New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35 Floppy Disks

Every rant against ACA starts with "people will lose their insurance that they like", which is a blatant lie. I have never met anyone who "likes" their individual insurance plan, except those group plans provided by their employers, which are not in question here.

The entire argument that ACA is causing cancellation of "good" insurance plans is a myth, a lie, a ruse, a red herring. ACA, if given a chance to work will offer better coverage for less money. But any plan that is deliberately being sabotaged will fail.
I call active sabotage of a constitunional law, sedition.
Politics, Sales, Rhetoric ... America

Captain Kremmen said:

So when he said:
"As President, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Our Constitution and our Uniform Code of Military Justice provide a framework for dealing with the terrorists. "-
he wasn't being entirely factual, was he?

Well, it's hard to figure what your point is, there.

Most Americans understand a thing or two about campaign rhetoric, and if we want to have that discussion now, perhaps it's time. However, it would not be of any benefit if we were to undertake that discussion from so ignorant a perspective.

That is to say, back when we were electing white men to the White House, people understood the difference between campaign rhetoric and reality.

Nobody ever crucified Bob Dole for saying he would use his presidential authority to effectively destroy the First Amendment; everybody knew the old white guy was making a point about pop lyrics that we had been hearing over and over again. If Bob Dole was going to stop Sistah Souljah, he was going to need Congress to do it.

It's entirely possible Candidate Obama overestimated congressional Democrats, who eventually joined their Republican colleagues in faithlessness.

But it's true, when he said all that, he wasn't being entirely factual.

To the other, it was, at the time, a reasonable presumption that Americans understood the difference.

However, the years since have corrected that notion. To listen to all the chicken littles out there telling me the sky is falling, one might think no president has ever failed to deliver on a campaign promise because his congressional allies weren't ready to back him.

Look ... really. Fine. People want to change the standards for the black man in the White House, that's their own business. But the idea that the rest of us have to pretend to be so goddamn naïve in order to accommodate the newfound disabilities our conservative neighbors are experiencing is excremental.

I've learned to never believe that the political discourse can't get any less intellectual, any more stupid, useless, or delusional than it already is. And I learned that because of conservatives. It's worrisome in a way, because it suggests I'm coming to believe that humanity is perfectly capable of dancing over the edge like lemmings, but, in truth, lex parsimonae suggests someone has come to a conclusion that dumbing down the public discourse to the point of dysfunction benefits their interests.

It's been over four years since one of my conservative neighbors explained that racism has nothing to do with opposition to Obama, and even implied that it was the president's fault that from the time before he was even president his radical leftism was so tyrannical that good, decent, respectable people had nothing left to lob at him but racism. I mention this because one would think this sort of perspective some manner of outlier, except its devices keep coming up over and over and over again, and I think of that post so moronic I couldn't tell you whether I hope it's real or a lie because I can't figure out whether the world is better off if my neighbor is so overtly evil or so overtly stupid every time I hear of some new racist political outburst: They're not really racist. It's that evil Barack Obama's fault for forcing those good, decent people to act like racists.

Now, that particular line is something of an achievement; much like the ice cream bar soliloquy, the thirteen rakes, throwing Lois down the stairs, and other occasional outrages that remind me of that old phrase from childhood, "You can't do that on television!" our neighbor has set a standard. If Sciforums disappeared tomorrow, and I never encountered him again, and I lived to be a thousand years old, I would always remember that particular point on the curve, when somebody actually tried to seriously make that particular argument to me.

The short version is that four years later I see our neighbor was not an outlier but a harbinger of things to come. That idiocy was the writing on the wall, the portent, the forewarning of what was coming. He's hardly the prototype or archetype, but he his hardly an outlier; these factions are having their day in the sun.

Which might lead us out of this overlong post: My political conscience has been active essentially since the 1980 presidential election. In the twenty-eight years that followed, the electorate demonstrated a certain set of relatively consistent behaviors. 'Tis true some of those destabilized in the nineties, but something new started happening as the Obama presidency became possible and then real. Perhaps it is also symptomatic of defending the Bush years, and without those some of this wouldn't have happened, but it's almost like a perfect storm of accidentally coincident factors regarding what people will tolerate of their government. The Bush years broke a bunch of stuff, coming on top of the Clinton years, in which conservatives broke a bunch of stuff.

