how do you, Syzygy, account for all the development going on in the world? Massive development all over the world that relies on and will continue to rely on oil.
If you mean development in Dubai, because they have a shitload of money, so they are building skyscrapers, like crazy. (actually economies tend to do that in the time of their economic peak). If you mean development in China and India, it is because they reached that phase in their societies, transfering from a 3rd world country to a modern country. And this transfer didn't start yesterday, it started a decade or more ago.
Let's not forget that oil was dirt cheap 3-4 years ago when under $30 a barrel. Also those entities I listed earlier didn't acknowledge peak oil back 5 years ago, it wasn't in their best interest.
What had any responsible government done, if the oilcompanies told them, sorry minister, but we are running out opf oil in 2-3 decades? Obviously they would/should start to look for alternative energy sources. But 5 years ago when oil was cheap and plenty, it was a political suicede on the politican's part and economic suicede on the oilproducer's part.
What has changed? Peak oil has happened. And as predicted, price moved with it. When you have a resource that is very much needed and also limited, price can only go in one direction.
So some people still lying about it or selfdelusional, but facts are stubborn things. And development won't stop by itself,by the will of the people,( of course every Chinese want to own a car, every Indian wants aircondition, )
but it will stop buy economical necessity...(when they simply can't afford the transformation)
what the hell makes you think 'THEY' are telling 'YOU' the truth?
Because I knew the truth without them telling me. Because the blamegame has started (Who is to blame for high gasprices?). because now it makes sense for them to come clean...
It made sense for them to lie earlier, now it is in their best interest to level with the public.