New Evidence of Artificiality,Cydonia

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Those landforms in Monument Valley /Utah have Zero resemblance to Cydonia....But are quite consistant with the WB's Classic Road-runner?W.E.Coyote Classic.


Utah't I Taw a Putty Tat?
I DID! I Did Tee a Putty Tat!

This is as valid as ASU's Camelback Mountain and Nasa's "Butte"
joke's to scotch this thing for good.

Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
Those landforms in Monument Valley /Utah have Zero resemblance to Cydonia....

I wasn't suggesting that they resembled Cydonia. I'm suggesting that one can apply lines and angles to naturally formed structures and find patterns. Earthly landforms have the added bonus of being verifiable by taking a relatively inexpensive field trip. The trip to Mars would be considerably more costly just to disprove claims that have yet to be demonstrated as highly likely. I'll give that they are remotely likely.

The problem with your "data" is that there is nothing conclusive. Nor is there with Dr. Carlotto's data. One can however, conclude that Dr. Carlotto has at least one book to market (not that this alone invalidates his hypothesis).

Not only is there nothing conclusive (i.e. patterns existing in Cydonia that have been proven not to exist elswhere naturally; or landforms with geometries that have been proven not to exist elswhere naturally), but there is nothing that is easily/cheaply testable. One could test the hypothesis that Cydonia is artificially constructed, but it would require great expense that would be better spent elswhere on Mars (say the polar caps or Olympus Mons).
Basic problem: I still absolutely fail to see any significant alignment of features. Not only is there no alignment, but there are no significant amount of similar features; in a large artificial landscape, you would expect a lot of structures that looked alike.

Whereever something that looked vaguely artificial has been pointed out, it always diappears when hi-res pictures become available. Again, the coarse pixellation in some pictures will mange some features seem aligned. I have pointed this out twice before, but you conviniently ignore it.

"Basic problem: I still absolutely fail to see any significant alignment of features."

(Han's That Is My Task...To Show You What I see as significant
and This Work is just past it's infancy/ babysteps stage and is Now cutting its teeth...
Right here Right Now.)

"Not only is there no alignment,"

(an Opinion Sir)

"... but there are no significant amount of similar features;
in a large artificial landscape, you would expect a lot of structures that looked alike."

(That seems a bit Anthropcentric and please stop looking for Manhatten on Mars)

"Whereever something that looked vaguely artificial has been pointed out,
it always diappears when hi-res pictures become available."

(this is incorrect as the Two Images Supplied By Skinwalker
were Immediatley pointed out as Highly angular and aligned to the Cydo Axis...Live @ sciforums)

"Again, the coarse pixellation in some pictures will mange some features seem aligned."
(they "SEEM" aligned because they ARE aligned)

"I have pointed this out twice before, but you conviniently ignore it."
(You Assume your point is New but has been Adressed By Myself and others many times
Concerning Cydonia...I work with whatever pictures are available,No matter What Resolution.
At the Moment I don't Own My Orbiting Camera )
Here is A graphic That I prepared to address one of Your Statements

"... but there are no significant amount of similar features;
in a large artificial landscape, you would expect a lot of structures that looked alike."

Here we will assess that statement using Comparative Geology.
Seeking Skinwalker's Thoughts as well after This Post
as I am Curious to his take on this.

In the Images below.
Two Adjacent Structures a few Kilometers apart
one is the FACE the other is a mesa?Butte?Knob?...They are NEXT DOOR Neighbours
But one is Flat-topped and Smoothe
The Other(the Face) is Clearly Modified in My opinion.
We Can Use SW's Monument valley Image to See that Neighbouring
Landforms ARE Similar though the face and its neighbour are NOT.

The D&M Pyramid and it's neighbour
No similarity( the D&M is A Super-Anomalous symmetrical landform
It's neighbour is NOT)

Another example of "Neighbours"
One Flat and Smoothe...The Other:
well You get My Drift by Now.

