New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Crunchy Cat,

I have had several personal emails sent to me over the past several months from this very forum thanking me for sharing my insights. There are obviously many people who read this forum unbeknownst to the rest of you uninformed regulars that are searching for “real” answers. The thread is now close to 15 thousand views, that means this thread is HOT T TOT! :)

It is on account of this that I keep trekking here. Once a science buff myself hanging about here sometime back, I must confess that after a while the conversation became so dull, it couldn’t even cut a fart. It wasn’t to long after this that I quickly came to realize that science can never tell us the “origin” of anything - namely G-d!

What a better website to land on. It is here where lost people need me most, and it is here where I will continue to lurk.

Maybe I can delight you with a little demo about my book.
I have had several personal emails sent to me over the past several months from this very forum thanking me for sharing my insights.
Is that another of your lies?

There are obviously many people who read this forum unbeknownst to the rest of you uninformed regulars that are searching for “real” answers.
I can believe that that. We have more than our fair share of ignorant cranks.

The thread is now close to 15 thousand views, that means this thread is HOT T TOT! :)
Or, possibly, people can't quite believe the levels of self-supporting delusion that some will descend to.

What a better website to land on. It is here where lost people need me most, and it is here where I will continue to lurk.
At least until you get banned for posting lies.
I see so when you wrote

you didn't actually mean they didn't have any tanks?

As usual when shown to be wrong you resort to false accusations of other people twisting your words.

Ok so sue me, it was a figure of speech! :)

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't be to much of a surprise for you now, would it? Look, it shouldn’t be so hard for you to do the math (well maybe it is ;) )

It was 7 Arab nations that attacked Israel.

800 thousand Jews found themselves at war with 50 MILLION Arabs!

The Israeli army had not a single tank (ok so they had some), while their Arabs enemies had over 2000 maybe more.

Arab armies regroup, and the Soviet Union sells the Arabs almost 2 million dollars worth of arms. This included tanks and fighter jets. Additionally the Soviet forces came to militarily train the Arab forces.

Despite all this including the overwhelmingly obvious Arab population and oodles of weaponry and training supplied to them, amazingly Israel overcomes the combined Arab forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, they also capture the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan heights.

If your not implying the calculated odds of G-d being behind this, well then perhaps it was the mastermind of Jewish “brains” behind it? :)
Ok so sue me, it was a figure of speech! :)
In other words you can't write what you mean.

A rejection letter from MENSA wouldn't be to much of a surprise for you now, would it?
Actually I turned them down.

It was 7 Arab nations that attacked Israel.
Which history book is this? Israel attacked first.

800 thousand Jews found themselves at war with 50 MILLION Arabs!
Everyone was in the army?

The Israeli army had not a single tank (ok so they had some), while their Arabs enemies had over 2000 maybe more.
Yup, 2,000 tanks. Shared between at least 3 different countries. Ever heard the word "logistics"? Ever heard of "concentration of forces"? Ever heard of reality?

If your not implying the calculated odds of G-d being behind this, well then perhaps it was the mastermind of Jewish “brains” behind it? :)
Hmm, let's see g_d was involved and is the sole reason for winning against overwhelming odds, not strategy?

How's this (different war):
Attacker - 3,600 tanks, 4,389 aircraft
Defender - 12-15,000 tanks, 35-40,000 aircraft
Combat losses:
Attacker - 250,000 killed, 2,093 aircraft destroyed 2,758 tanks lost
Defender - 802,191 killed, 21,200 aircraft destroyed, 20,500 tanks lost.
Do you think g_d helped with that one?

If so could you also please explain why g_d was helping the Nazis during Operation Barbarossa.

As usual all you're doing is highlighting your own ignorance and willingness to distort or ignore facts (or invent your own) to maintain your specious crap.
If you say I lie well then perhaps Religions die when they are proved to be true. Whilst Science is the record of dead religions - Oscar Wilde :rolleyes:
Ooh! How devastating! A quote from Oscar Wilde surely proves your point.
1) Religions have never been proved to be true. Not one.
2) But science IS the record of dead religions - the progress of science is the history of religion failing and dying.

