New Evidence of Artificiality,Cydonia

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Alright, woo woos. Your bus is here. Please board at once and have a merry time at "anomalies" forum. There, you won't be called a "woo-woo" (kettles rarely refer to each other as black, after all) and everyone gets a nice pat on the back for what ever speculation they have, regardless of evidence or critical thought.
I thought you were better than that Skinwalker.
That is a funny preface to our resumption of a conversation.

Again ,glaringly obvious as to cause me to sheild my eyes with a welder's lens-sheild to protect my eyes from the brilliance of your zero-point reply energy.glaring in that ,as your modus operendi repeats from our first encounter...YOU never read the thread.

All of sci-forums can witness your knee-jerk response,with zero rebuttal value.
You NEVER read the thread...But you Will.

I have a use for You Sir.And You are performing quite well.
Perhaps You would do better if You repaired the links to your images in this debate...yer gonna need-'em.

Long time no see.
Ya Wanna See What I See?
I have read this thread. I even participated in this thread. When you couldn't produce any evidence of anything but the anthropomorphic tendency of humanity to find faces and patterns in the universe around us.

If you are referring to the thread at the woo-woo site, you are correct. I'll not read it. I don't go to such places. If there is any genuine evidence, write a paper and present it somewhere. Test that evidence here or another science board first if you wish. But I've enough message board memberships to last a lifetime and don't need another.
Electric_Ashalar said:
Perhaps You would do better if You repaired the links to your images in this debate...yer gonna need-'em.

No time. Come back this summer and maybe.

Electric_Ashalar said:
Ya Wanna See What I See?

I don't do drugs.
Your Words NOT Mine.Cowardace is not as enviable a trait as laziness is.

Thanx...S.W.I am unashamed to be called a woo-woo,and easily have handled you.but,then again I always suspected you were just a blowhard.
You are defeated,bye.
Next!(Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary claimants)
Electric_Ashalar said:
Your Words NOT Mine.Cowardace is not as enviable a trait as laziness is.

Thanx...S.W.I am unashamed to be called a woo-woo,and easily have handled you.but,then again I always suspected you were just a blowhard.
You are defeated,bye.
Next!(Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary claimants)

Riiiight. You abandoned this thread in 2003. Why was that again?

But, yes, I recognize that I can't take you. You are the supreme being of woo-woo debaters. I humbly yield to your debatz skilz.

Bye now.
Fear leads to retraction,a reaction to this debate.
I never so-much abandoned this thread, as recognized the superiority of the cydo-Axis to your natural arguments.
The Square Complex/Cyd0-Axis is not only still "on the table".
It overturns the table...and YOU never looked.
Shame on you,a common sceptical subspecies,woo-woos UNITE!!!
SkinWalker said:
I have read this thread. I even participated in this thread. When you couldn't produce any evidence of anything but the anthropomorphic tendency of humanity to find faces and patterns in the universe around us.

Here is where you the, Anthropologist and I the Anomalist are gonna get along famously.Because there is an example of artificial construction on Earth that Shares many features of Ares' face on Mars.In fact,It is the Streetplan of a neighbourhood I Grew up in,in Canada.

When this neighbourhood,Argyle Park was designed and the blueprints finished,my Father purchased his preferred lot.We were the first of Argyle Park to put a house up,the neighbourhood grew around me as I grew up.
This was 1976,when Viking Imaged Ares' face on Mars.My family homestead.
Contained within this household were researchers,artists,creators,politicians.
From this home I will provide you with Evidence of Artificiality.

Sattelite data by Neave Labs.
Zoom in/out the Crosshair cursor is My homestead.
This Lot is the Subject of the Phrase:Wanna See what I See?

...because from here it's a lesson in design.

SkinWalker said:
If you are referring to the thread at the woo-woo site, you are correct. I'll not read it. I don't go to such places. If there is any genuine evidence, write a paper and present it somewhere. Test that evidence here or another science board first if you wish. But I've enough message board memberships to last a lifetime and don't need another.


That's ok Skinwalker,I won't insist you go to "such places",I'll come to the forum members here...EA!and yes,thank you,I will test that evidence here,thats what anomalists do silly,So make sure you Visit the Flash Earth link I provided above.