That's fine, if it's time to have the conversation about various aspects of our political society, the nods and winks, the nudges and quiet glances.

It is, however, coincident with Obama's presidency that we are somehow supposed to believe this is all new behavior.

Thus prefaced, to revisit your point—

So when he said:
"As President, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Our Constitution and our Uniform Code of Military Justice provide a framework for dealing with the terrorists. "-
he wasn't being entirely factual, was he?

—the first answer is, "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

And in the second second, "Well, sure, but what, exactly, is your point?'

And then the third thing to mind: "What, really? Really? This isn't a joke?"

The best answer I can give you, though, is to simply say: Sure, he was promising too much, but there was a time, as early as the beginning of this century, that people could tell the difference. We have, for generations, condoned and endorsed that kind of campaign rhetoric. If it is time to have the discussion about whether or not we will continue to accept such campaign rhetoric from candidates at all levels throughout our society, then it is time to have that discussion. It would not serve us well, however, to subvert the discussion from the outset by adopting observably inaccurate presuppositions.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say simply? Did I break a promise, or now that the question is asked—because people can no longer understand what they've been doing for years—it becomes a bit more complicated than the question initially suggests?
Every rant against ACA starts with "people will lose their insurance that they like", which is a blatant lie. I have never met anyone who "likes" their individual insurance plan, except those group plans provided by their employers, which are not in question here.

The entire argument that ACA is causing cancellation of "good" insurance plans is a myth, a lie, a ruse, a red herring. ACA, if given a chance to work will offer better coverage for less money. But any plan that is deliberately being sabotaged will fail.
I call active sabotage of a constitunional law, sedition.

I agree.
One of us is living in La La Land. Let's see, we have Government Schools graduating students who can't read and write, Government losing one War in S. Asia and now two more in the ME - while lying about the reasons for the wars the entire time, Government Housing Slum Crack-Whore Projects complete with lawless rampant gang-violence, Government Roads that injure a couple million people a year, Government run generational welfare dependency, Government's massive waste of energy (largest energy consumer on the planet) and creation of pollution (largest polluter on the planet) and think this same incompetent collection of sociopathic demagogues who'd stab their own mothers in the heart to get reelected - are going to magically fix a problem THEY themselves created! Ha!!! Give me a f*cking break. Yeah, put the Wolves in charge of the hen-house and when it all goes to hell - give them the keys to barn as well!

You Joe, live in La La Land.

But, then again, the Federal Reserve is pilling on nearly $100 billion a month in debt 6 years AFTER bailing out the banking criminals who pay for their political lackey's elections and you call that a success too. Yes, a wonderful success. Well, that doesn't surprise me, you live in La La Land. Like a princess high up in a magical palace tower.

This billion dollar Chicago-style CRONY f*cked up ObamaCare website is a symptom of an incompetent disease riddled Government run amok and a clear sign of things to come for healthcare in the USA.

LOL, oh Michael what am I going to do with you? It’s kind of hypocritical for you to call someone else a demagogue. And the Fed is not “piling on nearly a $100 billion a month in debt”. That is an outright lie. The Fed is purchasing $85 billion per month in debt. It is not issuing debt. And the rest of your post is just your usual dose of demagoguery.

Yeah, Obama really screwed up the implementation of Obamacare. That is undeniable. It’s one of the curious things about this president. He can do splendidly. But every once in a while, when the stakes are high, he will take the ball to the opposition’s one yard line and then inexplicably he hand the ball to the opposition. He did that during the debates and he did it with Obamacare implementation. I can’t explain it. But that doesn’t mean government cannot work. It doesn’t mean that Obamacare won’t and cannot work.

Obamacare will give healthcare and financial security to millions of Americans. And this latest tempest in a teapot won’t amount to anything a few months from now.
Obamacare will give healthcare and financial security to millions of Americans.
Or really? Obama's going to that is he? Let's see, the Government doesn't actually create wealth on it's own - - so how exactly is "Obama" going to "give" healthcare AND financial security to millions of Americans Joe?

