No Healthcare for Smokers,Drinkers,Fat,Old..

Yes. That's the only reason I have it

So you have no choice, then, do you?

And you know what, if you had no choice but to pay for socialised healthcare through taxation, you'd put up with it, and eventually, admit the benefits.

But right now you're just thinking your healthcare payments would be spent on others, not realising, that's exactly how your car insurance, that you are forced to buy, works.

Socialised healthcare delivers benefits better than the US system, as judged by the WHO, 'Sandy', and the US, despite having a GDP twice that of Slovenia, only gets to be one place higher on the list.

These are things you cannot argue with. Ha, and ha.

Anyway, I have to ask again, isn't it time to drop this facade?

Mod Edit — Remove personal insults.
Last edited by a moderator:
Sandy would you prefer to have workers burdened by illness or treated and health as soon as they became sick?

This economic benifit is why im baffled that right wing surporters dont surport Universal health care. It was origional introduced not to benifit the people but to make sure there was a strong cashe of workers and solders for the country
Mod Hat - Intervention

Mod Hat — Intervention


Lighten up, gotta lighten up, gotta lighten up right now. (Shine like the sun.)



Thank you for your cooperation.

• • •​


When you so determinedly cultivate for yourself the reputation of a troll, you should expect to meet resistance.

The hatred you show the rest of the world and the dishonesty of your arguments are what compel people to respond as they do. And yes, they ought to know better than to be so direct, but at the same time, unlike you, most of the people tearing away at you aren't up to dedicating any significant portion of their energies calculating how best to lie and twist and pretend in order to piss you off.

So please consider the obvious: If you don't go out of your way to prove to us all that you're a spiteful, ignorant, relentless crusader, people won't respond to you as such.

Remember this, too: You don't get a blank slate with each new topic, or across forum lines. People do not forget your "cheerleader from hell" routine in Politics, nor your utter hypocrisy as an alleged Christian. Furthermore, when you turn around and complain, as you did in the abortion topic, about people making general statements pertaining to groups (e.g., "right wing nuts"), you only make the point that your own behavior is unacceptable. You can't have it both ways. People notice when you do dumb shit like that.

Quit whining. Conduct yourself with at least a modicum of dignity, and it will be easier for your neighbors to show you at least a pretense of respect.

Easy enough?


Thank you for your cooperation.

• • •​

General Note:

I'll say it again, people:

Use your ignore lists, people. Please? I don't care if you have to think of it in terms of, "At what point would I actually beat up the retarded kid?"

If that's how you have to think of her, that's fine with me. In fact, if it will bring some peace and quiet around here, then I wholeheartedly encourage it.

So use your ignore lists. And then we can go on being brutally civilized to one another like we used to. You know, the old routine? Remember? When it was actually fun to take swings at one another?

Stop making me protect the agitator.​

Got it?


Thank you for your cooperation.
Tiassa, you could have left the 'ring wing christian' part in, and only deleted the 'asshole' part, but I guess it's done, and 'Sandy' knows I'm calling her out as a troll.

Why did you remove the question about Adam Smith, btw?
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat — Response

Phlogistician said:

Tiassa, you could have left the 'ring wing christian' part in, and only deleted the 'asshole' part, but I guess it's done, and 'Sandy' knows I'm calling her out as a troll.

Perhaps you've a point there. But remember, she's proud of being a right wing Christian. Since the "asshole" part seemed integral to the point, it seemed best to remove the whole thing.

Why did you remove the question about Adam Smith, btw?

Convenience. It suited me. It's easy enough for you to retype that one sentence in a more useful post.

There, now it's fixed. And it looks like you're asking the question of Asguard. It would not constitute a violation if you were to fix that particular point.

• • •​

Sandy said:

So the personal attacker gets a little cheer and I get a character assassination? WTF?

Quit whining. One of the reasons people are so hostile is that few, if any of your neighbors believe you're remotely sincere. Life goes on. This is as much your doing as theirs. If I could believe you were being sincere or generally honest, it would be easier for me to protect your position. And I don't mean morally easier. I mean tactically easier. You don't leave me much to work with, Sandy. What should I say to people? "How dare you get pissed off at someone who goes out of her way to piss people off!"

Surely, even you can see what's wrong with that.

