New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Who's G-d? You don't mean old Gid Clampet from Meyersville, do you? I thought he had passed from liver disease last May.
Anita - I am invoking Poe's Law on you.

I put it to you that your batshit crazy ideas, hilariously stubborn refusal to grasp the basics of scientific method and theory, and, above all your laughably nonsensical book, are all, in fact, nothing more than a parody - and you are in fact a liberal atheist with a genuine Phd in a reputable science in deep cover.

I've got to give you some kudos - not only do you give great parody - but the book idea is pure genuis - both parodying and profiting from gullible fundie suckers! - awesome!
what I’m saying is that the concept is their in “homeopathy” for a higher understanding of science.
You have no grasp of the scientific method so you're not really the person to ask when it comes to what may or may not be helpful for scientific understanding.

Of course I go to a doctor and the hospital if I‘m ill, I thank G-d for advances in science that help or preserve the human body
You should thank doctors, not God. If God made our bodies he did a terrible job, we break so easily and so many structures in our body would never be made by deliberate rational design. The eye has a blind spot due to the optic nerve and our retinas can get detached. An octopus doesn't have that problem. In men the urinary tract goes through the middle of the prostate. We put food and air down the same passageway. And those are just a few poor 'design' features of the human body. The reason we now live 70+ years in the Western world is the work of Man. If god exists then we are figuring out how to make up for his mistakes.

There is nothing that stops me from believing that such advances in science are not only due to men/woman, but also FULLY due to G-d!
He doesn't help us worth medical knowledge. Did he invent the MRI? No. Did he explain germs to us? No. All those lepers in the bible and he or Jesus explain to people how to cure it? No, it took thousands of years for us to work out out to do it.

The only argument you have is that if you read the Bible 'creatively' you can interpret something in it as a cryptic message about something (like your example of the rib). Funny how no one ever made these interpretations
before science. If God's supposed to be so helpful why can't people extract working practical knowledge from the Bible before science figures it out? Why are all these 'revelations of knowledge' in the Bible always discovered after science did the work?

Why should god get credit when he doesn't lift a finger?

are in thought (including you), or inspired by something, we are essentially in spirit transcending all limitations of our consciousness.
A claim you have no evidence or justification for. If you can't justify something please don't claim it, it only serves to make you look like you're knowingly deceptive and a liar. But then you are.

Without even realizing it you are part of fulfilling the divine purpose of G-d. whether you believe it or not, or wish to call it something other than G-d such as source, it is this energy that writes all the books, delivers all the speeches, paints all the pictures, discovers mathematical formulas and scientific theories… ect ect you name it.
Utterly baseless and completely circular. You presume god made everything and not only that you then give him credit for anything good which anyone does, since ultimately we exist because he made it so. Even if god made everything he doesn't deserve any credit for things we have done. If I stop someone being mugged I acted. If I work hard I put in the effort. If I help someone to the detriment of myself I made that sacrifice.

By your logic my parents should get all the credit for anything I do because they are responsible for me being born. If I study hard and pass an exam does that mean my parents should get the qualification?

Besides, you only mention the good things. If god made everything and all things have him as their source then he made all the psychopaths, he caused all the murders and wars and rapes in history. He killed billions of people violently because he made all the weapons, all the arms, all the hatred, the bigotry, the anger in everyone.

You cannot judge him only on the good things, that's inconsistent. If he gets the praise for every good thing then he gets the responsibility for every bad thing. Every bad deed, every bad thought, every single negative thing ever is his fault. Yeah, what a swell guy. Just as Christopher Hitchins says, even if I believed in god he obviously doesn't deserve worship.

2 Peter 1:20-21 - Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of G-d spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Acts 27:14-15 - But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive.
I know its difficult for you to grasp but quoting the bible to me does absolutely nothing to support your argument. Every other holy book has similar comments to make about prophecy and how their deity or deities are awesome. You don't believe the bible is the word of any deity, I don't believe it to be an accurate recount of history, I don't believe it to be a good moral guide and quotes from it are no more impressive (not that they are impressive in the slightest) than any other pseudo navel gazing book trying to pass itself off as important.

Man has never in the whole history of our Earth discovered something new that did not already exist.
I didn't say Man had. I said we discovered the explanations and underlying mechanisms of a great many things, sometimes in contradiction to the claims of the bible.

We cannot even create a new color in the rainbow. Everything that is created in “science” is already contingent to our Earth and Universe. Therefore the thinking on your part that everything that is created in science is solely due to mans doing IS WRONG!
You seem to have no understanding of what science is. When I say things like "Science has provided us with models of gravity" or "Scientists provided us with germ theory and medicine" I am not saying "Scientists created gravity" or "Scientists created germs", I'm saying that people, through hard work and time, have gained an understanding of the universe all by themselves, not from god. Our understanding of how gravity behaves is solely due to the work people have done. Our understanding of the affect germs have on us is due entirely to research by people. Hell, the fact germs exist was something the bible forgot to mention despite it being so damn important to the lives of humans.

Our grasp of the universe we got ourselves. Even if the universe were created by a deity he's been of zero help to us. Besides, he definitely didn't do it in the way set out in Genesis, another thing we've realised thanks to our work.

A scientist said to G-d, "Look I created life". G-d said to the scientist. "How did you do that?" "Well boasted the scientist, I first got some chemicals". "First, said G-d, you must create the chemicals".
Is a strawman all you can do? Our understanding of life has come about through our work. Where chemicals and life came from is entirely a separate issue and it certainly wasn't how Genesis says, that much is known.

Ok here’s one for you… explain to me what life is? What is it that makes us alive? What is consciousness?
So your answer is 'No', you cannot provide an example. Instead you've done what is known as 'a shifting of the burden of proof'. You state there's a god and I (and many others) find you have not provided sufficient evidence. And now when you're asked to provide some you basically say "I cannot fathom an explanation for [X] therefore god exists". Its an argument from ignorance. Whether or not I have an explanation for the origin of humans is irrelevant, as any inability on my part to provide an answer doesn't mean your answer is more validated.

Here's a simple example of your kind of logic. Suppose I ask two people who are rubbish at mathematics what 593 times 5319 is. One says 10, the other says "I don't know". Is the answer of the first person more valid because the second doesn't know? Of course not.

Besides, the understanding of the human body and mind is moving forward at an enormous pace, due to things like fMRIs and PET scanners (things people devised). Our bodies are biochemical machines which have a system of electrochemical signals and patterns maintained by energy derived from food. Complex systems which may be capable of self organisation are able to form from sometimes very simple initial set ups, just look at things like fractals or Conway's game of life.

