No God???

Originally posted by riverline
I am talking about a different GOD. There are two GODs. The first one is the intelligent power behind our creation whatever this power is. The second one is the GOD that people warship. People extract the second one from the first one, or in other words they conclude that the first one must be the second , THE GOD.

Now you can logically deny the second one but you can not deny the first one. So you would be logically mistaken if you deny the first one, and I would be logically mistaken If I claim any proof or even part of a proof on the existence of the second one.

at last, Points#1and #2 are encompassed? No. I only wanted to differentiate between those who are logical and those who think they are logical!!!

If you drove the same way you think you'd be pulled over for driving under the influence!

How is it that you can have knowledge of ANY God, and why in your opinion would it be fallacious to deny the existance of the 'first' God as you put it.
Originally posted by one_raven
I think the only logical position to take is that of an Agnostic.

I'd have to contest that. Lack of evidence is often in itself evidence of non-existance. In such a situation it's completely safe to say that God does not exist.

At the same time, though some God may exist, but he sure as hell has been pretty quiet since the begining of time.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

That's exactly where you are totally wrong. They are totally inter-related. Wisdom can only come from God, so the only way that you can get wisdom is by asking Him.

Then how is it that man has accomplished so much without him?

I find your level of blind devotion to be utterly sickening, time to get out and really see the world, and realize how utterly childish your views are. Don't you see that thinking like this is just a form of slavery? The church trys to control your mind by making you think that you are completely impotent and helpless without them.
Originally posted by Mystech
I'd have to contest that. Lack of evidence is often in itself evidence of non-existance. In such a situation it's completely safe to say that God does not exist.

At the same time, though some God may exist, but he sure as hell has been pretty quiet since the begining of time.

Well, if God had been silent, I think Jesus was a pretty loud yell. Wake up before its too late.
Originally posted by CHRISCUNNINGHAM
For anyone and everyone who doesn't believe in God; what are your BEST refutations against His existence????

considering the only suggestion that he exists is a 2000 year old book. well that isn't even proof. it is only a suggestion. the reason you people believe it, is that you were brainwashed by your parents, and your parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, etc....
Re: Re: No God???

Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
considering the only suggestion that he exists is a 2000 year old book. well that isn't even proof. it is only a suggestion. the reason you people believe it, is that you were brainwashed by your parents, and your parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, and their parents were brainwashed by their parents, etc....

Or the only reason that you don't believe is rebellion, pure and simple.

Truth doesn't change no matter how old it is, be it 2000 years old, or 10 trillion years. God is still God, and God is still in control.

If what you say is true, then there would be no believers from Atheistic parent, however Madelyn Murray Ohare's son is now an evangelistic preacher.
Re: Re: Re: No God???

Originally posted by biblthmp
Or the only reason that you don't believe is rebellion, pure and simple.

Truth doesn't change no matter how old it is, be it 2000 years old, or 10 trillion years. God is still God, and God is still in control.

If what you say is true, then there would be no believers from Atheistic parent, however Madelyn Murray Ohare's son is now an evangelistic preacher.

Nothing you've said makes any sence. Yes truth doesn't change objectively, and that's why non-believers have it on their side, the facts speak for themself, there is nothing which can logicaly lead a person to believe in god, it's nothing but social conditioning.
Wake up before its too late.

I just said that to 30 million Jews, 20 million Hindus, 100 million Atheists, 5 million devil worshippers, and 20 million deaf, blind, dumb and crippled people.

They asked on what grounds i could say such a thing...

I said: Because biblthmp and only those who are Christians are right. The rest of us are complete fucking morons and unless we all turn Christian instantly we'll face the fiery pits of hell.

I have given it much consideration and have realised the only way to proceed now is to operate in exactly the same manner these religious Christians do..... So, without further adieu, here it is:

Biblthmp: You are completely fucking wrong. You Christian people are also completely fucking wrong. I am right, just me and anyone who follows me- the rest of you are completely, totally and utterly WRONG

Hmmmm does that sound a tad self righteous, naive, ignorant and blatantly fucking stupid to you? Now you might be able to see exactly how you act. It's pathetic, isn't it?
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Re: Re: Re: No God???

