'No evidence' for extraterrestrials, says White House,....

yet dispite the mathematics

sightings continue

as well as depictions , paintings , in art and in cave drawings , sculptures

need we go on really , I mean really

monuments , pyramids etc
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yet dispite the mathematics

This is science forum, so claims should be backed up with some facts, and preferably, stats.

sightings continue

Yeah, people see Chinese Lanterns and shout 'UFO!' sightings say more about the observer than the alleged observation.

as well as depictions , paintings , in art and in cave drawings , sculptures

Which are misinterpreted by people cherry picking factoids.

need we go on really , I mean really

Yes, some facts or evidence would be good.

monuments , pyramids etc

Been inside several. There were no aliens.
Yeah, people see Chinese Lanterns and shout 'UFO!' sightings say more about the observer than the alleged observation.

Only someone with a severely distorted sense of aerodynamical possibilities mistake phenomena for chinese frikken lanterns. Those who should out ''ufo'' when they see one, should not even be allowed into an intelligable discussion on the issue.
Only someone with a severely distorted sense of aerodynamical possibilities mistake phenomena for chinese frikken lanterns. Those who should out ''ufo'' when they see one, should not even be allowed into an intelligable discussion on the issue.

But it happens. It even happened in a video _you_ linked to, yet you failed to recognise what they were!
But it happens. It even happened in a video _you_ linked to, yet you failed to recognise what they were!

I think you will find I debunked your chinese lantern claim. Your video proved the Pheonix Lights could not have been chinese lanterns, as has been before, in your video whilst the chinese lanterns seem very similar to the formation of the pheonix lights at the beginning, the equidistant seperation between the objects quickly break out of symmetry. The Pheonix Lights remained in a line and evenly seperated for about an hour, maybe over.

Go figure.
I don't even need to rehash statements with you. We should have a neutral agreement by now.

Is really appreciating there is an intelligence beyond us, so beyond us even that we may not even speculate it without the ridicule?

Intelligence is vast and broad. There are 6-7 maybe even 8 now billion people on this planet. Out of all the living creatures, into billions of odds, that earth be so unique that no other planet can comprehend. Well I'd say it is a most safe bet to think an infinite aquarium of planets and stars coexist with the safe amount of life that earth allows.
I think earth is a very safe account indeed. Earth is the prime example of life finding a way, then multiplying beyond belief. Earth is like the green house for polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons. The basic building blocks if there, in other words, will flourish!
I think you will find I debunked your chinese lantern claim. Your video proved the Pheonix Lights could not have been chinese lanterns,

How many times do we have to go over this? Do you have an attention deficit disorder? I NEVER CLAIMED THE PHOENIX LIGHTS WERE CHINESE LANTERNS.

I was referring to the earlier, pre-Phoenix lights experience the lady doctor as told by her in the video you linked. You remember, where she said something like 'I felt an intelligence staring back at me'. DO YOU REMEMBER?

as has been before, in your video whilst the chinese lanterns seem very similar to the formation of the pheonix lights at the beginning, the equidistant seperation between the objects quickly break out of symmetry. The Pheonix Lights remained in a line and evenly seperated for about an hour, maybe over.

Go figure.

Do you have an hour long video of the Phoenix lights staying in formation? Half an hour even?
I don't even need to rehash statements with you. We should have a neutral agreement by now.

There'll be no agreement until you present some facts, and start using a rational method of interpreting them.

Is really appreciating there is an intelligence beyond us, so beyond us even that we may not even speculate it without the ridicule?

I have never denied the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Given the sheer size of the Universe, I find the idea we are alone unlikely. But that is not the point. The point is whether it's possible to conquer the vast distances involved, and visit other planets that host intelligent life, AND whether in doing so, so phenomena as attributed to such travel would match the subjective experiences of supposed ETI witnesses. I do not believe this last bit however. The distances are huge, to travel such in a reasonable time would surely be an energetic event, and we do not record such. I could go into many and various other problems, but that is perhaps best kept for another thread.

Intelligence is vast and broad. There are 6-7 maybe even 8 now billion people on this planet.

