Walmart's job is to sell cheaply made Chinese shit and low quality food to obese Americans, NOT to provide them a full time job. Part-time worker at these stores was ONLY supposed to be for kids in highschool or needing to make a little extra cash while going to University OR MAYBE the occasional stay at home parent looking to make a little vacation money.Except for one minor detail, it ain't true.
How surprising right wingers are lying to us again. Unfortunately there is no surprise there, it's just more of the same kind of dishonesty which is now all too familiar to us. It's just the latest in a long series of right wing lies about Obamacare. My unsubsidized Obamacare is similar to my corporate healthcare and a few dollars cheaper to boot.
So, what's your solution? Get rid of part time work?! That's asinine.
Walmart has part-time staff. Those part-time staff are not afforded benefits of full-time staff because what they have to sell is not worth hiring full-time. Therefor they will not receive the benefits of people valued enough to hire full-time. I don't care if it's Walmart or if it's the University of Michigan - PART TIME STAFF will not be given full-time benefits. No amount of magic thinking is going to up-turn the laws of mathematics Joe.
The real problem is Cogs - and that the Public Schools pump their functionally illiterate arses out by the millions a year. Perfect for a dumbed-down public that's just that much easier to control with idiotic political messaging like "No more taxpayer subsidized profits for you". There's so many Cogs, and not enough businesses, that Cogs can not sell their one and only service (labor) into the market at a reasonable price and are stuck in dead-end part-time work.
This is the inevitable outcome of Progressive Policies across the last 110 years.
That the Federal Government has so hyper-regulated the markets in favor of chain-retailers and fast-food chains that no 'free' American can fight their way past the millions of miles of paperwork to actually start a business and compete. Most of those that try are so functionally illiterate they would never be able to read and understand all the regulations and taxes they'd be liable for. Those that do, are stuck dealing with fat obese Mericans who'd rather waddle their fat arses into a Walmart - regardless of what some politician they voted for told them!!! At the end of the day, said Cog are STUCK being a Cog that the State made them into! This is NOT the fault of Walmart. Walmart is just extremely apt at playing the game called Fascist USSA. But they didn't 'create' the game. Walmart is powerless - they actually can't do shit. ONLY the State has the right to turn lose it's police force against innocent people trying to compete in these hyper-regulated markets. This is how Walmart wins.
Now, you may want to ask yourself this, all those welfare queens living in various Slum-Houses - they are living off the Government teet/general welfare - do their Slum-Lords own them a full time job? Maybe they do? Maybe we need to end any and all subsidizes and living assistants and force Slum-Lords who have been getting fat off the public teet to PAY FOR their tenants! To provide them with income? How does that sound? Stupid enough yet? Because this is how stupid it is to expect part-time businesses to pay full-time benefits.
How's this one sound: "No more taxpayer subsidized profits for Slum-Lords! Tax the Slum-Lords 95%!!!" Don't worry Joe, when it becomes the means of being elected, you WILL hear "Progressives" demagogue the public. History shows this is how the game of Fascism ends - always, without exception. But hey, look at it this way, we still have to have another couple big Wars to burn-out of the Cogs. You know, the ones flag-waving 'defending the nation from X' (insert: Nazi's, Gooks, Commies, Terrorists, IslamoFascists, Mericans....)
If we want affordable healthcare we need:
- sound money (end the fed)
- free markets (end regulations)
- property rights (end income tax)
- law (courts)
BUT, that isn't going to happen. So, on wards and down wards we go.