New Wikileaks Dump is Unconscionable


I am for whistle blowing, but against people using positions of trust to reveal indiscriminate information which belongs to the people who pay their wages.

What are you trying to say? That you are for whistle blowing on indiscriminate leakers?

In theory the US government works for the American people but we don't know what the hell our government is doing. I also don't believe that either US domestic or foreign policy serve the American people nearly as well as they would if the people had an effective method of holding the government accountable. I think USA foreign and domestic policy makers have fooled themselves into not knowing just how incompetent and sleazy US government policy is because knowing the truth would be depressing and would interfere with their career advancement.

Saying and thinking the same things that other earlier "smart" sounding people said makes ambitious rising young people sound "smart" and pleases the ever present tentacles of the same old (and a few new) special interests who have been corrupting foreign and domestic policy for generations.

Other nations governments have the same sort of problems. Stock holders are having similar problems with corporate management. We need more transparency. There areas in which corporations need secrecy to compete with each other. This is not as true for nations. We don't want our nations competing with each other the way they used to and we need to be wary of our governments serving special interests under the veil of the secrecy that nations claim that they need to compete with each other and to compete with terrorists.

Secrecy hides special interest corruption of policy.

Secrecy also hides Napoleon syndrome (a disease in which more power is never enough and leaders urged on by their advisers try to expand and expand their groups power until they almost inevitable overreach and fail resulting in needless hardships for many). This Napoleon syndrome is instinctual and has been with our species since before we were human and can be found in street gangs and corporations and anywhere teams of men compete with other teams of men.

Special interest corruption, plus napoleon syndrome plus the mindless momentum of people parroting what previous people said in an effort to sound smart leads to bad policy. More public scrutiny won't fix bad policy overnight but more public scrutiny is a good starting point.

Had we not had too much secrecy we would not have had 9-11 because we would not have misbehaved in the Middle East. If the Us government had supported Mossadegh and justice and democracy throughout the Middle East the Middle East would probably be democratic now and wealthier and Islamic fundamentalism would probably be much much weaker.

Almost none of what has been revealed so far indicates corruption.
More the sort of back-biting we all indulge in. Tittle Tattle.

Personally I am a bit surprised by how closely the US public position echoes what they say in private.
Who are you getting your opinions about what has been revealed from.

I assume that most of these documents have not yet been read by the leaker, by anybody at wikileaks, by anybody in the media or by anybody in the general public. A quarter million documents.

A lot of what I have heard that I think is relevant just confirms things I had heard earlier from other sources. I am not surprised by Chinese government sponsored computer hacking of Google and the US government. I am not surprised about confirmation of US government support for the coup in Honduras. I am not surprised by more accounts of blatant corruption of the Karzai government.

The Gulf Arab dictators desire for the USA to attack Iran is a surprise According to polls the people of those nations consider Israel and the USA not Iran to be the threats to their nations.

Somebody said looking at the WikiLeaks documents is like diamond mining in that you have to sift through a whole lot of dirt to find a diamond.

I would not expect every diplomatic cable to be insightful or accurate and I am not surprised that observers consider most of them boring and shallow. I am not surprised that the media found the bit about "Prince Andrew" and gossip about heads of states. The media says the cables are gossipy but is that because the cables are gossipy or because the media is gossipy?

I thought they were far more Machiavellian than that.

Isn't it just the State Department's Cables, not the NSA's Cables and not the CIA or the defense departments cables? The leak also probably is not the State Department's most secure cables.

I would love to search the cables for evidence of US direction of the US armed militia that overthrew the Democracy in Haiti a few years back. I don't think these cables go back that far and only tangential evidence would be likely to show up is that sort of operation is on a need to know basis and the state department people don't need to know and if the State Departments more secret information.

I don't want the USA overthrowing any more democracies. One town I lived in in the USA had a few thousand illegal immigrant Guatemalan native Americans. We are lucky that they don't have they pride and need for revenge against those who are responsible for killing their people the way Americans and Muslim fundamentalists are all proud and need revenge against those who kill their people. Almost every one of these native Guatemalans had some of their friends and family killed by US tax dollar funded supposed operations against leftists that the Guatemalan government turned into a somewhat genocidal race war against the indigenous population regardless of politics. These native Guatemalans had no bitterness that I am aware of against the USA for funding the genocide against them. For the most part the USA got lucky like that all over the world because though the USA inserted itself in the civil wars of most nations nobody seeks revenge against us. We just got lucky that all these people we fucked with in so many nations don't feel driven to seek justice the way we Americans do when we get fucked with or the way Muslim extremists do when they get fucked with.

