No God???


Truthseeker, have you ever thought of the possibility that your whole world only exists inside your mind? All of us, your friends, the ground beneith you are only electrical signals in your brain, or perhaps you have quite a different neurological system? If I preached to you that this was true, that this universe does not actually exist exept in your mind, and I tell you I have faith in it, would you believe me?
Of course I would. I even talked about that before...:bugeye:

Who are you to say that the universe is "too complex"? Who are you to tell us what GOD wants? Can't he tell it to us HIMSELF?
Not if you refuse to listen to Him.

Really, ONLY ignorance, ONLY hatred, ONLY confusion, ONLY stupidity? This is the sum of all human accomplishments? I think you are quite presumptuous with this opinion of the world.
Then maybe I need glasses...?

As a counter, I can verily ask "What Has knowlege of god and the church accomplished?": HATRED (religious wars up the wazoo, religious prejudice, disunity of religion over petty differences), IGNORANCE (many religious people do not LEARN about things, thinking the bible is the only source of knowlege, don't learn about the body to be able to take care of it, the bible will teach you, don't learn about the rest of the world to be able to make enlightened decisions, because a 2000 year old book will tell you a TON about how to deal with TODAY), CONFUSION (many people don't know what the hell to do about god), STUPIDITY (ties very deeply into ignorance).
Again, the actions of the Catholics are not approved by actual Christians. They totally forget scriptures such as:

1 Corinthians 16:14
"14 Let all that you do be done in love."

Well what kind of accomplishments are THOSE? Unlike yourself I see good sides to the opposite side of the argument, religion brings groups of people together to work toward similar goals. These people have a book that guides them toward good living, instead of blindly going about life relying solely on the poor public education system.
I cannot easily see a good side about it. Well... I can say that if it wasn't for science I wouldn't be talking with you... but I can still say that God made the computer possible in the first place. So let's concider that a positive thing then...

But it is not god that gives the good side to religion, it is the people, the group, the unity. But the closed mindedness of deciding that that ancient tome is the ONLY truth ultimately makes you ignorant.
People are ignorant about the Bible. If they would read it more, they would understand it better and wouldn't have things like blind faith, for example. there are always two sides of the spectrum. There are people that are fanatics, and there are also those who doubt. None of those are good. People need to find a balance there.

To answer your question, since old times we have learned how to prolong life and save it (a good thing, I've heard, for the pro-life people), people have learned to become more efficient in bringing food, water, and comfort to the people so we can focus on more petty things.
There are some positives points indeed. But what I've been saying is that people don't understand what is in the Bible, and A LOT of those people don't understand simply because they have already their mind sets in the Catholic religion, which I can even say is a false Christianism.

Do you really expect humans to create a Utopia using our minds in the few 300 years that people have learned to break away from religion and USE their minds to build technology and knowlege?
Technology doesn't improve things. We need to chance our attitudes in order to create an "Utopia". With an individualist attitude that says "me, me, me", we will NEVER get there. :eek:

A lot of good your god has done us, where is that Utopia of which lack you blame the Human ability to think? Nuclear bombs are only part of the issue, by bringing up only the bad parts of the issue, of course it sounds as if everything is bad, but that is not the whole story. Come to terms with reality. I know I can't convince you that god is not real, but at least free yourself from the delusion that we are Worthless peices of shit that god need to scrape off his shoe..
God never said we are worthless. If we were worthless, why would He care about saving us in the first place? Catholics don't really believe that Jesus saved us. They are ot Christians at all!
"Oh God... you really know ANYTHING about the Bible, do you? It wasn't Jesus who said that, it was Paul. Paul is the one who wrote the letter to the Corinthians. Before talking about the Bible, please read it first"

Um, in case you havn't read the New Testament, "Jesus" wasn't a shepherd either.:bugeye:

T is a waste of time people. I've seen the whole gammit. He's pointless... he's actually a nice kid too (what a waste of potential brain power) so he's not worth insulting, though he's about as presumptuous as thevomiter, he gets more slack because he's just a kid. thevomiter is not a kid and thusly deserves NO slack, as a matter of fact, he's not worth your time either, but insulting him is almost cumpulsory for me, so I indulge. Sad sad. Maybe if we ignore them they'll go away?
You, as most people, seem to think that I hold Catholic beliefs. That is simply not true. I'm not Catholic. What I believe is totally differnet then Catholicism. Here is some of what I know about Christianism (posted to SnakeLord):

"To get into Heavens, you need to accept Christ. Why? Christ is a greek word that means "anointing" and in this case it means "being full and overflowing with the Spirit of God. So when you accept Christ you your heart, ALL your sins of your past AND those of your future are totally washed away, because now God lives within you. This brings Him closer to you (much closer, indeed) and you become able to speak to Him much more easily. If you have some trouble speaking with Him, by becoming a Christian, you become more able to listen to Him.