As an atheist my position is "I do not believe in a god or gods". This is not the same as "I know there are no gods". The former doesn't require any evidence or justification, as its a rejection of a claim. The latter requires evidence and justification. You claim "There is a god". I find the evidence for your statement lacking and hence I have no burden of proof as all I'm asserting is that I see no reason to believe. If someone says "Bigfoot exists!" and I say "I do not think you have provided enough evidence and thus I do not accept your claim" then it is incumbent on them to provide evidence. Same applies to claims about god or gods, its not that I'm selling "No god exists", its that I'm not buying your "A god exists" and even if I were I'd not be buying "And he has these views....".

Not only the sum of its parts, but “Information” (DNA) is a vital clue to the mystery of life itself. We cannot produce a living thing by merely putting together all its parts. An example of this is a dead animal that has been driven over by a car and smashed instantly. In one moment it was once alive, and in the next moment now it’s dead. This tells us that life is not the sum total of its physical parts. [Nonsensically nobody really knows what the difference is between a living animal and a dead animal other than once it was consciously moving and alive and now its unconscious, motionless, lifeless and dead. But the question remains, “WHAT” did it loose? It obviously lost its life (its spirit), but where did it go? This is what nobody seems to know - the mystery of life has eluded us. It’s a mysterious organizing, coordinating and orchestrating principle, and only G-d alone holds the answer to solving the mystery of life.
Entropy explains it all. My conciousness is an electrochemical pattern in my brain which is maintainable in what is really an unstable state by a constant influx of low entropy energy. To prevent bacteria destroying my cells I must maintain them, as you would paint the walls of a house to keep the brickwork in good condition. If my body isn't kept at a particular temperature then certain chemical reactions don't occur or occur in the wrong way and parts of the cells in my body begin to break down. The decay to a more energetically favourable configuration occurs within minutes, even seconds, of the energy and chemical flow stopping. Once there's no energy for enzymes or proteins to maintain my cells everything begins the break. Bacteria start being able to destroy my cells and I begin to rot.

If you can stop these decay processes, both on a cellular and molecular level then you can, in principle, 'restart' cells or even bodies. That's why organs are transported in ice, it slows the cellular decay enough to get from one person to another. Its why some people with more money than sense have had their bodies frozen immediately after death, it maximises the chance they'll be revivable if some day we can cure whatever it was which killed them.

The theory of evolution reduces life down to a mere physical chemical thing, and its not!
Provide evidence which is demonstrable. This a claim you must justify. You're engaging in an argument from ignorance again, you don't know how life works or how it could have naturally developed so you jump to "And god did it". I don't know how to build a car engine but I don't assume god did it.

The Bible tells us that G-d breathed His breath into Adam to make him alive (a living spirit and soul). Now stop and consider just what the living breath of life is? Genesis 2:7 - The Lord G-d formed the man Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Provide demonstrable, repeatable evidence for the soul.

Additionally energy by “itself” is incapable of making amino acids form the more complex molecules of proteins.
Another claim you need to demonstrate evidence for. We can turn amino acids into proteins in a testtube, outside of any living thing. All you need is the right combination of amino acids combined in the right way with the right energy input or output. Its a well understood process which doesn't have any "And then something magic happens and its a protein!". Protein sequencing, protein folding and DNA dynamics are huge areas of research, we know how DNA replicates on a molecular level.

Therefore inescapably, without known exception there has to be a coded pre-planned program from whence these codes came from.
You have done from a baseless claim to... no, you've gone from a falsified claim and an argument from ignorance to a completely unjustified conclusion. Amino acids and proteins are not unknown areas of biology, these are things you can look up easily. Well, I say you but we both know you haven't been in the same state as a science book for years.

Disorder will NEVER randomly become order.
The Poincare recurrence time, chaos theory, thermodynamics and even physical chemistry disagree. Again, you're making flat assertions not only without doing any research on the matter but you're doing it on a website populated by people who do science for a living.

The most basic example is water. As liquid or gas its molecules are in a random configuration but if you cool it below freezing they all line up in a predictable pattern on a molecular level (as anything involving crystals does). Even more than that, they can form patterns on a macroscopic level as seen in snowflakes. Order from disorder in entirely naturalistic and well understood processes.

Something must direct the impending physical energy before it can “KNOW” how to organize the components. This NEED (by itself) is of little whim to the mindless interplaying atomic particles of the elements that they were to form, and then latter get together and program the code of the replication process themselves.
All assertion without evidence.

In crystals, each compound by its chemical and elemental property is directed into a geometric pattern of its pre-existing structure.
Thanks for actually demonstrating that either you're deliberately deceptive or just thick. You just made it clear you are aware crystals form with structure yet your brain couldn't connect that to a disordered system becoming ordered. But then I guess its out of practice when it comes to linking logically.

It seems that a code always requires an intelligent order as well a an intelligent planner. So as one can see the much needed ingredient to all of this is “INFORMATION“. It deserves independence of its own. In that, INFORMATION is something comparatively different from matter. It can never be deduced to just a material aspect. For instance, I would like you to think of your computer and the words you are now reading on it. It consists of a monitor screen and light, and the information within it. The monitor and light are material substances composed of matter. The computer is made of plastic and metal. However, the “INFORMATION” (words) on the screen is NONMATERIAL, and it came from my conscious mind who is the writing source behind the material aspect of it. I put it into the material form of the computer screen for you see and read. I translated the information in my mind into letters, using a keyboard and computer. As a product and outcome, this “INFORMATION” is passed onto you. In conclusion, you can understand that mind, matter and design constructed this “information” from a source beyond just the material aspects of it.
Flawed reasoning. This is a subject covered on a TV show called 'The Atheist Experience' recently. Here is one and here is another (between 5m and 15m or so). You're arguing from analogy.

Similarly, the source of information in nature cannot be matter itself either, but another influence at work. A superior source beyond matter and existing PRIOR to matter. The administrator of this information is what we can interpret as G-d who brought everything into existence, formed it, and so eloquently organized it all.
Information isn't some conserved specific thing like energy. Information is observer dependent. I get no information from a book written in Chinese while someone reading a book on mathematics might get a lot less information from it than me. A piece of information to one person is noise to another. You don't need to put in information to get DNA, it is just an arrangement of atoms which has developed over time under specific rules related to chemistry and biology. Even ignoring the fact its not a random process random processes can produce things which can be viewed as information, but it depends on the person doing the observation. Get enough monkeys typing and given enough time you'll get all the books ever written but you'll also get a lot of 'noise'. And books in other languages (which use the same alphabet obviously). We give things the label 'information' and its done in a very arbitrary way. In fact its a huge question in information theory as to how to even measure information content (something I happen to be working on myself) because its such a situation dependent thing. 20, 12, 4, 32, 23, 14. Is that sequence useful information? Or random? It might be next weeks lottery numbers or the code to a safe but to you right now its meaningless, it lacks context.

