New, Improved Obamacare Program Released On 35 Floppy Disks

I'm just glad somebody has an alternative plan to the ACA:

"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a health care system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases? And those plans have been proposed over and over again. And what thwarts those plans? It's the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care!"​

You see, Sarah Palin in her infinite wisdom finally clued us in on the Tea Party's answer to Obamacare. Gotta love it...

"Right on!" she cried.​

And they wonder why most people think they are crazy? :) It's wild. If it were not real, it would be unbelievable. It is indeed insane! But it is real.
The government approach toward health care is the same approach they used with the government push toward alternate energy. They first added regulations to drive up costs and then supplemented alternate energy so they can compete. It has to do with cheating by fixing the deck, which is the trademark of liberalism. Luckily, even with cheating the liberals could not compete and the horses they picked went belly up with money being skimmed for the democrats. The global warming scam could have put it over the top if it wasn't for truth seekers. This is health care playbook in a nut shell. The template uses fear mongering. Obama is amplifying fear by disruption the system.

In one respect, I sort of like the Obama/liberal approach, scam and all. It will be so inefficient it will require rationing. Rationing can be good, since people have been conditioned to need health care more than rationally needed.

A free market analogy is the cell phone. Ten years ago these were less common and most people could cope in life without one. But now there is a dependency on the cell phone that makes people more vulnerable. Take away a phone from someone see it they go irrational. Health care uses this template of irrational need.

About a year ago, I drove from the northeast to Florida without a cell phone. People feared for me. This was something anyone could do 20 or even 10 years ago. But now I was looked at like a cloud of doom and gloom would follow me. Marketing conditioning by both the free market and the fear induction of the liberal template, makes both flocks of the sheep ripe to shear. ObamaCare by the nature of its inefficiency will unknowingly via (fumbling and bumbling) help break the spell toward rational health care.

LOL, you just won't let little things like reality and reason interfere with your right wing fantasies. :)
Can the Obamacare rollout get even worse?

Seeing the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, one has to wonder, how much worse can it get? With millions of Americans receiving cancelation notices because their insurance plans are not Obamacare compliant and possibly unable to sign up for new policies on the exchanges, the answer is.......a lot.

Over the weekend, several reports suggested that, despite continued assurances that, the problem-plagued online insurance enrollment portal run by the federal government, would be running smoothly for most users by the end of the month, it increasingly looks likely that the deadline will be missed.

Insurance industry consultant Robert Laszewski, who, thanks to his contacts with his insurers, has been a critical and frequently prophetic source of information about the law’s rollout, opened a blog post this weekend with the following assessment: “It is now becoming clear that the Obama administration will not have fixed by December 1 so hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of people will be able to smoothly enroll by January 1.” Laszewski says that months, not weeks, of work remain.

The dates he lists are important, and not only because of the administration’s self-imposed deadline of November 30. Anyone who wants to purchase insurance that kicks in at the beginning of next year must complete enrollment by December 15. If the system isn’t working smoothly at least a couple weeks prior to that rapidly approaching date, then large numbers of people simply won’t have a chance to sign up.

That is a potentially huge problem for a law whose central premise and promise was that it would create new opportunities for millions of people to sign up for coverage that goes into effect at the beginning of 2014.

It’s a problem that would be big enough on its own, but is now compounded by the fact that, thanks to rules and regulations built into the law, millions of Americans have already had their existing individual-market insurance cancelled, and estimates say that millions more cancellations are on the way. The end result could be that many people—thousands, perhaps even millions—end up with their current private insurance plans terminated due to the law, but no way to sign up for new coverage.

This is not a problem confined to the 36 states covered by the federally run health exchanges. In the state of Oregon, which has struggled to get its online enrollment system working and has yet to enroll a single person in private coverage, some 150,000 people are losing their existing health plans. A spokesperson for the state’s Insurance Division recently told the Associated Press that, if the state’s exchange isn’t functional soon enough, those people could see a break in coverage.

Translation: If you like your health plan, you can’t keep it. And until the exchanges are up, good luck obtaining a new one.
I'm sure this bureaucratic mess will be much much more efficient than the free market. Oh, by the Gods, it must be wonderful to send the kick backs and bribes all over the place.

My advice, try not to get sick. Just imagine this FUBAR of a Healthcare system in 30 years time. Think of your average government funded crack-whore Public Housing slum Project - multipy this by 10000 = your local government run Public Healthcare and crack-Hospital.