If only you'd do some research, you'd seem more credible. The current population is somewhere a little over 7 Bn. Stop guessing, and do some reading.
Relativity permits solutions to these problems you speak of. There are real scientific ways around the problem which you seem to fail to understand an advanced civilization would be aware about and put into practice.
Maybe you should update the Wiki page on interstellar travel since it doesn't seem to have your keen insight into how we could travel between stars using relativity as our solution.

Scientists and authors have postulated a number of ways by which it might be possible to surpass the speed of light. Even the most serious-minded of these are speculative.
Relativity permits solutions to these problems you speak of. There are real scientific ways around the problem which you seem to fail to understand an advanced civilization would be aware about and put into practice.

The maths has been done, and while wormholes are theoretically possible, to create one, and keep it stable enough to pass though would take more energy than there is in the Universe. That said, it would be an incredibly energetic event, and like I said, we just don't detect those.

So really, you fail to understand.
These are the 133 stars that could possibly support life within 50 Light Years from Earth. (There are roughly 1,400 total stars but most of them are red dwarfs)


It's almost absurdly improbable that any life form further out than this could have both learned of the Earth's existence and made the trip to the Earth within the last 70 or so years even with technology that is vastly superior to anything we have or are even planning.

Of course the chance that there is another intelligent life form with these capabilities within this distance of the earth that we can't detect is also pretty remote.

For reference, Voyager 1, after 44 years, is about 120 AU from the earth.

The nearest star on that map is about 272,000 AU from the earth, the furthest over 3 million AU.

That's all within our Galaxy.
Which is about 120,000 light years across and contains many billions of stars.

But that is a tiny distance in comparison to the distance to the next Spiral Galaxy which is about 3 million LY away.

So there is no reason to believe that any intelligent civilization would even bother exploring outside their own galaxy.
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Of course the chance that there is another intelligent life form with these capabilities within this distance of the earth that we can't detect is also pretty remote.
And yet, they have all named their stars using the Greek alphabet. ;)
These are the 133 stars that could possibly support life within 50 Light Years from Earth. (There are roughly 1,400 total stars but most of them are red dwarfs)

It's almost absurdly improbable that any life form further out than this could have both learned of the Earth's existence and made the trip to the Earth within the last 70 or so years even with technology that is vastly superior to anything we have or are even planning.

Of course the chance that there is another intelligent life form with these capabilities within this distance of the earth that we can't detect is also pretty remote.

For reference, Voyager 1, after 44 years, is about 120 AU from the earth.

The nearest star on that map is about 272,000 AU from the earth, the furthest over 3 million AU.

That's all within our Galaxy.
Which is about 120,000 light years across and contains many billions of stars.

But that is a tiny distance in comparison to the distance to the next Spiral Galaxy which is about 3 million LY away.

So there is no reason to believe that any intelligent civilization would even bother exploring outside their own galaxy.
All of this is just mad supposition. What the hell do you base this on? You base this on the current level of our technology, and our understanding of the universe. This whole post is like listening to my ten year old tell me about how the world works. It is based on his lack of knowledge and limited imagination.

You also base this on information that is released to the public. If you had bothered to read the entire thread, I have already proved otherwise.

Nice try though.
The maths has been done, and while wormholes are theoretically possible, to create one, and keep it stable enough to pass though would take more energy than there is in the Universe. That said, it would be an incredibly energetic event, and like I said, we just don't detect those.

So really, you fail to understand.

No you fail to understand, terribly as most likely ill-informed about the physics.

A wormhole is indeed a solution to relativity. But who needs a wormhole to time travel? All you need is a strong enough gravitational distortion, like a cold run-down nuclear star, like a nuetron star. There would be enough gravitational distortions around one of them to constitute some noticable time dilation effects.

There is also the alcubierre drive which is created from the relativistic postulate that the universe is dynamic, can be bent and warped. There are also more primitive means of travelling quite reasonably large distances by using what is called the Sling Shot effect. All those concerned about massive amounts of energy required to accelerate an object to very high speeds might be achievable by using the gravitational attraction of planets.

Of course, we must also be open to the fact that aliens have at their disposal important requirements which must be met when speculating about a wormhole like you have done. You would require exotic matter with a negative energy to keep a wormhole open as they are manifestly unstable.
It's almost absurdly improbable that any life form further out than this could have both learned of the Earth's existence and made the trip to the Earth within the last 70 or so years even with technology that is vastly superior to anything we have or are even planning.