All of your arguments are just rehashings of default theistic claims. Nothing you've tried is new to me and certainly not convincing. Watch a few episodes of that TV show I just linked to and you'll see just how flimsy your arguments are and how easily they are blown apart. And the fact you're daft enough to try to make up claims about science to people who do science for a living only serves to make your position seem worse. If your arguments are valid you shouldn't need to lie and make false assertions.
If she isn't, that's an awesome idea!

well Poe's law states that it is impossible to tell the difference between a ravingly insane fundie and someone parodying one.

As a person who likes to look on the positive side of things, I'm strongly inclined to refuse to beleive that anyone can possibly be as batshit insane as Anita appears to be, so I'm forced to take her posts and her book as one huge joke.

I suggest we all do the same
This is true Crunchy Cat that my book is listed as fiction, but there is a specific reason for that.

Yes... because it's fiction.

On the back cover of my book I explain that one must decide for themself if it is truely non fiction.

Why? The publishing world has already done the leg work on that.

If your going to claim that my book is truely "fiction", then you at least have to find me something "not true" about what I write about.

This entire thread has shown numerous examples of that. You have simply glossed over them because "truth" is always inconvenient when someone such as yourself is peddling pure shit.

Can you disclaim any of the info that I had supplied with this demo of my book?

Of course I can... as just about anyone can who has participated in this thread.

If you can, I'd certainly like to hear/dispute it.

I doubt that you would like to hear it. I know it's a completely false statement that you would like to dispute it (based on your consistent trends).
I am familiar with many prophecies, philosophies, math, history (which people sometimes put out of context), along with many different interests. Anita's book is fiction because it currently tries to describe a currently unknown belief and to put it into context in today's light. some people forget what history they are in and what history they come from. (Im partial to the seven sisters as a mythology, and actuality myself) and arguing about history and dates and nonsense, is in and of itself nonsense. Or does not make any sense in laymen's terms. Common sense makes sense and common sense stems from wisdom not knowledge. Knowledge is only as powerful as you can throw facts out randomly. Common sense is something you have to learn on your own and does not come from any book. Neitzsche wrote a tad about it and so did Thomas Paine. I stand with them on their beliefs, specifically the intro age of reason and how history repeats itselfe. OH MY GOD IT's REPEATING. the sky is falling. lol jk:shrug:
Anita's book is fiction because it currently tries to describe a currently unknown belief and to put it into context in today's light.
Wrong. Anita's book is fiction because it's a compilation of utter nonsense, compounded by ignorance, wishful thinking and a deliberate twisting of known facts.
homeopathy is just a persons take on the placebo effect..."I hope to god we are all familiar with this one" If he told you exactly what he was doing it wouldn't work. The difference in homeopathy is that it uses less of the drug to "cure" the ailment. I believe the process works with less significant drugs like for mental illness for example perhaps is an inexact science.

I will one day prove from a case study that OCD is related to more than just germ-o-phobia.
AND that insanity reaches up. In my mind you are all insane, with your dribble on suppressing any free thoughts or plausible ideas without knowing what data has been statistically skewed in any experiment. It all comes down to statistics uses both words and numbers to give an explanation.

you can and will not break my mental spirit. Although many people stretch the truth no pure translation is truly viable of any action from the past. The past is data that has been skewed for many different purposes and the simplest ideas such as symbols can only tell the truth. and no one language in history holds power, but as a summation of all "ideas" from past present and future synchronism will appear in time. In all eyes as we all look toward the future. such as Anita's book would suggest.
Or does not make any sense in laymen's terms. Common sense makes sense and common sense stems from wisdom not knowledge. Knowledge is only as powerful as you can throw facts out randomly. Common sense is something you have to learn on your own and does not come from any book.
Knowledge is more than just regurgitating facts, its about knowing when and where to use them, to combine them and develop them. Computers can recall facts but they aren't 'knowledgeable'. A calculator can do basic arithmetic faster than any human but they can't do mathematics. And common sense or intuition is not always the best guide, particularly in the world of science when you have to sometimes turn over all your previous views in the light of evidence.
homeopathy is just a persons take on the placebo effect... If he told you exactly what he was doing it wouldn't work. The difference in homeopathy is that it uses less of the drug to "cure" the ailment.
Neither placebos nor homoeopathy use a drug, so how can it use "less"?

I will one day prove from a case study that OCD is related to more than just germ-o-phobia.
Right. :rolleyes: How scientific of you, knowing what you're going to prove before you even start.

AND that insanity reaches up. In my mind you are all insane, with your dribble on suppressing any free thoughts or plausible ideas without knowing what data has been statistically skewed in any experiment. It all comes down to statistics uses both words and numbers to give an explanation.
For someone who claimed earlier to be familiar with maths it appears it's only a passing familiarity. How familiar, exactly? You once saw a book?

you can and will not break my mental spirit. Although many people stretch the truth no pure translation is truly viable of any action from the past. The past is data that has been skewed for many different purposes and the simplest ideas such as symbols can only tell the truth. and no one language in history holds power, but as a summation of all "ideas" from past present and future synchronism will appear in time. In all eyes as we all look toward the future. such as Anita's book would suggest.
Word salad. Incoherent gibberish.
Hello Alphanumerics, as expected a lot of atheist garble again!

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
what I’m saying is that the concept is their in “homeopathy” for a higher understanding of science. ”

You have no grasp of the scientific method so you're not really the person to ask when it comes to what may or may not be helpful for scientific understanding.

Wrong, as a matter of fact I am the person to ask, as most of my posts reveal. On the other you have no room to talk since you’ve confessed all you have is a degree in physics and are limited in biology.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Of course I go to a doctor and the hospital if I‘m ill, I thank G-d for advances in science that help or preserve the human body ”

You should thank doctors, not God. If God made our bodies he did a terrible job, we break so easily and so many structures in our body would never be made by deliberate rational design. The eye has a blind spot due to the optic nerve and our retinas can get detached. An octopus doesn't have that problem. In men the urinary tract goes through the middle of the prostate. We put food and air down the same passageway. And those are just a few poor 'design' features of the human body. The reason we now live 70+ years in the Western world is the work of Man. If god exists then we are figuring out how to make up for his mistakes.

Yes, I thank BOTH doctors and G-d! However you are wrong again on the assumption that G-d did a terrible job at designing our body. As for the eye having a blind spot due to the optic nerve, this is a whole lot of bunk! Firstly, there is no bad design in the wiring of the human eye. This is purely an attack on the designer!

This is the same ole canard of the evolutionist. It would be nice if anti-creationists actually learned something about the eye before making such claims. These people are usually disqualified in both physical optics and eye anatomy. What you should be asking these people is to show you how the eye doesn’t function properly as a result. I would also challenge them to design a better eye with the versatility of the vertebrate eye. This would include color perception, resolution, coping with the range of light intensity, night vision as well as day vision, the human eye is also brilliantly designed to cope with far wider ranges.