Oh, and according to the authors, this is about 1/3 of the way done. So you can tack on another 2/3 and imagine what we have here.

Couldn't Possibly Be Deliberate, Right?

Madanthonywayne said:

Seeing the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, one has to wonder, how much worse can it get? With millions of Americans receiving cancelation notices because their insurance plans are not Obamacare compliant and possibly unable to sign up for new policies on the exchanges, the answer is.......a lot.

See, you're not even actually trying to make an argument, just posting propaganda and apparently accidental misinformation.

I mean, it must be accidental, right? Since you're so informed, but post such uninformed trash? I mean, it's not a deliberate choice to be dishonest, right? Your appearance of posting hack propaganda is just a coincidence, isn't it?

There are two sentences in the paragraph I quoted above; neither one is accurate.

What's your excuse?
Not quite sure what the inaccuracies are.

1. The roll out has been disastrous. Perhaps an exaggeration, but it has been problematic.
2. Millions of Americans are receiving cancellation notices on their old policies. Again an exaggeration, but it has been hundreds of thousands.
3. People finding it difficult to log on use the online exchange system. That's true isn't it?

A big problem for Obama is that he has broken a promise on letting people keep their old policies.
People don't like that. They feel like they are being cheated, especially when he pretends that he said something different.
Even Clinton has spoken up about it:
"I personally believe, even if it takes a change in the law, that the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they've got," Clinton said.
On the General and Particular

Captain Kremmen said:

1. The roll out has been disastrous. Perhaps an exaggeration, but it has been problematic.

It's a website launch, not the rollout of Obamacare. To call it the "Obamacare" rollout is a deliberate political sleight intended to ignore the positive results we've already seen, including falling premiums, closing coverage gaps, and reducing doughnut hole expenditures.

2. Millions of Americans are receiving cancellation notices on their old policies. Again an exaggeration, but it has been hundreds of thousands.

I posted my policy letter and asked for people's assessment of what it says. None have answered.

There's a reason none have answered, and it's the talking point you noted.

There is no scrutiny of how we're counting those millions, just as there is no scrutiny of blaming Obamacare for the conduct of private corporations.

As a general proposition, it doesn't make sense; if they were privately-owned toll roads, would our libertarian neighbors complain when the rates went up to pay for the CEO's vacation house? Or is it just taxes, and if it's a private-sector thing, it's just fine?

In this specific proposition: Why is it that everyone is so mad at Obamacare when they haven't accounted for the fact that the private companies are constantly changing your coverage?

If you like your plan? That whole argument was poorly deployed against the oft-repeated lie—even finding its way into the inquisition against Secretary Sebelius, such that facts don't seem to matter to Republicans—that people are being "forced into Obamacare".

But certain plans were grandfathered into the new standards. If you like that plan, you can keep it. If your insurance company changes it, however ...?

So your insurance company changes your plan. It is no longer compliant with the PPACA. That plan is no longer available to you. Sure, the insurance company made the changes that exposed it to cancellation, but it's Obamacare's fault they changed the policy? Sure, the insurance company made changes to your plan between 2010 and now that make it insufficient to meet the basic standards like not disrupting your entire life in order to see a specialist, or providing more than nominal insurance coverage in exchange for your premium, but it's somehow President Obama's fault that they made these decisions.

Circle back to the letter from Assurant.

There's a reason I want people's assessment; the thing is that even as the general public discourse about this issue goes on, the hardline critics aren't reconciling their criticism to the first-wave counterpoint; they're not actually rebutting the next point in the discussion, but simply reiterating their original argument as if there is nothing else to consider.

And therein lies the problem. The devastating indictment against the PPACA website deflates to a more appropriate context.

3. People finding it difficult to log on use the online exchange system. That's true isn't it?

Partially irrelevant. Partially a result of politics in funding. Partially a result of Republican refusals to help fix identified problems with the law. And, yes, partially a result of government being government. However, do none of these critics have a thing to say to the Republican-controlled states that have refused to do anything but complicate the PPACA for their citizens?

I do not pretend our neighbor ignorant of these points. That's the thing. For years, if his posts are to be taken as honest, I need to presume he's one of the most gullible idiots in our society. So what's the bigger insult, here? That he's sinister or stupid? Or maybe that he keeps playing this game.

Consider there are three players to account for in this political maneuver:

(1) The "aggrieved" consumers, who need a route through this mess.

(2) The Democrats in government, who want to help them through this mess.