Originally posted by biblthmp
Or the only reason that you don't believe is rebellion, pure and simple.

Truth doesn't change no matter how old it is, be it 2000 years old, or 10 trillion years. God is still God, and God is still in control.

If what you say is true, then there would be no believers from Atheistic parent, however Madelyn Murray Ohare's son is now an evangelistic preacher.

I have nothing to rebel against. i am in the military (government) and i live alone.

Anyway, The people who become Christians from atheist parents are rock-bottom junkies, or people who have nothing going for them, or they are old and are going to die soon. All of these people claim to be what the Christians call SAVED. Saved from what? You might ask. The only thing they are being saved from is, being a junky, a life of bullshit, and well as for the old people, they are the smartest because they lived a great life and then are now forgiven.

Thanks but im well aware of what addiction is but you're right i did use a bad example. However you're still in no place to 'assume' i just excercise regularly. I said i was addicted who are you to say otherwise? But with extreme excercise there's not really that much harm given, (unless you stop), in which case its simply the continued addiction that keeps you healthy. Once you stop the muscle and toned body turns into unhealthy flab etc etc.
No. If you do heavy exercises you finish by harming your muscles. If you keep going is already harmful. If you stop is also harmful, but after some time it heals. Besides, there is no such thing as addiction to exercises.

Fraid this comes down to matter of opinion. I notice this intense lack of self-worth religious people promote. Wisdom can come from within, it doesn't have to be from an 'apparent' God. I see you like passing everything off to one guy in the sky. Personally, and dont be offended, but i find that a tragic waste of life. I saw in another thread someone saying everything great that we do is thanks to god. It really belittles your own existence. I don't expect you to understand what im saying, we're on completely separate paths.
Can you really compare your "wisdom" to the one who created the universe?

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
"19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS";

Great..... so because some dood named james said so 2000 years ago it's instantly complete truth? ever hear the saying: dont believe everything you read? Quoting scripture, which seems the only line of defence, shows nothing except an eager willingness to accept things at face value without having any facts. Again, in my opinion, a waste of life.
Think just for a while. Can you compare your little "wisdom" with the Wisdom of the One who created the whole universe? Maybe you should become a little bit humbler....

Either way 'it' is a lot better than the sexist attitude that 'he' promotes.
Maybe. But everyone uses "He" anyways.

If you started talking to me i'd have no choice but to believe you did exist. I believe you exist now simply because we're talking.
But if you don't listen to me, we cannot talk in the first place.

Of course you may not be anything like what my mind imagines. Same principle works for god. If 'he' talks to you 'he' may very well exist but what if your interpretations as to what/who 'he' is are completely off scope? Doesn't that mean the jews, buddhists, ancient greeks could be more accurate in their assumptions of what/who god is?
There are no assumptions. God is very clear. He doesn't just tell you the Truth, He SHOW it to you.

In your own words: You cannot listen to Him just because you don't believe He exists in the first place. If you were at least impartial about His existance, you would be able to listen to Him.
What about it? It simply means that if you don't WANT God to exist, He won't exist for you, so you won't listen to Him at all. That's why it is important to be impartial.

You don't believe in The god Thor for example so how can you disclaim it? If you're not impartial and open to the possibility you'll never hear him speak. The things you do hear would be tailored specifically to suit you, simply because you're not open enough to hear anything else. You cannot listen to Thor, instead you're hearing that which your mind wants to hear.
No. YOU are hearing what you want to hear. You are totally afraid of having someone greater then you can be. Thor doesn't talk because he doesn't exist. God does talk very clearly and also shows Himself.

Of course i can. They're words coming from my heart, my soul, my brain...
You do realize you are being arrogant, aren't you?