And I do say you lie. You have done so persistently and repeatedly.
In other words you can't write what you mean.

Actually I turned them down.

Which history book is this? Israel attacked first.

Everyone was in the army?

Yup, 2,000 tanks. Shared between at least 3 different countries. Ever heard the word "logistics"? Ever heard of "concentration of forces"? Ever heard of reality?

Hmm, let's see g_d was involved and is the sole reason for winning against overwhelming odds, not strategy?

How's this (different war):
Attacker - 3,600 tanks, 4,389 aircraft
Defender - 12-15,000 tanks, 35-40,000 aircraft
Combat losses:
Attacker - 250,000 killed, 2,093 aircraft destroyed 2,758 tanks lost
Defender - 802,191 killed, 21,200 aircraft destroyed, 20,500 tanks lost.
Do you think g_d helped with that one?

If so could you also please explain why g_d was helping the Nazis during Operation Barbarossa.

As usual all you're doing is highlighting your own ignorance and willingness to distort or ignore facts (or invent your own) to maintain your specious crap.

Your post are so bent they should be ringing a bell at Notre dame! :)
Ooh! How devastating! A quote from Oscar Wilde surely proves your point.
1) Religions have never been proved to be true. Not one.
2) But science IS the record of dead religions - the progress of science is the history of religion failing and dying.

And I do say you lie. You have done so persistently and repeatedly.

The Bible remains consistent and scientifically sound. To be more precise, it is scripture not science that is the ultimate test of truth!

There is no doubt that mankind will continue searching despite the answer already being given and found in the Bible. There is a reason for this that G-d has intended… and in the end I firmly believe that science will conduct us, step by step, through the whole range, until we arrive back at G-d.
Your post are so bent they should be ringing a bell at Notre dame! :)
So, as usual, when confronted with facts you can't ignore you have to resort to obfuscation.

The Bible remains consistent and scientifically sound.
The bible is neither consistent not scientifically sound.

To be more precise, it is scripture not science that is the ultimate test of truth!
Are you really so deficient in critical ability?

There is no doubt that mankind will continue searching despite the answer already being given and found in the Bible.

There is a reason for this that G-d has intended… and in the end I firmly believe that science will conduct us, step by step, through the whole range, until we arrive back at G-d.
Well of course you believe that. You're an idiot.
Crunchy Cat,

I have had several personal emails sent to me over the past several months from this very forum thanking me for sharing my insights.

Some people like fiction. Nothing wrong with that.

There are obviously many people who read this forum unbeknownst to the rest of you uninformed regulars that are searching for “real” answers.

Two very unrelated statements. And "real" answers are meaningless without "real" questions.

The thread is now close to 15 thousand views, that means this thread is HOT T TOT! :)

Most threads by crackpots attract a lot of attention. Mainly for the entertainment value.

It is on account of this that I keep trekking here. Once a science buff myself hanging about here sometime back, I must confess that after a while the conversation became so dull, it couldn’t even cut a fart. It wasn’t to long after this that I quickly came to realize that science can never tell us the “origin” of anything - namely G-d!

Nothing can tell you the origin of God. Something has to exist first to have an origin.

What a better website to land on. It is here where lost people need me most, and it is here where I will continue to lurk.

Like I said, people are just interested in the entertainment. Eventually it will grow old and you may be relegated to Pseudoscience or the Cesspool (I suspect the latter).

Not likely. I don't value fiction disguised as truth.
So, as usual, when confronted with facts you can't ignore you have to resort to obfuscation.

The bible is neither consistent not scientifically sound.

Are you really so deficient in critical ability?


Well of course you believe that. You're an idiot.

