New Evidence of Artificiality,Cydonia

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"Here's the area where the so-called "city square" resides."


"As you can see, again, the image differs somewhat from the thermal version."

Well,That is a Matter of opinion,Sir.
Because as we will Soon SEE,The So called "CITY SQUARE" has not been given a proper Stage to SHOW OFF it's Properties.
You view it as geology ,But what Happens when it Is enlightened and ALIGNED With the Cydo-Axis?
Excactly That.
It IS ALIGNED with the CydoAxis!.
Using the Square Complex as the Control
and in answer to an unstated Challenge but "implied" by You Sir as meaningless Rubble.
I will Illuminate what this Structure Really Looks Like using ONLY the AXIS points for our guide.
As you can Plainly see Below...The so Called "City Square" is a Highly ANGULAR ANOMALY that Follows the Alighnments of the Square Complex/CydoAxis Completely.

You Have Done Nothing But STRENGTHEN My Stance.

Hi, Electric!

Just picked up on this thread. I have three questions for you:

1) Why do you start every other word with a versal?

2) What is the collage you have posted above supposed to demonstrate? You have superimposed one of the thermal images three times on top of the others, turning and moving them till they fit some grid you have drawn. Then you have drawn some gridlines on the other picture, but only where they seem to fit, while not outlining all those features that do not fit.

3) In the thermal imaging you are so fond of, the resolution is 100m/pixel. Do you realize that this means that 10% of ALL features in the picture must be aligned with a 1km grid?

Hello Hans!
Hopefully I can answer your questions.

1)If I discontinued starting every other word with a 'versal' would that be a "re-versal" of a pattern you discern in my postings?
Seeing how you NOTE a "pattern" in my "FLOW" I would assume that you are observant.
Now,Being an Observant fellow,my friend do You...
"Wanna See What I See?":)

2)The collage I posted above is a response to Skinwalker Offering up a high res Graphic of Landforms in Cydonia mensae,Mars , that look to him Like Mundane Geography But when
The CydoAxis is brought into the equation...a Pattern Emerges.
Intelligence is gleaned in the layout.
Modified geography...Structures...ARTIFICIALITY.
The 100 mpp Images are context shots and was the origin of the Square's discovery.
...Now we are getting into the details of the Higher-Resolution Mars Images and You are witnessing Their revelation.
What is Concealed is Revealed.And the Truth Shall Conquer ALL.

3)I am realizing Artificial Structures on Mars...You will too when I am Done my investigation...But That's My opinion.

Wanna Beer?
Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
Hello Hans!
Hopefully I can answer your questions.

1)If I discontinued starting every other word with a 'versal' would that be a "re-versal" of a pattern you discern in my postings?
Seeing how you NOTE a "pattern" in my "FLOW" I would assume that you are observant.
Now,Being an Observant fellow,my friend do You...
"Wanna See What I See?":)

Good joke, but not an answer. Yes, I am observant. No, I don't want to see what you see, I want to see what there is to see.

2)The collage I posted above is a response to Skinwalker Offering up a high res Graphic of Landforms in Cydonia mensae,Mars , that look to him Like Mundane Geography But when
The CydoAxis is brought into the equation...a Pattern Emerges.
Intelligence is gleaned in the layout.
Modified geography...Structures...ARTIFICIALITY.
The 100 mpp Images are context shots and was the origin of the Square's discovery.
...Now we are getting into the details of the Higher-Resolution Mars Images and You are witnessing Their revelation.
What is Concealed is Revealed.And the Truth Shall Conquer ALL.

You did not answer this question either. What is the idea of superimposing the same picture three times? They are aligned to the grid because you placed them that way. I see no grid alignments in the hight-res picture, even thoug you tried to create some by offsetting your little lines from the actual features in the picture.

3)I am realizing Artificial Structures on Mars...You will too when I am Done my investigation...But That's My opinion.

Again, not an answer. The artefacts are not on Mars, they are in the coarse pixellation of the pictures.

Wanna Beer?
;) [/B]

Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
"Here's the area where the so-called "city square" resides."