Do tell how Joe. I mean, gee, he sounds like a generous man. Of course, generosity is easy when it's someone else's money you're giving away.

What you really mean to say is the State will be obligated to initiate force against innocent citizens - for the good of those citizens. Ha! Which is to say the State will Tax from one group (young healthy Americans) and give to another group (old fat babyboomers). Isn't that nice of Obama. How 'generous' of Him.

Thus, by the word 'give' you actually meant to say 'steal'. Oh it's for the "Good of the Nation/Social Contract/God etc... " so you think it's perfectly fine, I am sure. Why, how nice of "Obama".

Except in the real world, not your La La Land, the Government is an extremely inefficient redistribution machine composed of cronies, glad-handers, incompetents and outright criminals, many of whom have never actually worked an honest day in their lives.

When the Government comes up short, and it will, the State will tax those that have anything worth stealing (like a home) and use this to give healthcare and financial security to millions of Americans, When this comes up short, and it most certainly will, the State what they always do and sell 30 year T-Bonds on the one group that is the most defenceless - babies (how kind of them). When this comes up short, and it most certainly will, the State will inflate savings away (most from Babyboomers) - bringing the Karmic circle to a close. At this point, you may not develop a taste for Soylent Green, but I'm sure your kids will.

Take a real good look at Detroit Joe - that's ObamaCare right about the time you'll probably be drug kicking and screaming from a slum property you bought and rented out and forced onto it. Won't that be nice :)
Or really? Obama's going to that is he? Let's see, the Government doesn't actually create wealth on it's own - - so how exactly is "Obama" going to "give" healthcare AND financial security to millions of Americans Joe?

Oh, tell that to the government contractor.

Do tell how Joe. I mean, gee, he sounds like a generous man. Of course, generosity is easy when it's someone else's money you're giving away.

What you really mean to say is the State will be obligated to initiate force against innocent citizens - for the good of those citizens. Ha! Which is to say the State will Tax from one group (young healthy Americans) and give to another group (old fat babyboomers). Isn't that nice of Obama. How 'generous' of Him.

Thus, by the word 'give' you actually meant to say 'steal'. Oh it's for the "Good of the Nation/Social Contract/God etc... " so you think it's perfectly fine, I am sure. Why, how nice of "Obama".

Except in the real world, not your La La Land, the Government is an extremely inefficient redistribution machine composed of cronies, glad-handers, incompetents and outright criminals, many of whom have never actually worked an honest day in their lives.

When the Government comes up short, and it will, the State will tax those that have anything worth stealing (like a home) and use this to give healthcare and financial security to millions of Americans, When this comes up short, and it most certainly will, the State what they always do and sell 30 year T-Bonds on the one group that is the most defenceless - babies (how kind of them). When this comes up short, and it most certainly will, the State will inflate savings away (most from Babyboomers) - bringing the Karmic circle to a close. At this point, you may not develop a taste for Soylent Green, but I'm sure your kids will.

Take a real good look at Detroit Joe - that's ObamaCare right about the time you'll probably be drug kicking and screaming from a slum property you bought and rented out and forced onto it. Won't that be nice :)

If government is so inefficient, why does Medicare deliver healthcare more efficiently and effectively than its private industry counterparts?
<waves hand in the air>

No middleman, no profit motive.

Most Americans understand a thing or two about campaign rhetoric, and if we want to have that discussion now, perhaps it's time. However, it would not be of any benefit if we were to undertake that discussion from so ignorant a perspective.

That is to say, back when we were electing white men to the White House, people understood the difference between campaign rhetoric and reality.
There is nothing racist about holding a politician accountable for his promises. Especially a promise made over and over with no qualifications whatsoever regarding the signature issue of said politician.

Remember George Bush Sr and his "Read my lips, no new taxes" pledge? It cost him the election. How about Bill Clinton and his "I did not have sex with that woman"?

Certain lies, certain scandals stick. This may be one of those. At least Daniel Pink (former speech writer for Al Gore) thinks so:

“I fear this is going to go into the annals with George H. W. Bush’s ‘no new taxes,’ and Bill Clinton’s ‘I didn’t have sex with that woman.’ It strikes me as something very sticky.”​

Very sticky, indeed. The Obamacare rollout calls into question the competence of the Obama administration and his repeated bald faced lies to the American people call into question his integrity.
Something About the Obvious

Madanthonywayne said:

There is nothing racist about holding a politician accountable for his promises.