I’ve just done a search on this forum in all different threads. I cant seem to find anything remotely intelligent from you AT ALL! You amaze me! I didn't think it was possible for one person to possess such a vast reservoir of undiluted gibberish! You lack thrill, narrative, emotion, character development. All the byproduct of a fundamentally sterile mind.

Oh and frankly anymore watchability.

I think I’ve finally got a handle on you… Your nothing but an eagle being goosed! :)
Some people like fiction. Nothing wrong with that.

Two very unrelated statements. And "real" answers are meaningless without "real" questions.

Most threads by crackpots attract a lot of attention. Mainly for the entertainment value.

Nothing can tell you the origin of God. Something has to exist first to have an origin.

Like I said, people are just interested in the entertainment. Eventually it will grow old and you may be relegated to Pseudoscience or the Cesspool (I suspect the latter).

Not likely. I don't value fiction disguised as truth.

This is true Crunchy Cat that my book is listed as fiction, but there is a specific reason for that. On the back cover of my book I explain that one must decide for themself if it is truely non fiction.

If your going to claim that my book is truely "fiction", then you at least have to find me something "not true" about what I write about.

Can you disclaim any of the info that I had supplied with this demo of my book?

If you can, I'd certainly like to hear/dispute it.
I’ve just done a search on this forum in all different threads. I cant seem to find anything remotely intelligent from you AT ALL!
There's a simple reason for that: you're incapable of recognising intelligence.
And, once more, being unable to refute my points you take refuge in personal attacks.

You amaze me! I didn't think it was possible for one person to possess such a vast reservoir of undiluted gibberish! You lack thrill, narrative, emotion, character development. All the byproduct of a fundamentally sterile mind.
And yet you still can't refute my points. Neither is your assessment of me anywhere near accurate, but that's by-the-by.

I think I’ve finally got a handle on you… Your nothing but an eagle being goosed! :)
More evidence of your delusion.

This is true Crunchy Cat that my book is listed as fiction, but there is a specific reason for that. On the back cover of my book I explain that one must decide for themself if it is truely non fiction.
Oh dear, you didn't read post #2 in this thread.

If your going to claim that my book is truely "fiction", then you at least have to find me something "not true" about what I write about.
That has been done, many times. The fact that you're unable to recognise the truth isn't our fault.
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Alphanumeric, you’re just a pinhead with a PHD! ;)
Its clear from your posts and attitude to science that you have a chip on your shoulder about people who have knowledge.

Just because you have a PHD does not mean that you are smart, or have common sense.
And just because you've written a book doesn't mean you're right. Tell you what, why don't we put your claims about homoeopathy to the test? A scientific[i/] test. Oh, people have and it failed.

You live in your little secular world of physics and cant even manage to apply them to the natural world to see that an all encompassing entity is behind it all.
Funny how all the advancements of science have come since we stopped saying "God did it" during the Enlightenment and since then development has exploded. It would seem the assumption God isn't going to help is far more practical.

So, you are an atheist! Maybe you cannot find G-d for the same reason a thief cannot find a policeman?
When someone provided evidence which is repeatable and doesn't involve interpreting a book or saying things like "Look at the trees" I'll listen. I'm not closed to the notion there's more to the universe, I would just like some evidence. You obviously don't have that standard, else you wouldn't be pushing homoeopathy.

Tell me, have you ever been to an actual doctor? If you are ill do you go to hospital?

Reading the Bible in such a way as to not be inconsistent with science doesn't justify the Bible. A not contradicting B doesn't mean A implies B. You're working with flawed logic.

that there is a great deal of “borrowed knowledge” that has come out of the Bible.
You claimed all science had the Bible as its ultimate source. You not only didn't demonstrate that I provided explicit examples where it was false. You have lied, either through ignorance or malice.

Oh I suppose I could go on and on, but this post is getting rather long…
and utterly fails to respond to anything I asked of you.