I think we'd end up on even scores. Again you are doing nothing more than belittling your own existence. It's all down to god... fair enough man. I bet you're relieved you're christian otherwise you'd be in a right old load of poo.
You praise yourself for what? What are you at all? Do you deny your sins? You are doing nothing but glorifying and worshiping your own little self. If you are so great, why anyone worships and praise you?

I'm a decent man. I don't drown people. I don't turn peoples wives into pillars of salt. I don't claim everything as my own doing and create beings with absolutely no worth other than my own self centered amusement. I don't flood the earth when im feeling moody because nobody believes in me even though i've never sat down and said hello, and even though i gave them their free will to believe what they want to. If i was in that position i'd just remove the free will. I also do not threaten people with eternal damnation if they don't do as i say. I also wouldn't show the extreme level of hypocricy to the things i'd created.
You totally twist His Words.:bugeye:
You understand absolutly nothing written in the Bible!!!

Frankly it's a worldwide dictatorship with the pretence of a free society.
That is called "democracy"...

Maybe not, but then again i didn't ask to be here so perhaps we're just here to satisfy his need for petty amusement. Does he need me? Do i need him? Sounds like a double 'nope' to me.
Again, aren't you being arrogant...?

Why would i need to listen to him? Look if you need a babysitter in life that's fine. I seem to be doing rather well by myself and have grasped the essential basics: Dont jump in front of moving cars, dont put fingers in plugsocket etc etc. That'll do me fine. Everything else i need to know i can find out by myself, and with the aid of other humans. I dont need an invisible babysitter who's only concern is the worlds christians and whom we all should fear.
He is concerned withe veryone. Unfortunatly, only Christians listen to Him. That's why the world is like it is nowdays. There is a danger of nuclear war and you simply think that you can solve this all alone. Humans have been having the chance of fixing everything for centuries. Why does it never ends?

He MUST not be anything. You rely on 'faith' and 'belief'.
You have absolutly no idea what faith is.

"I question my faith daily"..... You'll see this comment several times on many threads in this forum. The mere fact anyone questions it is sign of doubt. Conveniently religious folk label it as "a test". It's subconcious doubt..but is tucked away thanks to fear and unknowing of how we would cope by ourselves without being able to attribute it all to our big babysitter.
You totally miss the point of this comment. They say that not because they doubt, but because they pass through hard moments where they are persecuted for His sake. That's why their faith is "tested". It is not easy to stand someone that simply doesn't want to admit arrogance, self-righteousness and other atheistic things.

I appreciate the beauty on this planet and in the sky above, however where does that ever mean there's a big guy up there?
If you put yourself in a higher position than you really are, you will fall and probably brake your neck...

Then how is it that man has accomplished so much without him?
What man accomplished? Ignorance? Hatred? Confusion? Stupidity? Nice accomplishments...:bugeye:

I find your level of blind devotion to be utterly sickening, time to get out and really see the world, and realize how utterly childish your views are. Don't you see that thinking like this is just a form of slavery? The church trys to control your mind by making you think that you are completely impotent and helpless without them.
Ahhh... I don't think so. In fact, I'm a kind of revolutionary at church. I put a lot more importance on my actions then anyone else in my church. They usually pray, and that's it. I usually pray AND do something about it, as James points out in his book. He is life, and without Him, neither one of us would exist. It is not I that am a slave of church, it is you that is a slave of self-righteousness.

Nothing you've said makes any sence. Yes truth doesn't change objectively, and that's why non-believers have it on their side.

Your going to have to do better than that.
That's been your standard stock answer every time you're left with nothing to say for the last 20 of your posts.

Come on lets see some of that scientific "brain-power" of yours...

I can just see old Elijah, setting there laughing at those heathens, cutting themselves, calling on the name of their false gods....

He said ..."Maybe he's on vacation, yell a little louder, maybe he can't hear you.....!!!"

See, God has a sense of humor....