No, there isn't. There might be if we're applying a separate standard for assessment, which it would appear we are; you seem to have overlooked that broader context, but there are any number of reasons, ranging from mere politics to actual racism to real insanity that might explain the disparity. Of course, given that you are one who would openly defend and advocate racism, as you have done for years, I can see why this sleight would stand out as the obvious route.

Especially a promise made over and over with no qualifications whatsoever regarding the signature issue of said politician.

I reject the proposition that one can hold President Obama responsible for the behavior of private sector executives. Or are we accidentally and completely coincidentally in a new era when personal accountability means you blame the president for the decisions made by the board of Kaiser Permanente?

In the end, there will be some who can rightly demand accountability of the president. But much of this hype seems to be an effort to blame Obamacare for the behavior of private sector operations. We need to filter those out in order to understand the true scale of disruption.

As historian Jeffrey Burton Russell notes:

The historical evidence can never be clear enough for us to know what really happened, but the evidence as to what people believed to have happened is relatively clear. The concept—what people believed to have happened—is more important than what really did happen, because people act on what they believe to be true.

We both know he is correct. It's why you're so anxious to supplant the truth with a custom-crafted myth. Sometimes I think you really do believe that the individual mandate was some hazy, socialist-conspiracy, liberal device. But then I shake my head and chuckle and ask myself if I really believe you're that stupid.

And, in truth, the answer really is no.

There are problems with the PPACA. Some of these are simply Congress being Congress, magnified by willful misbehavior among the GOP; some of them are certainly the sorts of marketing things that can only be tacked to the Obama administration; some of them are just what we would expect of the private sector. The reality is that there is nothing going on here that I couldn't tell you would be problematic back when Republicans hauled this idea into Congress in 1993.

We both recognize that what people believed to have happened really is more important than what actually happened, because people act on belief instead of reality.

Ask yourself, sir, why you need to work so hard to shape the narrative, while the pieces tend to fall into place for those of us who have confidence in reality, humanity, and our very society.

I think the answer is clear, and it can aptly be said to define the difference between our clearly diverse ideas of right and wrong, which ultimately shape our beliefs about what is "best" for our society.


Russell, Jeffrey Burton. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. 1977. New York: Cornell Univ. Press, 1987.
Or really? Obama's going to that is he? Let's see, the Government doesn't actually create wealth on it's own - - so how exactly is "Obama" going to "give" healthcare AND financial security to millions of Americans Joe?

That is a misquote.
Joe said Obamacare not Obama.
The term Obamacare was coined by Republicans as a derogatory term, but it has caught on, and is now the word generally used.
Obama has never claimed to be giving his own money away.

Let me see if I've got the gist of what you are saying.
No-one would accuse a white President of having told lies during his campaign, because that's what they expect.
They only do it when the President is black, because they are racist.
The term Obamacare was coined by Republicans as a derogatory term, but it has caught on, and is now the word generally used.
Obama has never claimed to be giving his own money away.

RomneyCare was the template of the slur and was coined by the democrats after the republican governor Mitt Romney who tried his own universal health care approach in the liberal state of Massachusetts. The Republicans copied the template, with ObamaCare not all that creative at that point.

RomneyCare worked and is still in effect since he struck a balance between the needs of business and needs of the poor, in a big government busy body state known as liberal Taxachusetts. ObamaCare has too high a percentage of big Government. It was doomed from the beginning since you need a higher percentage of competent people to get this done.

The bottom line is, elected officials are not always picked for their ability. They are picked for their yes man approach to their party since it takes a lot of money. They also are picked for their promises and their entertainment value. Picture a bunch of actors playing the roles of statesmen/women and needing them to get things done. Business men are not elected but gain by ability. Picture if we elected the new CEO of Google using a popularity contest. Google would be doomed since the actor may not be up for the task.

