New Evidence of Artificiality,Cydonia

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I've got my EYE on You.
Registered Senior Member

Many a Moon since I started this thread,here is the fresh url:;f=25;t=006623;p=22

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You're joking, right? Not the cydonia stuff again? There's nothing even suggestive of anything more than cool geology there.

"You're joking, right? Not the cydonia stuff again? There's nothing even suggestive of anything more than cool geology there."

I absolutely Agree
There's Some COOL geology There.


But YOU must be Joking that there's Nothing Suggestive There...Get a Clue Sir

(And Don't be so lazy...Read the thread...);f=25;t=004845


Hello BTW
Nice to be here...
So far the Welcome Wagon is pretty harmless...TRY Harder.:)
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Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
But YOU must be Joking that there's Nothing Suggestive There...Get a Clue Sir

(And Don't be so lazy...Read the thread...);f=25;t=004845

Yeah.. I glanced at that cult garbage.... people have been trying to make the cydonia region out to be something more than rock for years. The lighting and effect of multi-pass imaging is the most likely source of many of the "patterns" that are visible.

Even if some of these shapes are more than illusions of light (as in the infamous "face") or multi-pass imaging, nature is allowed to make patterns... it's not unheard of.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Originally posted by Electric_Ashalar
Hello BTW
Nice to be here...
So far the Welcome Wagon is pretty harmless...TRY Harder.:)

Oh... hello and welcome.
Glad To Be here SW

Now that the pleasantries have been dispensed

As you admit that you only glanced and never Read that "CULT" garbage...I would be correct stating two Things:

Your Mind is Made up

and there is extraordinary evidence you have not bothered to view.

But TRULY I ask...Who's Making extraordinary Claims???

If you are Refering to that Tired old Sagan Cliche'

I'll answer with another of his old Standards about knowing them by their geometry...


Sagan's Old School...
Get with the NEW Program ;)

- EA
Sagan is my god, and Demon Haunted World my bible. :cool:

All kidding aside, the "cult garbage" comment was, indeed, made out of emotional response, not logical. I find the whole lump of pseudoscience that has become so popular to be dangerous to our country if not mankind. It inhibits progress... people stop learning and start hoping.

Back to cydonia, why is it, you think, that little legitimate interest is given by NASA scientists and University funded programs that examine/explore outside our planet to this issue? If there is a legitimate interest, who are they and what have they discovered?

What is the intended target sites for the new probes headed for Mars? If these sites don't include cydonia, would this not be a bit telling as to the conclusions that some of the world's top scientists have to offer?

I don't know the answer to these questions, though I think I can make some educated guesses toward them.

Also, you are correct that my mind is largely made up on this issue, as I haven't seen any additional data and I looked at this stuff ages ago like many others.

It is apparent that you, too, have your mind made up, sir. :cool:
I can Guess that Their minds may have been unduly influenced like yours By luminaries such as Sagan.

But seriously.

As The Title of this thread Suggests,This is NEW.

Sagan Died not having this information available.

I joined this Forum to Help disseminate NEW thought
With the Discovery By Myself of The "Square Complex"
(that would be the RED FLASHY THING :D )
Followed by a near simultaneous announcement by Dr.Mark J. Carlotto of finding the Same SQUARE artifact

An AXIS has been identified by Myself that Shows "Extraordinary Evidence"
to involve a Hoard of enigmatic Structures...including the Face/D&M/City as well as The Square.

I call the Square by another Name as well
The Cydo-Axis
As will become More evident as This research continues.

Possibly the worlds Top scientists would merely react like you Have ...and that answers your Question For You By You.

There is a problem with your hypothesis, which is difficult to discern but I assume that it is because geometric shapes and patterns are present in the Cydonia region, this suggests that the area is artificially created."

That problem is that the data you used was minimal. In fact, you used the least reliable data for attempting to prove your point. Thermal Imaging data from is great for locating geologic strata and mineral depositions and even dust/sand deposition compared to bare rock. Unfortunately, it has some shortcommings. Occording to Crum (2000), "thermal images can be quite difficult to interpret when compared with other types of imagery," and "thermal imagery is NOT geometrically correct."

Also, it is truly bad science to try to make evidence fit your claims. It's better to try and dispute the claim first yourself in every way you can think of so as to better solidify the hypothesis.

Looking at this image, which was found at, shows a much different perspective with the visual spectrum. It was taken by Mars Global Surveyor in April 2001 with cloudless conditions.

Looking at this image, which I cropped from the original (located at the ftp link above) and inverted, you can clearly make out one of the "pyramids" in your thermal images. This image provides a much more conventional idea of a mountain.

Here's the area where the so-called "city square" resides.

As you can see, again, the image differs somewhat from the thermal version.

