New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

So, should we take the Bible literally, as the orthodox say, or should we look at it as encoded geometry? If you cannot convince a skeptic, perhaps you should consider that your reasoning is far-fetched to say the least. At most, you are inventing connections where none exist. Even if the original authors meant for someone to figure out that taking the words apart will reveal geometry, there is nothing about geometry itself that proves a God. I have a word for you: שפיות
Yes but, but, but as you all say - speaking from the horses rear in technicalities!
Whereas you simply speak from the horse's rear without understanding the technicalities.

but the fact still remains that the Tetrahedron is at the very basis of original form.
It is not a fact, it's merely your supposition.

Here you can see below that the “atom” also has the tell tail signs of the Tetrahedron form:
That is not a tetrahedron. :rolleyes:

So as one can clearly see that the further one piers into the atom this 3-part nature (Tetrahedron) is evident.
You need FOUR points to define a tetrahedron.

linking this tetrahedron (3-part nature) to G-d.
There's two suppositions in that sentence: you're assuming a tetrahedron and you're assuming god exists.

No I expect that several people here in particular (they know who they are) will surmount to racially discriminate against the Hebrew language by making fun of the words I’ve used, which let me remind you is still racial and religious discrimination against the Jewish race, the language, the writing and its people!
And you remain clueless. It is not racial discrimination to point out that your nonsensical assertions are, in fact, nonsensical.
If your claim that making comments about a language is racial discrimination then you are guilty of discriminating against everyone other than Jews for the claim that their language isn't actually theirs but merely a "knock-off" of Hebrew.
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Your condition is worse than blindness!
Yet one more (false) assumption on your part.
You started with the unprovable assumption that god exists and ignored everything that disagreed with that assumption (or misrepresented it) and took only what would support your pre-formed conclusion (even to the extent of twisting facts to make them fit).
And you seem not to realise that's what you've done, yet you have gall (and unmitigated ignorance) to accuse me of blindness. :rolleyes:

There's an old saying from some fairly famous book or other: it's about eyes, motes and beams. I think it's more than apt in this case.
... I have a word for you: שפיות
Spidergoat, I don't even know how to look that up :shrug:, so I hope you will provide the translation.


Your condition is worse than blindness!
Anita, I have to say I'm not reading any of the posts very carefully but it is hard not to notice that this is a hot thread. I see that talk about geometric forms, especially the tetrahedron. Take a minute and give me an idea of how you employ those very basic forms to the primordial language. How do the forms come into play in the path to understanding the divine intention in the letters?
AlphaNumeric, Trippy and to who ever else that might be lurking,

Yes but, but, but as you all say - speaking from the horses rear in technicalities!
No, I am not 'talking from the horses rear', what I have said is correct. An edge, in any surface formed of polygons, is defined as the line where two different polygons meet (I am willing to make this more specific if you wish). You claimed that it follows that because two faces meet at an edge then there are 5 Platonic solids. This is not true. You cannot derive from that statement alone that only 5 such solids exist. Yes, it is required in order to do the work required to prove 5 such solids but you need other things, not least a basic understanding of spherical geometry. The fact different geometries, which include the definition of an edge being where two faces meet, do not result in only 5 regular tessellations of the kind seen in Platonic solids demonstrates your claim is wrong.

Correcting you on something which you have incorrectly stated isn't 'speaking from the horses rear in technicalities'. You've gotten all upset with people for stating you're a lapsed jew. You correct someone on a statement of fact. I'm doing the same to you, correcting something you incorrectly claimed. I picked geometry because I know a bit of it, just as Trippy corrects you on chemistry because he knows a bit of it.

And by 'a bit' I mean I make my living doing it.

Yes, yes, yes I understand where all of you are coming from and what you are saying, but the fact still remains that the Tetrahedron is at the very basis of original form. We also witness this throughout all the natural world.
This isn't true. The natural world is examined in the sciences of chemistry, biology and physics. Trippy is a chemist and disagrees with you. I'm a physicist and I disagree with you. You are telling us things about our areas of (bordering on) expert knowledge when you know nothing of said areas other than what Google finds for you. I don't deny that the geometry of tetrahedral structures does come up a lot in nature and is used a lot in mathematical modelling of nature but that doesn't make them somehow 'the very basis of original form'.

Your average day person does not understand your technicalities Trippy… that is why it is always better to simplify things for the conceptual understanding of the masses, which are best demonstrated through pictures.
So you think that because people who haven't studied science might not understand the details its okay for you to essentially lie and to then continue lying when faced with people who know more than 'your average day person'. I understand that sometimes its easier to skim the details of something when talking to someone who doesn't know much about a topic but you're arguing about science with scientists. I am certain Trippy (and plenty of others, including myself) has simplified things for you because you obviously do not have a beyond layperson's understanding of science. In fact you're worse, you are wilfully ignoring science in order to avoid a clash with your acceptance of a particular holy book. If you know more science than you've thus far displayed demonstrate it, don't hold back. You're talking to people with beyond high school education in science and if you know the technical details you should not need to gloss over them on our account. If you continue to post as you do you will only continue to affirm people's view that you don't know even high school science.