The reason our eyes are wired backwards is to stop the nerves from going behind the eye because that space is designed for what’s called the "choroid" which supplies a rich blood supply to the eyes to regenerate the photoreceptors. So it is necessary for the nerves to go in front instead. The claim that this creates a blind spot and interferes with vision is blatantly false because these nerves are virtually transparent because of their small size! Rather what actually limits the eyes resolution is the diffraction of light waves at the pupil... so alleged improvements of the retina would make no difference.

Now I know that evolutionists claim that cephalopod eye is somehow right or better because its reversed with the nerves behind the receptors of creatures like the octopus or the squid, but no one who has actually studied these eyes could make such claims with integrity. In fact cephalopods don’t see as well as humans, and the octopus eye is totally different and much simpler. Its more like a compound eye with a single lens.

Oh and let me also add... that the blind spot (in humans) is said to be bad design. But this is not true because the blind spot occupies only a small fraction of the visual field and axis. So the alleged defect is only "theoretical". This blind spot is not even handicapped enough to stop a one eyed person from driving a motor vehicle!

The same goes for the urinary tract in men, and why food and air go down the same passageway. I could list a number of things such as the appendix and tonsils and such. However if you study these things in greater depth you will learn that there is no faulty design in any of these things - there are good reasons for all of them!

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
There is nothing that stops me from believing that such advances in science are not only due to men/woman, but also FULLY due to G-d! ”

He doesn't help us worth medical knowledge. Did he invent the MRI? No.

YES He does help us with medical knowledge, and YES he did inspire the person/people that invented the MRI! As I previously said… this is an energy that works through us guiding us along step by step. Whether you wish to call it G-d, source, spirit or Holy Spirit, this energy writes all the books, delivers all the speeches, paints all the pictures. And as I’ve also previously explained… when any of us are in thought, or inspired by something, we are essentially in spirit transcending all limitations of our consciousness. So as to know that something greater (of a higher purpose) is at work here fulfilling the divine purpose.

Did he explain germs to us? No. All those lepers in the bible and he or Jesus explain to people how to cure it? No, it took thousands of years for us to work out out to do it.

Incidentally “germs” were explained to us in the Bible on numerous occasions in the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It seems that the Bible also knew about “bacteria and parasites”. Because in (Leviticus 13:45-46) it tells us to wash after handling a dead body. And in (Numbers 19:11-19) it tells us to bury excrement away from a camp. Additionally in (Deuteronomy 23:12-13) it contains instructions to dispose of human excrement away from the people, in order to keep the camp holy. Here we find that Moses’ sister Miriam was infected with a disease or virus of some kind, and G-d told Moses to remove her from the presence of the people for seven days (suggesting that the illness had a seven day incubation period). Numbers 12:14 - The Lord replied to Moses, Confine her outside the camp for seven days, after that she can be brought back. This is amazing considering that people didn't understand the biological nature of germs until relatively recently (the last few hundred years). And they couldn’t have know this without a microscope. Yet in the Old Testament it specifies cleanliness laws, food laws as well as viral knowledge, so they must have had somewhat of an understanding of germs, yet they couldn’t see them, or understand how they were transmitted. So the question remains, how did they know this unless otherwise privy from G-d?

Bacteria, parasites and germs are also one of the main reason (aside from the spiritual) for Kosher laws.

I also find the law of “circumcision“ in the Bible to be of interest here. In Genesis G-d commanded Abraham to circumcise Isaac on the 8th day after he was born. Genesis 17:12 - And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. This has since become a religious instruction ever since for covenant reasons, but has been associated throughout modern science for cleanliness reasons. However, it would have been beyond Abraham to know why it was to be done specifically on the 8th day after birth. Until recently when it was discovered that specific blood clotting factors (vitamin K) are produced by the body at a higher concentration on the 8th day after birth. Abraham could not have known this without G-d’s intervention. However, the evolutionist will tell us that when thy performed this circumcision ritual (for barbaric uncivilized reasons) they must have lost several babies and kept doing it until they discovered that a baby was stronger and better equipped for survival on or about the 8th day. However, this is a lewd assumption since the Bible specifically tells us that this “initial” ritual was commanded by G-d to circumcise Isaac precisely on the 8th day as to establish His covenant with all the descendants of Abraham. Though there are no recorded incidents of babies dying from circumcision in the Bible, there have been several recorded incidents in past history that mention babies dying from this procedure, but it was most likely because of blood loss or bacterial infection from a procedure that was not done properly.

If God's supposed to be so helpful why can't people extract working practical knowledge from the Bible before science figures it out? Why are all these 'revelations of knowledge' in the Bible always discovered after science did the work?

Why should god get credit when he doesn't lift a finger?

G-d only needs to tell us something once, and that should be enough. In fact there is a Bible phrase that specifically tells us this. Luke 16:31 - He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead (this is referring to Moses and the Prophets thus the entire Bible). Everything that G-d had/has to say to us has already been recorded in the Bible. He doesn’t need to reiterate Himself. Thus, if we don’t read His word and come to know the truth we’ll continue to decrease down the path of the atheist scientist and the evolutionist (as you are previously doing), because its all hidden from them (and you forever) unless you open the Bible which is the pathway to G-d. The secret to all answers is programmed by G-d for you and me THROUGH HIS WORD! Essentially, without the WORD OF G-D we are lost! Yes, the profession of the scientist is important to a certain degree, but when we are dealing with “eternal issues”, these scientific studies may actually be a spiritual deterrent if we look outside the bounds of what the Bible tells us of the origin of all things in existence. One must learn by heart and spirit that the believer has divine knowledge over any unbeliever no matter how educated, accomplished, skillful, talented or brilliant they may be!

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Without even realizing it you are part of fulfilling the divine purpose of G-d. whether you believe it or not, or wish to call it something other than G-d such as source, it is this energy that writes all the books, delivers all the speeches, paints all the pictures, discovers mathematical formulas and scientific theories… ect ect you name it. ”

Utterly baseless and completely circular. You presume god made everything and not only that you then give him credit for anything good which anyone does, since ultimately we exist because he made it so. Even if god made everything he doesn't deserve any credit for things we have done. If I stop someone being mugged I acted. If I work hard I put in the effort. If I help someone to the detriment of myself I made that sacrifice.

We cannot rightfully say/claim that anything is of our own doing, since everything that we have is "endowed" to us by our Creator!

Thomas Jefferson once said, all the freedoms we have in this country are endowed to us by our Creator: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government - Thomas Jefferson.

Besides, you only mention the good things. If god made everything and all things have him as their source then he made all the psychopaths, he caused all the murders and wars and rapes in history. He killed billions of people violently because he made all the weapons, all the arms, all the hatred, the bigotry, the anger in everyone.