But amazingly Israel catches wind of this and attacks, and in just 6 days Israel stuns the world - they crush the combined Arab forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, they also capture the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan heights. The factions of this are so overwhelmingly obvious that what we witnessed could have only come about by the POWER OF G-D!
So God armed Israel with superior technology and man power and tactics? No, that was the action of men. Perhaps God gave them the technology. No, that was the US. Maybe God gave the US the technology. No, that was done by research. Men reasoning and thinking. I happen to work in precisely that kind of area, applying maths and physics to technology, and not only am I atheistic but the vast majority of people I have or do work with are atheistic or agnostic at 'best'. Religion doesn't guide my work or that of the people I work with. We do the thinking, we get the credit, none of this "I owe it all to God" crap. No, I put in the years of work, I get the credit.

Saying God did it insults those people who put in years of effort to get Israel or the US where they are. God didn't give the US the atomic bomb, science done by scientists did. Some of them literally gave their lives for it and its an insult to them to give God credit. God gets credit when people do good things and then when people do bad things suddenly its because they didn't believe in God enough. God gets all the credit, none of the blame and for what? Nothing. Provide me with one example where God has manifestly done something which cannot be explained in any other way. You haven't managed it yet. And neither has any other theistic person in history.
If god were pushing us in the right direction he would have set it all up perfectly thorough history using many leaders to lead us away from the old ways and older schools of thought. He would have made facts and fiction converge on a scale unfathomable to our earthly minds or sphere of influence. I say he would have made the impossible possible and maybe too easy for all to understand. The questions he would have presented would go way down to both an introspective and all encompassing forms of matter. And he would have found a way to manage our philosophical existentialism and lead us to the answer.

freud would say in this day that we would do it in our sleep, but the talking has to be on a conscious level to determine the root of all problems.
the matrix

So where is the one? the true being? God or man? I say both have free will. And through the constructs of our minds we think seeing is believing, what have we seen? Mankind against mankind with no form or structure on the ground level. This means the extremities of perfection in governance still allow chaos or entropy. Fore a governing body of any form must still hold at ground zero. and must come from above.

∞/0=MUST EQAUL (∞) in and of itself.
Funny how all the advancements of science have come since we stopped saying "God did it" during the Enlightenment and since then development has exploded. It would seem the assumption God isn't going to help is far more practical.

When someone provided evidence which is repeatable and doesn't involve interpreting a book or saying things like "Look at the trees" I'll listen. I'm not closed to the notion there's more to the universe, I would just like some evidence. You obviously don't have that standard, else you wouldn't be pushing homoeopathy.

Tell me, have you ever been to an actual doctor? If you are ill do you go to hospital?

Alphanumeric, what I’m saying is that the concept is their in “homeopathy” for a higher understanding of science. Of course I go to a doctor and the hospital if I‘m ill, I thank G-d for advances in science that help or preserve the human body. These things are good and G-d willed. There is nothing that stops me from believing that such advances in science are not only due to men/woman, but also FULLY due to G-d! You see Alphanumeric, when any of us are in thought (including you), or inspired by something, we are essentially in spirit transcending all limitations of our consciousness. Without even realizing it you are part of fulfilling the divine purpose of G-d. whether you believe it or not, or wish to call it something other than G-d such as source, it is this energy that writes all the books, delivers all the speeches, paints all the pictures, discovers mathematical formulas and scientific theories… ect ect you name it. 2 Peter 1:20-21 - Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of G-d spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Acts 27:14-15 - But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. And when the ship was caught, and could not bear up into the wind, we let her drive.

Man has never in the whole history of our Earth discovered something new that did not already exist. We cannot even create a new color in the rainbow. Everything that is created in “science” is already contingent to our Earth and Universe. Therefore the thinking on your part that everything that is created in science is solely due to mans doing IS WRONG! A scientist said to G-d, "Look I created life". G-d said to the scientist. "How did you do that?" "Well boasted the scientist, I first got some chemicals". "First, said G-d, you must create the chemicals".