God finds you naked and He leaves you dying. What happens in between is up to you. (Robyn Hitchcock)
We can but show others the path, they still have to walk it.
Unfortunately, International politics is like trying to get an obese kid out of a wheelchair.
Yeah, but you can always tape the obese kid to the floor.
meh, if Americans don't want universal health care like any other civilized country, let them not have it. Prisoners of their own delusions.

They're a new country/society and probably still haven't figured out that you should care for your own people. All in all absolutely egocentric, cold.

Which is quite strange, since America is frequently called Jesus Land.
Avatar the problems with "let them die is a) the ones who suffer arnt the ones making the decision b) we have reponciablitys as world citizans to care for EVERYONE just like we try to do for africa and c) if they are all delusional then they cant ratioanlly MAKE that decision
i think that everyone is entitled to "decent" medical care, but however if you, continue to smoke after a lung illness, and are told by the dr's that if you dont stop smoking you'll be back in hospital then tough, you're wasting the time of the nurses, dr's and surgeons, and most importantly your wasting the time of the people on the waiting list! for operations
LA I think you over simplify things. My father died a young man. He had three heart attacks and smoked like a smoke stack. He was told by his physician to stop...but he could not. And it killled him and left me fatherless.
Addictions are powerful. Some people are never able to break them despite their best intentions. I have honored the promise I made to my father through out my life to never smoke.
Do not under estimate the power of addictions. It is easy for those not addicted to cast moral blame on the addicted...much easier than breaking an addiction.
LA I think you over simplify things. My father died a young man. He had three heart attacks and smoked like a smoke stack. He was told by his physician to stop...but he could not. And it killled him and left me fatherless.
Addictions are powerful. Some people are never able to break them despite their best intentions. I have honored the promise I made to my father through out my life to never smoke.
Do not under estimate the power of addictions. It is easy for those not addicted to cast moral blame on the addicted...much easier than breaking an addiction.

They say everyone has an addiction. Some are just more obvious than others.
Not so strange

Avatar said:

They're a new country/society and probably still haven't figured out that you should care for your own people. All in all absolutely egocentric, cold.

Which is quite strange, since America is frequently called Jesus Land.

Not so strange in that context. Redemptive monotheism—which includes Christianity—is entirely egocentric. Individually, the ultimate goal is the redemption of something called one's "eternal soul". And this is supposed to be more valuable to the believers than anything else in the Universe. All of the charity and goodness Christians advocate is intended in one way or another to get them a ticket to Heaven.

Egocentrism is one of the founding principles of Jesus Land.
Not so strange in that context. Redemptive monotheism—which includes Christianity—is entirely egocentric. Individually, the ultimate goal is the redemption of something called one's "eternal soul". And this is supposed to be more valuable to the believers than anything else in the Universe. All of the charity and goodness Christians advocate is intended in one way or another to get them a ticket to Heaven. Egocentrism is one of the founding principles of Jesus Land.

Not so. Born-again Christians know the only way to Heaven is by "accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior". It has nothing to do with works/good deeds/charity. It's all about Him.
LA I think you over simplify things. My father died a young man. He had three heart attacks and smoked like a smoke stack. He was told by his physician to stop...but he could not. And it killled him and left me fatherless.
Addictions are powerful. Some people are never able to break them despite their best intentions. I have honored the promise I made to my father through out my life to never smoke.
Do not under estimate the power of addictions. It is easy for those not addicted to cast moral blame on the addicted...much easier than breaking an addiction.

sorry but what absolute tosh!!

if you want it enough then you can quit an addiction, it being heroin, drinking, to smoking, i smoked for nearly 10yrs and when i was pregnent i stopped over night, because i wanted mt child to be healthy
first off lucifers angel, i would like to say congratulations. That was a good thing you did for your child and it must have been hard.

But you are living in a fary tale if you think that adictions are that easy to break.

Nicotinee: i have tried quiting 5 times even WITH the patches
Acholisum: You have no idea what your talking about. I know an acholic (well i know 2 if you include my grandfather but he is dead) and she STILL isnt "Recovered" 10 years after her last drink. If it was that easy to cure why cant she have a drink? because that would start off the adiction again. Your an idiot, there is no such thing as a cure for adiction, just an adict who isnt using