Monument Valley's Triplets
all Showing the Same features as they should being neighbours
made by the same geologic Processes.


I am Still Working On a Master Image and the Submissions SW
Has asked for and You will see the alignments as Significant.
Also As with Earth Based Analogs...
a Lot of early Civilisations Had a lot of "One Off" structures
and do not exhibit the cookie cutter cityplanning we use today.
There is NO Quickie -MART on Mars
Tank yew...come again
Beer Time!!!;)
Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
"Basic problem: I still absolutely fail to see any significant alignment of features."

(Han's That Is My Task...To Show You What I see as significant
and This Work is just past it's infancy/ babysteps stage and is Now cutting its teeth...
Right here Right Now.)

And you haven't shown it. And you would appear more rational if you quit capitalizing every other word.

"Not only is there no alignment,"

(an Opinion Sir)

Good. Let me rephrase then: You have not shown any alignment.

"... but there are no significant amount of similar features;
in a large artificial landscape, you would expect a lot of structures that looked alike."

(That seems a bit Anthropcentric and please stop looking for Manhatten on Mars)

But looking for alignments is not anthropocentric??

"Whereever something that looked vaguely artificial has been pointed out,
it always diappears when hi-res pictures become available."

(this is incorrect as the Two Images Supplied By Skinwalker
were Immediatley pointed out as Highly angular and aligned to the Cydo Axis...Live @ sciforums)

No you did not. You pasted the same picture three times at various angles, end even then did not achieve alignment.

"Again, the coarse pixellation in some pictures will mange some features seem aligned."
(they "SEEM" aligned because they ARE aligned)

They are aligned on the coarse picture, but not in reality. In a sufficiently coarse pixellation EVERYTHING becomes aligned. Do you know nothing about graphics processing? These pictures from Mars are coarse (100m/pixel) thermal maps. They have afterwards been alialized in order not to look blocky.

"I have pointed this out twice before, but you conviniently ignore it."
(You Assume your point is New but has been Adressed By Myself and others many times
Concerning Cydonia...I work with whatever pictures are available,No matter What Resolution.
At the Moment I don't Own My Orbiting Camera )

Nothing wrong with working with available pictures. The problem is that you seem unaware of their limitations.
Here is A graphic That I prepared to address one of Your Statements

"... but there are no significant amount of similar features;
in a large artificial landscape, you would expect a lot of structures that looked alike."

Here we will assess that statement using Comparative Geology.
Seeking Skinwalker's Thoughts as well after This Post
as I am Curious to his take on this.

So, things being aligned is a sure sign of them being artificial. And sthings being different is a sure sign of them being artificial??


I'm sorry, but it seems you have made up your mind, and now anything is construed to support your opinion.

Continuing a Discussion With Hans...

"And you haven't shown it."

I beg To Differ,I have Not only Shown it...
I have Risen to the Challenge Put Forth By a Member of This BBS
and Absolutely Came through with Flying Colours,As I offered Not an Opinion per se as You have
but let the axis do the talking.

"And you would appear more rational if you quit capitalizing every other word."

You appear to have a "hang up" with the Way I post but that bias is your shortcoming not mine.
Within that silly Statement also resides a truer insight on how you regard anything I say...
as it doesn't satisfy your Dogmatic leanings towards what you misconstrue as the way a person "should"
communicate,you already begin to reject what is being said based on your stifling criteria.
You should feel blessed that I don't 'rap' like Eminem and I feel that your opinion of what is or isn't
'rational thought' will reside only between your ears wether I capitalise a word or not.
I don't recall submitting anything for your perusal with the intent of being graded on my Grammer.
Get used to it.It's my Style.:)

"Good. Let me rephrase then: You have not shown any alignment."

This ,again,is an opinion.