We secretly fucked with so many nations but the secrets were not secrets in the nations that were getting fucked with. The secrets were secrets being kept from the American people who would not have approved. Prior to WW2 imperialists who wanted to occupy the Philippines or other nations could argue openly with anti-imperialists like Mark Twain. The propaganda against Hitler changed everything and made overt imperialism of the sort practiced before WW2 no longer acceptable to the American people; so from WW2 onwards whenever the USA did something in the world that went against democratic idealism the USA would attempt to hide the reality from the American people. Of course it is easier to lie to people who want to be lied to. The cold war against the Soviets was serious enough that sleazy actions done to fight the Soviets could be justified but so often the sleazy actions were of questionable value at fighting the Soviets.

If the site is going to reveal information which is useful to terrorists, then this is against the law in Britain, and America too I should think. (Is it?)

The most useful thing that can be done to make the terrorists stronger is for West to continue business as usual in the manor at which it has fought the Soviets and is now fighting whoever. We need to be scrupulously honorable when we are in other people's nations.

All this stupid competition between peoples and ideologies is so destructive. If the Western powers continue this way and If the Muslim world and China and everybody else continues to follow Napoleonic thinking then nuclear war becomes inevitable. The entire mindset must change. Post WW2 has been a radical departure from pre WW2 in terms of recognizing the immorality of nations dominating other nations but now we need to take another step forward and cease covertly playing power games. Wikileaks needs to grow. We need more leakers from all departments of all governments.

If the site is going to reveal information which is useful to terrorists, then this is against the law in Britain, and America too I should think. (Is it?)

Nice true slogan I think from the 1980s: One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The opposite is also true. One man's freedom fighter or when man's defender or justice enforcer is another man's terrorist.

The powerful do collateral damage because they can target where they guess that their enemy is but whoever happens to be around will be killed. The powerful claim this is not terrorism and is not the moral equivalent of terrorism because at least they are attempting to kill the enemies rather than to get to the enemy psychologically by killing the enemies civilian population. This is an illogical argument. Collateral damage is as bad as terrorism. Politically motivated killing is politically motivated killing regardless who does the killing.

There are no Good guys in this battle between the US government and all who oppose it's dream to become ever more powerful and dominating forever. There are no Good guys in the battle between Islamic extremism and all who oppose it's dream to dominate the Muslim world and then once that is achieved to increasingly dominate the world. Both the Neocon dreamers and the Muslim extremist dreamers convince themselves that they make sense and must defend their present and future people and institutions from all enemies but both groups have been driven to delusion by their desire to be significant in the grand scheme of things.

The whole world had a revival of religious and traditionalist aspirations including religious extremism in the 1980s as a reaction to the excesses and failure of secular progress oriented aspirations in the 1970s. As much as I don't like traditionalist and religious conservative thought I am not worried about it. The social left vs social right supremacy seems to run in cycles and it is about time for the globe which now is running synchronized cycles to swing back towards the social left. In my opinion only the West's symbolic attacks on Muslims can prevent Islamic extremism from fading along with Christian and Hindu nuttyness fading beginning about now to make way for another era of secular progress oriented aspirations. Basically I thin the median people embrace the future get disappointed with what we create and then long for the past and then get sick of the past and embrace the future again. I have traveled and trust that people all over the world whether simple and backwards or high tech and modern are basically similar and are simultaneously stupid and intelligent. The next generation of Muslims will not naturally be looking towards the past for comfort, security and stability the way this last generation did but the West is going to use Muslims as their bogey men and make Muslims feel attacked then they might counter attack as Muslims even though they cycle would have them looking toward the future and the possibilities rather than towards clinging to their past.