"As you can see, again, the image differs somewhat from the thermal version."

Well,That is a Matter of opinion,Sir.
Because as we will Soon SEE,The So called "CITY SQUARE" has not been given a proper Stage to SHOW OFF it's Properties.
You view it as geology ,But what Happens when it Is enlightened and ALIGNED With the Cydo-Axis?
Excactly That.
It IS ALIGNED with the CydoAxis!.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy in other pursuits (i.e. my job, family, etc.). I would, however, like to point out that the marked up version of the "citysquare.gif" that you posted seemed a bit presumptious. Many of the lines that you drew seemed only loosely related to the morphology of the land forms.

A more plausible explanation would be shoreline and island morphology, which would give varying degrees of geometric pattern as shorelines receded. It is also postulated by scientists studying the geology of Mars that a massive and sudden flooding and recession of liquid (possibly heavy brine) occured at least once in the Martian history. I believe the Tharsis bulge is a theorized source of the liquid's disappearance as this is a volcanic region which is likely very porous and could be an immense aquifer. (Dohm, et al, 2001)

Periodic temperature increases on Mars could create conditions in which heavy brine water could liquify from a frozen state and cause massive flooding then later recede. (Malin & Edgett, 2000) These floods and recessions undoubtedly have significant effect upon the morphology of landforms and leave tell-tale signs, such as the scarps shown in the citysquare.gif as well as the parabala you so conveniently provided in the upper right quadrant of the photograph... the pattern of topsoil morphology is consistent with shoreline recession as it relates to changes in elevation of the land.

Go to a beach and look at the debris left behind after the tide goes out.... or look at a river post-flood stage. You'll see alluvium comprised of organic matter (leaves, pine needles, wood, etc.), gravel, and trash that creates geometric patterns on occasion, but certainly quite randomly and accidental.

It should also be noted that the floods on Mars were "of an enormous scale, with discharges sometimes twice as great as the largest known floods in the geological record of Earth" (Carr, 1981).

Finally, I'm not quite sure how to interpret your methodology. You've posted several pictures with grids, lines, and various angles drawn to indicate pattern, but there doesn't seem to be an underlying method. Some of the overlays include montages that may or may not be correctly aligned. I'm not trying to say that your methodolgy is flawed, in fact, I cannot, since I don't exactly know what your methodology is.

A suggestion: create a written description of the methods you used to create the overlays. Include criteria that you used and define each element of the overlay so as to label each element. This will provide information that can be digested... otherwise, we are looking at a bunch of lines without understanding why. I see some patterns, but other times, I'm not convinced that an overlay element isn't merely created as a means of supporting a hypothesis without an correlation in the photo.

In short: correlate the overlay elements to the photos by including a labeling system with descriptions and perhaps why you chose that particular element. The why's are obvious in some cases, but not in others. You can't assume that everyone will see what you see.

Also, I'm not convinced that such patterns won't exist elswhere in nature because of tectonic, volcanic and hydrological morphology as it relates to erosion and deposition of surface features. But without fully understanding the criteria in which you create the correlations, I can't apply this to known landforms, natural or manmade.

I would also suggest creating a map of the relevant landforms and the correlating axes, angles and geometric patterns.

Malin, M., Edgett, K., June 30, 2000. Evidence for Recent Groundwater Seepage and Surface Runoff on Mars. Science. 288: 2330-2335

Dohm, J., et al, October 2001. Ancient, Gigantic Drainage Basin Became Aquifer on Mars. Found on the Internet at:

Carr M.H., The Surface of Mars, 1981, Yale University Press, New Haven, 232 pp.
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A great reply.

At Times...
I take it for granted that people know what I am Describing
or Drawing attention to as I am secluded up until now at Two main bbs Boards who share cross-membership.And we pretty much are up "up to speed" with each others thoughts and wether we agree with each other or not,generally get the drift of what a member implies in a post.