As a side note and more of a personal comment I have no problem with faith. I don't believe in a deity but I don't mind people who do provided they don't then use it as an excuse to be deliberately ignorant. An evolutionary biologist can believe in a god but it doesn't have to clash with his work. Its when he says "The Bible says evolution doesn't exist therefore I refuse to read anything which contradicts that" that I get peeved. Deliberately keeping yourself ignorant of the world around you is one of the most intellectually despicable things a person can do. Not everyone has time to read plenty of books but that's different to going out of your way to avoid information about the universe simply because it might clash with your beliefs. After all, if God/Jehovah/Allah/Santa/Elvis created all of the universe and you in his image, endowing you with self awareness and intelligence, surely to avoid learning about all his Creation using the tools (your mind) He has provided you is a horrific dishonour to Him?
And you remain clueless. It is not racial discrimination to point out that your nonsensical assertions are, in fact, nonsensical.
If your claim that making comments about about a language is racial discrimination then you are guilty of discriminating against everyone other than Jews for the claim that their language isn't actually theirs but merely a "knock-off" of Hebrew.

You’ve done it again, by saying their language isn't actually theirs but merely a "knock-off" of Hebrew. A “knock off” hu? This again is cutting me down being you are assuming I don’t know the language. I could also surmise out of your hatred for me derived from the many posts here that you are referring to a literal Nazi mentality “knock off” (as in killing)!

You are even more arrogant than I previously though. Either arrogant or just plain stupid!

Either way, please stop responding to my posts!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
AlphaNumeric, Trippy and to who ever else that might be lurking,

Yes but, but, but as you all say - speaking from the horses rear in technicalities!

Yes, yes, yes I understand where all of you are coming from and what you are saying, but the fact still remains that the Tetrahedron is at the very basis of original form. We also witness this throughout all the natural world. Your average day person does not understand your technicalities Trippy… that is why it is always better to simplify things for the conceptual understanding of the masses, which are best demonstrated through pictures.

Here you can see below that the “atom” also has the tell tail signs of the Tetrahedron form:

Have a look at what I am saying here by these pictures:



Three quarks make up each proton and each neutron. Protons and neutrons form the nucleus of an atom.

Still ignoring counter points then?
Quarks are not atoms.
Protons are not atoms.
Neutrons are not atoms.

They are subatomic particles.

They don't even 'look' like what's in that picture, it's just a stylized representation to make understanding them a little easier.
You’ve done it again, by saying their language isn't actually theirs but merely a "knock-off" of Hebrew. A “knock off” hu?
Was your claim not that all languages are derived from this "divine" original?

This again is cutting me down being you are assuming I don’t know the language.
Wrong again. Your knowledge of that language (as a speaker) is not in doubt (so far), but your "knowledge" of its origins and relationship to other languages is not only in doubt but has already been shown to be erroneous.

I could also surmise out of your hatred for me derived from the many posts here that you are referring to a literal Nazi mentality “knock off” (as in killing)!
Oops, you assume I hate. Not true.
And no, how does one "kill a language"? Especially as it is self-evident that the languages you referred to are not dead.
Knock-off - cheap copy, derivative of the original.
6. Informal To copy or imitate, especially without permission: knocking off someone else's ideas.

You are even more arrogant than I previously though. Either arrogant or just plain stupid!
Since I'm far from stupid I'll accept arrogant. However it's an earned arrogance, especially when I come up against such as you: I know what I'm talking about, you simply make things up to support your belief.

Either way, please stop responding to my posts!
I'll stop responding to your posts once (if ever) you stop posting arrant and specious nonsense.
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No please stop responding permanently to me since there is a fine line between what is hatred/racial in your posts to which is then dwindled down into mocking with stupidity remarks against the Judeo-Christian religion. Additionally moving this thread from the “Religion” thread to the pseudoscience thread. How much more can you degrade religion?

Remember I asked you to prove you love your Mother?

If you don’t agree with me or like my religious beliefs, simply stop posting to me!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
You’ve done it again, by saying their language isn't actually theirs but merely a "knock-off" of Hebrew. A “knock off” hu? This again is cutting me down being you are assuming I don’t know the language. I could also surmise out of your hatred for me derived from the many posts here that you are referring to a literal Nazi mentality “knock off” (as in killing)!

You are even more arrogant than I previously though. Either arrogant or just plain stupid!

