New Wikileaks Dump is Unconscionable

The link is "Aussies Only".:(


Due to copyright reasons this video program is available for download by people in Australia only...

We won't speak of proxies (oy-oy-OY!)
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I was surprised to see you on the other side of this issue.

Overall the price paid for loss of secrecy will be worth it. Ideally Governments would be almost entirely open. Maybe let Government and corporations keep some secrets for five years but after that everything they do should be public.

Imagine if we used electronic currency and every penny was traced and available online to be viewed online. That would be the end of muggings and burglary. Privacy is to protect good people from bad people but privacy also protects bad people from good people.

Stalking victims being stalked by mentally deranged stalkers need privacy.

Your argument for increasing the amount of information available, I agree with. You complain, quite rightly, that policies which the American public would object to are covered up. Often for reasons which have nothing to do with the public good, such as corruption or ineptitude. And that that is an affront to democracy.
(btw Your system reveals far more that in the UK, but that is another thread.)

But I see another freedom issue here.
The freedom of organisations to own and keep secret the information which they own, and which is necessary for them to function effectively.
Outside that we would have anarchy.

All information cannot be openly available to everyone.
Take an organisation which deals with women who are physically abused.
Secret records need to be kept, such as their old and new addresses.
Should the files of that organisation be freely available for anyone to read?
Of course not.

So then it is a matter of deciding which documents should be revealed and which should not, and of who is to decide.

Why Assange?
Who has voted for him?
The link is "Aussies only". Can I come over, Bells?

Is it?


And sure.. come on over! *Insert inane comments about shrimps on BBQ's here*..

Well the show is called "The Drum", the date the show ran in Australia is the 7th of December - if you go to the main site, and see if you can access the show directly from their iView link in the middle of the page.
Is it?


And sure.. come on over! *Insert inane comments about shrimps on BBQ's here*..

Well the show is called "The Drum", the date the show ran in Australia is the 7th of December - if you go to the main site, and see if you can access the show directly from their iView link in the middle of the page.

Yep. I got an error message "Aussies only" as well.

Stupid thing. And they haven't posted it on youtube yet. I'll check tomorrow and it might be up then.:(
Glen Greenwald in interview with Amy Goodman

A Lefty interviewing another Lefty, in which they trade predictable comments that begin from the same foundation and never once begin to examine the issue holistically or with anything like objectivity.

What's your point?
A Lefty interviewing another Lefty, in which they trade predictable comments that begin from the same foundation and never once begin to examine the issue holistically or with anything like objectivity

Whats your holistic opinion about the points he made?

Specifically these:

-whatever you think of WikiLeaks, they've never been charged with a crime, let alone indicted or convicted

-They've been essentially removed from the internet, not just through a denial of service attacks that are very sophisticated, but through political pressure applied to numerous countries.

-Their funds have been frozen, including funds donated by people around the world for his - for Julian Assange's defense fund and for WikiLeaks's defense fund.

-They've had their access to all kinds of accounts cut off.

-Leading politicians and media figures have called for their assassination, their murder, to be labeled a terrorist organization

And as a media person, what do you think of the extralegal prosecution of wikileaks as described here:

If they want to prosecute them, they should go to court and do it through legal means. But this extralegal persecution ought to be very alarming to every citizen in every one of these countries, because it essentially is pure authoritarianism and is designed to prevent the internet from being used as its ultimate promise, which is providing a check on unconstrained political power.

I'd really like to hear your opinions here.
It's as if there's a glimmer of a burning question at the edges of all human consciousness today- we've begun to collectively notice new capabilities for truth and accountability, but many among us don't want it; many (some powerful) abhor the idea and its proponents. But truth is actually shining brighter like at early dawn. Who can stop the world, to keep us in the dark?
-whatever you think of WikiLeaks, they've never been charged with a crime, let alone indicted or convicted

That's true. It's also true that it's very obvious that they have committed espionage, and are brazenly bragging about it.

-They've been essentially removed from the internet, not just through a denial of service attacks that are very sophisticated, but through political pressure applied to numerous countries.

I say, so what? This happens to terrorist web sites and illegal piracy databases all the time. Hosters and governments have choices about what to ban and what to allow and they've chosen to take this down. I have no problem with that, and it's not the message isn't out and getting out. The papers are printing this stuff on their home pages.

-Their funds have been frozen, including funds donated by people around the world for his - for Julian Assange's defense fund and for WikiLeaks's defense fund.

Again, funds are frozen all the time. It's the banks and the government's decision. They made a choice.

-Leading politicians and media figures have called for their assassination, their murder, to be labeled a terrorist organization

The people doing that are idiots in search of headlines. I don't agree with their calls, nor do I agree with it being covered. It's stupid.

And as a media person, what do you think of the extralegal prosecution of wikileaks as described here:

I've seen nothing extralegal.

If they want to prosecute them, they should go to court and do it through legal means. But this extralegal persecution ought to be very alarming to every citizen in every one of these countries, because it essentially is pure authoritarianism and is designed to prevent the internet from being used as its ultimate promise, which is providing a check on unconstrained political power.