(3) The Republicans in government, who want to sabotage everything and then blame Democrats.​

See, when he plays this superficial game, he is participating in an effort to cause real harm to his fellow Americans in order to achieve some figure on an abstract political scoreboard.

Our neighbor and I have a running dispute in which he continues to complain about my constant plinking at his integrity and I continue to fire away every time I catch him trolling the discourse.

In the larger context of why this sort of dishonesty is important to me:

(1) The Vitter Amendment — When the law was being fashioned, Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley tried to skewer Majority Leader Reid by proposing that Congressional staff be booted off the Congressional health plan and sent to the exchanges. Reid enthusiastically agreed. A drafting issue left serious question, however, about whether the employer contribution remained intact. Because "Obamacare is the law of the land", Republicans have been refusing legislative fixes to make the law work better. Facing such a climate, lawmakers from both parties quietly appealed to the Obama administration to do something. And the administration did. OPM found a way to read the rule as written to include the employer contribution. This was a relief to Grassley and other advocates of the staff insurance change. Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) decided this was a linchpin, and began trying to hold up all legislation in the Senate until it included his Amendment to kill the employer contribution to Congressional staff health insurance. Because, in his mind, it is unfair that OPM found a way around House Republicans, and it is an unfair exemption to treat federal employees like any other employees. To be clear, the Vitter amendment is a Republican-crafted idea, pushed by the hardliners, to cancel the employer contribution to their own employees' healthcare. Why? Because the mistake that even Grassley wanted the administration to fix didn't have to go through Congress to be fixed, and that means something wrong with the PPACA got fixed.

Do you understand, this is how they're playing ball on this one?

(2) The Family Glitch — Remembering that Obamacare is the law of the land, and therefore some Republicans will block any changes to fix identified problems with the PPACA, of course I'm going to call our neighbor out for complaining about certain circumstances when he and the people getting his political sympathies have argued against fixing the problem. This could have been taken care of months before he raised his complaint, except for Congressional Republicans, so it really is a bit like throwing one's integrity in the gutter and then pissing all over it to trot that one out.

The thing is he's not playing honest ball, and he knows it, and this is what he chooses. And part of what he's relying on is that someone will come along behind him and write the post you did. I don't knock your inquiry, but this how he plays the game.​

The larger effect, both here at Sciforums or in the world around us, is that people are trying to minimize effort while maximizing their influence over the political discourse.

It is not that there is no truth in the notion that some people are losing their coverage, but the only identifiable pathway we've found to blame Obamacare for millions of cancellation notices is post hoc ergo propter hoc, a fallacy. So I would propose to you that we might juxtapose two methods:

• Learning the facts in play, that we might understand the situation.

• Argue in political hyperbole, that we might feel better about ourselves for having made our best effort to log some points on the cosmic scoreboard.​

I don't wholly disdain the latter, but our neighbor routinely excludes the former.

And that's an important difference to me.
Seems he fell into a trap of his own making when he made that promise.
He made the promise multiple times, without caveats, following it with the word "period".
ie, no ifs and no buts.

Now the Insurance companies are guarding their profit margins.
Is that really such a surprise?
If they could make money legally by herding people over cliffs, they's do it.

However he's going to do it, Obama now has to do what he said he'd do.
It doesn't affect me, as I am in a country with a National Health Service, paid for by general taxation.
I'll watch with interest.
Seems he fell into a trap of his own making when he made that promise.
He made the promise multiple times, without caveats, following it with the word "period".
ie, no ifs and no buts.

Did he? If I talk to someone about economics or business do I have to give them a 4 year education first to ensure they will not misunderstand something I might say? The same applies here. This is an over legalization of the issue. At some point you have to assume people have common sense. At some point you have to assume people have a brain and can use it.

These insurance companies that are cancelling their so called insurance are not doing it because of Obamacare. Insurance companies can write these policies into next year. What is happening here is insurance companies are voluntarily terminating the policies and wrongly blaming Obamacare. And surprise, surprise, Republicans are using the misinformation to further mislead and anger people.
Did he? If I talk to someone about economics or business do I have to give them a 4 year education first to ensure they will not misunderstand something I might say? The same applies here. This is an over legalization of the issue. At some point you have to assume people have common sense. At some point you have to assume people have a brain and can use it.

These insurance companies that are cancelling their so called insurance are not doing it because of Obamacare. Insurance companies can write these policies into next year. What is happening here is insurance companies are voluntarily terminating the policies and wrongly blaming Obamacare. And surprise, surprise, Republicans are using the misinformation to further mislead and anger people.