Excuse me.....I'm "having a moment":p
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Re: mystech

Originally posted by TheVisitor

See, God has a sense of humor....

How dare you presume to speak for your god. If he were as vengefull and jealous as YOU YOURSELF have claimed, why then would he not SMITE YOU DOWN with a MIGHTY VENGANCE for presuming to speak for him? What if I begin speaking for him? According to you I should be SMOTE myself right? Shouldn't I? I'm sure you'll comprise some trite evasion as your perspective has no choice but to do.
Okay, I'll put "thevisitor" on my ignore list along with that complete moron "truthseeker" (who wouldn't know the truth if it was shoved up his a**), such that you people don't have to see me simply call him names and point out his OH SO stupid bullshit. I swear, these two morons sicken me to my bones. Nuff said.
How dare you presume to speak for your god.


I never said I was presumeing.......
In this late hour you've got to KNOW who you are and who God is. Not just presume or you will be deceived.

I'm not guessing, I'm sure.......When noah said "it's going to rain "
He spoke for God.
When Moses said "let my people go"
He spoke for God
And today the people being called by His name "The sons and daughters of God
They speak for God................

1 Corinthians 2:7 - But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.

Jesus said: "We (plural) speak that we do know"

No, I never said I was presuming..
How about you?
Can you really compare your "wisdom" to the one who created the universe?

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
"19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS";

That's the word of a shepherd. Now Prove it was said by anything other than a shepherd. You assume because a shepherd said so, it means God said so...

On a more important note I can find examples of your text above in many different forms and languages for many different beliefs. All would claim exactly the same things you do. How is it only you are right and they are wrong? Can you please, above all else, answer me that question, (Without resorting to scripture which is NOT an answer- I would prefer YOUR answer to why you are right, they are wrong. I know you're just a pathetic low-life human being with no mind of your own like the rest of us but at least try).

Think just for a while. Can you compare your little "wisdom" with the Wisdom of the One who created the whole universe? Maybe you should become a little bit humbler....

Of course i can.. There is no proof of 'him, it, whatever'. His whole existence is nothing more than a collection of ancient stories. My existence is undisputed. You can assume you are powerful enough to answer for him, (although your own words would show that to be false). If he has a claim to his wisdom, he is surely wise enough to make that claim for himself. You are a nothing, a pointless worthless little human like the rest of us... why would, or should, anyone ever listen to a word you say or take you as being genuine? You rely on the words of shepherds, i embrace my own being and my own knowledge why you make silly assumptions on an ancient novel. As for humbler.. maybe you should be a bit more self-dependant instead of relying on a big invisible dood. You can't make your own choices and way through life which is fair enough, if not a tad weak spirited. If you don't want or agree with my advice we're in the same position. What, with your lack of wisdom, (in your own words), makes you think i'd need suggestions to what i should do from you?

But if you don't listen to me, we cannot talk in the first place.

That seems to be you saying: unless you agree with me exclusively there's no point in stating my belief.

There are no assumptions. God is very clear. He doesn't just tell you the Truth, He SHOW it to you.

Why use the term 'you'? You don't know me. He doesn't tell me anything or show me anything. What i see in life is amazing- but at no point does it mean it's the work of a divine being. The things you see and hear could be nothing more than schizophrenia. And unfortunately just because you happen to say so doesn't make it total fact.

What about it? It simply means that if you don't WANT God to exist, He won't exist for you, so you won't listen to Him at all. That's why it is important to be impartial.

ok......... now watch:

Thor doesn't talk because he doesn't exist.

Do you see the stupidity in this statement?

You don't WANT Thor to exist, so he wont exist for you. You said it yourself..... You don't seem to be impartial. You said it was 'important to be partial' and yet show otherwise. Nothing but pure contradiction. Only time anything is correct is when its directly in your favour, otherwise you can contradict and show total hypocricy all you like. Again the self centered and delusional belief that you solely are right and everyone else is wrong.