Is that right... can you tell me how long we have been mapping the stars and locating the presence of planets through gravitational lensing?

Very short amount of time, yet we have uncovered 500 earthlike candidates, I believe someone told me here. In light of this, I'd say your premise is highly faulty.
Is that right... can you tell me how long we have been mapping the stars and locating the presence of planets through gravitational lensing?
First of all, we don't discover any planets by gravitational lensing.


As far as mapping the heavens with telescopes, we've been doing that for hundreds of years. The 60 inch telescope at Mt Wilson began operation in 1908 and it's just expanded since then, such that not including Hubble we have currently over 40 large professional telescopes with apertures over 3 meters scanning the heavens every night.

The map I produced is pretty much a given to be accurate, we are pretty well aware of what is around us locally.

Very short amount of time, yet we have uncovered 500 earthlike candidates, I believe someone told me here. In light of this, I'd say your premise is highly faulty.

No, that's not what I said.

That was your number.

We have been looking with Kepler at a field of ~500,000 stars, of which about ~170,000 are of a reasonable size to possibly support a solar system with habitable planets and after three years we have discovered exactly 33 planets, of which only ONE is somewhat earthlike and in the GLZ, but still not at all habitable.
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No you fail to understand, terribly as most likely ill-informed about the physics.

A wormhole is indeed a solution to relativity. But who needs a wormhole to time travel? All you need is a strong enough gravitational distortion, like a cold run-down nuclear star, like a nuetron star. There would be enough gravitational distortions around one of them to constitute some noticable time dilation effects.

That is no help.
The nearest neutron star is over 250 LY from earth.

There is also the alcubierre drive which is created from the relativistic postulate that the universe is dynamic, can be bent and warped.

Except even if possible (it has not been proven) the energy required is likely more than the universe contains. Worse, those in a Alcubierre drive space ship travel in "real time" and thus to go to another galaxy would only require a couple of hundred thousand or so generations.
Big oops.

There are also more primitive means of travelling quite reasonably large distances by using what is called the Sling Shot effect. All those concerned about massive amounts of energy required to accelerate an object to very high speeds might be achievable by using the gravitational attraction of planets.

Oh BS.
We did that with Helios 2, and used the Sun's gravitational energy.
We made it up to 43.63 mi/s, which is the fastest man-made object ever, but still it's only 1/4,000th the speed of light.
All of this is just mad supposition. What the hell do you base this on? You base this on the current level of our technology, and our understanding of the universe. This whole post is like listening to my ten year old tell me about how the world works. It is based on his lack of knowledge and limited imagination.

You also base this on information that is released to the public. If you had bothered to read the entire thread, I have already proved otherwise.

Nice try though.

And once again you claim to have special knowledge not available to the rest of us Sheeple.

I'm starting to sense a PATTERN here.

Why is it that you think you are so much more aware of what's going on than the rest of us?
First of all, we don't discover any planets by gravitational lensing.


As far as mapping the heavens with telescopes, we've been doing that for hundreds of years. The 60 inch telescope at Mt Wilson began operation in 1908 and it's just expanded since then, such that not including Hubble we have currently over 40 large professional telescopes with apertures over 3 meters scanning the heavens every night.

The map I produced is pretty much a given to be accurate, we are pretty well aware of what is around us locally.

No, that's not what I said.

That was your number.

We have been looking with Kepler at a field of ~500,000 stars, of which about ~170,000 are of a reasonable size to possibly support a solar system with habitable planets and after three years we have discovered exactly 33 planets, of which only ONE is somewhat earthlike and in the GLZ, but still not at all habitable.

Actually I am very sure I said 5. I was quite surprised to hear the 500 number... I'm sure I'm not confused on that.

Gravitational microlensing does find planets. Anyway, whatever quibble your method is to find a planet, whether that be the dimming of a star over periods of time to the proposed gravitational microlensing, I am quite aware that we have studied the skies for a very long time, with observatories.

That was not the point - I said how long have we been using gravitational lensing to find planets... I answered for you, not very long.