Of stampcollectors and atheists

Good point man!:eek:

If a stamp has no energy and no mass, how do we prove that it exists!!!???

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
well technically speaking, an invisible stamp also exists

Well, you can't say it doesn't exist, just like SAM cannot deny the possibility of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Well that's not really the point, is it ?
If someone comes to you claiming he has an invisible stamp he is making an extraordinary claim.
So he better proof the invisible stamp exist.
If he can't, what will you do ?
You will do this :rolleyes: :crazy:, and walk away.
I get what your saying, but in practice atheism today is associated with science and new revelations in biology, rejection of the supernatural, and promotion of secular government.
I get what your saying, but in practice atheism today is associated with science and new revelations in biology, rejection of the supernatural, and promotion of secular government.

Not in China and North Korea. There we associate atheism with gassing whole families {and maintaining neat scientific records of the effects} and killing Tibetans/Christians while enforcing state sponsored atheism on an unwilling public.


The state defines some minorities, such as the Hui, in relation to their faith in Islam. While such groups are forbidden to establish private religious schools for their children, PRC state schools force children to turn their backs on this essential component of their identities. For example, state boarding schools prohibit students from reading religious books or praying in school. Moreover, secondary school pupils are taught that religion is an instrument for the oppression of the masses and prevents minority communities from modernizing their economy.

This anti-religion approach is particularly pronounced in schools for Tibetan children. Indeed, the government’s Patriotic Education Campaign launched in 1996 in Tibet seeks to undermine loyalty to the Dalai Lama through the promotion of atheism. A recent editorial in the Tibet Daily clearly indicated this intent by stating that young children should be educated in atheism in order to help rid them of the “bad influence of religion.” As part of this campaign, Tibetan children have reportedly had “protection cords” they were wearing confiscated by teachers. Teachers levy small fines on Tibetan pupils as well as naming and shaming these children in front of the whole school.

And the popularity of Dawkins has shown that anti-theism is still a powerful impetus in organizing atheists.
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SAM said:
Not in China and North Korea
We established the theistic nature of the North Korean governance in another thread. You were there.

SAM said:
And the popularity of Dawkins has shown that anti-theism is still a powerful impetus in organizing atheists.
They remain unorganized, however. Except for the religious ones, of course, who do not seem to be jumping on Dawkins's bandwagon, whatever that's supposed to be.

There's too many different kinds, not enough interest in politics, I suspect.
So do you propose to oppress the atheistic values maintained in those countries? What makes your theistic values better than them?
We established the theistic nature of the North Korean governance in another thread. You were there.

They remain unorganized, however. Except for the religious ones, of course, who do not seem to be jumping on Dawkins's bandwagon, whatever that's supposed to be.

There's too many different kinds, not enough interest in politics, I suspect.

The North Koreans define themselves as officially athiest.

State atheism has been implemented in communist countries, such as the former Soviet Union,[1] China, North Korea, and Communist Mongolia. In these nations, the governments viewed atheism as an intrinsic part of communist ideology. Consequences of state atheism in these countries include active (and, sometimes, violent) opposition to religion, and persecution of religious institutions, leaders and believers.

If you disagree take it up with them.

So do you propose to oppress the atheistic values maintained in those countries? What makes your theistic values better than them?

I think all atheists should move to officially atheist countries to show their solidarity for their system. They'll find it pretty utopian, I imagine.
So you propose to displace native peoples, relocate them into segregated enclaves, and you say your ethics are superior?
I guess any system that doesn't include reference to a supernatural being, which is paradoxically, the only thing that can make us behave humanely.
I guess any system that doesn't include reference to a supernatural being, which is paradoxically, the only thing that can make us behave humanely.

Are you serious ?

Edit: I misread (I hope).

So that isn't a system.
I'm wondering why SAM defines systems by what they are not.
What is this 'atheist system'.. :confused:

One where state atheism is enforced as an official belief. Dawkins and co should salivate at the ban on indoctrination by parents and the closure of all faith schools.:rolleyes:
Well that's not really the point, is it ?
If someone comes to you claiming he has an invisible stamp he is making an extraordinary claim.
So he better proof the invisible stamp exist.
If he can't, what will you do ?
You will do this :rolleyes: :crazy:, and walk away.

Suppose you never met your father? yet...you can be 100% sure that you have one.