Crum, Shannon (2000). The Geographer's Craft Project, Department of Geography, The University of Colorado at Boulder. Found at

National_Space Science_Data_Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center found at:

Malin Space Science Systems and California Institute of Technology, images found at:
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Well about cydonia..

It was found indeed some mountains that look like pyramids and other artificial structures..

But look at planet earth, we already have plenty of natural landscapes that look like geometric forms

All forms in mars are too much blurry to say that geometrical forms are present in the surface of mars..

Well need those little robots to get to mars a a couple more high resolution sattelites to map those mountains with high resolution and know if those hills are really what the conspiracy fellow say it is..

Until that its just natural hill formations

But I do believe life could have existed on mars... But only bacteria! :D
Water is more common in mars, and there is really good evidence that It sometimes becomes liquid in some seasons of the year

Thats the main purpose of those billion dollar robots... find how those water marks on some hills have formed, and if some million years ago there was water..

Let us first answer the most simple questions, then only speculate about inteligent life on mars

Skinwalker ,Sir
As of typing this I have tried all Day to Access the link You Provided and I get Page unavailable.,

So was Wondering if This Is the Same Image From Malin's Site?

Have a Gander @ it and Confirm this is The Same(only in Gif format)

If So I would Love to Work with That Image.

In Regards To Such a High Resolution Picture I more Than Welcome it and if it is the Same image...I will Look into it and See what The Cydo-Axis has to Say about it.

Until then...I'll back burner it for Tonight and Promise to have an analysis of it when we indeed are speaking of the Same Pic.


On the Matter of Using Themis Images.
I disagree with your opinion in certain aspects.
At the resolution of 100 meters per pixel ,This excactly was why The "Square complex / Cydo-Axis Was Found

Firstly,as a Decimal based Unit
it is By default SCALEABLE.
This works Excellently for determing distances in Kilometers
Not MILES. and zooming in or condensing an image by factors of ten readily avails itself to Image enhancement and is superior to Imperial measure.10 pixels = 1km

On The Other Hand,As the Resolution gets higher and uses vis as opposed to thermal imagery Then I believe the Axis(acting as a Compass of sorts with the 4 Cardinal points N,E,W,S and 4 subpoints NE,NW,SE,SW will intersect with many enigmas in an OBVIOUS manner.Much like the great pyramids in EGYPT are Aligned except I make no claim as yet to what the main Vertical Axis that Bisects the face and D&M points to except that it is SELF referential,but not limited as of yet, to Cydonia.
"Also, it is truly bad science to try to make evidence fit your claims. It's better to try and dispute the claim first yourself in every way you can think of so as to better solidify the hypothesis. "
Sir,I cannot disagree with this Statement entirely but at the Moment am not convinced that I could do a better Job than a More Sceptical Mind Like Yours and Others at Showing me flaws,errors,and weakness.
But If indeed This is an AXIS that controls alignments and Angles as I believe it is It Should Bear itself Out from 100mpp to 1mpp

In effect this Axis Should help "IDENTIFY" anomalies in the geography,wich so far it consistantly does

in the Image below I will demonstrate how the "Square Complex"/Cydo Axis can be used as a control subject and Use it as the Basis of a Grid


This can subsequently be Subdivided into smaller grids and is indeed Scaleable .
The problem with This Image is that it is TOO LARGE for most Monitors to encapsulate on the screen without Scrolling.

There is Also another Problem with This Image...
It needs to be Correctly oriented VERTICAL

GRIDZ~2.jpg it is clearer to See, Alignments occur,wich are less of a theory and More of an OBVIOUS nature.

I will included an Image of the "Square" without Drawing any lines for those unfamiliar with it.


And will conclude with that for the Moment.
Did you note anything I said about the value of thermal imaging? An expert in the field plainly stated that it is no good for evaluating geometric data. Your "axis" theory..... whatever it is... seems to rely heavily on geometric data that simply isn't present. look at the photo I posted, compare with one of your thermal "pyramids."

You'll note that the "sides" of the objects in your images are tricks of lighting and shading as interpreted by the thermal imaging process.

BTW, I updated the link in my post in the sources section, you should find what you need there.

Still, actual visual data aside and reliance on your thermal data, I still don't see the relevance. Axes, angles, etc... what makes this "extraordinary" again?

Could you at least state some sort of hypothesis that you are getting at?
Thanks For Clearing up the Image Question For Me.
I'll get to work on it shortly.
As for Stating some sort of hypothesis,I'm getting at This:

I believe Cydonia is the Ancient,destroyed remains of an intelligent civilisation(if that wasn't obvious in the title of thread).
Highly Eroded,Blasted by meteoric assualt ,and Buried over Eons of Sand,dust,and ice/snow.