You praise yourself for what? What are you at all? Do you deny your sins? You are doing nothing but glorifying and worshiping your own little self. If you are so great, why anyone worships and praise you?

1) I praise myself for doing what i want to do in life, for being who i am, for doing what i do. --- 2) I am human--- 3)Sins? Hell yes i've done some naughty things in life. I learnt the error of my ways by maturing to adulthood, not by listening to voices in my head. But what of my sins? I'm just gonna get forgiveness for them in the end anyway so who cares? But who's version of 'sins' are we following? I've heard of religious people who don't let their children play computer games because it's an evil sin... or watch tv etc etc... None of these were written in the bible so who's to now judge what's a sin or not? And if i get to heaven and get turned down cause i played diablo 2 on playstation frankly i'd be better off without being in the presence of the space equivalent of Saddam Hussein. ---- 4) What do you know what i do or dont do? A meager little person without wisdom is assuming to know what i do or dont do? Bah don't be such a fool. While your kind create wars, create feeling of personal worthlessness, deem yourselves high enough to attempt the forcing of people to believe as you do, cause the death and destruction of so much that is beautfiul and so on I do my best to lead a moral existence. My wife, and my daughter believe i've done good enough. That's all i need. --- 5) I don't get what you're trying to say. If i'm so great why dont people worship me? Why would they have to? Why would they want to? Everyone believe it or not is unique. They can do as they please. The only reason i could not make everyone worship me is simply because i cannot strike them down with lightning or refuse them eternal life. The way it has been done is with threats, making you live a life of fear in order to keep that faith. All belief in your own abilites and personality have been stripped clean leaving nothing more than a wandering zombie. If i made you fear me to that extent you would worship me. Would you consider that a good thing or a bad thing? Living a life in fear.. shameful. If someone wants to worship me for whatever reason then that's their choice and they're free to do as they please.. but for anything to order it be that way or they face ultimate penalty is, as i said, dictatorship. It is no better than Saddam. Frankly, i say fuck that.

You totally twist His Words.
You understand absolutly nothing written in the Bible!!!

HIS words? Or the words of a shepherd? YOU quote human words. Obviously none of us understand anything written in the bible if it is the word of god. Like you said, who are we to even understand his wisdom? Look at the Old testament. Look at the stories of Noah, Moses, the creation and so on... All were written a millennium BEFORE your bible. YOU think you understand the bible when in fact you're just reading a poor translation of a completely separate belief. That, my friend, is an undeniable FACT.

That is called "democracy"...

It's called Bollocks. Frankly you're not worth my time- you said yourself we're all just worthless little humans without wisdom. Once you find the courage to view yourself as more than just a walking zombie under fear of eternal damnation we could progress a lot faster.

He is concerned withe veryone. Unfortunatly, only Christians listen to Him.

You also said.....

aren't you being arrogant...?

Man if you could just stand back and view your attitude from afar you'd be ashamed. Everyone else is wrong but you.

That's why the world is like it is nowdays. There is a danger of nuclear war and you simply think that you can solve this all alone. Humans have been having the chance of fixing everything for centuries. Why does it never ends?

No wars are the direct result of a belief in god? No wars are carried out in his name? No blood and fucking destruction at the hands of those who claim to be right against others who also claim to be right? You're right, everyone else is wrong. As a result people die. Bra-fucking-vo.

You have absolutly no idea what faith is. Faith- Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

That IS faith. Read it, read it again and again and again until you finally understand.

It is not easy to stand someone that simply doesn't want to admit arrogance, self-righteousness and other atheistic things.

Lol. How arrogant and self righteous a comment to make.

If you put yourself in a higher position than you really are, you will fall and probably brake your neck...

It wouldn't do you any harm though. God will save you... right?
Truthseeker, have you ever thought of the possibility that your whole world only exists inside your mind? All of us, your friends, the ground beneith you are only electrical signals in your brain, or perhaps you have quite a different neurological system? If I preached to you that this was true, that this universe does not actually exist exept in your mind, and I tell you I have faith in it, would you believe me?