Christians don't need to follow the Law. God advise them to do so, because if we follow the Law we will be blessed. That's because the Law still influences our lifes, but NOT our after-lifes. So whatever you give to others it will be given to you back. If someone gives you a present, you will probably give another present to that person, and the same the other way around. If someone shouts at you and hurts you, you will probably do the same thing back. That's the golden rule:

Matthew 7:12
"12 In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

The Catholics want condemnation, because that way they can get something from you. They use the Law in the same way the Pharisees used to use, when Jesus came. But the True Christianism does not condemn you, but it gives you the possibility of living your life in a greater and more meaningful way. "
If he has a claim to his wisdom, he is surely wise enough to make that claim for himself. You are a nothing, a pointless worthless little human like the rest of us

Since we are talking about my God, you won't mind me answering you from HIS WORDS will you..?

2 Corinthians 3:18 - But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. (That's me)

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their (plural) Father...(Thats me).

John 17:22 - And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:..(Me)

Romans 8:18 - For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (me)

Romans 9:23 - 23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory (me)

John 1:12 - But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Romans 8:14 - For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Romans 8:19 - For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

Philippians 2:15 - That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world

1 John 3:1 - Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

1 John 3:2 - Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

This is today, real, He is here and He is The Word of God...revealed.

It's The Revelation of The Son of Man ...Today.
Not 2000 years ago........that's what I've been talking about.

It's His glory, His life, His Words.....revealed in me, a part of me and I a part of them.......

If I came out and told you what that makes me, ......;)
But that's not the point I was trying to make....

We (not I, we...the Bride of Christ) are the spokesman for God....

1 Corinthians 2:7 - But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
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Did anyone else notice that these say the same thing?

"Faith = Belief in nothing"
No, it is not belief in nothing, it is to know something that cannot be seen. "things not seen" is not equal to "nothing". And "assurance" is not equal to "belief".

Um, in case you havn't read the New Testament, "Jesus" wasn't a shepherd either.
If you actually read the Bible, Jesus is the "good shepherd".

John 10:11
"11 I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep."

John 10:14-15
"14 I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,
15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. "

Now, those things He spoke figuratively, but He is indeed the good shepherd, that's what SnakeLord was referring too.
Oh no.. NO... no no.. uh-uh. nope.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

You, as most people, seem to think that I hold Catholic beliefs. That is simply not true. I'm not Catholic. What I believe is totally differnet then Catholicism. Here is some of what I know about Christianism (posted to SnakeLord):

T. Babe, you're a good kid... shut up. Just forget I'm here. My posts mean nothing to you... *waves hand in front of face all hypnotically* I am not the droid you're looking for. :eek:

(I don't care what it is you call what you believe (and never implied catholicism even remotely), whatever it is... it's WHACK bro, like.. bad whack, like you're completely logically/reasonably freaking sociopathically WHACKED OUT OF YOUR MIND. you rarely make sense and when you happen to stumble on an inkly of a clue, you fuck it all up again due to your complete inability to connect with reality, so shut the fuck up... I'll leave you alone now, I'd expect the same in return... unless of course some day you decide to trade in your disfunctional malarky for some actual thinking.. then we can talk)
Truthseeker: You seem not to fully comprehend unreligious belifs. You seem to think that we deny his existance for the pure reason that we are in denile. In other words, you seem to BLAME us for not believing in god, as if it is our fault. We do not believe in god because we have never been addressed by him as you obviously think you have.

"Not if you refuse to listen to Him."