With The Discovery of The "Square Complex" and Verification of it Sharing the Same Axis of Orientation as the Face and D&M Pyramid,that in essence ,as resolution gets Higher,More Evidence should be able to be Gleaned that Geometric Structures will align themself with it's Orientation.

Clear signs of geometric Forms would Denote artificiality.
As it is Possible that The Face Can Be considered an Artificial
"Landform" in the context of a civilisation...Like on Earth
We construct buildings,Terraform, etc. with alignments or orientations that may be Symbolic,Practical,as well as Aesthetic.

I believe That Using The NEWLY discovered Square in Southern Cydonia...It can be Used as a "Control" to Seek out Other Instances of Intelligent Design that will be "HIGHLY" Angular and oriented on 1 but probably MORE than one Axis Shared by the Square.

Obviously The More an Object/Structure CONFORMS to These Axis,The Higher degree of Probability that they will be "Constructs"

I submit that This can Be used to Find Anomalies in The Geography And If indeed Cydonia was a former Location of an Ancient Civilisation, The Civilisation's Handywork Should Still Be Evident and will Starkly Contrast with "Natural" terrain in its appearance,by way of Angular Instances.
Conforming to Carl Sagan's Belief that Geometric Regularities Denote Intelligent Activity(wether Past or Present)
Well That's My Hypothesis anyway...:D

( I also Note You repeatedly refer to "pyramids" as "MINE" Though I -only- ENDORSE @ Present- FOUR -enigmas in Cydonia As POSITIVELY Artificial:in "MY" Opinion The Face,Fort,D&M and Square Complex...Just for Your Info/ all Others That I speculate On Must be Verified By the Cydo-Axis)

And Trust me
NASA has an Employee that Takes The Past Civilisation seriously
who also Verifies JPL's RELUCTANCE to investigate.
I'll get to that Later,Need a Nap Now

I believe Cydonia is the Ancient,destroyed remains of an intelligent civilisation(if that wasn't obvious in the title of thread).
Highly Eroded,Blasted by meteoric assualt ,and Buried over Eons of Sand,dust,and ice/snow.

If so, why are the features you are describing as ancient ruins appear to be preserved? According to your statement, nothing should remain intact.

Clear signs of geometric Forms would Denote artificiality.
As it is Possible that The Face Can Be considered an Artificial
"Landform" in the context of a civilisation...

It only appears as a face when the Sun shines on it from a certain angle. There are other features even on Earth that appear “artificial” from light.

I submit that This can Be used to Find Anomalies in The Geography And If indeed Cydonia was a former Location of an Ancient Civilisation

Then, where are the roads, buildings, infrastructure, machinery, etc.? Why did some things remain intact while everything else has mysteriously vanished?

And Trust me
NASA has an Employee that Takes The Past Civilisation seriously
who also Verifies JPL's RELUCTANCE to investigate.

You mean this guy:
I said Meteoric assault(NOT ASTEROIDAL!)Lol!

But Seriously, Intact Remains would obviously Survive Firstly,If they were VERY large,going on down the Gauntlet of Surviving Destruction By Luck(Big DIRECT HITS narrowly missed the Face and Look at the Size of the Crater just East of The D&M---If that had been head on...there would be no Question...Nothing to investigate) then Composition be it Rock or Metal.

If Metal Was Involved...Goodbye
We all know the Guy with a beat up '55 chevy up on Blocks and Rusting away before your eyes!!! presumably if anything analogous to girders, beams or rebar would Oxidize and anything Built upon it Collapsed. A road for instance would be long buried if intact at all,Anyone Such as Myself who lives in North America That Actually get SNOW! in the winter Are WELL Aquainted with POTHOLES and freeze thaw Damage...Now Multiply the Dessication of that '55Chevy and Infrastructure it traveled on and Multiply it By Countless Millenia.

Obviously the Monumental and Monolithic Constructs based Primarily on Natural Materials like Rock would be more Hardy(take GizaH for Example...Where are the Huts,tents,etc of the Population?Rock Based Material- Pyramids -survive well .
Like I Said...This Axis Should be Able To Suck Anomalies Right Out of the Geology Figuratively speaking...Lol!

As For the Face Being a Trick of Light and Shadow...That Does Not Hold up in Light of Recent Studies.(thank God No-one Says faces in the Clouds...That's OLD and Boring)

Image Courtesy of Darkplanet


There is a Great Animation There That Illustrates well this Reasoning(requires quicktime---link provided)Visit his Site.
But Many Others including Dr.Mark J. Carlotto have Analysed it Quite well Also.WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN???
This RESEARCH is out there...Go find it. :)

Hoagland? No Q
(I believe his Credentials Speak For Himself)
Listen To the Radio Shows There as Well...Dr.J
States WHAT a JPL Employee Told Him Regarding what They THINK about Mars(they Think They OWN it...So Does Mikey Malin)
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