This really will help me "FORMALIZE" my thoughts as I am quite enamoured with slang and conversation styled debate.
and for the most part...Deal with a lot of people well versed in the Cydonia /Artificiality question

As I said...elsewhere:
Help me Make some Sense of this.
This helps:)

The reason SOME of my lines may seem LOOSELY related to the morphology is two-fold at least.

I try Not to always Draw DIRECTLY overtop a feature if it is thin as my line would obscure rather than enhance said object...Often I try to draw beside the feature so you can SEE "IT" as well as my line to compare angles.
The only other option I can see is an animated .gif to directly superimpose in perfect register what I wish to show The Members...or learn the technique RHWOO7 used on his Image below where it is translucent.
As I get the odd complaint about large images /download time and the fact that I don't think an ani-gif that large is possible?
if there is a program that can handle a file-size very large ...It is beyond my means to purchase I'm Sure.
Also you Must Take into account The erosion these structures have endured/succumbed to.
The Parabola is self evident in the Picture YOU supplied and attention was merely applied to it.

You have supplied me with very pertinent questions/requests and Agree That there is a need for an outline to my methods(wich I have Done but may not seem obvious to you) and a map (of sorts)that may not have struck you as just that(as it lacks labelling)but is the masterlayout.

Expect these requests to be addressed in due course while we both realize we have jobs/family/etc. and Ask for your patience. as I should supply you...Sorry for drumming my fingers on the BBS here waiting for your response but had mistakenly assumed you lapsed back into"cydonia is a write-off" mode and abandoned this subject.

I will Formalize where and when I can,Why I think my thoughts,to better satisfy a sceptical mind as long as some leeway is allowed for my Style! LOL!
I like informality but realize yours and others needs for something along the lines of a thesis or abstract.


I think Hans is of the Belief I manipulate Images to "FIT" my alignments.
I would rather state that these alignments are self evident/self referential.But probably can better clarify this when I take some of SW's suggestions and put them in some kind of point form.
This Subject is Generally covered by me on BBS' such as this so I can never get too much of a point across before someone says*cough*"grasping at Straws :D
This I would love to do As I have currently Finished the initial Stage of Drawing attention to
"The Square Complex"
I have Succeed in that endeavor
and am ready to move on to the finer details.

It is now a Well Known anomaly.

Keith Laney
"Also noticed on the southern portion of this same image
is a large geometrically aligned square area.
The outline shows sharply in the IR ratio images."

Mac Tonnies/Cydonian Imperitive
New Animation Highlights Cydonia "Urban Substrate"
"In the online journal New Frontiers in Science,
Mark Carlotto examines a conspicuous collection
of eroded fragments that form a coherent "square"
most unlike the disordered local topology.
Coincidentally (?), this assortment is located along an axis
that intersects both the Face and the D&M Pyramid.

"In particular, several rectangular arrangements can be seen,"
writes Carlotto. "Some of these arrangements are aligned,
more or less, in the direction of the crustal dichotomy in this part of Mars.
On Earth, in the Middle East for example,
it would certainly be seen as a possible archaeological site. But it is on Mars."

Clayton Spencer Ireland, working independently,
has identified the same curious feature and has highlighted it in a GIF animation,
revealing a high level of internal symmetry (below).

Image courtesy Clayton Spencer Ireland.

The "Urban Substrate," whatever it is, adds yet another level of enigma to the Cydonia region
and deserves a very close look by future spacecraft. "

New Frontiers In Science/M.J.Carlotto
"Will this new discovery be dismissed as another optical illusion,
like the Face about 120 kilometers to the north?
Or might some brave planetary scientist at ASU, JPL, or NASA
finally consider the possibility that the growing list of 'coincidences' of symmetries,
alignments, and enigmatic features may not be a coincidence after all.
Perhaps this recent interest in Cydonia is an indication that someone already has. "

Cydonia Quest/Bob Wonderland

"The area that has attracted most comment on the internet is much further South than the one described above and involves a dense, broken landscape of mesas and hills. It is best covered in the second daylight IR image to be released to the public which is indexed as I0204002 in the PDS. The images below show the area in question.