The latest thing Obama is doing is allowing insurance companies to break the law to restore cancelled policies. Obama said he will look the other way and not enforce the law, since he does not wish to change the law. This is like saying rape will still be illegal, but I will tell the cops to look the other way and not enforce the law. This is Obama's real skill set; loopholes in Constitutional law. A president is supposed to uphold the law not tell people to ignore the law and he will pretend he did not see them. I would guess he will use tell the NSA and the IRS to pressure the insurance companies so they will break the law for him and he will look the other way so he does not see. Then he can claim he ddi not see this which technically is true. It is all about law loopholes.

The democrats had already used this look the other way procedure allowing banks to break the law to buy up failing banks a few years back. Now the government sees tax money and is deciding to retroactively punish them of listening to them. The insurance companies will learn from this and will say that they will obey the law because the liars will turn on them in the future. We live in a banana republic.
Have you read anything about the idea that the trouble was caused by people not being able to spell recommended,
so that "reccomended" plans were made unavailable?
Nothing Unexpected There

Captain Kremmen said:

Let me see if I've got the gist of what you are saying.
No-one would accuse a white President of having told lies during his campaign, because that's what they expect.
They only do it when the President is black, because they are racist.

That's about the expected compression and distortion.

Let's just say it's an interesting coincidence.

More than racism, what it seems to be is a bizarre idea that because the Republican Party is the Republican Party, it must necessarily have some sort of credibility, regardless of what it says.

But it's true, people weren't always as stupid as your question. And that's the thing.

So you tell me, please: Why now?

What is the coincidence between the black man achieving the White House and the conventional rules of American politics changing so drastically while everyone goes out of their way to pretend nothing unusual is going on?

I mean, I get it; it's a pretty heavy notion. But if you don't like it, you're on: Why now? Why are people so suddenly forgetting what they've always known?

Why is this the moment that we changed our standards without saying anything?

It's a nasty coincidence, sure, but what explains it?

Or do you really need things as idiotically simple and dishonest as the inquiry I've quoted above?
By this time it probably sounds like quibbling, but in technical fact Obama has not broken any promises. He promised to grandfather in all the health care plans people had, not new ones a venal and corrupt insurance industry could con someone into buying between the time he made the promise and the time the law itself made it past the Republican poo-fling.

There is nothing racist about holding a politician accountable for his promises.
Sometimes, there is. It's kind of obvious this time - has been for years now.

madanthony said:
The Obamacare rollout calls into question the competence of the Obama administration and his repeated bald faced lies to the American people call into question his integrity
Once again we are grading a President on his ability to overcome the idiocy, meanness, and plain insanity of current Republican political efforts. A President who fails to completely and quickly overcome the Republican-combined vandalism of the neo-Confederate and industrial powers arrayed against anything resembling competent government, is therefore deemed incompetent themselves.

OK. Being unable to overcome bad people and establish good politics is less competent. We hoped for greater competence, and a thorough defeat of the people attempting to do us harm, rather than a compromise with them. But that hardly calls into question the integrity of those attempting to govern well.

It's not Obama's integrity that has been revealed to be missing, rotten, corrupted by ignorance and meanness and ugly motives, here. It's yours.
They May Not Like the Facts, but That Does Not Mean They Can Ignore the Facts

Iceaura said:

By this time it probably sounds like quibbling, but in technical fact Obama has not broken any promises. He promised to grandfather in all the health care plans people had, not new ones a venal and corrupt insurance industry could con someone into buying between the time he made the promise and the time the law itself made it past the Republican poo-fling.

Well, that's the thing. It doesn't really matter, does it? History will vindicate Obama, but this is an unfortunate period in our history.

And it's not even "twice as good, half as black", per se.

What I don't like is the idea that we're suddenly waking up to how absurd our political conventions have been for generations, and pretending this is new behavior. The only time the political discourse is looking to history right now is when Republicans want to denounce the latest of Obama's "Watergate" or "Katrina" "scandals".

