No Healthcare for Smokers,Drinkers,Fat,Old..

just to prove a point michal. My grandmother is suffering a whole heep of rather servier symptoms at the moment. Now as i said im STUDYING paramedics (in SA while my grandmother is in vic) and my sister is just about finished her physio degreee. We both independently gave exactly the same diognosis as the GP (to much cordisol and adrenilin in her body):p The only difference was my sister unlike the doctor and I picked WHERE the pain was coming from. The GP had no idea and i hadnt seen my grandmother to asses her (but in that i would have taken my sisters opinion higher than my own anyway).

Another example. One of the GP's at the surgury I go to is an ex aviation doctor. I went in to see him, so that he could sign off on a B12 injection (had to see him before the nurse could give me the shoot). I had a minor alergic reaction to the drug which even though i had just had a full set of blood tests AND recently had a tetnes shot with no reaction he put down to anxiaty over the shot. I came back the next week for the next shot and was chatting away to the GP (different one this time, indian actually) who said if that happened to you last time you better not have this one because you would probably go into aniphlactic shock. The first idiot didnt even think you could be ALERGIC to the B12 shots (i read the leaflet after that and reaslied you most definitly CAN be alergic to them)

This may seem like a really stupid question but what IS USYD?
We'll see more of this. When something is "free", the only way to control costs is rationing. I'd rather not have my life depend upon the good graces of some government bureaucrat.

Very true. The first thing that will happen is tax increases to pay for increased demand (after all, it's "free"). When taxes cannot go any higher, health care will be rationed. Of course, taxes aren't going to go down then. Now you're being taxed to death and you can't get the surgery you need.
Was the first GP a Uni of Sydney graduate?

The problem with AU med schools is that they realized they could make a hell of a lot more money by using the system called PBL (which basically stands for - teach yourself everything and be given a super simple test to pass and then move into clincals where we will try to fail the ones we think suck). and then, as always, under fund this to the extreme, jack up the price of a degree and end up with idiot GPs.

Did you know Harvard tried the PBL system for a couple years for canceling it. USYD is in no way even CLOSE to where Harvard was when they ended the program. Oh, well. Make sure you find that Indian doc and stick with him or her!
Actually, as soon as I publish this next paper (or at least submit) I think I'm going to look for a Uni to work at in stem cells in CA. Unless something pops up somewhere else.
Problem based learning?

My degree isnt, although we DO do some of that. The lecture will list some symptoms on the board and we have to give all the possable solutions that we can think of. We did one for CP to show that although not ALL chest pain is cardiac its all concidered to be cardiac untill the blood tests can be run or you can definitly find another cause (ie a rib sticking out of the chest or a pnemothorax)

Most of the degree is skills based (thats just the job, we HAVE to be profficant at things like CPR, defib, putting in an IV ect) with A&P, ethics, resurch, policy ect all thrown in
There's a whole lot of people who think that if they pay private insurers twice as much as socialized medicine would cost, that their lives won't depend on some bureaucrat, and their health care won't be rationed.

Private insurers make their profits, enormous ones, by rationing care according to the policies of some bureaucrat.
We have the best doctors in the world. We want to keep it that way.

Then how come the USA ranks at #37 in the WHO league table?

Oh, because the system the doctors work in isn't very good.

I don't get the argument against socialised medicine. Seems most people object on the grounds that they don't want to pay to get someone else treated, or that they don't want the govt to run things.

Let's deal with these one at a time.

First, people pay into healthschemes, hoping that a little expenditure now, will save a larger one later, should they fall ill. Nobody wants to cash in, however. So the people that never cash in, pay for those that do, in exactly the same way socialised systems work.

Who runs the scheme. Seems some people want a private enterprise to run the scheme, irrespective of the cost or quality of the service. Private schemes are run for profit, so you know per $ you will get less than a non-profit system. Private schemes also exclude people who cannot afford insurance. Socialised systems can afford to include these people because they do not make profit.

Now, 'Sandy' you say you have cover at the level of $100 per month, and I doubt that buys you very much at all. You are hoping that you can save yourself some money now, and pay for any treatment not covered in your policy from your own savings. That's a bit of a gamble, isn't it? Hospital stays can cost thousands of dollars per day, surgery tens of thousands, rehabilitation and drugs add more, plus loss of earnings while incapacitated. Now you say you don't get ill, but what if your car gets totalled by an uninsured driver, and you can't sue them to get recompense, because they are poor?

There are always circumstances beyond out control 'Sandy' which is why there are Firefighters and the Police, and they are not privately run. Why is healthcare different in your eyes?
My thinking prevents my problems. I am NEVER going to need insurance even though I have a "catastrophic coverage" policy. I have CHOSEN to be healthy. I control my thoughts and keep the stress out of my life. My auto insurance covers anything that could happen in a car.

This is personal to me. I refuse to pay for even more people's coverage even though I already do pay for many losers with taxes.

We make choices in life. I have chosen to be a winner. My estate/portfolio will cover any financial issue.
I refuse to pay for even more people's coverage even though I already do pay for many losers with taxes.

What is the difference between auto insurance payments, and paying for socialised medical care? NOTHING!

You do not want to wreck you car, just so you get your money's worth from those insurance payments. But people do wreck their cars, and then they get the money that you paid to the insurance company. You pay, another benefits, so there is no difference.

You are not rejecting socialised medicine for real reasons, therefore, you are doing it just because you are uncharitable, and not a real christian. Maybe you should go read about 'The Good Samaritan' and get back to me.
What is the difference... You are not rejecting socialised medicine for real reasons, therefore, you are doing it just because you are uncharitable, and not a real christian. Maybe you should go read about 'The Good Samaritan' and get back to me.

Delusional. :rolleyes: My CHOICE to buy car insurance is different from being FORCED to pay for loser's healthcare.
Maybe you should go read "If a man won't work, he doesn't eat". And stop the personal attack bs. :mad:
It's not concern 'Sandy', rather that I am trying to expose your bullshit. You pay insurance, same as we in the UK pay for state healthcare, but you just won't admit it's the same thing.

It's not the same thing. My choices have led to me being fine. For life. Thanks again for your interest.