You cannot judge him only on the good things, that's inconsistent. If he gets the praise for every good thing then he gets the responsibility for every bad thing. Every bad deed, every bad thought, every single negative thing ever is his fault. Yeah, what a swell guy. Just as Christopher Hitchins says, even if I believed in god he obviously doesn't deserve worship.

This is were the Atheists “who do not know scripture” loose base. The book of Genesis clearly tells us that on account of “sin” we are living in a cursed world. This Alphanumeric is the real answer to why we have the law of "ENTROPY" - whose end result is death. That very reason can be found within the Bible as the faulty thing that caused the laws of entropy to kick-in in the first place - which was the initial act of sin itself! Genesis 2:17 - But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.

I Corinthians 15:22 - All “in Adam” die. From the curse on down throughout history things die. Genesis 3:19 - For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return (implying a physical death from which there was not any before). Romans 5:12 - Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.

Nothing is mutating or evolving... NOTHING, only dying! In fact everything is in “reverse” and the Bible clearly reveals this to us.

First (in the order of events) there was G-d. Than G-d made man who was in submission (served) to Him. Than G-d made the woman who was in submission to man. And lastly the animal kingdom that was in submission to mankind (which G-d gave man dominion over). Now after the curse/fall everything is in reverse order. It’s now the animal kingdom (the serpent), and than the woman who submitted to the animal (satan), and the man who now submits to his wife, and the one who is lastly submitted to is G-d. From this point on, everything of G-d’s original plan was in reversed order and went from a sustained order into downward disorder (aka entropy). This is what caused entropy and physical changes in living things. Genesis 3:14-19*- So the Lord G-d said to the serpent, Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. To the woman he said, I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. To Adam he said, Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, You must not eat of it, Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.

You may ask what is “sin” truly all about? Well after the initial sin was committed G-d already had a redemptive plan for salvation in place and in the end “death” will be destroyed (this is the purpose for the Messiah). 1 Corinthians 15:26 - The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. The last enemy is death because it is what originally brought about sin. This is actually the whole reason for the “gospel” in a nutshell.

Our grasp of the universe we got ourselves. Even if the universe were created by a deity he's been of zero help to us. Besides, he definitely didn't do it in the way set out in Genesis, another thing we've realised thanks to our work.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
A scientist said to G-d, "Look I created life". G-d said to the scientist. "How did you do that?" "Well boasted the scientist, I first got some chemicals". "First, said G-d, you must create the chemicals". ”

Is a strawman all you can do? Our understanding of life has come about through our work. Where chemicals and life came from is entirely a separate issue and it certainly wasn't how Genesis says, that much is known.

Oh really? The last time I checked the observable laws of nature correspond precisely to what the Bible tells us about creation and dictates that living things cannot come from nonliving things. This is not a THEORY but a incontrovertible LAW of biogenesis! Genesis 1:11 - And G-d said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

I watch in delight as Evolutionists still struggle to explain where the first cell came from? What is even more entertaining is that they cant even replicate it. :)

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Not only the sum of its parts, but “Information” (DNA) is a vital clue to the mystery of life itself. We cannot produce a living thing by merely putting together all its parts. An example of this is a dead animal that has been driven over by a car and smashed instantly. In one moment it was once alive, and in the next moment now it’s dead. This tells us that life is not the sum total of its physical parts. [Nonsensically nobody really knows what the difference is between a living animal and a dead animal other than once it was consciously moving and alive and now its unconscious, motionless, lifeless and dead. But the question remains, “WHAT” did it loose? It obviously lost its life (its spirit), but where did it go? This is what nobody seems to know - the mystery of life has eluded us. It’s a mysterious organizing, coordinating and orchestrating principle, and only G-d alone holds the answer to solving the mystery of life. ”

Entropy explains it all. My conciousness is an electrochemical pattern in my brain which is maintainable in what is really an unstable state by a constant influx of low entropy energy. To prevent bacteria destroying my cells I must maintain them, as you would paint the walls of a house to keep the brickwork in good condition. If my body isn't kept at a particular temperature then certain chemical reactions don't occur or occur in the wrong way and parts of the cells in my body begin to break down. The decay to a more energetically favourable configuration occurs within minutes, even seconds, of the energy and chemical flow stopping. Once there's no energy for enzymes or proteins to maintain my cells everything begins the break. Bacteria start being able to destroy my cells and I begin to rot.

If you can stop these decay processes, both on a cellular and molecular level then you can, in principle, 'restart' cells or even bodies. That's why organs are transported in ice, it slows the cellular decay enough to get from one person to another. Its why some people with more money than sense have had their bodies frozen immediately after death, it maximises the chance they'll be revivable if some day we can cure whatever it was which killed them.

Another claim you need to demonstrate evidence for. We can turn amino acids into proteins in a testtube, outside of any living thing. All you need is the right combination of amino acids combined in the right way with the right energy input or output. Its a well understood process which doesn't have any "And then something magic happens and its a protein!". Protein sequencing, protein folding and DNA dynamics are huge areas of research, we know how DNA replicates on a molecular level.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Disorder will NEVER randomly become order. ”

The Poincare recurrence time, chaos theory, thermodynamics and even physical chemistry disagree. Again, you're making flat assertions not only without doing any research on the matter but you're doing it on a website populated by people who do science for a living.

The most basic example is water. As liquid or gas its molecules are in a random configuration but if you cool it below freezing they all line up in a predictable pattern on a molecular level (as anything involving crystals does). Even more than that, they can form patterns on a macroscopic level as seen in snowflakes. Order from disorder in entirely naturalistic and well understood processes.

Stop trying to make yourself sound intelligent by pointing out Poincare and such! Logically the design for water freezing into a crystal is lined up in a predictable ordered pattern because these INSTRUCTIONS WERE OBVIOUSLY ALLREADY (BEFOREHAND) PROGRAMED INTO THE WATER MOLECULE (AND BEFORE THE WATER MOLECULE - THE ATOM) BY AN INTELEGENT DESIGNER - NAMELY G-D!

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Similarly, the source of information in nature cannot be matter itself either, but another influence at work. A superior source beyond matter and existing PRIOR to matter. The administrator of this information is what we can interpret as G-d who brought everything into existence, formed it, and so eloquently organized it all. ”

Information isn't some conserved specific thing like energy. Information is observer dependent. I get no information from a book written in Chinese while someone reading a book on mathematics might get a lot less information from it than me. A piece of information to one person is noise to another. You don't need to put in information to get DNA, it is just an arrangement of atoms which has developed over time under specific rules related to chemistry and biology. Even ignoring the fact its not a random process random processes can produce things which can be viewed as information, but it depends on the person doing the observation. Get enough monkeys typing and given enough time you'll get all the books ever written but you'll also get a lot of 'noise'. And books in other languages (which use the same alphabet obviously). We give things the label 'information' and its done in a very arbitrary way. In fact its a huge question in information theory as to how to even measure information content (something I happen to be working on myself) because its such a situation dependent thing. 20, 12, 4, 32, 23, 14. Is that sequence useful information? Or random? It might be next weeks lottery numbers or the code to a safe but to you right now its meaningless, it lacks context.