I dislike being presumptuous but I have up to and including now,read enough of your thoughts to comfortably
form a loose opinion that probably has much merit.You have Not read my Thread @ Anomalies .net
You have not read any of the links I have provided and probably won't anytime soon.You are obviously Sceptical and rightly so.
You are of the belief that I am offering an "Opinion" of these alignments when,in fact,I am only offering evidence.
Your Failure to see these alignments does NOT agree with Most Sceptics as they See them and offer
Counter alignments as rebuttals while you offer words.Citing only these instances as Stated Above I can Honestly say You have not
Looked too far into this and Therefore are NOT equipped to offer Your Opinion I am sorry to say.
unfortunately also,You are just Plain and simply Wrong in other regards.

"But looking for alignments is not anthropocentric??"

A great Reply Hans.
Though it May well qualify in that category...I offer that it is an exercise in exploration.
Geometry is one of the "Identifiers" espoused by Carl Sagan and Others as an Indicator of artificial offworld civilisations.
I Easily can see that You would no doubt subscribe to the Arrogant belief that WE(humanity/Earth) are all that there is as far as life goes
and would not entertain that right 'next door' to us in the Solar system this may have played itself out in the past,
I Harbour no such close-mindedness and truly hope you in fact,Dont either.
As You may be Comfortable and might love to carry on in the world with the insular belief that all is known and quantified,I am Not.

Looking for alignments...

This is somewhat of a metaphor really about Looking for life in all the right places ,wether past and extinct or presently viable.
Surely this is No worse than Columbus looking for the Silk Route ,Finding the Western world ,While everyone was Telling Him the world was Flat.
Someone Has to it Appears You are not engaged in the search Actively...Gimme A Ship Ferdinand.
You Are Quite Welcome To Follow the Exploits of Malin and Edgette.
And will be Satisfied in the Geology they study.
They are NOT equipped with the Faculties to Offer opinions on Archeology or Biology any More than You Or I, and I believe Independant researchers
Consistantly discover and provide better theories than they do.
But Then again.Malin is a Contractor and Has a Camera design and Images to sell.Integrity is not something I would totally ascribe to the gentleman.
I distrust Salesmen.I'd kick the tires on anything issuing from his FOR PROFIT VENTURE.

"No you did not. You pasted the same picture three times at various angles, end even then did not achieve alignment."

You would do well to Clarify this as I don't have a Clue as to what image/Images you are referring to
I look Forward to Further Discuusion once I am on the Same page as You.

"They are aligned on the coarse picture, but not in reality."

"They are aligned" Excuse me ? I thought they were not aligned.But we seem to be at a communications Impasse
I'm not "Getting" your point as You are not obviously getting mine...but you will.

You refer to 100 mpp Thermal Images while I believe SkinWalkers Offerings From MGS/MOC are of the Highest order of resolution and are in Visible Light.
I Seriously Doubt You noticed That and Also Doubt You have enough Information on What I am saying to even form an Opinion as steadfast and Sure as you Portray.
You Jumped in the Discussion without the Capacity to Properly assess it.

I enjoy Talking with You Sir.This is merely a begginning for You.

In a sufficiently coarse pixellation EVERYTHING becomes aligned. Do you know nothing about graphics processing? These pictures from Mars are coarse (100m/pixel) thermal maps. They have afterwards been alialized in order not to look blocky.
You could always go here . Lots of knowledgeable people who could assess your theories.

Why the sudden exit, BTW?

I have seen no one offer a hypothesis as to the origin of the large
tubular structures shown in the link originally posted by member
"moving". The structures are the most baffling to me personally
of any images seen to date. Are the images accurate? I have not
checked for their validity. Opinions, please. Thanks!

Nevermind. Looks to be "enhanced" images from a "cranky"
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Ha... that could be... I've been looking off and on for "official" versions of that image for a while... I didn't think to look close at the image for any obvious signs of Photoshop mucking about...
Could have picked a better name for this thread.
Never knew it had anything to do with mars.

You have a lot of patience or some sort of purpose to continually do these peoples research for them.