I'd really like to hear your opinions here.

You seem to labor under the illusion that the internet is a plaything and speech should have no restrictions and that information should belong to no one. That's ludicrous, of course. And it's a position that is not supported by law, in America and elsewhere.

Additionally, I wonder how you would respond to news today that hackers are now illegally attacking the corporations, such as Mastercard and Paypal, who are distancing themselves from the leaks. Those companies have a right to make that decision and the fact a bunch of geeks on computers are exacting a puerile 15-year old's kind of revenge on them is further undercutting any claims to moral superiority wikileaks has.

Of course, these people are not officially a part of wikileaks, but then they are the sort who on the one hand are moaning about free speech and liberty and truth -- while at the same time, restricting speech and liberty and ignoring the larger picture of what has happened here. Indeed, the defense of wikileaks sounds an awful lot to my ears like the defenses I used to get from people about their RIGHT to steal music from the internet (some of which were on this site).

The fact the debate, both here and abroad in the real world, is now more about complicated legals issues and media rights all but proves what I have been saying from the start: The leaks themselves are empty, unimportant and little more than a dangerous publicity stunt. All countries seemed to be united against them precisely for the reasons that have been outlined here.

But the anti-everything Lefties, like you quoted, will never attempt to wrap their warped brains around the concept that diplomacy -- which leads to things like trade agreements, cultural understanding and PEACE -- was harmed by these leaks and will continue to be harmes so long as people are encouraged to finger-in-the-eye world governments under some mistaken mission for "truth."
So you do not see anything wrong with the methods of the governments in dealing with wikileaks which has yet to be charged, let alone indicted or convicted? You are comfortable with extra-judicial actions taken against any media source or internet website which is under no contractual obligation to withold information that is freely and willingly passed on to it, the way [for example] videos by Osama are passed on to TV networks
You're not telling the truth, miss-speaking, as usual.

Nothing is being done to media sources like the Guardian or the NYT, so it's not all media sources that the govt. is after. I've also seen nothing extralegal in what the govt. is doing. Something like PKK or Hamas has never been convicted in court, either. And yet, their assets are frozen, their ability to traffic in information and money are hampered, intentionally by govts. across the world.

And predictably, you have failed to respond to the large issues I raise about diplomacy, the ethics of wikileaks' defenders or the concept of secret or proprietary information in general. Like all the other Leftists, you just want to rage against the machine and whine about victimization.
count said:
Nothing is being done to media sources like the Guardian or the NYT, so it's not all media sources that the govt. is after
Which may provide a clue as to why the NYT and the Guardian were not trusted with the information in the first place.

The mainstream US media, despite their superior resources and access and reputations, no longer appear as dependable outlets for information of this kind. For the David Brooks and William Kristols and Judith Millers and similar agents or water carriers, they are the venue of choice. But not for stuff like this.
Nothing is being done to media sources like the Guardian or the NYT, so it's not all media sources that the govt. is after. ...

And you don't have a clue whether that is true or not. PayPal just admitted today they were under government pressure to stop taking payments....the way I'm seeing it play out is the U.S. Government is exerting every bit of pressure everywhere they can.
And you don't have a clue whether that is true or not. PayPal just admitted today they were under government pressure to stop taking payments....the way I'm seeing it play out is the U.S. Government is exerting every bit of pressure everywhere they can.

Paypal is not a media organization it's a business. And governments pressure bsuinesses all the time. A bank that took money from terrorists gets pressure, too, see? Furthermore, I'm not going to deal with your assertions forcing me to prove negatives. If you have evidence, present it. If not, then don't argue something is happening and demand people prove it isn't. That's stupid.

Which may provide a clue as to why the NYT and the Guardian were not trusted with the information in the first place.

The mainstream US media, despite their superior resources and access and reputations, no longer appear as dependable outlets for information of this kind. For the David Brooks and William Kristols and Judith Millers and similar agents or water carriers, they are the venue of choice. But not for stuff like this.

I'm not interested in discussing anything concerning the media with you. Bark up another tree.
Paypal is not a media organization it's a business. And governments pressure bsuinesses all the time. A bank that took money from terrorists gets pressure, too, see? Furthermore, I'm not going to deal with your assertions forcing me to prove negatives. If you have evidence, present it. If not, then don't argue something is happening and demand people prove it isn't. That's stupid.


Irrelevant. The point is proven.
It's as if there's a glimmer of a burning question at the edges of all human consciousness today- we've begun to collectively notice new capabilities for truth and accountability, but many among us don't want it; many (some powerful) abhor the idea and its proponents. But truth is actually shining brighter like at early dawn. Who can stop the world, to keep us in the dark?
Very astute observation Hype. Like sheep to the slaughter.
I believe we are witnessing the first true cyberwar.

Not between nations, we've seen that, but between ideologies.

It may be that Julian Assange is the face of the revolution.