Perhaps Albert Einstein said it best: We should take care not to make the intellect our G-d; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality - Albert Einstein.

Provide me with one example where God has manifestly done something which cannot be explained in any other way. You haven't managed it yet. And neither has any other theistic person in history.

Ok here’s one for you… explain to me what life is? What is it that makes us alive? What is consciousness?

The body is more than its sum of parts.

Not only the sum of its parts, but “Information” (DNA) is a vital clue to the mystery of life itself. We cannot produce a living thing by merely putting together all its parts. An example of this is a dead animal that has been driven over by a car and smashed instantly. In one moment it was once alive, and in the next moment now it’s dead. This tells us that life is not the sum total of its physical parts. Nonsensically nobody really knows what the difference is between a living animal and a dead animal other than once it was consciously moving and alive and now its unconscious, motionless, lifeless and dead. But the question remains, “WHAT” did it loose? It obviously lost its life (its spirit), but where did it go? This is what nobody seems to know - the mystery of life has eluded us. It’s a mysterious organizing, coordinating and orchestrating principle, and only G-d alone holds the answer to solving the mystery of life. The theory of evolution reduces life down to a mere physical chemical thing, and its not! The Bible tells us that G-d breathed His breath into Adam to make him alive (a living spirit and soul). Now stop and consider just what the living breath of life is? Genesis 2:7 - The Lord G-d formed the man Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Additionally energy by “itself” is incapable of making amino acids form the more complex molecules of proteins. Therefore inescapably, without known exception there has to be a coded pre-planned program from whence these codes came from. Disorder will NEVER randomly become order. Something must direct the impending physical energy before it can “KNOW” how to organize the components. This NEED (by itself) is of little whim to the mindless interplaying atomic particles of the elements that they were to form, and then latter get together and program the code of the replication process themselves. In the example of a plant, the necessary program for its growth has already been written within its seed which directs the assimilation of chemicals into the resulting plant. In crystals, each compound by its chemical and elemental property is directed into a geometric pattern of its pre-existing structure. It seems that a code always requires an intelligent order as well a an intelligent planner. So as one can see the much needed ingredient to all of this is “INFORMATION“. It deserves independence of its own. In that, INFORMATION is something comparatively different from matter. It can never be deduced to just a material aspect. For instance, I would like you to think of your computer and the words you are now reading on it. It consists of a monitor screen and light, and the information within it. The monitor and light are material substances composed of matter. The computer is made of plastic and metal. However, the “INFORMATION” (words) on the screen is NONMATERIAL, and it came from my conscious mind who is the writing source behind the material aspect of it. I put it into the material form of the computer screen for you see and read. I translated the information in my mind into letters, using a keyboard and computer. As a product and outcome, this “INFORMATION” is passed onto you. In conclusion, you can understand that mind, matter and design constructed this “information” from a source beyond just the material aspects of it. Similarly, the source of information in nature cannot be matter itself either, but another influence at work. A superior source beyond matter and existing PRIOR to matter. The administrator of this information is what we can interpret as G-d who brought everything into existence, formed it, and so eloquently organized it all.
If god were pushing us in the right direction he would have set it all up perfectly thorough history using many leaders to lead us away from the old ways and older schools of thought. He would have made facts and fiction converge on a scale unfathomable to our earthly minds or sphere of influence. I say he would have made the impossible possible and maybe too easy for all to understand. The questions he would have presented would go way down to both an introspective and all encompassing forms of matter. And he would have found a way to manage our philosophical existentialism and lead us to the answer.

Hello M00se1989,

G-d is pushing us in the right direction. If you are familiar with prophesy, we are right on track. From the beginning of recorded history it has been documented in a book called the Bible that mankind had “sinned”. From this point on in human history we are on the path of G-d’s redemptive plan for the salvation of all humankind. The sacrament has already come on our behalf, all we have to do is now believe.