And what has become completely lost in all this is that about 40 million people have no healthcare insurance at all. Ironically, when those people get sick, they still get health care (in ER) but it is the taxpayer who foots the bill. So instead of a more or less self supporting insurance system where everyone is covered, no one seems to care that their taxes are being used anyway to provide healthcare for the poor, some who might well be able to pay a small premium into the general pool.

Personally I am for single payer system as seems to work quite well in Europe, but we don't want "socialism" do we?
But keep your government hands off my Medicare. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
And what has become completely lost in all this is that about 40 million people have no healthcare insurance at all.

Does that include those who lost their insurance due to ObamaCare and/or can't use the web site?

I heard the loophole for the ObamaCare law is something called self insurance. Self insurance excludes you from the law and all the penalties. It was included by the Republicans to avoid the scam. Self insurance is where you cut out the middleman (insurance companies) and you pay directly as you go.

If you are young and healthy you would put your premiums into you own account to collect the interest,and then pay as you need. You save the 10% middleman fee, the inflated government add ons, plus gain interests on the principle. This may not work for the liberal hypochondriacs, doom and gloomiers and all those from both parties oversold the perception of medical need. It is enough to mess up ObamaCare, since it can excludes the main givers and over proportions the liberal takers until the system is fourth world. The Democrats are working at trying to plug the loophole since it needs to rape these youth healthypeople or it can't get enough funding.
Does that include those who lost their insurance due to ObamaCare and/or can't use the web site?
No one has lost their insurance due to ACA. That is a myth. Lots of people lost their healthcare or could not get it before ACA, health insurance always has been at the mercy of the insurer.
I agree, the roll-out was a disaster. But there has not been a lot of cooperation by those who are opposed to it. Several states who embraced the program seem to be doing well.

Why are you yelling about a few hundred thousand people who's policies were cancelled because they did not meet ACA standards. Why are we not yelling about 40 million who never were insured, while every Canadian is covered and is able to buy US made drugs at half the price we pay in the US ? The rest of my family live in Canada and they don't feel scammed by their government, on the contrary, they are bemused by this entire ridiculous affair down south..

We have been scammed by insurance companies all this time!! They only insure you if you are healthy and they can make a profit. ACA seeks to bring a little fairness.

And as a general question about receiving value for premiums paid. Since when does an insurance company return your unused premiums, even if you have never used the insured services?

Let's wait until March, before we pass judgment.
So, it looks like in the fist MONTH of Oblahma's $1 billion dollar Healthcare.Gov website (the one he gave kickbacks to his Chicago donor buddy for helping to build) has signed up a Grand Total of ....

*drum roll*

just over 26,000 people.

Yeah, take a really really really GOOD LOOK AT DETROIT. Forty years of unbroken, uninterrupted, Social Progressive Democrat rule turned the World's richest city into a shit-hole where Public "Servants" were being paid a 13th month bonus every year and 47% of the GRADUATING students could not read and understand what the funny looking squiggles meant after over a decade of Public "Education". Never mind most didn't bother with graduating at all and now live in a Public Slum Project on Public Welfare. When you're waking up in hospital missing a leg for a toothache you wanted checked out and the illiterate doctor is putting an unwashed anal probe in your mouth to check your pulse - do try and recall these conversations.
That's right.
Stop stealing rich peoples' money or you'll get some more of the same, you little beggars.

Here's a young Obama, training for presidency.
The Pumpkin represents the wealth of hard working Americans, who he hated even as a boy.


"Take that Industrious America! I'm going to carve this Pumpkin and give it to poor people."
That's right.
Stop stealing rich peoples' money or you'll get some more of the same, you little beggars.

Here's a young Obama, training for presidency.
The Pumpkin represents the wealth of hard working Americans, who he hated even as a boy.


"Take that Industrious America! I'm going to carve this Pumpkin and give it to poor people."

You should change your nick to Captain Crow.

Government has failed to reverse this downward course. Indeed, government tax policy is largely responsible for the greatest inequality in the industrialized world. As billionaire Warren Buffet famously said, he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary or the woman who cleans his house. But using tax policy to redistribute wealth is falsely damned as socialism. Given record corporate profits, staggering levels of executive compensation, and the retention by corporations of almost all increases in productivity, redistribution would merely be returning to workers the fruits of their labor: it is quintessentially capitalist - See more at:

To the more reasonable audience, this is actually a pretty good article on the current relationship between corporate and labor.