not allowed to talk to boys until a certain age.

Teachers change seating all the time for far less than a parental request. Its silly to make a big deal out of it. Does the boy have a reduced ability to hear or comprehend from another seat? Or is he going to class only to sit next to particular girls who do not wish to speak to him? In fact, talking in class itself would be a grounds for seat change in my school.


I disagree with sexual segragation in class, I am from an unsegregated school and I consider it to be an important contribution to the gender equality debate. Boys who compete with girls in class and vice versa are less likely to consider them as subordinate. Girls also gain confidence with the opposite sex from a mixed environment.
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I disagree with sexual segragation in class, I am from an unsegregated school and I consider it to be an important contribution to the gender equality debate. Boys who compete with girls in class and vice versa are more less likely to consider them as subordinate. Girls also gain confidence with the opposite sex from a mixed environment.

I find that hard to believe that socialization with the opposite sex is less likely to lead them to believe women are less submissive. For in large part, women are.
my son is getting hurt, by her ignoring him, he likes this girl, my sons fealings shoud not be taken into account then hey?

No, they should not.

i ahve told my son to keep talking to her and if she doesnt talk back then keep talking, or perents are being foolish not me

If your son liked a girl who didn't like him, would you tell him to keep hounding her and harrassing her until she gives in?
Are you going to teach him to be a date-rapist too?

It's such a difficult thing to teach your children respect for others?

all i wanted to know really was ahs anyone else here heard of a relgion that doesnt allow females to talk to males until a certain age,

So you can go to the schoolboard to complain that they are lying and no such religion exists?
Looking for ammunition?

This has nothing to do with how the school is run, or how these people are raising their daughter, does it?
This has everything to do with your kid being upset that this girl doesn't talk to him.
"Potentially expending extra resources"? To what? To put her in a female taught class? To not make her speak to boys? What is that going to do?

well its fairly clear from the original poster that this isn't a minor issue and that its disrupting several classes just to accommodate one person:

no sure, has long as other children are NOT effected by it! and they are, because they have to shuffle teachers and children around, and that isnt fair on pupils with problems with routine, therefore making them suffer

Comparing that to providing access to education for the handicapped is a joke (or a troll).
In that case you are working to provide an equality of access to more able bodied pupils, and is thus worthy of making an investment.
This child has no physical reason why she cant take the same classes and sit the same sylabus as every other child and as such there is no justification for making exceptions for her - particularly when it is now very clear that this is at the expense of other children.
well its fairly clear from the original poster that this isn't a minor issue and that its disrupting several classes just to accommodate one person:

How is a class disrupted by a change in seating? Its very common to change seats in school. We used to have rotations in seats every day, so that there would be better mixing among students. Its nonsesical to think that sitting in a different place in class will hamper or disrupt your learning.
How is a class disrupted by a change in seating? Its very common to change seats in school. We used to have rotations in seats every day, so that there would be better mixing among students. Its nonsesical to think that sitting in a different place in class will hamper or disrupt your learning.

its not only a change in seating SAM its a change in teachers, my son has had to change teachers along with 3 otehr boys, and my son doesnt take change well, he cannot settle because of his ADHD! why should he ahve to change classes, to accomadate a child that isnt allowed tot alk to male teachers, there is a school trip planned next week, and tehy have had to change the groups to suit her and her perents
No, they should not.

If your son liked a girl who didn't like him, would you tell him to keep hounding her and harrassing her until she gives in?
Are you going to teach him to be a date-rapist too?

It's such a difficult thing to teach your children respect for others?

So you can go to the schoolboard to complain that they are lying and no such religion exists?
Looking for ammunition?

This has nothing to do with how the school is run, or how these people are raising their daughter, does it?
This has everything to do with your kid being upset that this girl doesn't talk to him.

not at all actually, i am pissed because my son has had to change teachers and because of his ADHD he cannot settle into a new routine very well, i am not the only perant upset about this seeing that 3 otehr boys have had to change classes!

my son and his class mates have gone from a teacher who is lovely, understanding to a teacher who frankly isnt the right teacehr for my son
So they should accomodate YOUR child instead of THEIR child.

I understand now.
its not only a change in seating SAM its a change in teachers, my son has had to change teachers along with 3 otehr boys, and my son doesnt take change well, he cannot settle because of his ADHD! why should he ahve to change classes, to accomadate a child that isnt allowed tot alk to male teachers, there is a school trip planned next week, and tehy have had to change the groups to suit her and her perents

I'm surprised the school is going out of its way to do all this. Are you certain its because of the girl? What did they do with the teachers who were moved?
So I was right about this?

Do you really want me to answer that question?

my child will suffer because of it and so will the other children who were moved from the classroom,

this is anouther example of teachers being to PC and getting they're heads up they're asses

What would the same rightie religious nutters say if the kid's parents were communists and demanded that the child only be taught by a socialist teacher - or a black/asian/whatever kid could only associate with other kids of the same race and could only be taught by teachers of the same race - would that be acceptible? - course it fucking wouldn't - but religion gets a free pass - fuck that!
I think you are doing your child a great disservice by going to lengths to accomodate his "disability".
I think the only way he will ever learn to deal with his problem is to allow him to face challenges and rise to them.
I think, rather than catering to his ADHD (and this is coming form someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD) and babying him, he would be much better served if you taught him that everyone in the world has certain disadvantages that they have to deal with and overcome.
I think that by trying to shelter him and trying to force the world to bend to his disability, you are setting him up for failure.

I think you are teaching him to identify as disabled and special, and in the long run that will hurt him.
not at all actually, i am pissed because my son has had to change teachers and because of his ADHD he cannot settle into a new routine very well, i am not the only parent upset about this seeing that 3 other boys have had to change classes!

my son and his class mates have gone from a teacher who is lovely, understanding to a teacher who frankly isn't the right teacher for my son

I think this illustrates what's wrong perfectly - on the one hand you have a child who has no physical or mental reason that prevents it from receiving the same treatment as everyone else, and on the another, a child who genuinely has special needs - and not particularly drastic special needs at that - all he needs is merely a settled environment and an understanding teacher.
But for the sake of being respectful to someone's religion - because religion always gets the free pass - the child in the greatest need and most deserving of attention loses out.
At the risk of sounding like a Daily Mail reader - I'm disgusted!
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There is something I don't understand at all.
You say you are upset because they want to switch the class your son is in and he needs stability because of his ADHD, and switching him to a new teacher will be detrimental to his development.
Yet you want to switch him to a whole new school a a result of this?
So, not only will he have a new teacher, but he will not know ANY of the teachers in the school, and have to make all new friends, learn a new school set-up - his whole world will be turned upside-down.
That astounds me.