New Wikileaks Dump is Unconscionable

As you are anti semetic you are talking double standards. If it was indeed an australian hacker 'dedicated to bringing the truth' to the people - whose truth are we talking about here. If I posted all your details on an israeli site, what am I guilty of? Exactly the same surely, breach of confidence.

This australian is only interested in one thing - self glorification amongst the warped society he thrives in.

You have survived 69k+ posts so you live in here, and the staff are incredibly tolerant, mein fuhrer.

Assange was formerly a hacker yes, but you don't have to post Sam's details to the Israeli's as I'm sure they have a little life size replica of her in their back room and copies of all her incendiary comments.

Since the government, UK, Israel and others already have carte blanche when it comes to information gathering on citizens whether there is probable cause or not such a scenario is not unfeasible.
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Good points Lucy, I'd like to add that in the contemporary marketplace of ideas, the Pentagon Papers would probably slide right down the memory hole. It takes sustained bombardment of thought-provoking evidence today, to stimulate critical and rational thinking among increasing and increasingly-distracted populations of under-informed and under-educated consumers of junk infotainment.

Its not even the distracted populations that bother me as they are probably too caught up with Dancing with the Stars to pay attention to Assange and Wikileaks if they know about it at all. What I find disturbing are those, especially Americans, who are so ready to defend the same government who have basically eroded their own Bill of Rights and Constitution. The same government that goes around lying and perverting its own laws.

That's what I find astounding.
Me too.

It's not going to be a sterile process, getting through to a nation that has been sold a myth that democracy (especially Brand USA) is automatic and free of entropy. Saving this broken-down republic will be noisy, messy, and not for the feint-hearted.
some satire...

"I have never used Twitter," the president said. "My thumbs are too clumsy to type in things on the phone. But I am a big believer in technology and I'm a big believer in openness when it comes to the flow of information. I think that the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable. They can begin to think for themselves. That generates new ideas. It encourages creativity."

The president said he's "always been a strong supporter of open Internet use. I'm a big supporter of non-censorship. This is part of the tradition of the United States that I discussed before, and I recognize that different countries have different traditions. I can tell you that in the United States, the fact that we have...unrestricted Internet access is a source of strength, and I think should be encouraged."

obama in shanghai nov 16 2010

The same networks that help organize movements for freedom also enable al-Qaida to spew hatred and incite violence against the innocent. And technologies with the potential to open up access to government and promote transparency can also be hijacked by governments to crush dissent and deny human rights.

In the last year, we’ve seen a spike in threats to the free flow of information. China, Tunisia, and Uzbekistan have stepped up their censorship of the internet. In Vietnam, access to popular social networking sites has suddenly disappeared. And last Friday in Egypt, 30 bloggers and activists were detained. One member of this group, Bassem Samir, who is thankfully no longer in prison, is with us today. So while it is clear that the spread of these technologies is transforming our world, it is still unclear how that transformation will affect the human rights and the human welfare of the world’s population.

And censorship should not be in any way accepted by any company from anywhere. And in America, American companies need to make a principled stand. This needs to be part of our national brand. I’m confident that consumers worldwide will reward companies that follow those principles.​
clinton. newseum jan 21 2010
Me too.

It's not going to be a sterile process, getting through to a nation that has been sold a myth that democracy (especially Brand USA) is automatic and free of entropy. Saving this broken-down republic will be noisy, messy, and not for the feint-hearted.

There won't be an organized effort to save it. Americans have become passive in the face of their corporate government elite. They'll do nothing and by the time they realize they are completely fleeced it will be too late. The ones who are all up in arms are Tea Party members or those who'll raise their guns and march behind Limbaugh or someone like him. Don't forget that many still believe the myth of America, that place that once was and is no longer.

I remember once when a friend who wanted to know why Democracy Now is always complaining about the State of the Union instead of doing something about it. *chuckle* I replied that they are doing something, their job is to inform so that you the public can come to your own conclusions do your own research and do something about it.