Because of course the universe is too complicated to ACTUALLY exist. Therefore since I hold this opinion, the universe must not exist.

Who are you to say that the universe is "too complex"? Who are you to tell us what GOD wants? Can't he tell it to us HIMSELF?

"What man accomplished? Ignorance? Hatred? Confusion? Stupidity? Nice accomplishments"

Really, ONLY ignorance, ONLY hatred, ONLY confusion, ONLY stupidity? This is the sum of all human accomplishments? I think you are quite presumptuous with this opinion of the world.

As a counter, I can verily ask "What Has knowlege of god and the church accomplished?": HATRED (religious wars up the wazoo, religious prejudice, disunity of religion over petty differences), IGNORANCE (many religious people do not LEARN about things, thinking the bible is the only source of knowlege, don't learn about the body to be able to take care of it, the bible will teach you, don't learn about the rest of the world to be able to make enlightened decisions, because a 2000 year old book will tell you a TON about how to deal with TODAY), CONFUSION (many people don't know what the hell to do about god), STUPIDITY (ties very deeply into ignorance).

Well what kind of accomplishments are THOSE? Unlike yourself I see good sides to the opposite side of the argument, religion brings groups of people together to work toward similar goals. These people have a book that guides them toward good living, instead of blindly going about life relying solely on the poor public education system.

But it is not god that gives the good side to religion, it is the people, the group, the unity. But the closed mindedness of deciding that that ancient tome is the ONLY truth ultimately makes you ignorant.

To answer your question, since old times we have learned how to prolong life and save it (a good thing, I've heard, for the pro-life people), people have learned to become more efficient in bringing food, water, and comfort to the people so we can focus on more petty things.

Do you really expect humans to create a Utopia using our minds in the few 300 years that people have learned to break away from religion and USE their minds to build technology and knowlege?

A lot of good your god has done us, where is that Utopia of which lack you blame the Human ability to think? Nuclear bombs are only part of the issue, by bringing up only the bad parts of the issue, of course it sounds as if everything is bad, but that is not the whole story. Come to terms with reality. I know I can't convince you that god is not real, but at least free yourself from the delusion that we are Worthless peices of shit that god need to scrape off his shoe..
T is a waste of time people. I've seen the whole gammit. He's pointless... he's actually a nice kid too (what a waste of potential brain power) so he's not worth insulting, though he's about as presumptuous as thevomiter, he gets more slack because he's just a kid. thevomiter is not a kid and thusly deserves NO slack, as a matter of fact, he's not worth your time either, but insulting him is almost cumpulsory for me, so I indulge. Sad sad. Maybe if we ignore them they'll go away?

That's the word of a shepherd. Now Prove it was said by anything other than a shepherd. You assume because a shepherd said so, it means God said so...
Oh God... you really know ANYTHING about the Bible, do you? It wasn't Jesus who said that, it was Paul. Paul is the one who wrote the letter to the Corinthians. Before talking about the Bible, please read it first. :bugeye:

On a more important note I can find examples of your text above in many different forms and languages for many different beliefs. All would claim exactly the same things you do. How is it only you are right and they are wrong? Can you please, above all else, answer me that question, (Without resorting to scripture which is NOT an answer- I would prefer YOUR answer to why you are right, they are wrong. I know you're just a pathetic low-life human being with no mind of your own like the rest of us but at least try).
Show me the other views and I will tell you my view.