This Neighbourhood:Argyle Park. and My Homestead will be Central to my side of the discussion,as evidence.(linky-poo again below)
Electric_Ashalar said:
Because there is an example of artificial construction on Earth that Shares many features of Ares' face on Mars.In fact,It is the Streetplan of a neighbourhood I Grew up in,in Canada.

...because from here it's a lesson in design.

Yet, it appears you have not grown up, in Canada or anywhere else.

I wasn't aware a 'horseshoe' shape was only by design? Are you claiming that shape cannot exist in nature?
I am Claiming many things.
And Q,you may judge for yourself.
But first I must initiate your third eye.




As Q can See for himself,close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.


Further in your initiation into Cydonia's Mysteries.

I've got back to back "hat-trick" ringers.
Whaddayou got? an ragged perception of Mars.

This isn't yer daddy's "Shot heard around the World"
This is yer grandson's "Shot heard around The Solar SYSTEM!!!"
Electric_Ashalar said:
As Q can See for himself,close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.


Further in your initiation into Cydonia's Mysteries.

I've got back to back "hat-trick" ringers.
Whaddayou got? an ragged perception of Mars.

This isn't yer daddy's "Shot heard around the World"
This is yer grandson's "Shot heard around The Solar SYSTEM!!!"

hehe - Nice to see you're still a party of one, who has the entire party convinced.

So, are you saying aliens designed your neighborhood?

Can a horseshoe shape NOT be of natural formation?
I am an singular researcher interacting with the members here,correct.
I am saying I have Evidence of Artificiality.
Nothing more,nothing less.
You,on the otherhand are saying volumes.
We've dealt with the horseshoe issue.
Hang your words over your door-frame if that brings you luck...yer gonna need it against the Cydo-Axis.

I don't need luck...I have Evidence of Artificiality.
And I'll place it in trust inside your "Geometreidea".
So, you're definitely saying that a horseshoe shape cannot possibly exist in nature?
A musical/lyrical interlude while your Synapses fire and your Neurons re-map your reality:
I gave you an Third Eye.
This Third Eye is Valid only in this theory and may NOT be used for other truth seeking purposes,as you do not have that rite.
Now dream tonight,with your Rapid Eye Movement.
I will give your 3rd/3-D EYE legs to STAND on.
You will think about direction...and wonder why you haven't before.

Rapid Eye Movement + Geometreidea =


Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before

If you are confused check with the sun
Carry a compass to help you along
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around

[repeat 1st verse]

Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason
Season is calling

[repeat 1st verse]

If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason
Reason is calling
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around

So Stand (stand)
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you haven't before
Now stand (stand)
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't

[repeat 1st verse]

Stand in the place where you are (Now face North)
Stand in the place where you are (Now face West)
Your feet are going to be on the ground (Stand in the place where you are)
Your head is there to move you around, so stand.
You ask of an nested arc's properties...yet are deafeningly silent in your shrieking scream to analyse the Square Complex.

You are misguided in your attempts at leading questions.
I set the pace...that is my tace,to lead you to the Place where you can save Face.
Skinwalker said:
But, yes, I recognize that I can't take you. You are the supreme being of woo-woo debaters. I humbly yield to your debatz skilz.

Truer words in this forum have never been typed and placed on-screen here at sci-forums.
Noel Gorelick(aka:Bamf/software manager ASU/Mars / in the Same boat as you and He's a Genius/software Guru)

You Know I'm gonna crush your old way of thinking.
As it will be shown to be lacking in prescience and Validity.
This will annoy the hell out of some of you but I'm closing this thread, My reason... because the thread subject it's utter bollocks. With every day that NASA has spent on the data retrieved from Mars, any chance of life or artificial structures has become less and less likely to be discovered, yet a few people still continue their quest to find a smoking gun.

What you need to do is stop writing material on the net when you have 'No Proof' or no achievable proof if your theory or conspiracy is tested. The reason for this is the internet becomes flooded with bogus junk accounts of things and the lazy types of people that can't be arsed to do the homework base their conclusions on these fabricated literal pieces.
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