Nonsense: Prove/Disprove existence of a god or gods

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About the believe in God let me start by saying in my youth at the age of 12 I did not believe in God I was a hardcore critical logical and scientific thinker....but believing in God is something that transcends linear logic its like comparing chess and checkers if you think in narrow paremters you will miss what is right beside you seemingly "God". The spirit is the subjective inspiration of God objectively appointed to the subject by God Himself in order to direct the subject to absolute truth with or with out the scientific method again its like the difference of playing chess or checkers. So the belief in God is like the wave particle duality you cannot know God is real unless you have faith, like mental thought can guide you half of the way but in the end like a lotery ticket of randomness you do not know if you will be chosen, and if you are not chosen you will not believe. Its actually alot more complex to explain than this at the moment this is the simplest form I can produce I will attempt to be more clear.
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About the believe in God let me start by saying in my youth at the age of 12 I did not believe in God I was a hardcore critical logical and scientific thinker....but believing in God is something that transcends linear logic its like comparing chess and checkers if you think in narrow paremters you will miss what is right beside you seemingly "God". The spirit is the subjective inspiration of God objectively appointed to the subject by God Himself in order to direct the subject to absolute truth with or with out the scientific method again its like the difference of playing chess or checkers. So the belief in God is like the wave particle duality you cannot know God is real unless you have faith, like mental thought can guide you half of the way but in the end like a lotery ticket of randomness you do not know if you will be chosen, and if you are not chosen you will not believe. Its actual alot more complex to explain than this at the moment this is the simplest form I can produce I will attempt to be more clear.

The difference is between playing chess with a chess set & another player or pretending to play chess with no chess set & no other player.

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True story...this is how God found me I was bieng recruted by the darkside in my nieve state the demons set a trap for me they sent 3 representives and one of them told me it will happen in 40 days and the other one asked me if I was ready the third one told me I was chosen, I obviously did not take it serious and I did not properly comprehend the true extent of deep shit I was getting myself into. Now unfaithfully on the 40th day I was duped into chanting the words "I am Satan" 3 times then the sky turned into a light redish grid and a demonic energy seemed to be seeping into the atmosphere and it tried to enter my body seconds later I was in an infinite space of white void and cylindrical streams of molten lava shooting latterally in infinite seeming lenghts, I was the only one there it was empty just me alone my skin started to burn me, there was no floor I was floating in midair. I started to pray instantly then had a private conversation with Jesus he removed me from there I stayed with him until the demons retreated my intuition tells me I was in the hell fire for 11 seconds.
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Which God?
The one God of singularity all the rest or false just multidimensional biengs the things they achieved eventually human will be capable of achieving these things the multidemensional biengs have acheived these biengs are the reasons some people hear voices unless the person is a telepath but its not as simple as I am explaining am just trying my best to simplify my explanations, I can not provide you with proof for what I believe I have done extensive reserch on my own verifying things to my personal satisfaction and I have personal experiences of many supernatural accurrences that to me now I just consider normal but others may think they are unreal or supernatural read about "bio photons" that helped me explain some of the things that happened to me but my situation goes deeper than that really deep into the rabbit hole.
The one God of singularity all the rest or false just multidimensional biengs the things they achieved eventually human will be capable of achieving these things the multidemensional biengs have acheived these biengs are the reasons some people hear voices unless the person is a telepath but its not as simple as I am explaining am just trying my best to simplify my explanations, I can not provide you with proof for what I believe I have done extensive reserch on my own verifying things to my personal satifaction and I have personal eperiences of many supernatural accurrences that to me now I just consider normal but others may think they are unreal or supernatural read about "bio photons" that help me explain some of the things that happened to me but my situation goes really deep into the rabbit hole.
Crackpot word salad at its finest.
Crackpot word salad at its finest.
This is my belief my opinion you asked me a question and I answered you with my opinion If you want to have an honest conversation with me then resist the urge to troll, if you do not like my answers am sorry I am not here to please you you do not know me you have not walked in my shoes so you should not jugde because I have not judged you. I never even told you to believe me or to take any value away from anything I am saying here it is simply from my subjective point of view this is the point you seem to be missing never assume you know it all.
and by the way thanks for the compliment am flattered...
You're the one making claims about "multidimensional biengs" so the burden of proof is on you.
You're the one making claims about "multidimensional biengs" so the burden of proof is on you.
No my friend not a claim you misunderstood it was an "opinion" a belief it does not require proof this is why the experience is subjective as well as the understanding if you read my other post before hand then you would have noticed I explained that already in the defined parameters of this specific context I attempted to express. "post 221"
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The scientific method breaks down, when it comes to phenomena of the mind. The scientific method was designed to factor out most aspects of our inner reality. For example, subjectivity is factored out, even though this adds spice to life. The method was designed so the only things investigated will need to come into the brain, via the senses. Things that start from the inside, are treated differently and not as hard science.

For example, if I had a hallucination of a pink elephant, which nobody else can see, this mind generated data point exists, but only through my mind. It is real data point, in terms of a neural ionic chemical effect; hallucination, but this unique hallucination data point is not something you can easily investigate from the outside. I can never prove what I saw, nor can I reproduce this in another mind, or on a computer screen in the lab. It may never happen this way again. The scientific method hits a sensory wall, and cannot fully address such data and calls any attempt, soft science. Soft science never has the same weight, as hard science, due to the lack of reproducible sensory data.

These inner reality types of data, are part of the last frontier of science. What was left out the scientific method, is being saved for last. First outside or sensory based reality needs to established, before inner reality will be fully approached, because one will need a good anchor and foundation within tangible reality, because inner storms of the mind may appear and one needs a strong and secure mooring. This is why these things are taboo in science, with the feigned laugher more for self assurance.

If experiences of God, were to come from inside the brain, and even appear as a self generated hallucination, so God can also appear to be outside, science is not yet ready to alter the scientific method to accommodate such data. The person who bears witness, sees what they see. They have a secret stash of data they try to share or are afraid to share less they be isolated by the taboo.

If you look at dreams, this is a very common spontaneous information output, from the human brain. But for the most part, it is considered a joke by most of science, on par with horoscopes, simply because the method can't go there, 100%. The brain generating a dream, is not much different from a plant generating a range of chemicals. Both are forms of information; chemical versus ionic/binary information. The difference is the chemical information is fixed outside and can be seen from the outside via the senses. Since we all have dreams and most people have been witness to this unique data that is unscientific, many will discuss it, to show each other, how science is being blind, to internal data. The same is true of a special output data called divine; inner voice.
whether or not you believe jesus is god there are examples of god the father admitting his mistake in the old testament
for example the reason he had to send the flood
umm ok.. but still, jesus is not god. jesus is god's son.(shrugs).
jesus was a son of god till his transfiguration. after transfiguration he became one with reality and thus god.
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You do know Christianity isn't real, right? Just like all the other religions.

Christianity is no different.
i know the truth as revealed to me, jesus became god that part of the bible is at least is not changed by many translations of the original text
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