Of stampcollectors and atheists

It takes more than high-school education to understand the validity of these methods.

I'd say it takes less than a high-school education. otherwise one would look elsewhere. HOw do ypou claim one can test the validity of these methods ?
because you don't have a process

I didn't think you would appreciate half a reply ....you might interpret it as an inability to answer your argument or something

And you don't have an argument, only statements which you would have us accept on your say-so.

Your speciality seems to be trapping yourself in a metaphysical web of your own devising. Earlier you suggested that an invisible stamp exists because you expected it to bolster your argument in some way. I have already addressed this point without your having given any account at all that would support what you wanted to convey ; you were merely evasive and suggested that I wished to talk about stamps. This wooliness is your standard defence when you have nothing to offer.

To stick with your invisible stamp ( pun intended ), you claimed that it could exist. Well, the bad news is that it cannot do so. We can define a stamp by its properties such as size, colour, weight and so on. One of its properties is visibiloity which means that, by definition, an invisible stamp cannot exist. Yet you would have us believe otherwise. Before talking about methods and all the rest, can you address this simple point. You brought it up, so I expect you to explain it in plain English.
Frankly, I think this is something a lazy victim would say.

At some point, indulging in relativism and indecision begins to be too demeaning to put up with it any longer.

You have an interesting way of looking at things. I am not lazy, nor am I a victim in any sense that I can think of. You seem to be pojecting your own problem onto me. I am not indecisive because I have left all the religious hocus-pocus behind me , I have a positive outlook and get on with life, Reading some of your posts leads me to believe that you are a master of indecision. You want the truth, you want it now, so you are stuck between a rock and a hard place because you cannot have what you want.
By the way so far nobody pointed out that a better analogy would have been using non-stampcollectors, because semanticly speaking those 2 groups are both non....
Not in regard to their existence.
Seems to me you know that, hence the non-answers..
given that the existence of any said thing is usually attained by applying normative measures ..... and the non-existence of normative measures in regards to wood pixies......
And you don't have an argument, only statements which you would have us accept on your say-so.

Your speciality seems to be trapping yourself in a metaphysical web of your own devising. Earlier you suggested that an invisible stamp exists because you expected it to bolster your argument in some way. I have already addressed this point without your having given any account at all that would support what you wanted to convey ; you were merely evasive and suggested that I wished to talk about stamps. This wooliness is your standard defence when you have nothing to offer.

To stick with your invisible stamp ( pun intended ), you claimed that it could exist. Well, the bad news is that it cannot do so. We can define a stamp by its properties such as size, colour, weight and so on. One of its properties is visibiloity which means that, by definition, an invisible stamp cannot exist. Yet you would have us believe otherwise. Before talking about methods and all the rest, can you address this simple point. You brought it up, so I expect you to explain it in plain English.

as mentioned earlier, seems you are more into discussing non-existent stamps as opposed to invisible ones
as mentioned earlier, seems you are more into discussing non-existent stamps as opposed to invisible ones

Do you ever think before you type ? An invisible stamp and a non-existent one share the property of non-existence. You want to distinguish between them when no distinction is possible.
Do you ever think before you type ? An invisible stamp and a non-existent one share the property of non-existence. You want to distinguish between them when no distinction is possible.
so when people manning a radar base hear that the enemy have missiles that are invisible to their radar, they all breath a sigh of relief?
so when people manning a radar base hear that the enemy have missiles that are invisible to their radar, they all breath a sigh of relief?

The What you don't know can and will hurt you definitely has some power, raises a sense of urgency. But it is also quite frustrating to try to prepare when one doesn't know what to prepare for.
1. what are normative descriptions of God ?
2. how do they prove Gods existence ?
I thought we were talking about normative descriptions of persons making claims - whether they be about god, science or pixies
(ie how you have to be or act in order to know something)
I thought we were talking about normative descriptions of persons making claims - whether they be about god, science or pixies
(ie how you have to be or act in order to know something)

No, we were talking about how there is as much evidence for Gods existence as there is for woodpixies.