And look at what neither Capt. Kremmen nor Madanthonywayne will address:

My political conscience has been active essentially since the 1980 presidential election. In the twenty-eight years that followed, the electorate demonstrated a certain set of relatively consistent behaviors. 'Tis true some of those destabilized in the nineties, but something new started happening as the Obama presidency became possible and then real. Perhaps it is also symptomatic of defending the Bush years, and without those some of this wouldn't have happened, but it's almost like a perfect storm of accidentally coincident factors regarding what people will tolerate of their government. The Bush years broke a bunch of stuff, coming on top of the Clinton years, in which conservatives broke a bunch of stuff.

That's fine, if it's time to have the conversation about various aspects of our political society, the nods and winks, the nudges and quiet glances.

It is, however, coincident with Obama's presidency that we are somehow supposed to believe this is all new behavior.

Thus prefaced, to revisit your point—

So when he said:
"As President, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Our Constitution and our Uniform Code of Military Justice provide a framework for dealing with the terrorists. "-
he wasn't being entirely factual, was he?

—the first answer is, "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

And in the second second, "Well, sure, but what, exactly, is your point?'

And then the third thing to mind: "What, really? Really? This isn't a joke?"

The best answer I can give you, though, is to simply say: Sure, he was promising too much, but there was a time, as early as the beginning of this century, that people could tell the difference. We have, for generations, condoned and endorsed that kind of campaign rhetoric. If it is time to have the discussion about whether or not we will continue to accept such campaign rhetoric from candidates at all levels throughout our society, then it is time to have that discussion. It would not serve us well, however, to subvert the discussion from the outset by adopting observably inaccurate presuppositions.

I mean, look at the simplicity of Kremmen's point about being factual. Consider the real dynamics of the American political reality. And then look at his distillation of that consideration.

It's almost like Madanthonywayne and other conservatives are so mad at the Bush years that they want their turn to complain about ... whatever ... so they'll invent a pretense. No, really. It seems as if it chafes them that the real evil in the political system is found on their side of the aisle, so they're imagining every possible chance to throw some of that back at the other side. I mean, earlier this month Madanthonywayne even tried a "16 Words" juxtaposition. And, you know, really, the discussion just sort of hangs in stasis.

I mean, it's true that when Madanthonywayne went all tinfoil, people tried reiterating the record, denouncing the nonsense, and simply trying to ignore it all. But, as we see, the malady is not his alone.

They can cry wolf all they want, but they don't get to have it both ways—if they wish to present themselves as ignorant and corrupt, they will be regarded as such.

Right now, though, they're desperately trying to shape the narrative, and you'll note their only response to the reiteration of the record is to keep trying their swindle.
I would expect American voters to hold their Presidents to account, no matter whether they are black or white.
I would expect your leaders to tell the truth whether they are on the campaign trail or not.
I hope that you are a cynic, otherwise your political system is rotten to the core.

Your stance reminds me of Zionists, who consider any criticism of Israel's behaviour in the Middle East as anti-semitism.
You do the same, only it's Obama and racism.
Look, I hope this scheme works. God knows the poorest people need it.
But so far it's a bit of a fuck up.

"Twice as good, half as black"
That's a new phrase to me.
What does it mean?

Added later.
I now get the half as black bit.
He can't say much about black issues, because he would be seen to be biased.

But who does he have to be twice as good as?
A carrot dangled from a stick would be a better President than that idiot.
Last edited:
I would expect American voters to hold their Presidents to account, no matter whether they are black or white.
I would expect your leaders to tell the truth whether they are on the campaign trail or not.
I hope that you are a cynic, otherwise your political system is rotten to the core.

Your stance reminds me of Zionists, who consider any criticism of Israel's behaviour in the Middle East as anti-semitism.
You do the same, only it's Obama and racism.
Look, I hope this scheme works. God knows the poorest people need it.
But so far it's a bit of a fuck up.

"Twice as good, half as black"
That's a new phrase to me.
What does it mean?

Added later.
I now get the half as black bit.
He can't say much about black issues, because he would be seen to be biased.

But who does he have to be twice as good as?
A carrot dangled from a stick would be a better President than that idiot.

This is just more political gamesmanship. The bottom line is, Obamacare is good for the nation. If we are ever to address our long term fiscal problems we need to solve our healthcare problem. And just not insuring the poor and middle classes, which is what Republicans are advocating, is not a viable option.