Firstly, the mechanism offered by evolution totally contradicts the second law of thermodynamics (or as you said ealier - entropy). It argues that disordered atoms and molecules impulsively came together over time and formed all by themselves under natural condition to assemble complex molecules such as proteins and DNA, whereby millions of different living species with more organized configuration gradually emerged and are (at present) continually in the process of evolving higher levels of order. But this is conflicting with the law of thermodynamics and entropy which clearly reveals to us that systems (evolution) should DECAY through time thus giving less, not more order.

Consider protons for example. Protons are the positively charged subatomic particles which (along with neutrons) form the nucleus of an atom (around which negatively charged electrons orbit). Whether by chance or unexpected luck, protons just happen to be larger than electrons. If they were a little bigger or a little smaller we would not exist simply because atoms could not form the molecules we require.

So how did protons end up being larger than electrons? Why not larger or smaller? Of all the possible variables, how did protons end up being just the right size?

Or how is it that protons carry a positive electrical charge equal to that of the negatively charged electron? If protons did not balance electrons and vice versa we would not exist. They are not comparable in size and yet they are perfectly balanced. Did nature just stumble upon such a favorable relationship or did an intelligent Agent with a purposeful design ordain it that way?

Secondly, The whole premise of evolution hinges on the idea that given enough time and chance we can get life. And this is brought on by insinuating that the earth is billions of years old. Oh the devil is crafty all right (enough to fool you)… he has teachers instructing students (in a little experiment) to take a hat and put all the letters of the alphabet in it from A to Z. Than the teacher asks the students (without looking or thinking) to pull these letters out of the hat. What naturally happens on occasion is that by chance some students pull out letters in a row that spell something that they can recognize as a word, such as a letter C followed by a letter A, and followed by a letter T… The students arrived at the word CAT (a word by chance). See, (says the teacher) given enough time we could get a sequence of words by chance… and given enough time we could get sentences… and eventually given enough time we could get a whole information bank - and there you have it the teacher says… life!

But there is a fatal flaw in this whole analogy. First of all, who is the word CAT understood by? If it’s a English speaking person they will automatically know that it means CAT. However, if its to a Spanish, French or Chinese person they would have no clue as to the word CAT. So this automatically tells us that it is only acknowledgeable to somebody who already knows the language. But this analogy is still incorrect even to the English speaking person that can recognize the word CAT, because there is another factor that exists in the cells of the DNA which comes into play… and these are chemicals that make up a language system that than makes up the order of molecules meaningful in the DNA. So in other words, it is “these chemicals” that read the language to make it meaningful. So you need the language to make the order of molecules and vice versa - you cannot have one without the other.

All of your arguments are just rehashings of default theistic claims. Nothing you've tried is new to me and certainly not convincing. Watch a few episodes of that TV show I just linked to and you'll see just how flimsy your arguments are and how easily they are blown apart. And the fact you're daft enough to try to make up claims about science to people who do science for a living only serves to make your position seem worse. If your arguments are valid you shouldn't need to lie and make false assertions.

Sadly, the only reason you have a head, is to keep rain out of your neck. :(
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homeopathy is just a persons take on the placebo effect..."I hope to god we are all familiar with this one" If he told you exactly what he was doing it wouldn't work. The difference in homeopathy is that it uses less of the drug to "cure" the ailment. I believe the process works with less significant drugs like for mental illness for example perhaps is an inexact science.

I will one day prove from a case study that OCD is related to more than just germ-o-phobia.

Hello Moose1989, I thought maybe I could delight you with something of interest pertaining to this.

If you properly understood my book Demo and were able to apply it. It would suggest that such mathematical units that are in all of nature would also apply to the human brain. By this I mean on all conscious levels of thought as well. You see Moose, when we are in conscious thought the neurons in our brain are fleeting about with this same exact mathematical unit of growth. They are spiraling with the same unit of growth that I’ve shown produce the Hebrew letters. Therefore when one is in thought, we are forming letters - the Hebrew letters (the Primordial Language) in which our Creator can readily interpret.

Thus prayer is heard. I know your thoughts even before you think them. Psalm 94:11- The Lord knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile.

Psalm 139:2 - You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.

Now this also applies to the field of “Quantum Mechanics” of what true reality is. Quantum Mechanics is really all about CHOICES, thus free will. Quantum Mechanics may be the most powerfully proven un-falsifiable tool for predicting the actions and behaviors “of our physical system” though it be through corporal or non-corporal realities or between choice, free will, and faith.

Have a great day! :)
Anita Meyer said:
As for the eye having a blind spot due to the optic nerve, this is a whole lot of bunk! Firstly, there is no bad design in the wiring of the human eye. This is purely an attack on the designer!This is the same ole canard of the evolutionist. It would be nice if anti-creationists actually learned something about the eye before making such claims. These people are usually disqualified in both physical optics and eye anatomy.
There is a blind spot, it's not bunk. It would be good if you learned what the "ole canard" is before you claim to debunk it. The point isn't that the design is flawed enough not to work right. The eye does work fine in just about all the conditions in which we may want to use it. We don't notice the spot because our brain fills in the gap.

There are better designs out there, used on other animals. They do not have a blind spot, but maybe that doesn't matter. The point is that the retina in our eyes is the way it is because it had to build on previous evolved traits. There is no designer because our blind spot proves we were not designed that way from scratch. A designer with a blank slate could have easily make the design decision to make our eyes like that of an eagle. But evolution cannot take leaps of intuition, it can only build on what it was handed down from previous forms, so we are stuck with a compromise. There are numerous example of this in nature. I don't expect you to understand the significance of this.

Anita said:
I watch in delight as Evolutionists still struggle to explain where the first cell came from?
It was around 4 billion years ago. The oldest cold case in history. Where did God come from?
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I was reading about this "author" on a different thread.. And just figured, OK, just another nut-job. But WOW, this is way over my head. Aside from the obvious misconceptions, and utter ignorance of this person... This is just my personal thing here.. You attacked someone, for only having ONE college degree. So, I have to ask, how many do YOU have? I have 3. That certainly doesn't make me any more intelligent than ANYONE else. Hell, I do stupid crap all the time, ask anyone I know. But, my point is, You are clearly a mental midget, yet lash out at others that don't see you as a sage of the ages. And people wonder why I'm an Atheist. If you're the best proof that a God exists, them I made the right choice.
Wrong, as a matter of fact I am the person to ask, as most of my posts reveal. On the other you have no room to talk since you’ve confessed all you have is a degree in physics and are limited in biology.
Name 1 thing you've done which has been published in a journal. 1 thing which has passed review by the scientific community.