First of all, I listen to everybody, stupid or intelligent, loud or quite, at very least the first time. I would be glad to be spoken to by god, and since he IS god I'm sure he would know that. Yet he has not spoken to me and therefore I have no reason to believe. You can understand THIS can't you?

"Then maybe I need glasses...? "

Perhaps eyesight is not your main concern at this point, just don't get a driver's licence. ;)

"I can still say that God made the computer possible in the first place. "

Given that I don't believe in god, that statement hold niether relevance, nor truth, to me. You must remember to try to understand my point of view when talking to me.

I can ALSO say that humans are responsible for the computer being possible, without us it would not have been invented. I can also sight such a thing as water. Without water, we would be without humans. Should I then also Praise metal, electricity, and fingers? There is no end to things that have made the computer possible, but god is almost irrelevant, because if he has given us free will, then what we have done since then is OUR accomplishments, not his. Just because he created us, does not mean he can take the credit for our accomplishments (if you think so: don't you think it is then odd that noone blames god for all our problems as well?).

Do you believe in evolution or genisis?
""11 I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." "

Its funney that nowadays people think of a metaphorical sheep as being a person that follows the crowd out of stupidity and lack of thought....

how fitting
I don't really need to say much more here. Truthseeker change your name- you're not seeking anything remotely close to truth.

I asked you above all else to answer me why you are right everyone else is wrong. You failed to answer. Later on you then told me matter-of-factly: Catholics are wrong. So i will ask one more time: why are you right and they are wrong? I'm not interested in hearing anything unless its an answer without scripture. Your other comments are pretty worthless so im not gonna leave some giant post going through them all. Answer the question or dont.

One more thing:

Thor doesn't exist because I've never heard from him

So in line with your own words: God doesn't exist because i've never heard from him.

Dont give me the pathetic little retort: "you have to WANT to find god"..... My response to that will be: "You have to WANT to find Thor."

I asked you above all else to answer me why you are right everyone else is wrong. You failed to answer. Later on you then told me matter-of-factly: Catholics are wrong. So i will ask one more time: why are you right and they are wrong? I'm not interested in hearing anything unless its an answer without scripture. Your other comments are pretty worthless so im not gonna leave some giant post going through them all. Answer the question or dont.
I answer that. I said that they don't follow the simple rule "love one another". This is already an indication that they are wrong.

And Thor is invented, God is not.
If you ask God in prayer, He will talk with you.
He will talk with you.

Hearing voices again?

If I told you once, I told you a thousand times - stop drinking from the toilet.
I didn't say He talk with me (although He does), I said that if YOU ask He will talk with YOU.:bugeye:
Originally posted by (Q)
if YOU ask He will talk with YOU

I did - he didn't.

Game, set, match. I have been going to church since 5 days after i was born. I've seen countless people spout bullshit and rhetoric and have yet to find one microscopic grain of proof. Believe me, i can go into an explanation as long as "some people" *loudly clears throat while muttering TheVisitor*, but i wont, simply out of respect of people who MIGHT WANT TO QUOTE ONLY A SMALL PORTION of what i wrote. All i say is, i've seen more proof of Bigfoot, The Lochness Monster, and the unicorn. Why don't you worship one of them. At least the unicorn is good luck.
Originally posted by Frencheneesz
Your church must have been really crappy at brainwashing you, then bates.

The day i got there the regular hypnotist called out sick.
god is the biggest HOAX ever

I agree with Bates. I’ve gone to church off and on since I was born. I have not seen or felt anything that would prove to my-self that god exists. I always tried to talk to god but I only got silence. People think they talk to god. It is only their self they are talking to. They think the voice, which is theirs, is gods but they are sadly mistaken. I think speaking in tongs is a HOAX.
Don't try to understand God with your mind. If you do so, you won't understand Him. If you would create a whole universe, and would create little creatures, would they really understand you? God must be extremely wise in order to create the universe, then, who are you to be able to understand Him.
Don't try to understand God with your mind. If you do so, you won't understand Him. If you would create a whole universe, and would create little creatures, would they really understand you? God must be extremely wise in order to create the universe, then, who are you to be able to understand Him?
Ya, don't use your mind, use any other organ that has much less power for complicated thought than your mind...

maybe if you concentrate hard enough you can lower your heart rate and start having haluci.. i mean spiritual experiences, thus using your heart to speak to god.