."

Regardless of all these fantastic possibilities...the fact remains that I CAN conclude that THOUGHT exists. Therefore, my assertion stands. Anyone else care to try?
fadingCaptain said:
Yo dj erock,
"You're sure its really you doing the thinking? Perhaps a body snatcher has you, feeding you ideas that are really its own. Perhaps everyone out there has a different higher being, that shoots thoughts into our head all day, and makes us think that we're thinking. Or maybe you're just a big old brain, plugged into all the other brains in the world, and you don't know about it, so the only thinking you think you're doing is the thinking that your plugged in self does, but not the real you..."

Regardless of all these fantastic possibilities...the fact remains that I CAN conclude that THOUGHT exists. Therefore, my assertion stands. Anyone else care to try?

If that was the case, the "body snatcher" would be the one "feeding" you the thoughts that made you think you were being controlled by the body snatcher. Highly unlikely in my opinion. Besides, there would be some other form of contemplation than thinking. :cool:
Define thought. If you can define it, someone can likely make you doubt it's existence.

- There are no square circles.
- There are no invisible pink unicorns.
- Absolute truth exists.
§outh§tar said:
A lie is a truth.

Ok enough of this....... here is mine..... and Southstar hit pretty much...

Everything is truth. Think deep deep thinkers.

Ya'll have a nice day.
Alpha said:
- There are no invisible pink unicorns.

Since they are invisible how would you know?

And before you answer, remember the arguments of atheists who say God can't be proved.
OliverJ said:
Ok enough of this....... here is mine..... and Southstar hit pretty much...

Everything is truth. Think deep deep thinkers.

Ya'll have a nice day.

Does "everything" include nothing, or is it the other way round?
Truth table for A or ~A (read A or not A)

A | A or ~A
T | T T F
F | T T T
What does the 1st T to the right of the line stand for?
Enigma'07 said:
What does the 1st T to the right of the line stand for?

That first truth table does have an error in it. The second one is right though, and the first one has a mistake but it's not so critical the table can't be understood. The table should read:

A | A or ~A
T | T T F
F | F T T

Here is a breakdown of what those mean.

A | A or ~A
T (one possibility of truth)
F (the other possibility)

A | A or ~A
T | T (A is true, since it's true to begin with)
F | F (A is false, since it is false to begin with)

A | A or ~A
T |T __ F (not A is false since A is true)
F | F __ T (not A is true since A is false)

A | A or ~A
T | T T F (or is true since one of its connectives it true)
F | F T T (or is true since one of its connectives is true)

Once again, hope this helps.