Image courtesey RHWOO7

The irregular outlines of most of the outcroppings means that it is not immediately apparent that this is an organised landscape. However, if the reader views the imagery in a relaxed manner then it soon becomes apparent that everything is arranged around an invisible system of grids. Once again this effect could be due to erosional patterns in a landscape heavily criss-crossed by fracture lines. The area does seem to have once been part of the plateau seen in the top right of the picture. Yet there are some hints that this in an artificial landscape that is being exhumed by erosion. More than one commentator has pointed out the outline of a large square, which is shaded red in the right hand illustration above. There are also a few cases of twin hills. The easiest pair to spot are the two large hills in the top corner of the "square". These are very similar in size, shape and alignment. It is an awe inspiring speculation, but are we seeing the exhumation of a huge city of collapsed arcologies from overlying sediment?"

I look forward to This.
Me and Hans are gonna Have a beer with Beercules...Thirsty SW?
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I used to think the ID people limited themselves to arguments about god.
To the members of Sci-Forums:
Skinwalker (SW) requires clearer criteria to judge My Theory
and I'm sure a lot of you need the same Info.
As a student of Earth sciences/geology this man is a perfect person to have a rapport with on this BBS...
Knowledgeable in the feild /not a professor,but obviously Intelligent and well grounded.

If SW doesn't mind? I will converse for the Most Part with Him but will take great Joy in hashing this out
with any other members who are supportive or sceptical...This subject requires debate...
as It may Prove a shift in current Paradigms?,We'll See.

AS I have Spent Countless Hours Attempting to make people AWARE of this new ,Shall we Say"Idea"
I would like to quickly summarize in laymens terms MY THEORY(LOL!)
while I constitute it in a Linear Form for your consumption at a sooner/rather than later date.
But this post is to temporarily clarify My thoughts as well as His requests.


"Finally, I'm not quite sure how to interpret your methodology."
This is a serious Flaw to a new Forum,as Admittedly I rather "Barged in here"...
like a party crasher.Obviously Assuming Some/but NOT ALL of You would have been Exposed to this by Now.
"You've posted several pictures with grids, lines, and various angles drawn to indicate pattern,
but there doesn't seem to be an underlying method.
Some of the overlays include montages that may or may not be correctly aligned.
I'm not trying to say that your methodolgy is flawed, in fact, I cannot,
since I don't exactly know what your methodology is."
This is Well noted and a better reception than JOOJOOSpace -monkey supplied and is deserving of a response.

THe underlying "METHOD" is To use the "Square Complex " as a "CONTROL"
wich is why I Cut and Paste it onto other Images...But I really Must ask You to Read ALL of my thread at Anomalies .Net
as it clearly progresses Towards my First POST here@ Sciforums.

All Suggestions Below have Been COVERED to Quite an extent elsewhere...
but I see That You are not Sure of what I am Implying/or my backassward methods.

"A suggestion: create a written description of the methods you used to create the overlays.
Include criteria that you used and define each element of the overlay so as to label each element.
This will provide information that can be digested...
otherwise, we are looking at a bunch of lines without understanding why.
I see some patterns, but other times, I'm not convinced that an overlay element isn't merely
created as a means of supporting a hypothesis without an correlation in the photo."

"In short: correlate the overlay elements to the photos by including a labeling system with descriptions
and perhaps why you chose that particular element. The why's are obvious in some cases, but not in others.
You can't assume that everyone will see what you see."

"Also, I'm not convinced that such patterns won't exist elswhere in nature because of tectonic,
volcanic and hydrological morphology as it relates to erosion and deposition of surface features.
But without fully understanding the criteria in which you create the correlations, I can't apply this to known landforms, natural or manmade."
(Absolutely FAIR enuff!...except for the MAN-MADE Part...wich I would rather call Artificial/Designed)
"I would also suggest creating a map of the relevant landforms and the correlating axes, angles and geometric patterns."