Of course i can.. There is no proof of 'him, it, whatever'. His whole existence is nothing more than a collection of ancient stories. My existence is undisputed. You can assume you are powerful enough to answer for him, (although your own words would show that to be false). If he has a claim to his wisdom, he is surely wise enough to make that claim for himself. You are a nothing, a pointless worthless little human like the rest of us... why would, or should, anyone ever listen to a word you say or take you as being genuine? You rely on the words of shepherds, i embrace my own being and my own knowledge why you make silly assumptions on an ancient novel. As for humbler.. maybe you should be a bit more self-dependant instead of relying on a big invisible dood. You can't make your own choices and way through life which is fair enough, if not a tad weak spirited. If you don't want or agree with my advice we're in the same position. What, with your lack of wisdom, (in your own words), makes you think i'd need suggestions to what i should do from you?
And WHO said I lack wisdom? I didn't. Tell me where I did. The words I speak are mines, but my words are just a mere imperfect copy of the Word of God. My words do reflect His Word, but His Word is more powerful then mine. But there will be one day that He will speak through me, and then His Word will be fully spoken through my mouth.

I'm not totally dependent on Him. I must grow up too, making the right choices. He does advice me, but I not always follow His advice (what is not very wise to do). I'm like a child that is just learning how to walk. I do walk a little bit, but I still fall a little bit also. But my Father is watching over me and if I fall, He brings me up again and encourages me to try again.

That seems to be you saying: unless you agree with me exclusively there's no point in stating my belief.
No, that is me saying: read what I speak first, and then reply. In the last quote, you said that I said that I'm not wise. But I've never said that. If you were really listening to me, you wouldn't make such mistake. :eek:

Why use the term 'you'? You don't know me. He doesn't tell me anything or show me anything. What i see in life is amazing- but at no point does it mean it's the work of a divine being. The things you see and hear could be nothing more than schizophrenia. And unfortunately just because you happen to say so doesn't make it total fact.
Millions of people are affected by Him everyday. There are A LOT of facts out there. I'm quite sure there are more Christians then atheists in this world. Does this tell you something? Most people seem to listen to God. If you are not one it is because you chose so.

You don't WANT Thor to exist, so he wont exist for you. You said it yourself..... You don't seem to be impartial. You said it was 'important to be partial' and yet show otherwise. Nothing but pure contradiction. Only time anything is correct is when its directly in your favour, otherwise you can contradict and show total hypocricy all you like. Again the self centered and delusional belief that you solely are right and everyone else is wrong.
No. You totally turned it around. Thor doesn't exist because I've never heard from him, and NOT the other way around.

1) I praise myself for doing what i want to do in life, for being who i am, for doing what i do.
Big deal. How is that great at all? That's totally not worth of being praised. :bugeye:

2) I am human
Yeah... and you are certainly imperfect. So getting back to the first question, why do you praise yourself?

3)Sins? Hell yes i've done some naughty things in life. I learnt the error of my ways by maturing to adulthood, not by listening to voices in my head. But what of my sins? I'm just gonna get forgiveness for them in the end anyway so who cares? But who's version of 'sins' are we following? I've heard of religious people who don't let their children play computer games because it's an evil sin... or watch tv etc etc... None of these were written in the bible so who's to now judge what's a sin or not? And if i get to heaven and get turned down cause i played diablo 2 on playstation frankly i'd be better off without being in the presence of the space equivalent of Saddam Hussein.
Humans have always being adding new "commandments" into the Law. When Jesus came, there were already hundreds or even thousands of additiona; Laws. Imagine today...

You won't get forgiveness for your sins unless you repent and be filled with God's Spirit. The only way you can get in Heaven is if God is within you.

One more thing. To go to Heaven, you are NOT required to follow the Law, you are only advised to do so.

4) What do you know what i do or dont do? A meager little person without wisdom is assuming to know what i do or dont do? Bah don't be such a fool. While your kind create wars, create feeling of personal worthlessness, deem yourselves high enough to attempt the forcing of people to believe as you do, cause the death and destruction of so much that is beautfiul and so on I do my best to lead a moral existence. My wife, and my daughter believe i've done good enough. That's all i need.
Christians don't make war. Hyprocrites do.

John 15:17
"17 This I command you, that you love one another. "

Romans 13:8
"8 Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law."