The neocon mentality scares me more because I don't think it is cyclical. This manipulative scheming fearful but ambitious and hopeful mentality that fits with the unidealistic version of the desire to be significant in the grand scheme causes events like WW1 and numerous smaller confrontations. It is like some very geeky version of testosterone driven will to power within a chimpanzee band to get top access to the girls but played out in some weird sublimated way political intrigue substituting for the tree shaking, friendly grooming and attacking and biting that a natural male would do when trying to take over a band. I don't think US and UK policy makes any real sense. It is just momentum and this neocon attitude. In PNAC I saw that China was the real target for the NeoCons and taking Iraq was just part of the strategy to contain China. I think these guys endless preparation for war makes their counterparts in other nations more convinced that their is an intrigue against them which drives them in term to engage in intrigues and preparation for war which proves to the first group that they were correct to prepare for war. How do we get out of the cycle? We need Wikileaks much more if we are to avoid nuclear war this next 100 years. We are not going to muscle our way to safety. Only more transformation and building trust and cooperation has a chance to work.

If the site is going to reveal information which is useful to terrorists, then this is against the law in Britain, and America too I should think. (Is it?)

I am sorry for any allies of the neocon-lite empire that might get hurt by Wikileaks but something more important and more life saving to the present and future people of the USA's and world's people is at stake here. Democracy must advance so that Neocon style stuck in the past pro Machiavellian way of thinking whether done by Americans or Chinese or whoever doesn't end up sucking up and wasting vast resources and lead to nuclear wars.

If the site is going to reveal information which is useful to terrorists, then this is against the law in Britain, and America too I should think. (Is it?)

Wikileaks is the best step towards making the world safe from terrorism that I have seen this last five years. The truth shall set us free and build trust if anything can set us free.

Would you want to live in a family that lies to you? Could we be comfortable knowing we are being lied to? Doesn't being lied to make everything feel adversarial.

We need more truth and more tools to get more truth.


You are always a very fair minded poster nirakar.
I'm surprised your opinions on this are so one sided.

Could you not see circumstances where information posted could be immoral or illegal? Can you see limits to freedom of information as an ideal, and where would you place those limits?[/QUOTE]

I was surprised to see you on the other side of this issue.

Overall the price paid for loss of secrecy will be worth it. Ideally Governments would be almost entirely open. Maybe let Government and corporations keep some secrets for five years but after that everything they do should be public.

Imagine if we used electronic currency and every penny was traced and available online to be viewed online. That would be the end of muggings and burglary. Privacy is to protect good people from bad people but privacy also protects bad people from good people.

Stalking victims being stalked by mentally deranged stalkers need privacy.
I know this post is going to get ignored as usual mindless bashing, it's not and I don't care. I am not an anti-American, I am related to the damned place.

Americans should accept that they're living on another planet and simply have no idea what's going on in world perspective at all.

I remember finding Sam's statements exegerated on how misinformed and manipulated American people are and how's that led to an unprecedented mass ignorance. I owe you an apology girl. You were right.

Americans are mostly fine with everything's going on and I suggest that they should rage their government to change their constitution which I remember spidergoat called as an "experiment in governance". Aren't you sick of being lab rats? I am sick as your country's policy forces mine. Or as the rats don't know, what they're in where, you are also happy about it?
At least you could be honest to yourself and to your children in the future as a tyrant.

Now Assenge is arrested, you can be all proud and forget about this. I am sure there is enough space in "freedom" to bury this huge shit.
You are misrepresenting my position Lucy. Things are not fine. The US now faces signficiant political risk...something I would have thought remote three decades ago. But with the rise of the radical right, Americas future is far from secure....see how well the economy and middle classs do under a Palin adiminstration or a Ron Paul administration.

What you will hear me speak out against is the unwarranted fear mongering on the right that is totally without merit and is only used to distract and manipulate the uninformed...which is most Americans.

I do believe Obama is America's best hope at this moment. He and the Democrats have done much to get this country back on the right track and they are pursuing many of the right policies. But in the end they are Democrats and not as effective at political manipulation as are Republicans. Dems tend to get tied down with moral issues whereas Republicans have no such qualms.

Obama is far from perfect in my view, but he is America's best hope. There is no one on the Repulbican side of the fence that even comes close. And with each passing day Republicans continue to divorce themselves from reality and become increasingly radical and unable to govern.

I agree completely!

Transparent Government.
I remember finding Sam's statements exegerated on how misinformed and manipulated American people are and how's that led to an unprecedented mass ignorance. I owe you an apology girl. You were right.

No apologies required. It was a great shock to me as well.

I recently read this article and thought how timely and appropriate it is...

If you thought it was only uneducated Muslims in dusty towns ‘over there’ who burnt things that upset them, think again.