I must Post This Image Again...Now that You should know where the Square in south Cydonia is By NOW...Pick a line...Follow it and see what Correlates
(Tilt Your head 33 degrees left...BTW until your head is at the same angle as The FACE on MARS)


I Am Still uncertain that you have more than had a cursory Glance at My thread on Anomalies .net but have no problem with the direction we will take here.It is a Rather Large thread so if you don't feel like reading it...I understand.
Thanx :)
How 'bout we look at this a little more carefully. I'm posting two images that present alternative hypotheses.

In image one you'll note the purple highlighted areas which are representative of obvious drainage pathways. Remember, Cydonia is on the edge of an ancient ocean. Many of the landforms are very island-like, such as the one of the landform just below the "face."


In the next image, note the blue highligted area. This is very likely, if not obviously, alluvium deposited from the drainage. It would have appeared to form the edge of the square simply because of the direction of the liquid which deposited it. Gravity will continue in a straight line with such things until interrupted by another landform.

The green highlights show the landforms which form the opposing side of the "square" and, as you can see, they don't exactly match up to form a straight side. Also, it is likely that the relief that we appear to see isn't accurate, since this was taken with Daytime Infrared sensors and we have to remember that the contrasts are actually contrasts in temperature. The shadows are from sharp land forms providing deep shade and thus cooler temperatures on the surface.

The red highlights include the lower edge of the "square," which again, are likely artifacts of the imaging, drainage patterns, and natural landforms.

The red lines demonstrate that this "square" has some faults as far as geometry goes.

SquareDrainage.jpg SquareDrainage 2.jpg
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Your images won't Load SW.
Possibly a server is down?
I'll await their rectification.
In the meantime
have a gander at this

wich Coincedently uses a technique much like mine
using a thin line to demonstrate the Pyramids alignment.
Oddly they Share image orientaion with another planet.

Remember These were more than Likely Considered Natural"Landforms" and are Far From Square like GIZAH

I believe What may Seem Like Rocks is REALLY ROCKS
Just Shaped by intelligence.

Remembering, Hans That I apply the Cydo AXis here as I do to other Images...
Hans Could You Please Add Any Criteria That I lack that would Clarify my Hypothesis better???
Possibly there is More to this Than Coincedence?
(The Twilight Zone THEME plays in the background...LOL!)
The above examples serve to offer you no credit. In fact, this was going around in the pseudoarcheology circles a while back... these are natural landforms that have been terraced by man for centuries for agricultural reasons. Rock walls are used in Italian terraces for support and to prevent erosion, and this is the source of the "old rocks" the page talks about.

My Italian is rusty, but to suggest, as they do, that this is some form of ancient civilization is hogwash. Archeologists haven't even a passing interest in the area beyond the study of agricultural methods of relatively recent design.

This does, however, offer support to my hypothesis that these patterns you seem to see exist in nature.

Furthermore, they go on about this alignment with the Orion constellation.... I think it was called "perfect alignment." This was all proved to be a bogus deal with the "scientific research" that proved the Giza pyramids were older than 10,000 years because of this "alignment." The Giza pyramids are only about 2500 yrs. or so.

Interestingly enough, the parks services for Montevecchia didn't mention anything about "pyramids" in their examples of the many archeological finds and architectural elements, like neolitic villages and of the Iron Age, remains of Roman fortification and the Baroque Sanctuary on top of the Montevecchia.

Also, a much better photo of Montevecchia can be found here. Afterall, it's not as if people don't visit there! ;)

Ask yourself: why is it the only interest in the area is with the alien/ufo cult crowd? Why have no actual archeologists examined the "find" and posted in a peer reviewed journal?
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"This does, however, offer support to my hypothesis that these patterns you seem to see exist in nature."

Well.....Sorry.......Not really using this Example.

It supports my Hypothesis Just as well if not Better
as You have No Idea what these Landforms looked like in their"Natural " state and they Are Clearly Modified and therefore "Artificial".

Re-Read My Post:
Asterix' added for emphasis
"I believe What may Seem Like Rocks is ***REALLY ROCKS***
Just Shaped by intelligence."
The Baroque Sanctuary on top of Montevecchia including the terraformed steps absolutely Jibes with My Thought.As do The Terraced Pyramids in the does Macchu-Pichu in Peru.