5) I don't get what you're trying to say. If i'm so great why dont people worship me? Why would they have to? Why would they want to? Everyone believe it or not is unique. They can do as they please. The only reason i could not make everyone worship me is simply because i cannot strike them down with lightning or refuse them eternal life. The way it has been done is with threats, making you live a life of fear in order to keep that faith. All belief in your own abilites and personality have been stripped clean leaving nothing more than a wandering zombie. If i made you fear me to that extent you would worship me. Would you consider that a good thing or a bad thing? Living a life in fear.. shameful. If someone wants to worship me for whatever reason then that's their choice and they're free to do as they please.. but for anything to order it be that way or they face ultimate penalty is, as i said, dictatorship. It is no better than Saddam. Frankly, i say fuck that.
You totally missed the point. Christianism is NOT about judgement! You don't need to follow the Law and there is no threat from God abpout anything related to worship at all! You were totally mislead by the Catholic church. This is how it really works:

To get into Heavens, you need to accept Christ. Why? Christ is a greek word that means "anointing" and in this case it means "being full and overflowing with the Spirit of God. So when you accept Christ you your heart, ALL your sins of your past AND those of your future are totally washed away, because now God lives within you. This brings Him closer to you (much closer, indeed) and you become able to speak to Him much more easily. If you have some trouble speaking with Him, by becoming a Christian, you become more able to listen to Him.

Christians don't need to follow the Law. God advise them to do so, because if we follow the Law we will be blessed. That's because the Law still influences our lifes, but NOT our after-lifes. So whatever you give to others it will be given to you back. If someone gives you a present, you will probably give another present to that person, and the same the other way around. If someone shouts at you and hurts you, you will probably do the same thing back. That's the golden rule:

Matthew 7:12
"12 In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

The Catholics want condemnation, because that way they can get something from you. They use the Law in the same way the Pharisees used to use, when Jesus came. But the True Christianism does not condemn you, but it gives you the possibility of living your life in a greater and more meaningful way.

HIS words? Or the words of a shepherd? YOU quote human words. Obviously none of us understand anything written in the bible if it is the word of god. Like you said, who are we to even understand his wisdom? Look at the Old testament. Look at the stories of Noah, Moses, the creation and so on... All were written a millennium BEFORE your bible. YOU think you understand the bible when in fact you're just reading a poor translation of a completely separate belief. That, my friend, is an undeniable FACT.
The only fact here is that you had contact with Catholics before, and they weren't nice to you.

It's called Bollocks. Frankly you're not worth my time- you said yourself we're all just worthless little humans without wisdom. Once you find the courage to view yourself as more than just a walking zombie under fear of eternal damnation we could progress a lot faster.
I have no fear of eternal damnation. I'm not Catholic. And there was some wisdom given to me, but at least I recognize I'm not very wise. You don't seem to recognize the fact that you understand almost nothing about this universe.

Man if you could just stand back and view your attitude from afar you'd be ashamed. Everyone else is wrong but you.
No. You are being arrogant by saying that you don't need God to exist, while without Him, you wouldn't exist at all. That is what arrogance really is. You haven't stoped to see what you are telling me. But that's ok. You had past experiences with Catholics and that explains a lot of your views. But if you read in the Bible, you will see that the Catholics are totally wrong.

No wars are the direct result of a belief in god? No wars are carried out in his name? No blood and fucking destruction at the hands of those who claim to be right against others who also claim to be right? You're right, everyone else is wrong. As a result people die. Bra-fucking-vo.
Again, Catholics and condemnation. And also people that use God as an excuse to earn some money. Real Christians just follow the commandment "love one another".

That IS faith. Read it, read it again and again and again until you finally understand.
No. This:

Hebrews 11:1-3
"1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
2 For by it the men of old gained approval.
3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible."

.. is faith.

Lol. How arrogant and self righteous a comment to make.
It is YOU that deny the fact that you are imperfect, not me. Faith- Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.


Hebrews 11:1-3
"1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

Did anyone else notice that these say the same thing?

"Faith = Belief in nothing"