Of stampcollectors and atheists

Suppose you never met your father? yet...you can be 100% sure that you have one.


Not comparable. There is compelling evidence (lol) that one needs to have a father to even exist. Not so with God.
Try again :p
Man, what a fucking bore this thread has became. Can somebody close it?
Yeah, atheists tend to miss these finer points when they advocate the ban of religion.:p
The system in North Korea is diabolically called self reliance. :D

Of course, because disbelief in a God naturally leads to an oppressive dictatorship run by a narcissistic crazy man. :rolleyes:
Of course, because disbelief in a God naturally leads to an oppressive dictatorship run by a narcissistic crazy man. :rolleyes:

It would seem that where atheists are concerned, intellectual supremacy does precede a downfall for everyone else.
At least such a thing isn't codified into an ideology passed off as truth, and responsible for oppressing other religions and cultures all over the planet in the name of God.
SAM said:
Yeah, atheists tend to miss these finer points when they advocate the ban of religion.
Few atheists advocate ban of anything. Not even North Korea's theism, a particularly perverse variety.

SAM said:
The North Koreans define themselves as officially athiest.
That link was to someone else defining them that way. We already saw, on a another thread, the identification of the official state Deity, described as God and worshipped by command.

"The juche ideology goes beyond being a political ideology and has become a state religion. The deification of Kim Il-sung has been carried out accordingly. From the perspective of the academic study of religion, this is similar to the deification of Jesus that [occurred] after his death," Eun said.

From Eun's point of view, it's simplistic to think of a female schoolteacher who died in flames while trying to save the portrait of Kim Il-sung during the 2004 explosion incident in the Yongchon region as strange. Deification always produces fervent followers, and there's little difference between a Christian martyr in a remote African village and the North Korean teacher, Eun said.
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Reporter Liu Fang quizzed a young student and checked on the degree of deification of the Dear Leader by asking questions that very much sounded like a Sunday-school teacher asking her pupil about the bedtime prayer. "Do you spare a particular time of the day, such as before you go to bed, for Kim? Do you talk to Kim? Does he talk to you?"

The young student's answer to all these questions was, "Yes."
When you martyr yourself for, worship, give thanks to, and pray to an entity, it's a deity.

As far as what they call themselves - anyone can attempt to make themselves look better by giving themselves compliments. The Nazis called themselves "socialist", Pakistan calls itself "Islamic", what can you do ?
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Evidence ?

Good point man!:eek:

If a stamp has no energy and no mass, how do we prove that it exists!!!???
once again, issues of evidence boil down to qualification and knowledge (unless you want to advocate that your current abilities to determine energy and mass are authoritatively complete)

for instance a suitably qualified physicist can verify the existence of electrons.

For everyone else, it might as well be an invisible stamp