Also It is More Than Likely that the Sanctuary will crumble and fall by whatever process such as earthquake,Mudslide ,erosion, we can Look to the Acropolis in Athens to see How Mighty the works of man can be laid Low.Leaving the Base Layout at Most and Three Modified Lanforms in the Immediate vicinity.

Shaped By Intelligence...
Wether Built Stone upon Stone...or Removing materials.
or a combinant of the two
A creative Hand was involved.Though in Cydonia likely not Human but possibly Hominid.
"Remember These were more than Likely Considered Natural"Landforms" and are Far From Square like GIZAH"
Self evident in the Photos But Someone Made these Pyramids as did someone make The Egyptian ones.
Ceremonial or Agricultural matters only in Function /intent ,Not in Artificiality.Shall we Term Them Pyramid Shaped? Sure,No Problemo.;)
Stonehenge is big Big-assed Pile'Of Rocks and Dirt Too.

Getting Back to the Immense Size of Some Structures you wondered about Earlier...Do you Think a Tiny Little Termite Contemplates The Relatively Gigantic Mounds they can Build? Surrounded by Other Humongous Mounds that neighbour them?Nah! they Just Modify Materials and Make Something with it.

I am not Diminished by your response at all.But recognize what you are it is the Current Belief structure.

Belief Structures Have a Habit of being Changed when New Thought comes along...We'll See
But I wouldn't mind viewing the Graphics from your earlier post(they still won't Load):confused:
Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
It supports my Hypothesis Just as well if not Better
as You have No Idea what these Landforms looked like in their"Natural " state and they Are Clearly Modified and therefore "Artificial".

Actually we, and no doubt geologists local to the area, have a really good idea what the landforms looked like. This is a "pyramid hoax" perpetuated by so-called pyramidiots... these are the people who believe in all sorts of hokey stuff about pyramid power, etc.

These are merely large hills/small mountains that have been terraced for agriculture. It is likely that the amount of "modification" that has occured is less than 2%. Only the very outside surface of these hills have been modified. Interiors of the hills are very much like other hills: folds and faults characteristic of tetonic morphology. They are not pyramids.

Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
Getting Back to the Immense Size of Some Structures you wondered about Earlier...Do you Think a Tiny Little Termite Contemplates The Relatively Gigantic Mounds they can Build?

The physics and resources are somewhat different, but I see you point. I asked Dr. Carlotto if size had any bearing, he replied "Size itself doesn't say anything about artificiality unless one takes an
anthropcentric view." This, of course, makes sense. However, I would suggest that without other beings to base ability and capability on, we are left only with ourselves. Gravity differences would be negligible and one also must consider that a being raised in a particular gravity will be adjusted to that gravity, and so the amount of work that can be accomplished would not be greater based upon "lighter gravity."

Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
But I wouldn't mind viewing the Graphics from your earlier post(they still won't Load):confused:

Sorry to hear that... try copying the link addresses then loading them in separate windows... this thread is full of rather large graphics and I find that it takes quite a long time for all to load.

Having said that, I want to post a graphic of Monument Valley in Utah which I think demonstrates that some of the patterns you seem to be finding can occur here on Earth as well. Admittedly, I didn't go to a lot of the trouble you did with overlays, but you'll get the point.

Also, here's one of Brandberg Mountain that shows a similarity in the so-called face.

On last image is of a location in the desert of Utah that demonstrates some occurances of parallel and perpendicular landforms. None actually form a perfect square, though I did not spend a lot of time looking for one either. These are most likely faults in the locality shown. I put the coordinates on the image.
searching for Brandberg Mountain with Google I consistently arrive in Namibia(is this it's location?)
While Searching Google hits I stumbled upon this.