Americans who think something is wrong are still waiting for Obama or someone else to go out and 'do something'.
There won't be an organized effort to save it. Americans have become passive in the face of their corporate government elite. They'll do nothing and by the time they realize they are completely fleeced it will be too late. The ones who are all up in arms are Tea Party members or those who'll raise their guns and march behind Limbaugh or someone like him. Don't forget that there are many that still believe the myth of America, that place that once was and is no longer.

But can be again. :)
But can be again. :)

Could be but do you think there is a will by mainstream Americans? I don't mean the ones ensconced in the universities but the working poor and middle class. Do you think they will ever really be able to organize themselves in any meaningful way? Especially when there is no leadership nor a rallying voice to mobilize them.
Could be but do you think there is a will by mainstream Americans? I don't mean the ones ensconced in the universities but the working poor and middle class. Do you think they will ever really be able to organize themselves in any meaningful way? Especially when there is no leadership nor a rallying voice to mobilize them.

Not until after the collapse. :eek:
Those who are awaiting a collapse, before participating in the duties of democracy are not any more developed in their understanding, or service, or civic maturity than those who are too stupid to give a shit. Even if there is a collapse, efforts for democracy before the fall will still have meaning and importance when the dust clears.
Those who are awaiting a collapse, before participating in the duties of democracy are not any more developed in their understanding, or service, or civic maturity than those who are too stupid to give a shit. Even if there is a collapse, efforts for democracy before the fall will still have meaning and importance when the dust clears.

Those who are awaiting a collapse, before participating in the duties of democracy are not any more developed in their understanding, or service, or civic maturity than those who are too stupid to give a shit. Even if there is a collapse, efforts for democracy before the fall will still have meaning and importance when the dust clears.

Yeah but I think he means (could be wrong) that in the event of a collapse or something of that sort that the public has no choice but to resist. Right now they can be content sitting on their asses especially if they still have a roof over their heads, a job and haven't completely felt the rise in petrol and food to make their lives uncomfortable.
There is always that choice. Some people would rather passively die than take courage to resist, however dire the circumstance.
Let's show them (you and me). Ready?

How would you show them? How would you make a dent in the apathy or rather how would you be able to show them and escape the label or upstart, un-patriotic, un-american etc., in short without being marginalized. How would you make them understand that its in their best interest? How would you break through their fear?

Or better yet how would you even go about proving that there is a problem to begin with? Remember that most think everything is either ok, will be ok, or that the government is on our side and doing things in the best interest of the public.
How would you show them?

Make a habit and a point of never missing any glimmering of an opportunity to do so, with anyone you encounter in any context.

How would you make a dent in the apathy or rather how would you be able to show them and escape the label or upstart, un-patriotic, un-american etc., in short without being marginalized. How would you make them understand that its in their best interest?

Everybody knows it's breaking down; Start there.

How would you break through their fear?

Make them laugh. Failing that, give them a spanking. Failing that, run away.

Or better yet how would you even go about proving that there is a problem to begin with?

Everybody knows.

Remember that most think everything is either ok, will be ok, or that the government is on our side and doing things in the best interest of the public.

A lot of people are repeating lies that used to comfort them, but the more you and I and the people we meet expose what everybody knows- that's how it goes.
No Hype everyone doesn't know. Just ask Joepistole:D

Seriously I would say that the majority are in denial or flat out do not see a problem at all. Most have faith in the system, after all it is the 'greatest country in the world' and its the most 'free and just' and will always persevere in the face of adversity.
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He knows too.

Ask him.

OK I'll do it:

"HEY JOE!" (PM'd him to stop by here).

Oh poo! Joe believes the system is fine and Obama is 'better', the mighty mouse of politicians, and the country under his guidance will have a bright future ahead of it.:D
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FWIW I'll add one more tip (I'm too often guilty of this myself):

Don't ever assume you understand what's going on inside anyone-else's head, and never do it without posing sincere and non-threatening questions to the person of interest.