Unfortunately the only intellectual debate going on in the US nowadays is restricted to "extremist" pundits who haunt personal blogs or online forums
To sum up my own impression of all this, a drop of water landing in the Atlantic. My only comment is that it was wrong to leak them whatever the content. The government in China's actions against google however, is far far more serious as it could lead to imprisonment of the innocent or worse.
You understand that while China has only banned google, the US is pursuing the wikileaks owner and editor across borders and threatened his lawyers and children? That it has used its political power to undermine the freedom of the internet by forcing first amazon, then paypal to drop the hosting of wikileaks? That it has used its political connections to try to get Assange's passport canceled by Australia, keep Assange under supervision in the UK and get Sweden to resurrect a warrant it had dropped in August implicating Assange in sex charges? That it is willing to go against the first amendment in the constitution to change its laws and then apply them retroactively against Assange, which will affect all media sources if it becomes a precedent for future silencing of any reports leaked about government activities?

I mean, you do understand that its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond banning a website?
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Democracy Now has never pretended to be unbiased anymore than Bill Moyers or Fox News so that's irrelevant.

It was provided as color to illustrate the type of person who thinks this boob is a serious commentator. But we can use Noam Chomsky, if you like. The few who take him seriously probably still listen to Ellsberg, too.

What you personally think of Ellsberg is irrelevant since you are neither a former military analysts who's worked for the Pentagon and State Department and then gone on to risk everything by outing the government.

You have no idea what I am or was, nor does it matter.

Ellsberg worked for the relevant agencies more than 30 years ago. His expertise is related to that time period not this one. And since that time period, he has done little but live off his dubious celebrity, thanks to people like you.

Who made a comparison between the Vietnam war and now?

You did, when you brought up Ellsberg and his efforts. You linked that context to this one, and my point is that the Vietnam context cannot be related to this one, so throwing Ellsberg up is a smokescreen, and a rather poor one at that.

By the way the war in Iraq and Afghanistan has cost more than the war in Vietnam.

In gross dollars it has, but in terms of relevant dollars and GDP it has not. Again, you're on a roll here with irrelevant comparisons.

Of course no government wants their private dealings made public, neither do corporations or the mob for that matter.

Or you. Or your friends. Or your parents. Or your spouse. You see how this works? EVERYTHING can't be open and available. And you wouldn't want to live in a world where it is.

If the information that has been leaked (what has been leaked so far) has no consequences save embarrassment then why is there a global effort to capture Assange, bring him up on espionage charges and shut down Wikileaks?

Because, as I have already suggested, the embarrassment has derailed diplomacy and curtailed the ability of nations to talk to each other and work together toward policy. I think that's a bad thing. You and the other deluded power to the people types don't. You think airing all this will somehow help make better policies. It won't. All it will do is breakup partnerships and make nations go back to their corners and be very quiet and very wary.

So don't mistake what I am saying here. The Wikileaks are important. But it's the leaks themselves, not so much the information that matters. As I've written before, this is like reading someone's diary. It's not going to change how that person behaves, but it will change how that person behaves toward you in the short term.
You understand that while China has only banned google, the US is pursuing the wikileaks owner and editor across borders and threatened his lawyers and children? That it has used its political power to undermine the freedom of the internet by forcing first amazon, then paypal to drop the hosting of wikileaks? That it has used its political connections to try to get Assange's passport canceled by Australia, keep Assange under supervision in the UK and get Sweden to resurrect a warrant it had dropped in August implicating Assange in sex charges? That it is willing to go against the first amendment in the constitution to change its laws and then apply them retroactively against Assange, which will affect all media sources if it becomes a precedent for future silencing of any reports leaked about government activities?

I mean, you do understand that its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond banning a website?

Yes it is! WAAAAAAAAY Beyond.
Here's an interesting point:

The worlds intelligence has been for many years a Corporate industry,you might not think so but you only have to look to how Reuters made a fair deal of money initially through the industry and how over the years other Companies have popped up in the industry, such as RAND and of course Janes. (there are of course others that I've neglected to mention)

Each of these companies make money through their industry, having an "Open-Source" intelligence drop is obviously problematic to them because they aren't making any money from it. So in some respect's Wikileaks being hit by the current Government blockade is actually more likely subversively portrayed by intelligence firms to "plug the leak that's costing them money".

