Of stampcollectors and atheists

ironically enough, that is precisely the modus operandi of an adamant atheist when it comes to theistic claims

You are failing to make the necessary distinction between actively using one's intellect and soaking up nonsense like a sponge soaks up water.Theism is for the birds.
I guess the next question is whether certain emotional issues infringe on your use of intelligence and reasoning

excuse for what?

Sorry to disappoint you but I have no hang-ups. I am quite happy as I am, as are many others like me, but I doubt you can understand that.

Excuse ? A rhetorical question !
Sorry to disappoint you but I have no hang-ups. I am quite happy as I am, as are many others like me, but I doubt you can understand that.
I guess the general tendency is that everyone is quite happy with their value systems
That doesn't mean all value systems are of the same merit, however .... after all, even a person who enjoys smoking bongs, listening to death metal and video recording their erotic games with livestock could have no hangups, feel fine etc ... and they could even counter "don't knock it till you try it" too
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LG said:
That doesn't mean all value systems are of the same merit, however .... after all, even a person who enjoys smoking bongs, listening to death metal and video recording their erotic games with livestock could have no hangups, feel fine etc ...
With the right God, all religions are possible.

That one would be a branch of Santeria, maybe.
LG said:
just thought I would cut to the chase with something more absurd than your suggestion
My suggestion that basically anything is possible as a theistic religious ritual ?

Hardly absurd. Look around. There's probably a few even closer to what you presented than Voodoo is, in some of its branches.
My suggestion that basically anything is possible as a theistic religious ritual ?

Hardly absurd. Look around. There's probably a few even closer to what you presented than Voodoo is, in some of its branches.

my point is that no matter how far flung a theistic practice is, it can assume a position in a linear analysis.
For instance the cargo cultists were simply accepting the most wondrous thing within their experience as god or an indication of god. That is not a bad general principle that inhibits further theistic progress.
LG said:
my point is that no matter how far flung a theistic practice is, it can assume a position in a linear analysis.
And my point was that scenes invented as mockeries of sense and sensibility are easily incorporated into religions, where they blend indistinguishably into the variety of religious ritual already present on this planet.

LG said:
For instance the cargo cultists were simply accepting the most wondrous thing within their experience as god or an indication of god. That is not a bad general principle that inhibits further theistic progress.
Further theistic progress ? Yes, I can see that such general principles would be no barrier to further theistic progress of that - or any - kind.

No doubt the Apostle Frum's enlightenments will gain in sophistication as the years go by, and helmets made of finer things than scrap wood will prove shinier and more wondrous than the old radio headset mockups.

Maybe even, if they attain the sophistication of the bigtime religions, stained glass.

Originally Posted by LG
my point is that no matter how far flung a theistic practice is, it can assume a position in a linear analysis.

And my point was that scenes invented as mockeries of sense and sensibility are easily incorporated into religions, where they blend indistinguishably into the variety of religious ritual already present on this planet.
the nature of something that appears greatly wondrous to a person is not an "invention"

Originally Posted by LG
For instance the cargo cultists were simply accepting the most wondrous thing within their experience as god or an indication of god. That is not a bad general principle that inhibits further theistic progress.

Further theistic progress ? Yes, I can see that such general principles would be no barrier to further theistic progress of that - or any - kind.

No doubt the Apostle Frum's enlightenments will gain in sophistication as the years go by, and helmets made of finer things than scrap wood will prove shinier and more wondrous than the old radio headset mockups.

Maybe even, if they attain the sophistication of the bigtime religions, stained glass.
I think what you have missed is that people are predisposed to search out what is wondrous ....
I think what you have missed is that people are predisposed to search out what is wondrous ....
Or perhaps we are merely predisposed to wonder. Even that which upon first glance seems banal is astonishing... particularly when enlightened by science IMO.

Or perhaps we are merely predisposed to wonder. Even that which upon first glance seems banal is astonishing... particularly when enlightened by science IMO.


what to speak of being enlightened by transcendence

BG 13.3 I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. Brahman, the spirit, beginningless and subordinate to Me, lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world.
what to speak of being enlightened by transcendence

BG 13.3 I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. Brahman, the spirit, beginningless and subordinate to Me, lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world.
In my experience and from what I can infer from others. Transcendence seems more of an emotional state or gestalt experience rather than an actual state of knowing. Not that I don't value it, I do. I believe it often provides insight. But it seems to be more a state of imaginative awareness than epiphany or revelation.
