Of stampcollectors and atheists

Because it (1) has no bearing on the discussion at hand and (2) complicates things needlessly.

How do you know that it (1) has no bearing on the discussion at hand and (2) complicates things needlessly? Do you already know better?
How do you know that it (1) has no bearing on the discussion at hand and (2) complicates things needlessly? Do you already know better?

Please explain why it has bearing on the discussion of the existence of God.
If it has no bearing on the discussion it naturally complicates things needlessly.
Maybe I'm wrong, so explain it to me.
so when people manning a radar base hear that the enemy have missiles that are invisible to their radar, they all breath a sigh of relief?

Totally irrelevant and not to the point as usual. Invisible to radar does not mean totally invisible; missiles are visible to the nakes eye. Ask anyone who has loaded them or seen the effcts of any which have landed in his backyard.

Then, try showing someone a handful of invisible stamps followed by a handful of non-exitent ones and ask him to tell the difference.

Thinking the way you do, I am not surprised you are taken in by all this Eastern mysticism; you must try and read with a bit more discrimination
No, we were talking about how there is as much evidence for Gods existence as there is for woodpixies.

God can mean many things but does everything need to be so obvious?

Then, try showing someone a handful of invisible stamps followed by a handful of non-exitent ones and ask him to tell the difference.

Thinking the way you do, I am not surprised you are taken in by all this Eastern mysticism; you must try and read with a bit more discrimination

Myles, before there was a microscope there were many things we could not see. All you can do know is make excuses, well everything is easy once you know how it is done. But we never would have known these things existed and is there not more evidence of (a) GOD (like) or similar as there was for bacteria?

Now things fit together because we know so much about bacteria.

There is you woodenpixie!:)
God can mean many things but does everything need to be so obvious?

Myles, before there was a microscope there were many things we could not see. All you can do know is make excuses, well everything is easy once you know how it is done. But we never would have known these things existed and is there not more evidence of (a) GOD (like) or similar as there was for bacteria?

Now things fit together because we know so much about bacteria.

There is you woodenpixie!:)

We have yet to find an instrument to detect god but that does not stop people waffling on about him. So, just as we did not know bacteria existed we do not know god exists. You may also like to reflect that we had no word for bacteria until they were discovered but we have invented the word god for a putative something yet to be discovered by reason and objective evidence. Your analogy just does not hold.
"Your analogy just does not hold."

Oh yes, i am certain it does.

"So, just as we did not know bacteria existed we do not know god exists."

But bacteria do exist.
I'm trying to think of how one would establish one's credentials in the field of expertise about a God, and drawing a complete blank.

Anthropologist, maybe ?
As far as being an expert about a God i couldn't agree more. This can, at times, be an enormous problem.
I'm trying to think of how one would establish one's credentials in the field of expertise about a God, and drawing a complete blank.

A devotee.

On the other hand, people who themselves do not yet believe in God but who discuss about God, they too
have the responsibility to maintain a certain high level of discussion in terms of common decency and logical discourse.