Here is an impartial veiw as this person Has No Idea this image would be used to illustrate a point as well as using his words.
wich Make them Ring True to my Belief and to your sensibilities as an Anthropo Major/Geo-Minor

Thierry Barbier
"The next day, I take of at dawn to Bandiagara cliff where the montain suddently drop dawn in the yellow and red sandy plain. Some villages are built against the rock wall and some others at the top of it. It is incredible and so nice to see haw man has seettled here."


at that resolution and Even with Colour Photography the village could be imperceptable as it blends in well and LOOKS like Rubble at first glance.Also you can see the Cliff arriving at a Point from a wider Body and works well with the Graphic of Monumental Valley you posted as the bottom wedge shaped landform could just as easily have had a dogon Village on and around it.

I'm Not Quite a Pyramidiot and never claimed any interior structure at Montevecchia or that they were magalithic BLOCK constructs like gizah/Like I said we'll call them "Pyramid Shaped" but nonetheless modified and therefore "artificial".
***also From The Same Site***
Thierry Barbier
"Over Himba Land : Early morning, I fly over Brandberg, Holy place for the bushmen who hided there long time back and highest Namibian Mountain."
This MOUNTAIN (if it is the Same as the one you linked to)that only resembles the face in a vaguely "OVOID" Shape is Considered "Holy"So it would be easy to see how an offworld Civilization Could ALSO view a Mountain as Holy and take it to the next step from being "bushmen" to Urbanites and actually Modifying Said Mountain to Personify a Diety/king/politician.

For The Love of God Please Don't Envision Manhatten when I say "City" but Somewhat between the Dogon village above,Petra in Isreal and other Monumental Cultures like Gizah or Tikal.
Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
I'm Not Quite a Pyramidiot and never claimed any interior structure at Montevecchia or that they were magalithic BLOCK constructs like gizah/Like I said we'll call them "Pyramid Shaped" but nonetheless modified and therefore "artificial".

I definately think that this would be an arguable point: at what point can a natural landform be modified so as to consider it artificial? I hardly think that the cliffs that the Pueblo Indians dwelled in could be considered artificial just because they built houses there.... the houses were, of course artificial/manmade.

The Montevecchia hills themselves are not artificial, since they were created by natural forces.... the terraces constructed on them are artificial/manmade and comprise perhaps less than 2% of the overall mass of the hills.

So when you apply your "Cydonia-Axis" method (the methodology of which is yet to be clearly stated) to these hills, you are implying one of two things: 1) The landforms conform to your hypothesis and are therefore completely artificial in construct; or 2) The landforms are natural and therefore the "Cydonia-Axis" hypothesis as currently stated is invalid.

Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
This MOUNTAIN (if it is the Same as the one you linked to)that only resembles the face in a vaguely "OVOID" Shape is Considered "Holy"So it would be easy to see how an offworld Civilization Could ALSO view a Mountain as Holy and take it to the next step from being "bushmen" to Urbanites and actually Modifying Said Mountain to Personify a Diety/king/politician.

Mountains are considered holy in nearly every civilization on the planet. Even western civilization recognizes the "spirtuality" of mountains in their expeditions to climb, etc. There was a civilization in South America that believed that the local mountain wanted virgins to eat in order to maintain peace... it was not ovoid.

I posted the photo of the Brandberg mountain to demonstrate the many similarities that exist between it and the "face," particularly the shape and the rubble pattern surrounding it.
"at what point can a natural landform be modified so as to consider it artificial?"

This question will Haunt you .and the members of this BBS
Seriously Skinwalker
it is a haunting Question.

Continue to Doubt what you will , at the level of your PERSONAL perogative.But!

An artificial landform can be as simple as you laying Sod and Planting trees.

"Modified LANDFORM"

A term...

Can place itself in the Mesa/Mountain/Hill/Knob
category !

as easily as if You Built a sandcastle at the beach and the Tide Washed it Away...NEVER to be seen again.

You Did build it and it Was There:
and YOU are Intelligent...Just ask your kids when you designed the Plans of the Sandcastle(but don't ask OUR opinion) lol!

and off in the Background of this artificial mountain, you can see unmolested geography to COMPARE it With.
This is an Image From The World Famous Edwards AFB.
Contrast provided is self evident


Image Courtesy Mac Tonnie's CydonianImperitive Where are those Sandcastles NOW???:)
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