Something tells me I'll be waiting a while....

Yes, I thank BOTH doctors and G-d! However you are wrong again on the assumption that G-d did a terrible job at designing our body. As for the eye having a blind spot due to the optic nerve, this is a whole lot of bunk! Firstly, there is no bad design in the wiring of the human eye. This is purely an attack on the designer!
I think you should look up how the eye works. Its demonstrated to children in school. Opticians know about it. Look it up. You're in denial.

This is the same ole canard of the evolutionist. It would be nice if anti-creationists actually learned something about the eye before making such claims. These people are usually disqualified in both physical optics and eye anatomy. What you should be asking these people is to show you how the eye doesn’t function properly as a result. I would also challenge them to design a better eye with the versatility of the vertebrate eye. This would include color perception, resolution, coping with the range of light intensity, night vision as well as day vision, the human eye is also brilliantly designed to cope with far wider ranges.
Most animals have superior eyes to us, in terms of night vision, distance, movement, spectrum. Our eye, in fact all our senses, is done better in the animal kingdom.

The same goes for the urinary tract in men, and why food and air go down the same passageway. I could list a number of things such as the appendix and tonsils and such. However if you study these things in greater depth you will learn that there is no faulty design in any of these things - there are good reasons for all of them!
They all serve some purpose but that has nothing to do with whether their 'design' is optimal. The prostate could still do its job if the urinary tract didn't go through the middle of it. I didn't say things were useless, I said they were designed poorly if you assume a designer.

YES He does help us with medical knowledge, and YES he did inspire the person/people that invented the MRI!
Provide evidence. You're using circular logic. He created everything therefore he gets the credit for everything thus anything any one does is evidence for him. If he doesn't exist in the first place then he inspires no one. You must prove existence before you can even get close to assuming he inspires people.

Can't you do anything better than circular logic?

Whether you wish to call it G-d, source, spirit or Holy Spirit, this energy writes all the books, delivers all the speeches, paints all the pictures. And as I’ve also previously explained… when any of us are in thought, or inspired by something, we are essentially in spirit transcending all limitations of our consciousness. So as to know that something greater (of a higher purpose) is at work here fulfilling the divine purpose.
You seem to have a blind spot in your thinking. You give him credit for all the good things but you don't mention his bad things. He made all the birds and trees and inspired the poets and musicians but if thats the case he also created all the disease, hatred, bigotry, ignorance, murderers, rapists, psychopaths everything which is bad. You can't call him 'the creator of all things' and then only consider the good things, you have to consider all the bad things too.

If god exists (which you have yet to present any evidence for) he certainly isn't worthy of worship. He's an ass.

Incidentally “germs” were explained to us in the Bible on numerous occasions in the books of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It seems that the Bible also knew about “bacteria and parasites”. Because in (Leviticus 13:45-46) it tells us to wash after handling a dead body. And in (Numbers 19:11-19) it tells us to bury excrement away from a camp. Additionally in (Deuteronomy 23:12-13) it contains instructions to dispose of human excrement away from the people, in order to keep the camp holy. Here we find that Moses’ sister Miriam was infected with a disease or virus of some kind, and G-d told Moses to remove her from the presence of the people for seven days (suggesting that the illness had a seven day incubation period). Numbers 12:14 - The Lord replied to Moses, Confine her outside the camp for seven days, after that she can be brought back. This is amazing considering that people didn't understand the biological nature of germs until relatively recently (the last few hundred years). And they couldn’t have know this without a microscope. Yet in the Old Testament it specifies cleanliness laws, food laws as well as viral knowledge, so they must have had somewhat of an understanding of germs, yet they couldn’t see them, or understand how they were transmitted. So the question remains, how did they know this unless otherwise privy from G-d?
Anyone will know if you don't wash your hands you get a dodgy stomach more often than people who do. Even in pre-Christian times they knew that if you hung around with sick people you get sick. They didn't know why. And even after the bible they thought it was evil spirits. The entire middle ages is filled with the "This person is ill, they are possessed" stories here in Europe. That came from the Bible. Medical understanding didn't start developing until people ignored the decrees of the church and look at dead bodies. da Vinci made extensive anatomical drawings of corpses but in secret.

Before science discovered germs the passages you quote weren't interpreted to mean germs, they only took on that retroactive interpretation after science made the discovery. The bible didn't reveal the information and it hindered people who might have made it sooner.
G-d only needs to tell us something once, and that should be enough. In fact there is a Bible phrase that specifically tells us this. Luke 16:31 - He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead (this is referring to Moses and the Prophets thus the entire Bible). Everything that G-d had/has to say to us has already been recorded in the Bible. He doesn’t need to reiterate Himself. Thus, if we don’t read His word and come to know the truth we’ll continue to decrease down the path of the atheist scientist and the evolutionist (as you are previously doing), because its all hidden from them (and you forever) unless you open the Bible which is the pathway to G-d. The secret to all answers is programmed by G-d for you and me THROUGH HIS WORD! Essentially, without the WORD OF G-D we are lost! Yes, the profession of the scientist is important to a certain degree, but when we are dealing with “eternal issues”, these scientific studies may actually be a spiritual deterrent if we look outside the bounds of what the Bible tells us of the origin of all things in existence. One must learn by heart and spirit that the believer has divine knowledge over any unbeliever no matter how educated, accomplished, skillful, talented or brilliant they may be!
You seem to be trying to convince yourself of something....

We cannot rightfully say/claim that anything is of our own doing, since everything that we have is "endowed" to us by our Creator!
So he doesn't give us free will? If I have free will then the result of my actions are my responsibility. If nothing I do is due to me then I have no free will.

And you again ignore all the bad things. If everything good is Gods doing then everything bad is too. Its God's fault someone murders someone. Its God's fault someone is raped. Its God's fault everything bad happens. You cannot say everything good is Gods fault and then ignore everything bad. Otherwise its deceitful.

Thomas Jefferson once said, all the freedoms we have in this country are endowed to us by our Creator: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government - Thomas Jefferson.
You should look up what else he said. He was a theist, not a christian. He's responsible for the separation of Church and state.

A series of quotes by Jefferson and other founding fathers of the US are discussed here. He wasn't a Christian.

This is were the Atheists “who do not know scripture” loose base. The book of Genesis clearly tells us that on account of “sin” we are living in a cursed world.
But God inspires everyone to do everything and he created everything. Everything has him as the source including sin.