Incidentally some of those intelligence companies have BCI equipment that can be utilised to identify if a person is innocent or guilty of a crime (or who they got their information from) So it could be possible to identify if charges are trumped up or not.
Ythe US is pursuing the wikileaks owner and editor across borders and threatened his lawyers and children?
I am sorry, I do not believe that, in this day and age of internet etc, the US would do that - it would cause governments to fall.
Here's an interesting point:

The worlds intelligence has been for many years a Corporate industry,you might not think so but you only have to look to how Reuters made a fair deal of money initially through the industry and how over the years other Companies have popped up in the industry, such as RAND and of course Janes. (there are of course others that I've neglected to mention).

Rand does research and analysis, sometimes classified, sometimes not. Jane's compiles OSINT. Neither are really what you mean when you say intelligence, though.

Each of these companies make money through their industry, having an "Open-Source" intelligence drop is obviously problematic to them because they aren't making any money from it.

This doesn't affect them at all, nor could they ever "dump" similar information. Or at least Rand couldn't -- not if it ever wanted to work with the government again. Jane's, I know, has gotten into some trouble for publishing some classified information, but it's a compiler, in encyclopedic terms, and as such, isn't terribly interested in field reports.

Incidentally some of those intelligence companies have BCI equipment that can be utilised to identify if a person is innocent or guilty of a crime (or who they got their information from) So it could be possible to identify if charges are trumped up or not.

What in the hell are you talking about?
I am sorry, I do not believe that, in this day and age of internet etc, the US would do that - it would cause governments to fall.

:shrug: This is laughable.

Look at what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You think we'd have any qualms at all about electronic attacks and pressuring banks and internet providers.
Rand does research and analysis, sometimes classified, sometimes not. Jane's compiles OSINT. Neither are really what you mean when you say intelligence, though.

This doesn't affect them at all, nor could they ever "dump" similar information. Or at least Rand couldn't -- not if it ever wanted to work with the government again. Jane's, I know, has gotten into some trouble for publishing some classified information, but it's a compiler, in encyclopedic terms, and as such, isn't terribly interested in field reports.

Admittedly my point with those named is very generalised, after all who do you turn to for a Satellite output if your own country can't push the boundaries of certain treaties to peer over another countries shoulder etc.

What in the hell are you talking about?
Brain Computer Interfacing can be utilised as a far more efficient method of obtaining information from a person than any standard "truth" test. I know from experience that it's possible to observe and obtain both live feeds and memories from a person, however I can't go into too much detail into the technical specifications. (mainly because I don't have all of them myself.)

So it's possible to identify if a person has committed a crime, or is working for someone (a handler etc). In fact I had a premise that it would perhaps possible to have an entire Government Party rigged with this equipment to be "Transparent to the public" so no corruption would be possible, obviously in this instance though it's more of an ideology since most politicians would frown on being proven a complete "Crim".
What interesting times we live in. When in human history have we experienced comparable global, macropsychological shockwaves concerning the concepts of truth and accountability. Bring it!
Admittedly my point with those named is very generalised, after all who do you turn to for a Satellite output if your own country can't push the boundaries of certain treaties to peer over another countries shoulder etc.

There are no laws regarding what satellites can and can't do. I really think you are talking about things you know little about.

Brain Computer Interfacing can be utilised as a far more efficient method of obtaining information from a person than any standard "truth" test. I know from experience that it's possible to observe and obtain both live feeds and memories from a person, however I can't go into too much detail into the technical specifications. (mainly because I don't have all of them myself.)

So it's possible to identify if a person has committed a crime, or is working for someone (a handler etc). In fact I had a premise that it would perhaps possible to have an entire Government Party rigged with this equipment to be "Transparent to the public" so no corruption would be possible, obviously in this instance though it's more of an ideology since most politicians would frown on being proven a complete "Crim".

Um, Rand would have nothing like that. And it would probably be illegal if they did. I'm working with them on a project right now. It's a bunch of Phd's with bad office space done up in purple and white.

:shrug: This is laughable.

Look at what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You think we'd have any qualms at all about electronic attacks and pressuring banks and internet providers.

So far as I know there is no evidence of the US doing that. Most of the US effort in cyberspace is defensive. China is the one attacking people and systems with hackers -- and the leaks show that.

So far as I know there is no evidence of the US doing that. Most of the US effort in cyberspace is defensive. China is the one attacking people and systems with hackers -- and the leaks show that.

Yeah there was no evidence of CIA torture chambers in Europe either..........until there was.