Either way, please stop responding to my posts!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Usually I let the threads go their course in Pseudoscience with little interaction. I suppose you could say that the scientific course here is based on Darwins "Survival of the Fittest". If a subject can survive and not be ridiculed for it's ridiculous nature, then it has the opportunity to be revived as being a potentially scientific topic.

For the most part however threads rarely achieve this level of sophistication and they either die a death through being an exhausted discourse or they find thereway to the murky depths of the Cesspool.

However obviously this whole "someone said JEW" crap really has to stop. Okay a persons Jewish fair enough, end of discourse, it's off topic (albeit pseudoscience is more about Fringe sciences than reworks of Religious mumbo-jumbo)

Incidentally in the English language, "To knock-off" something doesn't just mean to kill, it also means to steal. In fact this is proven with the "Are you a Knock-Off Nigel" commercials.

Incidentally there is also the term "Knock it off", which means quit with the slanging matches and innuendo's before somebody has to put a lockdown.
You can love things that don't exist. Love of the idea of God doesn't prove that there is a God.
No please stop responding permanently
As said: not until you stop posting nonsense. It's a public forum, anyone is as free to post as anyone else.

me since there is a fine line between what is hatred/racial in your posts
Please learn the difference between pointing out that you are (grossly) in error and actually hating you. For the record I don't hate you (or even your "ideas": it simply saddens me that someone, anyone, could be so far of the track and not realise it).

to which is then dwindled down into mocking with stupidity remarks against the Judeo-Christian religion.
List one unfounded "stupidity remark" against the religion that I have made. (Or is this going to be yet one more false claim?)

Additionally moving this thread from the “Religion” thread to the pseudoscience thread. How much more can you degrade religion?
Mainly because you called upon science, and claim to be using science, to "prove" the bible.

If you don’t agree with me or like my religious beliefs, simply stop posting to me!
Wrong again: when you invoke science (incorrectly at every turn as you do) then it deserves to be pointed out that you actually are incorrect.
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Yes I can understand your viewpoint about science and being technical. Its not that I don’t understand what you are saying, because I do. I am literally burnt out in this area. I don’t have time to talk technicalities or to cite (from other scientists) their thesis‘s. I have moved from the technicality era to seeing the whole picture - try that one, and then try explaining it. You know this is one of the reasons why the Bible (especially Jesus) speaks in parables… because it was meant to be understood “conceptually” by all people, not just a certain sect of technically (upper echelon so to speak) scientific people. For me the simplest terms usually work the best.


Still ignoring counter points then?
Quarks are not atoms.
Protons are not atoms.
Neutrons are not atoms.

They are subatomic particles.

They don't even 'look' like what's in that picture, it's just a stylized representation to make understanding them a little easier.

Yes, but did you read what I posted directly underneath the picture?

It said:
Three quarks make up each proton and each neutron. Protons and neutrons form the nucleus of an atom. Its obvious from the picture above I was referring to the 1st atom picture before its broken down into the smaller parts of the 3 quarks.

Look AN, all I’m trying to show here is that there is a 3-part nature that is tied into the Tetrahedron form. Yes you are technically correct on all the things that you had said, but you really do not need to complicate things just to point out that you are opinionated correctly.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Look AN, all I’m trying to show here is that there is a 3-part nature that is tied into the Tetrahedron form.
One more time:
You need FOUR points to define a tetrahedron.

Yes you are technically correct on all the things that you had said, but you really do not need to complicate things just to point out that you are opinionated correctly.
It's to point out that YOU are "opinionated" incorrectly.
Remember I asked you to prove you love your Mother?
But unlike God there's evidence his mother exists.

If you don’t agree with me or like my religious beliefs, simply stop posting to me!
That's the spirit! When you don't like what people say, don't listen! I guess that's why the person who started the crack pot right wing bigoted ignorance that is Conservapedia is also responsible for a recent surge in home schooling in the US. Don't like evolution? Prefer creationism? Can't justify your point of view via scientific methodology? Then home school your kids! That way you get to pass on your ignorance!

Its not that I don’t understand what you are saying, because I do. I am literally burnt out in this area.
I do not for one nanosecond believe what you just said. I don't think you know any science or mathematics. Do you think you know enough to pass final year undergraduate exams in any area you've talked about, like chemistry, physics or mathematics?