Captain Kremmen said:

I would expect American voters to hold their Presidents to account, no matter whether they are black or white.
I would expect your leaders to tell the truth whether they are on the campaign trail or not.
I hope that you are a cynic, otherwise your political system is rotten to the core.

And, yet, you refuse to answer the question: Why now?

Very well, we've reached a breaking point where our former tacit ways are no longer sufficient. But why couple that with a bogus pretense that it was never like this before?

You can be as down on our political situation as you want, but, frankly, it seems pretty cowardly to me that you should sit there taking potshots and asking stupid questions while never answering the core issue about the question.

As to the rest of your post, there are criticisms of Obama that have nothing to do with racism, and, furthermore, this is a slightly different issue.

Twice as good and half as black is that one must be twice as good as the white man and half as black as the next Negro:

Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others. Black America ever lives under that skeptical eye. Hence the old admonishments to be “twice as good.” Hence the need for a special “talk” administered to black boys about how to be extra careful when relating to the police. And hence Barack Obama’s insisting that there was no racial component to Katrina’s effects; that name-calling among children somehow has the same import as one of the oldest guiding principles of American policy—white supremacy. The election of an African American to our highest political office was alleged to demonstrate a triumph of integration. But when President Obama addressed the tragedy of Trayvon Martin, he demonstrated integration’s great limitation—that acceptance depends not just on being twice as good but on being half as black. And even then, full acceptance is still withheld. The larger effects of this withholding constrict Obama’s presidential potential in areas affected tangentially—or seemingly not at all—by race. Meanwhile, across the country, the community in which Obama is rooted sees this fraudulent equality, and quietly seethes.


What we're talking about here is a subtler phenomenon than, say, Birtherism.

I would ask you to imagine the following: The current politician is acting like previous politicians. We ought to treat him differently because ...?

And that's the underlying question. If special, new, never-before-declared-or-enforced standards are to be enforced, why?

The thing is that there are plenty of problems with the individual mandate in and of itself; if you doubt me, then why does our resident conservative moderator, elevated for quota purposes, insist on a non-factual basis for the politcal discussion?

In the end, your "innocent" inquiry—

"So when he said:
"As President, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Our Constitution and our Uniform Code of Military Justice provide a framework for dealing with the terrorists. "-
he wasn't being entirely factual, was he?

—really wasn't so innocent. That is to say, it depends on pretending that a specific condition doesn't exist.

And it's true, you can think whatever you want of our political system, but there also comes a point wherein your inquiries will be answered within that system.

Additionally, the pretense that exaggeration and the tacit acceptance thereof is a purely American political phenomenon is complete and utter excrement. One wonders if you actually have a useful, relevant point.


Coates, Ta-Nahesi. "Fear of a Black President". The Atlantic. September, 2012. November 16, 2013.
Your system of politics treats people like idiots.
Americans have no confidence in what their prospective leaders promise to do, because it is just campaign talk.
They expect them to lie.
I keep expecting someone to argue that point with you, but no-one does.
I am amazed. I have completely underestimated the corruptness of US politics.

We don't think a great deal of our politicians in Britain at the moment.
Due to various scandals, public opinion of them is at a low ebb.
We think many are evasive, self-serving, out-of-touch, and incompetent.
But bare-faced liars. No, we don't expect that.
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Your system of politics treats people like idiots.
Americans have no confidence in what their prospective leaders promise to do, because it is just campaign talk.
They expect them to lie.
I keep expecting someone to argue that point with you, but no-one does.
I am amazed. I have completely underestimated the corruptness of US politics.

We don't think a great deal of our politicians in Britain at the moment.
Due to various scandals, public opinion of them is at a low ebb.
We think many are evasive, self-serving, out-of-touch, and incompetent.
But bare-faced liars. No, we don't expect that.

Yep that is why some of the news outlets use the truth-o-meter when covering candidates speeches out on the campaign trail.
Knowing this to be the case, I sincerely believe that what Obama set forth to do as far as Guantanamo, healthcare and immigration reform he actually believed he could do, but the hatred for this man because of his skin color has made these tasks almost impossible. Furthermore, I feel Obama has handled this racism with great dignity and it has not stopped him in trying to achieve the aforementioned goals.