I Corinthians 15:22 - All “in Adam” die.
Wow, people die. The Bible must be true!

Nothing is mutating or evolving... NOTHING, only dying! In fact everything is in “reverse” and the Bible clearly reveals this to us.
Genetic variation and evolution has been seen in nature and in the lab. Your claim is demonstrably false.

Check mate.

Oh really? The last time I checked the observable laws of nature correspond precisely to what the Bible tells us about creation and dictates that living things cannot come from nonliving things.
Genesis is demonstrably false, it contradicts reality. At best you can argue that God used cosmology and evolution to get the universe to where it is. It wasn't done in 6 days 6000 years ago.

I watch in delight as Evolutionists still struggle to explain where the first cell came from? What is even more entertaining is that they cant even replicate it. :)
I commented on this before. Creationists suffer from the flawed logic that if the person they disagree with cannot provide an answer then their answer, no matter what it is, is more valid. A scientist says "We don't know yet" and a creationist will declare "Then the Bible is right!". Our understanding of cellular biology and chemistry has developed enormously in recent decades, particularly since DNA was discovered. We don't have the answer yet but we have some answers. Creationists have provided no answers which they can present evidence for (quoting the Bible isn't evidence). You think that 'God did it' becomes more valid if someone else doesn't have an answer. False logic. Abiogenesis is an active area of research. 200 years ago we didn't know the answers to how life developed to its present state, now we do. 200 years ago we didn't know how the universe developed over time, now we do. The Christian positions were wrong then as they are wrong now, the fact we didn't know back then doesn't mean you were less wrong.

Your position lacks evidence. The state of anyone else's position is not going to change that. Learn basic logic.

Stop trying to make yourself sound intelligent by pointing out Poincare and such!
I know you're used to pretending to be well read but don't project onto other people. I actually do mathematics and physics professionally. I don't have to swindle ignorant laypersons into buying books, I get paid by other professionals because they see I am a capable scientist.

Earning money through honesty can be rewarding. Try it some time.

Logically the design for water freezing into a crystal is lined up in a predictable ordered pattern because these INSTRUCTIONS WERE OBVIOUSLY ALLREADY (BEFOREHAND) PROGRAMED INTO THE WATER MOLECULE (AND BEFORE THE WATER MOLECULE - THE ATOM) BY AN INTELEGENT DESIGNER - NAMELY G-D!
Circular logic. You assume a designer to prove a designer.

Can't you manage one decent argument? But then I suppose no one has managed it in the last 2000 years ;).

Firstly, the mechanism offered by evolution totally contradicts the second law of thermodynamics (or as you said ealier - entropy). It argues that disordered atoms and molecules impulsively came together over time and formed all by themselves under natural condition to assemble complex molecules such as proteins and DNA, whereby millions of different living species with more organized configuration gradually emerged and are (at present) continually in the process of evolving higher levels of order. But this is conflicting with the law of thermodynamics and entropy which clearly reveals to us that systems (evolution) should DECAY through time thus giving less, not more order.
Wrong! The 2nd law of thermodynamics applies to a closed system, where no energy is being put in.

If you go outside during the day you might happen to notice there's a giant ball of light in the sky which provides a warming effect when there's no cloud. It's called the Sun. It constantly pumps low entropy energy into the Earth's atmosphere. Its how plants make their food. Remember high school biology? Probably not....

If the 2nd law of thermodynamics prevented evolution it would prevent you or anyone else being alive, as we turn are very ordered collections of molecules. We get the ability to do that from the energy we consume in food. No food, no energy, you die.

Well done, you just made an argument so completely flawed, so easily rebutted that you've illustrated you not only have a sub-high school level physics knowledge but you haven't done a jot of research before opening your mouth. Its possible to buy atheist tshirts which say "Ask me about the 2nd law of thermodynamics" on them because the argument is so completely baseless that its fun to watch creatonists trot it out. The fact you had a go at me for mentioning Poincare and then do that is all the more deliciously ironic.

Consider protons for example. Protons are the positively charged subatomic particles which (along with neutrons) form the nucleus of an atom (around which negatively charged electrons orbit). Whether by chance or unexpected luck, protons just happen to be larger than electrons. If they were a little bigger or a little smaller we would not exist simply because atoms could not form the molecules we require.

So how did protons end up being larger than electrons? Why not larger or smaller? Of all the possible variables, how did protons end up being just the right size?

Or how is it that protons carry a positive electrical charge equal to that of the negatively charged electron? If protons did not balance electrons and vice versa we would not exist. They are not comparable in size and yet they are perfectly balanced. Did nature just stumble upon such a favorable relationship or did an intelligent Agent with a purposeful design ordain it that way?
Never heard of the anthropic principle?

Your arguments are becoming more and more standard. I guess you've used your 'A game' and now you're just moving on to the standard creationist talking points. Too bad none of them hold any weight. Do you think I'm unaware of how electrons and protons form structures? I did a theoretical physics PhD. I didn't know a single person in the department who was a theist. Particle physics doesn't convince people.

Sadly, the only reason you have a head, is to keep rain out of your neck. :(
The fact you make your living deceiving people disgusts me.
good on ya Alphanumeric. You made many points in your post. I agree with 99.999% of what you said. But after reading your post, I am too tired to say what the 1 point you made, I didn't agree with was. WOW, that was a long post. I have 3 college degrees. Hell, it beats working. Degrees in Poli-sci, Psychology, and World History. Where does all that get me? Well not far enough, let's leave it there. But, holy chit, though I love a good debate, you went WAY farther than I ever could. I can only type with 4 fingers. So again, good on ya. You are a very dedicated debater. Hope we never go one on one.
Yes, this idiot needed to be put in her place.. She is a fool.
Who's G-d? You don't mean old Gid Clampet from Meyersville, do you? I thought he had passed from liver disease last May.

I thought his name was Jed.... But then again, WTF do I know. I'm friggin' tired . Of course, now I am hearing the Beverly Hillbillies theme song in my head now.... Thanks Spider...I'm going to sleep now. Geez, all I hear now is "Jed move away from there".... Then I have to think... My name isn't Jed, and where the hell am I going to move to?

I would like "AlphaNumeric" to explain to us why we should find some Thomas Jefferson quotes significan. Was he particularly intelligent? I would like to know why.
I would like "AlphaNumeric" to explain to us why we should find some Thomas Jefferson quotes significan. Was he particularly intelligent? I would like to know why.
Perhaps if you actually read the post you wouldn't need to ask:
Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Thomas Jefferson once said, all the freedoms we have in this country are endowed to us by our Creator

AlphaNumeric said:
You should look up what else he said. He was a theist, not a christian. He's responsible for the separation of Church and state.
A series of quotes by Jefferson and other founding fathers of the US are discussed here. He wasn't a Christian.