I don’t have time to talk technicalities or to cite (from other scientists) their thesis‘s
Bullshit. Talking technicalities is easier and quicker as you can convey precise meanings to people who understand the details in a quick manner. This is obvious given the fact experts use technical jargon as its the most efficient and clear way to convey ideas to one another. For instance, if I say "M is Calabi-Yau" to a string theorist they know that M is 2n dimensional complex manifold which has a closed Kahler form, is Ricci flat and has SU(n) holonomy. Much quicker! If I had to explain it to a lay person I'd have to give that longer definition and then define all the other terminology I used, like 'closed', 'Kahler form', 'Ricci flat', 'SU(n)', 'holonomy'. Before you know it what was 4 words is a page. Then 10 pages, then 50 pages, then an entire mathematics degree and masters. That is how much longer correctly conveying information to laypeople takes than to other well educated specialists.

The very fact technical terminology is used by people working in a particular field means its the fastest method of communicating science. To say "I don't have time to use technical terms" is nonsense. I take 10 times longer to explain my work to a lay person than a physicist.

Plus you have written a book, which takes a long time. To claim you didn't have time to talk technical is nonsense. If you were to write a book aimed at convincing scientists you're right you should learn the correct terminology, use it and also cite previous work properly. If you have time to write a book you have time to do that. To claim otherwise is to be dishonest and implies you neither know the terminology nor the mainstream view.

I have moved from the technicality era to seeing the whole picture - try that one, and then try explaining it
You're deluding yourself. You haven't shown any understanding even expected of high school students. Why should anyone believe you can see 'the whole picture' when you can't grasp the details?

Look AN, all I’m trying to show here is that there is a 3-part nature that is tied into the Tetrahedron form.
Except a tetrahedron has 4 vertices, not 3, so quarks can't form such a shape. You have taken a dumbed down simplified picture of an area of physics you don't know anything about and made a very tenuous analogy which isn't even correct in your simplified case!
Look AN, all I’m trying to show here is that there is a 3-part nature that is tied into the Tetrahedron form. Yes you are technically correct on all the things that you had said, but you really do not need to complicate things just to point out that you are opinionated correctly.

Firstly, you're quoting my post, not Alphanumerics.
Secondly "I don't have time to talk technicalities" is a dodge, plan and simple. If you want your ideas accepted, you're going to have to make time.
Finally, pointing out facts is not complicating things.

If you don't want to talk facts, then I suggest you shouldn't be on a science forum.
Anita, I have to say I'm not reading any of the posts very carefully but it is hard not to notice that this is a hot thread. I see that talk about geometric forms, especially the tetrahedron. Take a minute and give me an idea of how you employ those very basic forms to the primordial language. How do the forms come into play in the path to understanding the divine intention in the letters?

Yes QW now you will get a good idea about this, and I hope that everyone else reading will also.

The Tetrahedron form is Pi (3.14) and as I’ve shown it appears in all of the natural world such as in crystals (as shown in pictures above), and even down to the atom and its particles (also shown in the pictures above). Pi can also be mathematically calculated in Genesis 1:1 (as I’ve also revealed in a previous recent posting) Now Pi (some say Phi) works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral. These units of measure are different mathematical units of growth, but they are in cahoots and conspire with each other. They are in a state of relationship and association with each other. One can see these sequences in nature that instructs all living things when deciding how many units to grow next such as in a trees branches and a plants leaves. This series (of adding some quantity) can be seen everywhere in nature. This series is what has come to be called by several names, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi), increase at a rate equal to oscillating around the Golden Mean Spiral. The Fibonacci sequence goes like this: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,… (add the last two numbers together to get the next number 233. The Golden Section numbers are 0.61803 and 1.61803. The Golden String is 1011010110110101101... A sequence of 0’s and 1’s that is closely related to the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section.

Now QW, when we analyze the very first Hebrew letter of the Bible which is the letter B (from the first word - Barashith). Which looks like this:


Now when we take this Hebrew letter and spiral a wire around it (pictures are in my book) in such a way that exhibits a similar unit of growth (where it starts out with a small hoop and then gradually grows into a bigger hoop and than again a third hoop (which is a mathematical unit of growth similar to the ones mentioned in the paragraph above). When we remove this wire form and turn it around in different angles we can begin to see that all the other 22 Hebrew letters become visible depending on the angle one looks at it. For instance if we take this spiral form of the Hebrew letter B and turn it upside down we now have the Hebrew letter T. Another words this “one prototype form“, forms all the 22 Hebrew letters. No other writing in the world does this!

Which to my understanding shows valuable evidence of an intelligence behind the design. Apparently the same synergizing design found in all of the natural world (as explained above). Another words QW, we have Divine Design thus authenticating every word of the Hebrew Bible.

What G-d is in theory, man must learn through practice (therefore study Torah/Bible).

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
The more parsimonious explanation, that the Hebrews invented the letters, is the better theory. There is no reason they could not have manupulated letters in that way. You said yourself that the mathematical diagrams were not present in the letters, but were traced on top of them by the author. So, the person who already knew about this kind of math applied that geometry to forms that don't represent them in the first place.