not allowed to talk to boys until a certain age.

the teacher would not tell me what religion they are i asked this morning, but she is not allowed to talk to boys until she is 20yrs old!

i saw a programme years ago about somthing like this, this girl wasnt allowed to talk to boys but i can't remember what religion she was.

I think you should do the world a favour - name and shame the school for pandering to this bullshit.
LA, with all due respect who someone talks to is there OWN choice. As harsh as it is to your son there is really nothing the school can do in this sort of case. Im sure they are just putting her with girls because if they delibratly went against the parents desires all they would do is isolate the child. Im sure your son has other people he can talk to but if they force her to sit with only boys and her parents have forbiden her to talk to boys (and im assuming she is chosing to follow her parents wishes) all they would be doing is forcing her not to talk PERIOD.
LA, with all due respect who someone talks to is there OWN choice. As harsh as it is to your son there is really nothing the school can do in this sort of case. Im sure they are just putting her with girls because if they delibratly went against the parents desires all they would do is isolate the child. Im sure your son has other people he can talk to but if they force her to sit with only boys and her parents have forbiden her to talk to boys (and im assuming she is chosing to follow her parents wishes) all they would be doing is forcing her not to talk PERIOD.

but then send her to a single sex school its not fair that the school should bow down to these perants, and its not fair on the other kids, why should rules be changed, seating places be chaged becasue ONE set of perants dont want they're daughter talking to boys?
But yes, I agree.

She has every right to do as she pleases, no matter how odd it seems.
But yes, I agree.

She has every right to do as she pleases, no matter how odd it seems.

but her perants have NO right to tell a school where to sit what child, they shouldnt be able to tell the school to make very special and weird demands

I don't buy that this is due to religion. I've never heard of such a religion. It's probably a story concocted by two very overprotective parents.
I think you should do the world a favour - name and shame the school for pandering to this bullshit.

i am writing a letter to the education board, i dont think its fair on either her or the other children, they wont let a non religious girl/boy dictate on how the school should be run.

i am even considering changing my sons scool

but her perants have NO right to tell a school where to sit what child, they shouldnt be able to tell the school to make very special and weird demands

I think it is perfectly within their bounds to make such requests, if handicapped people can make demands to get wheelchair ramps and such installed.
But yes, I agree.

She has every right to do as she pleases, no matter how odd it seems.

What they do and beleive in their own homes and personal lives is up to them.

However at a state-run school - paid for by us taxpayers - if they want special treatment they can pay for it or provide it for themselves

I think it is perfectly within their bounds to make such requests, if handicapped people can make demands to get wheelchair ramps and such installed.

somewhat different - that is done to provide handicapped people with the SAME access to a public service as everyone else - these parents are asking for PREFERENTIAL access to a public service

somewhat different - that is done to provide handicapped people with the SAME access to a public service as everyone else - these parents are asking for PREFERENTIAL access to a public service

And yet you just affirmed that those who do not want "what is offered" must pay more?

Handicap can use the facillities, albeit with difficulty. Why not have them simply pay for the installation of such things?

And yet you just affirmed that those who do not want "what is offered" must pay more?

Handicap can use the facillities, albeit with difficulty. Why not have them simply pay for the installation of such things?

one word for you:


they pay for it (or more the perants do) through paying taxes!! we do not pay taxes to be told by one pair of perents on how our school should be run
And yet you just affirmed that those who do not want "what is offered" must pay more?

Yep - it's called freedom of choice - its what conservatives like me beleive in strongly - lefties like you want to restrict that choice in order to pander to every bloody minority wish at the expense of other taxpayers - we give them the choice and they are free to exercise that choice in any way they see fit - seems fair enough to me.

Handicap can use the facillities, albeit with difficulty. Why not have them simply pay for the installation of such things?

In this case we are not offering a freedom of choice though are we - we are restricting it by adding an additional physical burden to accessing that public service - on top of any physical disadvantages that person may already posess - the child in question here has no physical reason why they shouldn't receive the same treatment as anyone else, it stems from a personal and private beleif of her parents - as such when it comes to public matters it should stay personal and private.
Lucifers Angel:


they pay for it (or more the perants do) through paying taxes!! we do not pay taxes to be told by one pair of perents on how our school should be run

Why should the non-handicapped pay for the taxes specifically to benefit the handicapped?
LA out of interest do you send your children to a private school or a public school?

If the latter do they actually HAVE single sex public schools in england?

Because i can think of a very good reason why they COULD be sending the child to a multisex school and that could well simply be finantial ie they cant aford to send her to a single sex private school