I am not sure if they even apreciate it.
I have been doing my own research and have come across this site.

If after going through all the available photos in the evidence file,
and you are not able to put your presumptions on an even keel as possibilty,then just keep on doing what your doing.

And don't bother refuting me on this,it would just be a waste of your time.I lean towards the area of possibility.And this will not change with all of the evidence before me.

I, unlike Electric, do not have the patience to barter or win you over.
Continue on your path, well.
I myself need to take a break from all of this for awhile.

Peace Out
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These same images of the "tube-like" structures and the "trees
or vegetation" were posted in another thread and I retracted
my comment that they looked like they had been altered. Seems
the images are real. But what are they? No way of knowing, of
course, from "pictures". If they had been taken on earth, and
didn't know the scale, we would probably assume the "vegetation"
was some new type of fern or other plant life and the "tubes" were
roots. The problem is they were taken on Mars, and the sizes of
the "plants" and the "roots" are huge. Of course, the "roots"
were nowhere near the "plants" in the images. But is it possible
there is some type of huge plant life on Mars? Could the "roots"
be petrified remains of some type plant life that once grew in the
area? Only a thought. They will probably turn out to be some kind
of weird geological formations. But the "roots" certainly don't seem
to be sand dunes as put forth as an explaination. Do you notice how
three of them come from different directions, out of the ground, in
the last image on the page? Odd sand dunes.
Originally posted by moementum7
I, unlike Electric, do not have the patience to barter or win you over.
Continue on your path, well.
I myself need to take a break from all of this for awhile.

Peace Out
Hahah, I think it is a good idea not to invite argument, if your evidence is what is on that site. I espcially liked the bit where pixellation is interpreted as buildings. I almost thought it was a joke site, but it appears to be serious :rolleyes:

That last picture of the site you have posted is insane.
I have not seen that picture yet.
I think that picture is one of the best I have seen to date.
Those are supposed to be roots of somekind?
Messed up what ever it is.
Thanks 2inquisitive.
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Hahah, I think it is a good idea not to invite argument, if your evidence is what is on that site. I espcially liked the bit where pixellation is interpreted as buildings. I almost thought it was a joke site, but it appears to be serious :rolleyes:


The images are actual images from the Mars Global Surveyor. The
interpretations on the site were by the owner of the site, not valid
in my opinion. Everyone has opinions, mine are no better anyone
else's. You can download the images yourself from the government
site, shown above, plus links from The Enterprise Mission's website.

moementum7, the idea of them being "roots" was just speculation
on my part, I have seen no one else associate the likeness of the
"tubes" with roots.
You must view the video presented in the witness's of U.F.O congressional hearing threrad.
Just do it.
It is two hours long.
But if you watch the first fifteen minutes of it you wont turn it off.
Take a look around you before you watch it and enjoy the way you veiw things now.
You will not see things so lightly afterwards.
We live in exciting times my friend.
Peace Out
Too bad most of the image links in this thread are dead... I'll have to see about repairing the links in my posts since this topic seems to be cropping up again.
This "topic" is not..."cropping up again" because it was always alive at Anomalies.Net.

It is mereley days away from being validated as an unsolved,multi instance infra-red geospatial anomaly that self references and self actuates nodal structures.
Unsolved as of the arrival of a new telescopic 3-D ,color :eek:rbiter/Imager.
The Mars Recon Orbiter( MRO)
Unsolved and undefeated by my peers,including members of this forum.
A TRUE anomaly.
All the while validating Hoagland,and denigrating counterpointsover a 3.3 year timespan...I went from baby-steps to giant leaps.

The Mars Oddessey/Themis leaves the Square Complex/Cydo-Axis as it's legacy.
And through the interface of the Artifice.I have set forth for all to see,
Evidence of Artificiality.
I have found The Place.
Its name is "AN"
AN will never go long as you and yours inhabit the earth.
This is not the place.

This Is The Place:;f=25;t=006623;p=01
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